Return to Darkness (Cont.)
Straight down the Alley:
With no time left before the officer reaches the door, you dash across the street and down the alley before you. The bricks of the alley snap, hiss, crack, and fling debris as the cop fires at you before you vanish. With no alternative but to deter the officer from following, you throw your right arm backward and squeeze the trigger 3 times in rapid succession. You feel the gun kick against your hand and wrist, the energy ripples up your arm and reverbarates through your bones. A smile creeps across your face and your mind snaps back the bathroom. Back to the moment of gaiety you felt while caressing the firearm. The cold march of the rain across your face hurtles you back to reality. Quickly reaching the end of the alley you make a right turn towards the warm glow of street lights peeking through the portal that lies ahead. As you shift right your feet give out on the slick pavement, going down to one knee and sliding into the wall, jarring you. You quickly stumble back to your feet. Pushing towards freedom the gun in your hand begins to tug at the muscles in arm. Spotting an open dumpster ahead you through the burden in without a second glance and burst out into the bustling street. Slowing your pace to blend into the New York night owl crowd, you continue walking as the rain begins to fall harder.
Chapter 1 End
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