About CSH
Founded in 1976, Computer Science House is one of the oldest and most active Special Interest Houses of the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. Located on the third floor of the Fredericka Douglass Sprague Perry Hall dormitory, CSH provides a revolutionary living environment for over fifty on-floor and many more off-floor students.
In addition to RIT's standard residence hall facilities, CSH has several special multi-purpose rooms, filled with technical and material resources for members to use. CSH's computing resources include student maintained e-mail, newsgroups, database, web space services, a private wired network, and plenty of servers and workstations. Hands-on learning is emphasized to help members get an advantage in their professional and academic careers.

CSH is an exciting place to live and learn. There are always fun things to do, interesting projects to work on, and members who are eager to share their expertise in a wide variety of subjects. Members share a feeling of kinship, belonging, and commitment to each other and the organization. The floor has a unique social and academic atmosphere: people here like to learn.

CSH organizes annual events such as Tour de Rochester, Welcome Back, Fall Camping, and Holiday Dinner. Other events such as educational seminars, study jams, hackathons, movie nights, Capture the Disk, road trips and bowling nights also occur frequently. Members play intramural sports such as volleyball, dodge ball, soccer, and broomball together.
While much has changed over the years, CSH's mission to help its members grow intellectually, socially, and professionally continues to succeed and surpass expectations.
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