NOTE: As of July 23, 2001, this page is not really under construction but we'll pretend that it is - - (A.K.A. - I don't have the slightest idea what the hell I'm doing and/or I'm making excuses for my page being a total suck-job) In fact, you could almost say my page is "over construction". That would be stupid and nonsensical, but you could still say it... Come 01/01/2000 the world will be enjoying the lovely Judgement Day (not to be confused with the Sylvester Stallone movie "Judge Dread"... [shudder]) and will be too preoccupied to notice if my web page is [insert favorite preposition here] construction or not. Update: The world is still here after 01/01/2000. Oh, well. You can't have everything...
This page was formerly called the Tickity-Tom Page O' Stupidity. Due to the increasing commonness of the "(noun) O' (noun)" web page format, I felt I had to completely remodel my entire page. It is now called the
Above is a picture of me doing a jig with an Alien Santa. I look much cooler in real life. Seriously.
This is my first attempt at creating a web page so it is pretty sad affair.
I am a fifth year Software Engineering student (nay, graduate) at
RIT. (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Sure, RIT is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Oh, wait. I do. Damn.
I would honestly have to say that I am the coolest person here.
If you were to ask others, they would probably disagree.
Please don't ask others. Thank you.
Welcome to my page. Over
billion served since Jan. 15 1997
I think the web counter is broken. It never records the thousands of hits this site receives every day. It usually only records one hit every two or three months. You just can't count on technology these days, I guess. Actually, I don't know how it got as many hits as it has. Probably because I keep going to my own home page over and over to build it up. If you stop and think about it, it's kind of sad and pathetic. I try not to think about it. Neither should you. Please?
Although this web page was originally developed to provide a little levity into the monotonous day-to-day lifestyles we all live, I also enjoy things relating to the technical fields. (dork!) Ok truthfully, I gave my web page out to recruiters when I was looking for jobs so I would direct them to my technical page so they wouldn't think I was a complete jackass. So if you're one of the people looking to hire me, please pay no attention to the rest of this site. It is not mine. Someone else wrote it. Someone really stupid. I have no affiliation with them. Honest.
A few years ago, I came in contact with an
unidentified being. I did the logical thing. I captured him, domesticated him, and dressed
him in a little Santa outfit. He is known only as
This is me playing basketball. No, not really. It is my uncle, though. Man, can he play!
In my spare time ( the 14 hours of the day that I am not sleeping ) I
sometimes get the urge to write some poetry. [ For fun, I don't
pronounce the word 'poetry' with three syllables. Instead I pronounce
it like 'poultry' but without the 'l' sound. Try it! Ask your friends
to try it!! ]
Throughout my years in this world, I have gained much insight and wisdom. I wish to pass this on to others in the form of essays.
See this delicious burger here? Can you imagine
eating this burger in its entirety without eating anything else in
between? Yes, as hard as it is to believe, some people concentrate on only one
food-item at a time and eat solely that. View my explanation of this
phenomenon and see why One-Eating is not The Way.
Read and laugh at some of my
Moments of Stupdity
Did you ever suddenly remember something that you had completely forgotten
about, but that had once been an incredibly important part of your life? See
some of my Things That
Were Once Very Important But Later Forgotten About
I will keep some polls of critical, important topics. I will then throw those
out and present you with these polls instead.
Throughout the years I've been fortunate enough to be the subject of several local newspaper community stories. I've collected a few of them here.
Check out my page on this extremely fascinating topic. This is the
definitive guide to finger and pen drumming
on the Internet. Learn about the secretive and amazing Finger/Pen Combination
style. Be sure to check back often for updates in the fascinating field of
finger and pen drumming.
Come look-see a little bit about my favorite
music and hobbies
Oh come
on, dude, just pretend you're interested.
To learn about my family click
If you don't want to learn about my family, then something's wrong with you.
Maybe you should see a shrink. You think your family is better than
mine, don't you? Come on, admit it. You bastard.
Through my vast experience of worldly traveling, I've come across some fine
dining establishments that are unique and special, and I'm the only one who has
ever eaten at them. (That's what I tell myself, 'cause it makes me feel like I
am somebody.) Direct your peepers to this list of my favorite
good-ass eats!
Hey, kids! It's the
Pittsburgh Steelers Home Page!
Yes, home of the best football team around. ... Until they sucked and
lost all their good players... Ok, so it's home of a pretty good football
team. Ok, so they suck! So they have had 3 consecutive losing seasons. Big
deal. Haven't you ever lost? Huh? Haven't you? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Jeez, cut the guys some slack. So they lost a few games. They suck. Big
deal, get over it! I mean, they blow, so what? Freakin losin bastards!
I feel the Top 10 list has been way overdone. I wanted something fresh and original. Thus I present to you...
The Top 9 Best Things About RIT:
Oh, on this whole big ol' thing that we call The Web, there are a few things
that are actually funny. My website is not one of them. However, I have
collected a few things that I find quite hilarious, for your perusal. Look at
some non-sucking things.
What would a home page be without a picture of a half-naked David
NOTE: I am looking for a David Hasselhoff inflatable
doll complete with synthetic chest hair. If anyone has any information
on this, please contact me.
Update 09/07/2002. I am proud to have been given the honorable title of "David Hasselhoff webmaster", as this
email that was sent to me states.
If you wanna know what class I'm sleeping through right now, take a gander at la schedule de class. (and by "right now" I mean "five years ago".)
This is a research paper discussing the various types of research sites
available on the internet. My site is listed as an example of a Personal
Website that "[has] access power to creating bogus sites and confusing
the surfer". My favorite quote: "This site just didn't make a good
impression on me and would receive a very low rating."
Sweet! However, of particular interest here is how special attention is
paid to the Alien Santa portion of the site. Alien Santa is quickly
dismissed and the author remarks that not enough information is
available. Well... this is highly confidential subject matter;
it's not like the entire profile of Alien Santa's personal habits are
going to be freely enumerated (Likes: Xorb2 units, charred Yerxkon
flesh, quiet moonlit walks along the beach; Pet Peeves: Alien Easter
Bunny, people who do those annoying air quotations with their fingers).
Oh, naive, little author. One day, you shall be enlightened by the
powerful Alien Santa, and the enigma will be no more. I await the day.
Update: 08/28/02. Okay, looks like Ms. Lendt took the paper off-line,
even off of the google cache. It's a shame when such excellent
journalism is not given the chance to reach the masses. I salute you,
Ms. Lendt, wherever you are.
Here's some links to the home pages of my "friends". Note the quotes
around the word "friends".
E-mail: Tom
Please send mail. I'll pay you. Even hate mail. Chain letters.
For the love of God man, are you that cruel? You can't take a good hour
or two out of your "precious time" to write me a small biography of you
and your family? How do you sleep at night??
Look see just how a smarty intellecstul guy i am!! :
Or see where I work as a software engineering co-op: Reliable Software Technologies
located in beautiful Sterling, VA, minutes away from Washington, DC and
home of our good pal, Bill Jeff Clinton. (okay, this is actually where I
worked over five years ago, but I never updated this section. In fact,
it would make more sense to update that information, than to leave it
there, erroneously, and write this small diatribe. Yes, that would make
more sense, wouldn't it.)
WA DA FA???     My current moment of zen.
This page last updated 03/24/1974.