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The Goldfish Sanctuary
There are, in fact, dozens of varieties of goldfish. These range from
the Common Goldfish to multicolored varieties. Some of these varieties
are not even available in the United States. The fish listed below are
some of the most widely known varieties. Sizes are listed, but it
should be noted that these are averages only ... any
variety can grow beyond these lengths if given good care. Although
different varieties can be mixed in the same tank, it is suggested that
slow varieties be kept separately from the fast varieties to avoid
conflict during feeding time.
Figure 1
Common Goldfish
This is the hardiest variety. The Common Goldfish is most often a bright
orange color, but can also be yellow, silver, brown, or a mix of these.
It has a stout body and a rounded caudal fin. This fish can grow to 8 inches
long or longer if given good care and enough room. Water temperature should
be from 33 - 68 degrees F. The Common Goldfish is an excellent choice for
a pond. (The orange fish in Figure 1 are Common Goldfish.)
Comet Goldfish
Similar to the Common Goldfish, the Comet often displays the same coloration.
Comets are longer and thinner than the Common Goldfish, and its caudal
fin is much longer. Its shape allows it great speed which it can sustain
for brief periods. The Comet may also grow to be quite long, given the
space, but will not reach the same size of the Common Goldfish. Water temperature
should be from 46 - 68 degrees F. An excellent pond fish.
(see Figure 2. Note however, that keeping angelfish with goldfish
is not recommended, despite the compatibility suggested by this photograph.
Photo by Erik Olsen.)
Figure 2
Figure 3
Fantail Goldfish
The Fantail variety has a rounded egg-shaped body and a twintail. It
is a slow swimmer. This fish is among the smaller goldfish, a full-size
fish being close to 4 inches long. This fish should be kept at 46 - 68
degrees F and should live in very clean water.
The two fish pictured in Figure 3 are Calico Fantails.
The Oranda is most often orange or red and may have some white as well.
When it reaches adulthood, the Oranda grows a red 'hood' over its head.
A full-sized fish is about 5 inches long. These fish are best kept between
46 and 68 degrees F, and in very clean water. It is a slow swimmer.
The Oranda in Figure 4 can be identified by its orange "hood."
The relative age of an Oranda can be estimated based on the size of the
head growth.
Figure 4
Lionhead Goldfish
This fish is stout and has a typically gold or yellow color. The Lionhead
can be identified by the fact that it has no dorsal fin. This fish can
reach 5 inches at full size, requires very clean water, and temperatures
ranging from 46 - 71 degrees F.
Celestial Goldfish
This fish is identified by its gold color, lack of a dorsal fin, and
small, upturned eyes. A Celestial should only ever be kept with other Celestials.
These fish reach up to 5 inches when they reach adult size. They should
be kept in very clean water, and at temperatures from 46 - 71 degrees F.
The Veiltail is most often orange, although it may also be white or
silver. This fish may grow to about 4 inches in length. The Veiltail's
most striking feature, as its name implies, is the beautiful, flowing tail.
The Veiltail also has a somewhat slimmer body than the Fantail or Common
Goldfish. This fish requires very clean water from 46 - 68 degrees.

Figure 8
the Bristol Shubunkin
Bristol Shubunkin
This variety can have varied coloration from blue to orange, black,
purple, yellow, brown, red, or some combination of these. As adults, these
fish reach about 5 inches in length. They should be kept at 32 - 68 degrees
F. A good pond fish.
London Shubunkin
This typically blue fish can grow to 8 inches or larger. The London
Shubunkin has a body shape similar to the Common Goldfish. It should be
kept in water from 32 - 68 degrees F.
Also called the Black Moor or Telescope Moor, this goldfish is mostly
black, although it may also have some gold coloration. The Moor's eyes
stick out on the sides - a very interesting characteristic. The Moor should
be kept in very clean water from 46 - 68 degrees F.
The photos in figure 2 and figure 4 (goldie.jpg & comet.jpg) are
by Erik
Olsen of GSAS, and are used with permission. Image Shubunk and
figure 1 are both taken from Pete's Pond Page and is used with the
permission of the photographer, Pete Orelup. The picture of Teenage Mutant
Ninja Goldfish (figure 3) is also used with permission. |