Subjects: by category Adoption Ailments Care Facilities GoldfishSanc |
Adoption Services We keep our goldfishes in a safe, humane environment where they have clean water and plenty to eat. Goldfish are not available to those who wish to feed them to bigger fishes! We charge nothing for this service, and a goldfish is free to a good home, as determined by the Goldfish Sanctuary. Bringing your goldfish to the Sanctuary: If you have a fish that you can no longer care for, or who needs a new home, just contact the chapter nearest you. Each Sanctuary provides a good home for fish in transition, and we will do everything we can to find your fish a healthy, happy home. Adopting goldfish: Just check the list below for goldfish in need of homes. If you live in one of the areas listed, and if you can provide a happy, healthy home, just contact GFS. In your letter, include your city, state, and/or country. Because of the risks to fish health, the GFS does not ship their fish through the mail. Our Adoption List: There are many compassionate fishkeepers who have a desire to adopt during a time when no goldfish are available in their area. You can join our confidential adoption list. When a fish becomes available in your area, you will be contacted immediately and given the opportunity to adopt. Please include your city, state, and/or country.
Adoption List {free fish click here}