Subjects: Ailments Care Facilities GoldfishSanc |
The Goldfish Sanctuary
Body Fungus (aka Mouth Fungus, Columnaris)Symptoms: Tufts of grey, white, or grey-white material around the mouth region, white or grey patches on the fish's skinWhen you suspect a fungus, there are several possible causes. All are somewhat similar in appearance, and include common Fungus, Mouth Fungus, and Body Fungus. Body Fungus and Mouth Fungus are, in fact, the same affliction, both caused by the Chondrococcus columnaris slime bacteria. The affliction can attack different parts of the body, and thus is sometimes thought of as two separate diseases, although they are the same. Mouth Fungus isn't a fungus at all, but a kind of bacterial infection. The slime bacteria string together as very fine 'threads' to form the white, tufty appearance.