(1997 - 1997)
(cancelled - after only two episodes aired)
Character: Vince Konfke (Emotional computer
expert and Poly-Somnograph tech.)
In what's been called The X-Files meets E.R.
Bruce Greenwood (Nowhere Man, St.Elsewhere) heads up the cast
of sleep researchers that can actually join you in your dreams
to help solve your emotional problems.
(1994 - 1999) |
Character: Jerry Markovic
(Supervising Emergency Services Co-ordinator, Emergency Room,
Cook County General Hospital)
This show was Abraham's major current project. For whatever
reason, Abe is no longer on ER.
In E.R., Abraham is part of the supporting cast. Jerry (his
character) can be found behind the desk in the Emergency Room,
keeping the place in order and the doctors busy with the constant
flow of patients coming in to be treated.
E.R. didn't focus heavily on Jerry, but he made
his presence known, partly due to Benrubi's large build and
partly due to some of the bizarre things that Jerry does. Who
could forget Jerry running around the E.R. fully attired in
Shakespearian costume and reciting lines from "Romeo and Juliet"
to Lydia in "Love Among the Ruins" (4 May 1995)? He also opened
"Blizzard" (8 December 1994) with his very own rendition of
"Jingle Bells". A very likeable character to virtually everyone.
In fact, it's difficult to find anyone that doesn't
like Jerry. Definitely an interesting person that spices up
life in the E.R., no matter which way you look at him.
Abraham was allowed glimmers of character development in
the second season. It is interesting to note that during a
five-week period when Jerry was not to be seen, many of the
E.R. Summary Writers on the 'Net commented on his disappearance.
It shows that he's appreciated. And in the episode "And Baby
Makes Two", Randi, another ESC (clerk - sorry, Jerry!) asks
the big question: "Is he single?", to which Lydia answers
Lewis Can't Lose (1990-1993)
(Later known only as "Parker Lewis")
Francis Lawrence (Larry) Kubiac III (better known as 'Kubiac'
or 'Kube') |
Abraham Benrubi's longest-running character,
'Kube', began as the primal force behind the High School in
Santo Domingo. Larry was not known for his intelligence, and
was several years older than the others in his grade, being
kept down a grade for a number of years. Most notable was his
unique, simplified form of English language and grammar, his
incredible ability to eat inconceivable amounts of food, and
his tendency to forget the second 'r' when writing his name
and subsequently adding it in with a carat. |
Initially feared by all, 'Kube' gained a softer edge as the
show continued, and became largely a 'misunderstood giant'.
Now that the show has long been axed, people still seem to
love "the Kube". It appears to be considered one of Abraham's
best performances to date
Guest appearances
the Vampire Slayer (2001)
Triangle Character:
Buffy's post-Riley emotional turmoil
is interrupted by a malevolent troll accidentally set loose
on Sunnydale by Anya and Willow as a result of their bickering.
The Scoobies team up to take him down, but the little monster's
magic hammer packs a mean wallop. |
Angel (2000) Episode:
1.3 "Flushed" Character:
He plays a militant clothing store owner.
I have this one on tape but have not seen it yet. I will try
to get a screen shop up soon.
Files (2000) Episode: 6.13 "Arcadia" Character: Big
Welcome to Hell, suburban style! Mulder and Scully
pose as a married couple, Rob and Laura Petrie (ala Dick Van
Dyke Show), in a subdivision where the neighbors really go overboard
keeping the place neat and tidy. Two words ... garbage monsters.
Abe, unfortunately becomes fodder for the monster and meets
a rather grizzly end.
Episode: "Halloween IV"
Character: Dan Conner. |
Abraham Benrubi made a short cameo performance
in this show in the fifth-season episode, "Halloween IV", which
aired in the US on 27 October 1992.
In this episode, Roseanne sends everyone off to a Halloween
party, but stays at home because she doesn't feel in the Halloween
spirit. The ghosts of Halloween past, present and future come
to visit.
Abraham played the teenage Dan Conner in the "Halloween
Past" sequence, alongside the teenage Roseanne played by Katie
Bell who has gone on to play a role in the new series "Popular".
Under Fire (1993) Episode:
"Grace Undergraduate"
Character: Mark. |
Aired 13 October 1993 - Grace and Nadine have
a "girl's night out", where they try to pretend that they're
young again. It ends up as an encounter with a number of boys
at a fraternity party. Abraham played one of those boys.
Children (1991 and 1993) |
Abraham had two separate cameo performances in "Married...With
Children", as two different characters.
In "She's Having My Baby", the sixth season opener
(aired 8 September 1991), Abraham appeared in a dream sequence.
Al, on learning that Peg was pregnant, had a dream about the
baby-to-be, which turned out to be Abraham Benrubi. |
In "The Wedding Repercussions" (16 May 1993), Abraham plays
Jimmy, Bud and Kelly's cousin. Jimmy was determined to find
out who got it on with his fiancee on their wedding day (which
occurred in "Wedding Show" earlier in the season). Jimmy was
threatening to SERIOUSLY hurt the guy that did it (making
use of his strength). To help find the guilty party, Jimmy
asks for help from Bud, not knowing that Bud was the one that
did it!
Pains (1992) Character: unknown
The "Growing Pains" episode with the Abraham Benrubi
cameo screened in July 1992. Mike Seaver (Kirk Cameron) stood
in as a substitute teacher for a class of 'problem students'
at Dewey High. However, when he turned up to the classroom,
Abraham was the only one there! Mike asked Benrubi where everyone
was, to which he raised his hand and said "The big kids all
went home!". Benrubi then stood up, desk still attached to his
body, and waddled out of the classroom with the desk swinging
as he walked!
(1992) Episode:
"Whines and Misdemeanours"
Character: Francis.
Yet another cameo performance for Abraham in this
episode that aired on 6 April 1992. Blossom lands herself in
detention, where we find Abraham Benrubi as Francis, an "artistic
type" (so we are told). Interestingly, Francis is also Kubiac's
first name in "Parker Lewis Can't Lose".
(1990, 1996) Character: R.J.
As far as we know, this was the first known appearance
by Abraham on television, even before Parker Lewis Can't Lose.
Airing on 31 May 1990, Abraham played R.J., son of Roy Biggins.
R.J., star of the school football team, tells Roy that he has
a crush on Helen, and wants to learn the cello in order to get
close to her, which Roy agrees to. However, Helen finds this
out and questions R.J. about his intentions. R.J. tells Helen
that the reason he told Roy that was because he really wanted
to learn the cello, and that he doesn't have a crush on her
because he's actually gay.
R.J. then goes on to organise a Gay Pride Parade on the island
of Nantucket and comes out to Roy. Roy has trouble coping
with his son's preference, and challenges R.J. to a basketball
game which, if Roy wins, R.J. can't be gay. R.J. wins it,
and each consecutive game (24 games in total!). By the end
of the show, Roy has to admit his son's homosexuality.
In 1996, Abraham appears in a guest appearance in Wings once
more. Almost six years after the original appearance, R.J.
returns to the island of Nantucket. According to Abraham's
interview on Entertainment Tonight, R.J. comes back to be
involved in a gay wedding. However, by the screening in January
1996, the plot had changed.
Roy is preparing to celebrate his 12th birthday (Roy was
born on the 29th February, so has his birthday once every
four years), when R.J. turns up unexpectedly to help him celebrate.
In the time that R.J. has been away, he's done a law degree,
passed his bar exams and has great potential for a job in
a law firm. Roy is so proud. The two of them are having a
great time together, until R.J. mentions his 'personal life'.
Roy freaks, and when R.J.'s partner Luke arrives, Roy cannot
cope. He complains that R.J. has ruined his birthday. R.J.
and Luke leave, Roy has to rethink a few things. Just as R.J.
and Luke are about to fly out, Roy stops them, and tries to
apologise. When R.J. confronts Roy, telling him that he can't
even say the word 'gay', Roy announces it over the airport
intercom, 'My son is gay, and I love him.'