I have lived in LEV_SOCIETY for two years, three months, and eighteen days. During this time, I have found it to be a very pleasant place, and I have made many friends.
Perhaps you are wondering how I can be here and also on the Enterprise
concurrently. As an android, it is difficult for me to explain, but I
have been told that LEV is more a state of mind than a place. As such, it
is an entity whose bounderies surpass those of the physical space-time
continuum. I offer this information in the hopes that it shall address
your query.
The people of LEV found their way to the WEB via a gigantic cyberspace transport vessel known as the VAXMigrator. Upon this vessel existed many people from many different worlds. The LEV_SOCIETY is a haven for all people and provides acceptance for anyone who is prepared to do the same. There are only two rules in the LEV_SOCIETY, and these are the foundation of our society.
This is the Theatre of the Happy Nation. It is a strong belief of the
members of LEV that everyone has a part to play in the rise of universal
peace and acceptance. The Theatre of the Happy Nation was built as a
memorial to that ideal, and as a way for the LEVers to celebrate and
commemorate the potential for harmony in each of us.
Tuition is free at the Scholé University. I spend much of my free
here where I may attend lectures in science, philosophy, and the
humanities. The concept that knowledge is for the personal edification
of the student is foremost in the school's curriculum. I highly
recommend the class by Doctor Einstein.
Perhaps you require sustainance? Although I do not require food, I often
enjoy an occasional visit to Taco Bell. Please, accept a tostada and a
large drink. Perhaps it is of interest for you to know that no animals are
harmed in the production of virtual tacos.
Finally, here is the Hall of the Ancient LEV, which is presently under
construction day and night by the anthropologists of the WORLD WIDE LEV.
When completed, all members shall have the benefit of the ancient LEV
stories and history. I find it highly intriguing.
The LEV_SOCIETY is always looking for new members in all capacities: technical, philosophical, or sympathetic. Of course, membership is free. I personally look forward to our next encounter, and to your official inclusion in the WORLD WIDE LEV.