By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date: |
I was wondering if you were going to add one, Bry...
Hi, all -- my name (as you may guess) is Jeff. I'm an officous, know-it-allish idiotic jerk who can't keep his mouth shut half the time and is being told to shut up the rest of the time; so if I go blabbering on about something insignificant, as I tend to do, please ignore it.
I'm currently attending RIT (who don't WANT me to attend, as can be shown by the size of the bills I get) and am on my first CO-OP block right now.
I'm in Computer Sciences, trying to make a life for myself by doing something I like -- a hard thing to do in this day and age. My goal is to make >$1000 net each week. (I could live on less than $20,000; but not comfortably.)
If you want to get in touch with me, right now all you have to do is click on the blue text on the top of my message.
See you around in LevLand!
- Jeff
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'm Greyfox. Some of you know me, others do not. The ones who know me probably outnumber the ones who don't, so... ;> I went to RIT, once upon a time, and stayed there for 2 quarters. I did a great many things and met a great many people, and felt very welcome--as if I belonged where I was. But, like so many other things in life, I focused too much on the social aspect and not enough on the serious part. As a wise man once said, "the candle that shines twice as bright burns half as long as its fellows." But, I never forgot the friends I made--most of them were from the LEV.
I was there when they tore it down. I was there when we all migrated to Storyboard. I created the VAXMigrator, originally as a political statement to the moderators that LEVers needed a forum to express themselves APART from some other group. Alas, the VAXMigrator topic went the way of most things of that era--it degraded to gibberish and nonsensical plotlines--ALL of which I tried to accommodate. But, I digress. The LEV IS back! I know the moderators--I know them well. They will not make the same mistakes. The WEB is much bigger than the VAX--be glad to be a part of it, as I am.
I remember TWINK! and ETRigan... Dragonstrike(Gylis), Liz, Nightbird(Angie), RavenThorne, & Ewokie... Mad Hatter, Bits, & Tas. Unfortunately, most of these people have travelled their paths, and I have neglected to follow them where they walked. I have, however, remained in contact with Sol, Houdini, & Nat. I've run into RavenThorne once or twice, during my frequent migrations to Rochester for visits. But now, there is a place for us all to gather once more, in peace, harmony, and unity. All of us have walked our paths... This is the place where we can share them once more.
My real name is Fred. I'm 23. I used to be in shape, now I lament the fact that I have little time to keep the gut at bay. I love to write, roleplay, and wargame. I'm one of the few who enjoys ALL aspects of wargaming--including the painting of the miniatures. I study the martial arts--Shotokan Karate--and like to play paintball. I work in Morristown, NJ as a computer technician for the Morris School District. It's my first real job, & I got it with no degree. I like talking about a great many things, and if you really want to get in touch with me, you can send me e-mail (the blue text on my signature line). I think I've already said too much for now, so... Peace.
By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi there, I'm Sol. Good to see ya! I was very fond of the original LEV, which was a big part of my life for a long while. Now, I'm sure this NEW Lev Forum will occupy a fond portion of my mind and heart as well.
I'm a philosopher, and a seeker. I'm a little nuts sometimes, but I care about my friends very much. I am creative and have a need to create. I enjoy strategy games and I like knowing people. I like to see people grow and evolve, and I like finding ways to evolve the nature of my being as well. It is important for me to know the nature of who and what we are, the nature of the soul.
Also I can be a lot of fun. :)
By Aileen Pagan-Welch (Ewokie) on Unrecorded Date: |
Name: Ewokie
Species: Ewok
Language: Ewokenese
More noticable trait: Small and furry
Height: 3'5-4'0
Weight: Like I'd tell
Weapons: Spears, rocks, and lasers (oops.. I wasn't supposed to leak that information)
Residence: In trees
We are a skittish bunch when first approached, but we soon relax and enjoy the company of those that we are with. Feel free to say "hi" whenever you want, and don't worry, I won't try to cook you over a fire and eat you. :-)
By Nat (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi, I'm Peyote; most of you probably know me as "Nat". I got to know the gang (Sol, Greyfox, RaTh, Houdini, etc...) after the Lev was torn down and during the rise of the floating alligator cult ("Jello?"). I've been mod of Supernatural for a while- also a conference where some of the LEVers hung out. I didn't really get into Story Board much, but Greyfox corrupted me and sparked my interest in roleplaying- now I'm hooked, damn you, Fred =)
I've been at RIT for six years, soon to be 8 if I go to grad school here. I think RIT sucks.
I like to party, hang out and go clubbing and bar-hopping when the mood strikes me (if I am particularly drunk). I like to shop and I'm turning into a techno music fanatic. My personal philosophy is relatively "smoke 'em while ya got 'em" and I try not to regret aynthing I do (it just makes life easier, don't ya think?)
If you must know more just ask.
Cya on the flipside,
By No one here is exactly what he appears (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey NAT! Welcome ...
And it has come to my attention that I have not done the obligatory introduction.
name = Darren
I have been at RIT longer than Nat (since 92) and have been employed off and on at local software consulting/ manufacturing companies throughout the local area. Currently, I am at AustinDetek. Don't ask what I do there, as it would take far too much time and involve many profanities. :) (too many)
This is my last quarter at RIT (assuming I can manage to get through this darned paper on Artifical Intelligence)
I followed LevSociety from its vax conference to storyboard and now that it's here, so i am.
The SmokeDuster
Lt. Charlemagne LeVour
Richlieu cyrber-hound
By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi people its me Brenna also known as Buffy the Vampire Slayer... I once attended RIT but left to continue on my journey... In the past i was just a reader but now a writer(with the help of Greyfox) Now I am a senior at ESU and is finally going to graduate in May...... I'm studying history and hope to get a job in research. That's all for now. BYE!
By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: |
Buffy! Welcome!
Fred has prolly told ya all about this place by now eh? J
Welcome to the Lev! Its great to hear from you again! Woo hoo! :)
Shall I track down Vampy for you? :>
By Aimie Barrett (Aimie) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well Greetings everyone and Brightest Blessings!
I feel honored and excited to be a new person to the Lev! Many thanks and smiles to Sol :) for letting me be a part of this!!!!
I am a teacher (toddlers) for a private school. I am new to this stuff so I am not sure what to say. I guess thats it for now ::))
Hope to "talk" to you all soon!!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Brenna! Welcome! I liked your post in the Pub! Very cool! I can't post more today, it has been crazy, but expect an appropriate welcome from Sol very soon!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Aimie Aimie Aimie!
You made it! Yay! So whaddya think? I'm glad you tried it out. Welcome! Comeon everybody! Welcome my friend Aimie and introduce yerselves!
Actually, why don't you come visit us at the Towne Pub? Have some Virtual Coca Cola or something, eh? ;)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Welcome, Aimie! That's a really cool way of spelling your name--much better than Amy, I think. Glad to have you aboard! ;> Have a look around, get to know everybody, & you'll fit in just fine. I'll see ya around!
By Aimie Barrett (Aimie) on Unrecorded Date: |
Thankies!!!! to Greyfox and Sol I'll meet you all in the Towne Pub real soon!!!
bye for now!!!!
By Jen Delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well Aileen made me come back. So here I am. Most of you know me, but then I wasn't "in" the group outside the notes conference. But it was fun. I still remember when I first got into it.. it was one summer while I was working as a graphic designer for NTID and my boss never had any work for me to do and I was always waiting on this and that, so I got paid $9/hr to sit around and play on the vax. could you ask for a cooler job? :)
By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jn! Aimie!
I haven't seen either of you in ages. Welcome!
Welcome! Welcome! :)
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jen, welcome, I'm glad you came. I think most of us weren't in the group, the club was really mostly cyber. The beauty of it though is that you can make some friends, and your connection doesn't die when you graduate. You don't have to be in the RIT "club" to be welcomed here.
Say Jen, Ewokie, do you know Sorsha or John's e-mail address by any chance? Just wondered!
By Aileen Pagan-Welch (Ewokie) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey Jenn!
Welcome to the Lev! I knew you would stumble upon here eventually! :-)
I would also like to welcome everyone else to our little corner of cyberspace. It's great to see so many old, familiar faces, and see some new ones too!
Welcome all! I look forward to reading all your posts.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
It might take you a while, Ewokie! There's alot of 'em!!! J
By Aileen Pagan-Welch (Ewokie) on Unrecorded Date: |
I know! There are TONS of new posts!! :-) But I find them all equally enjoyable. We have such brilliant, funny geniuses here on the Lev.
Now to stay on topic:
I am Ewokie. I'm small. I'm furry. And I travel by foot.
By Omigod it's early (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi, just making sure posting works from here. I'm Ranger, and I have driven by RIT on occasion.
More later.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey! It's great to have you! I look forward to meeting you through the things you say.
By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Jn!
Long time, no speak!
Still remember your toilet incident? :)
By Jen Delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jeff, what toilet incident? I've had lots of incidents :)
By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date: |
Let me put it this way...
(Not verbatim; but you get the idea...)
"I was in one of the new bathrooms at RIT this morning, I finished my duties, got up, and the toilet flushed itself! That d$$$ thing scared the SH!T out of me!"
(My reply:) "At least you were in the right place!"
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ranger, welcome! Good to have you aboard, fellow friend of Fred!
By Jen Delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date: |
well, jeff.. I remember using a similar toilet and
being scared, but I don't remember having a
conversation about it :)
By Tasslehoff Burfoot (Tas) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi all. I'm back. been a while. Feeling talkative. Later.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tas! Wow, alright, it is good to see ya! How's life treating you? What are your favorite hobbies these days? Feels good 2 be in port, don't it? Let's talk!
By Tasslehoff Burfoot (Tas) on Unrecorded Date: |
my most favorite hobby is breathing. I just enjoy it. And yes, it is good to be home again. let my experiences forever keep you all out of the navy :)
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tas, still with us, buddy?
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
I wish to extend a very special warm welcome to Jill Pellegrin our newest board member!
Hi Jill, I'm Bryan, one of the board's moderators. Tony is the other mod. :)
The Lev Forum is a place for sharing ideas and sharing lives. Its a place where friends get together and "talk about stuff". Serious stuff, fun stuff, creative stuff, silly stuff, ya know, stuff! :)
Care to tell us a little about yerself?
By Carmine (Carmine) on Unrecorded Date: |
Gosh, this is a quiet part of town...
I have belatedly discovered this area, and I may as well make use of it. :)
I've got a handful of names, but the usual one is Johanna. I'm English, short and given to moments of whimsy and teeth-gnashing cynicism - not neccesarily in that order.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and like everyone else I know, I work in the web industry - but only as an Admin. Asst., not something exotically geeky. Of course, I have a website, Rough Cut, and spend far too much of my time online.
Hobbies include writing (go figure), playing RPGs, cooking and sewing. I'm only a Rennaisance gal in the terms that I like going to Northern Faire on occasion. ;)
Um...what else... I love cats, I have a love/hate relationship with my TV (film school will do that to you) and the quickest way to my heart is through an honest compliment. Or a pound of chocolate. ;)
Sol pinged me a couple of days ago, tapping me for your incipient Matrix project, and and here I am!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Welcome, hiya, howdy, hey, and greetings.
You may find that the board is pretty quiet on weekends. Most of us post from work (naughty!) and I'm the only one who works them. Half of us don't have web access from home. Sad aren't we? On the other hand, it's a good time to post without having to worry too much about some one stepping on it.
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
Lev? What's LEV?
Oh yeeah... I remember now.... ;)
Hi to all to know me, and hi to all those who don't. More to come.
oh, does anyone have an unfaultered copy of the original LEV still lying around? I DID, but sheesh... that was years ago.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeay! You showed! Ya want a copy of the original LEV? Just scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see "view Ancient Lev Notes." All that IS available you will see there.
Carmine, that was a great intro - SanFran- awesome!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
SHERM! Welcome home! ;>
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey GreyFox, long time no see. ;) How goes it?!
errr.... Sol, no see Ancient LEV notes... but I'll keep looking...
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
*looks for the Delete Post command*
ok, I found them.... :)
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Alright! Let the good times roll! No "delete post" though... it is One little drawback of Discus (deletion by users is not possible)
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
If you want a message deleted, here is what you do:
Send me or Sol (the board mods) a email asking us to delete the post for you.
Warm Regards,
By Damien Ertle (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey whats up guys. The names Damien but I prefer Knight Hawk. I know a few of you so to you I say "Ah I finally posted, so there get off my back". To those I don't I say "Sup".
I am a student at NJCU, and a fledgling sci-fi writer. I live movies and video games, Fred get that smile off your face please. Anyway my passions include Karate (Isshinryu) and Star Wars (Hell Yeah).
Hope to hear from some of you soon.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yay Damien how are you? It's me - Sol! Yes, glad you came to LEV forum. It is a good thing, too - we love sci fi writers. Star Wars is also the best - will you write for our upcoming Star Wars topic?
By Damien Ertle (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sure, Actually I was looking to start on of my own. If that is alright with Bryan of course.
By Starkindler (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm from Pennsylvania. Solenoid introduced me to this community. I don't know how often I'll be on this, because I'm going away for awhile. My boyfriend, Bryan, is in the Shadyside Hospital in Pittsburgh. He's undergoing chemotherapy. He has T-cell Lymphatic Lymphoma - cancer. So I'm going to stay with him. I've never loved someone like this before. Anyway, prayers are always welcome. :)
More about myself: I'm 20 years old, born on August 25th, 1979. I've lived in PA my entire life. My favorite things are cats, music, movies, books, poetry, computers, etc. to be brief.
Well, not much else going on. Have a good day!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Amanda Turenchalk (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
Thank you! Good to be here.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Welcome Amanda!
I admire your strong positive outlook and courage at what must be a very difficult time in your life right now.
My prayers, and the prayers of others here on this forum are with you and your boyfriend Bryan. I pray that he will make a quick and full recovery.
God Bless.
Warm Regards,
Bryan R. Cummings
Co-Moderator of Lev Forum
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
You're very kind. We need all the prayers we can get. I know that Bryan will get well and that soon he and I can continue our life-long journey together. God Bless!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
It is excellent that you have come to join our virtual community! Consider it your haven on the Web, we are certainly happy to have you here, welcome!
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
What's the deal with the intros?
Sol, you still want to have a "board" where everyone puts their info, so everyone else can see? Sounds like a good idea.
Then people can put their URLs, pic links, vitals, etc... even though most of us already know one another in person. :)
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
That's a good idea, Sherm! That sounds like a volunteer to head up the project there... ;) Yah, so far we just have this topic... I also have some links to member homepages on the WORLD WIDE LEV site, although I admit it's been a while since it was updated...
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
haha..... okay, okay.
I suppose I can do it. I'll make up some type of survey, and people can answer it, and I'll post the answers on my site, or do you have a better idea?
Unfortunately, I can not do CGI's with my current ISP, or I'd go that way.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sherm, no sweat! You might start by just posting little sniplets from the Introductions topic as seperate pages on your site, then expanding them with photos as people provide them. Bry, you'd need to make a link to it on this page... I'd say it would deserve a prominent link!
Sounds kewl!
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
Give me a few days, and I'll let you know what I have by then. :)
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi Hickory **waving wildly** jumped in with both feet didn't you? ;)
By Tough as an old (Hickory) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi "Ranger!" You bet. Might as well get a running start. ;)
By Robin Fogerty (Lox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hmmm... I wrote an intro, and it's not here :(
I'm Robin.. nickname: started as loxley, went to lox, now it's loxie. (I was sick of salmon and bagel jokes.) Heheh
I'm working at IBM right now, possibly moving to California soon. I love San Fran!
Hopefully this post will make it... hehe
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Perlzen (Perlzen) on Unrecorded Date: |
OH joyous!
I is soooo happy today. I have returned to * Lev * for de first time in oh so many years as 5 or 6. Heee Heee.
I witness the golden days of * Lev * in a really funny brickville place. As it is, my ol' comrade in arms Derf is scratching head an other places tryin' to figure thissun out.
Me thinks there is an off chance that people be figurin this out now.
I once think about me old gold fishies. I left em in de preserve, I guesses they are happy. Hee Hee.
I even remember well citizens Solenoid T, GAK, Twink, Etrigen, Sherm, Houdini, Ewokie, Buffy, Vampy <- (run and hide).
uh oh... I think I gave away too much...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well, I've narrowed it down to 2 or 3 guesses. I shall email ya and see if I am correct...
By Perlzen (Perlzen) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK OK, Derf called me out. I'm Bits. I'm back.
I suppose I should start logging in as that now.
I'm living in CT, developing a corporate intranet for a hospital. I'm also developing my companies. Yes, more than one. I'm ambitious. See, which is actually a non-profit organization I've got in the works.
I'm prone to late nights programming, lots of caffeine drinking, random laughter, fits of maniacal brilliance (my first plan of domination is to push Novell out of the industry), having lost of fun, drinking a fine pint of Guinness or two.
Hobbies: working on my companies, researching my irish genealogy, trying to figure out women (banging my head on the wall trying to meet a nice one; man I've got a headache), trying to figure out a new compression algorithm, buying oodles of DVDs (ok, well that's a bad habit).
I met Fred and the merry lot during my 3 (got ya beat Fred) quarters at RIT. I'm a member of the Computer Science House at RIT.
I had the pleasure of being chauffer to Solenoid T after he took on a skateboard and lost.
Fun times...
By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi. I'm one of the newer members of club Lev. But it's always good to have people return or join up.
As for the DVD thing don't sweat it, I took and inventory and relized I myself owned 105 DVD's. Yes 105.
By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi, my name is Damien and I'm a LEV addict.
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
We have Lev-ers Anon. meetings over at Le Trapeze in Manhattan every other Sunday night- Second floor of course.
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi bits! Good 2 have ya back!
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yah, that skateboard kicked my arse!
By An Overly Cheerful (Wyvern) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hi, all. No, I'm not entirely sure why I'm here either, so don't bother asking. (Well, ok, I'm entirely sure that I'm here because Sol invited me, but I meant other than that...) In any case:
I am a CS major at RIT, and am interested in computer graphics, games, and (surprise!) programming.
If you want to see some of my work, it's at
I think that's enough of an intro to start with.
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey Wyvern! LEV Forum is like the new Cherry Mountain Dew. You'll be glad you gave it a try! Yes, seriously folks, Wyvern is a master of Computer Graphics - he has created some really intricate and exceptional spacecraft designs - a MUST SEE! Please go take a look and tell him what you think!
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Welcome To Lev Society, Wyvern!
Were very glad to have yet another RIT student in our ranks!
This board orginated as an extension of a club we ran back at RIT from 93-95 called the Society for the Furtherment of Levity. Back then this board was a RIT-owned vax notes conference.
Lev is a social club. Our moto is very simple:
"Have fun, make friends, be yourself, and most importantly be nice."
Being a member is easy, just come hang out with us! Chat, post some humor, participate in our online storyboard, whatever floats yer boat!
best wishes,
Bryan, a co-moderator of Lev Forum.
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cool graphics. Wyvern!
btw - Super metroid rocks! ;)
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
I LOVE super metriod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samus is my hero!
By A Slightly Rushed (Wyvern) on Unrecorded Date: |
So does all this mean that any of you have the faintest idea how I got those screenshots? (Sigh. I can't quite do that and still beat the game in under three hours. Yet.)
Oh, and for a sneek peek at my current project: The Nightmare
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
What 3d program did you use?
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
As for the screenshots, I'm guessing the long way- from TV to videotape and then a trip to the GML video transfer station? Of course there's a good chance that I'm wrong =)
By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Reminds me of some of the ships in the game I'm playing called Mars Matrix.
By The (Wyvern) on Unrecorded Date: |
I use POV-Ray. And occasionally Bryce, but mostly not.
No - actually taking the screenshots was easy: I use an emulator. Actually getting to the point in the game where I could take those shots was the hard part.
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
It's been so long since I've played that game. I'm assuming that's near the end? I don't remember if I finished the game, but I recall never getting that spinning wall jump move right. Anyone know where I can get an old nintendo? I have this undying need to play metriod 3 again.
Nintendo is gonna be coming out with a 3D version of super metroid in the near future- and that's no rumor =)
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
There are NES emulators, eh? Bryan has one! And Wyvern, you surely do! What's the scoop on that?
I am also doing some preliminary work with POV-ray which is a pretty sweet rendering program - free, too!
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Anyone have a super NES to sell me? I wanna play metroid too! *pout*
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Wal-Mart has em for 70 bucks.
Funky colors, too.
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Not the n64, the old pokey one that came before it.
By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Try at a Funco Land. They seel Used and hard to find stuff, I bought a power cord for the SNES I just got. Plus the company I work for owns it(HEH HEH).
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
So, like, does Funco Land have a website that I can order from? Or do they have a location somewhere?
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
HOLY CHROME! Wyvern, I just checked out your Nightmare and it is AWESOME! is it finished yet or still under construction? also can I live in it when it's finished?
By Norm (Norm) on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 12:57 am: |
Hi. I just joined (rejoined, whatever) the LEV society. I signed up with the Vax forum back in 1993. I found the hall of ancient Lev and the more recent message baord on a web search. Those of you who look at the old achives will find me as Norm (or GCM2235)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 09:36 am: |
COOL. Welcome back!
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 11:38 am: |
Norm, that's so cool! I was hoping that some might search for LEV or LEV_SOCIETY. We have a lot of the old members here, some are more frequent than others ;) So what's new?
By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, December 10, 2001 - 12:10 pm: |
NORM!! Welcome to the party!
By Gerrit (Gak4178) on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 12:31 am: |
Hey everyone...
I'm finally posting. *gasp* Yeah yeah.. :P
I'm still in California after I escaped the clutches of Rochester's loose hold on me. I was fortunate enough to see a few of you when I visited last year (Dec '00), but I miss you all! =)
If you wanna visit California, feel free to drop me a line, and even stay at my place if you want! (I'm in Costa Mesa.. Central Orange County, a few blocks from Newport Beach)
- gak
P.S. Drop me a line some time.
ICQ: 1583134
Y! : gaksplat
AIM: gkruidhof
Email :
Web Site: (Yes, STILL!)
Resume :
By snazzqueen (Sara) on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 04:18 pm: |
Hello all. I'm Sara. Sol gave me a membership to LEV as a wedding present. Sceadeau and I just got married New Years Eve.
Following his many travels after being booted out of RIT for too much message-boarding and too little studying, Sceadeau ended up in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, working at Subway, where he met me four and a half years ago. He made me a sandwich. We flirted over the sandwich counter. I went BEHIND the counter at some point, grabbed his ass, and stole a pickle. Then he took me around the back of the store, read me poetry he had written, kissed me, and that was that...
I actually first encountered LEV not too long after meeting Sceadeau. I randomly put his name in a search engine (that's what's kinda fun about a weirdo name like Sceadeau), and I was amused to find old LEV boards full of RIT-era Sceadeau ramblings. What a cocky bastard! See, I call him on all his BS. That's why he loves me.
A little about me-- I'm 22-I was still in high school when we met! I'm a history major at University of Southern Mississippi. Unfortunately, I thought it would be a good idea to go to school in the town where Sceadeau lived, and now I'm kinda stuck here, but it's not so bad. I'll hopefully be headed to law school in a year or so.
Anyway, it's good to be here. Sceadeau and I are really happy. If you want to see a few wedding pics, go to
I'm sure Sceadeau will be posting here sometime soon, if he hasn't beaten me to it..
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 08:25 am: |
Now that's what I call a match made in heaven! What a great story! Welcome to the LEV board! Yah, Sceadeau (pronounced "Scadoo" by the uninformed) is quite a guy, and it is certainly a pleasure to meet his lovely wife. (She is! But you gots-ta check out her web-page!) ;)
Welcome Seareau!
By Sherm (Sherm) on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 01:26 pm: |
I think this is a trick. Sceadeau can't be married... no, not HIM!!! :P
oookay, Sol has been pestering me to post, with promises of fame and fortune, so here I am.
An original LEVer who really needs no introduction... so jump to after RIT...
Went back to school for a few years but that didn't pan out to a degree or anything. Worked in a studio as an assisstant Audio Engineer for a little while, then did a stout in Software Development, and now I'm an Internet Developer. I also started my own business which keeps me busy the rest of the time.
And yeah, still in Rochester and even bought a house here! Imagine that...
By Vampy (Vampy) on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 12:12 am: |
Name- Vampiress (Vampy) (aka Kelly)
eyes- Blue
color- as fair as milk (of course, i need blood to get more color on my cheeks!! :P)
hair- red
chosen profession- illustrator/graphic designer/painter
year graduated from R.I.T.- 1994
have found whatever eluded her in life?- not yet, whatever it is, i have no idea.! :F'
hello, it's me, Vampiress, otherwise known as Vampy. :F'' and i still prowl in the night.. Buffy is still after me, looking to stab me in my heart with that wooden stake!! and here i thought i'm loved *sob* oh well.. i'm here, and invincible!! i live near Ocean City, Maryland now.. and still havent found what i'm looking for! and its not blood this time.. blood could be found on every street, but fulfilled dreams?? not yet, but i'm not giving up.!!
By Jeremy (Jpellegrin) on Thursday, January 24, 2002 - 07:31 pm: |
Greetings Fellow Astronomers!!
I just joined and boy are my arms wait, seriously I just had my brain transferred to a robot body....with the power of TEN monkeys!!
Hoo Ha!!
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, January 25, 2002 - 08:57 am: |
Dude, SeaWorld 2021 Rocks! I watched it the other night, now I want to have a robot body, too!
Welcome aboard, Jermy! Enjoy what our humble oasis has to offer!
By Jeremy (Jpellegrin) on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 - 07:09 pm: |
SeaLab 2021 does indeed rock. So did Invader ZIM...why did they have to take it away?!?! HUH?? They took that just like they took my sqeezin' arm!! WHY MY SQEEZIN' ARM!?!? WHY!?????
Okay bye.
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, January 31, 2002 - 02:39 pm: |
Hey! I don't think they took away SeaLab 2021, did they? It's on Cartoon NW's Adult Swim late nights! Also Braak and Space Ghost coat-to-coast is mega cool too!
I like Braak's dad. He's small and funny.
By George Rabtzow (Lunchbox) on Monday, February 11, 2002 - 10:25 am: |
Greetings all.
After contemplating what I was going to write for a while, I decided to just start letting my thoughts fly out through my fingers, into the keyboard, and onto this fine electronic media.
So, with that disclaimer said, I make no apologies if in reading on you find yourself bored, angry, happy, sad, etc.
Anyway. Currently, I work in Boston as a law enforcement Park Ranger with Boston National Historical Park, part of the National Park Service.
I've been here since December 1, 2001 and will probably be here until September 2002. It's been pretty fun so far. I work with a great crew and have had great new experiences.
This summer, I worked in Washington State at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, also as a NPS LE Ranger.
I'm a Penn State grad, studied Administration of Justice. I'm into computer games (mostly first person shoot-em-ups), Warhammer, a little bit of Magic, paintball, playing my guitar, getting into photography.
I learned about LEV from Greyfox quite some time ago, he finally got me an account. I've known Fred for over a decade now. He's helped to spark my interest in quite a few things throughout the course of our friendship - i.e. Magic and warhammer. So, here I am.
Talk to you all later.
George, aka. Lunchbox
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 - 04:52 pm: |
Luchbox! Awesome! I love Silent Bob - George, do you see yourself as being like Silent Bob? I just watched Chasing Amy last night in fact. What a good movie. Nat will agree, I am sure. Also at the end of the month: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - out to rent or own.
Welcome, Lunchbox!
By Brendan Fagan (Bits) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 11:46 pm: |
so, I've spent time battling my own person demons and I'm not sure anyone wants me around, but I thought I'd say hi and at least apologize to the masses I've offended.
so first off: hello.
secondly and most humbly: I'm sorry.
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, March 21, 2002 - 02:31 pm: |
LEV is about harmony and acceptance. Holding grudges is pretty un-lev. I say Hello and Welcome! I won't forget the Bits that bailed me out of a jam when I broke my arm! You're awright man, why doncha tell about what's up in your life these days? Are you still in Rochester?
Fellow CSH brother and LEVer,
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, March 22, 2002 - 09:24 am: |
Yeah, no grudges here, man. Brenna might need some convincing, however, but that's none of my business. Welcome home, Brendan.
By ryder (Pixpusher) on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 03:45 pm: |
my name is ryder.
i am cool. ;)
-- pp
By Technomage (Houdini) on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 10:33 am: |
Welcome to LEV Society buddy!
Ryder is a very good friend of mine.
Lets all make him feel welcome, mkay? =)
-Techomage Houdini
By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 11:24 am: |
Welcome Ryder, did you get to go to the Lev reunion?
By ryder (Pixpusher) on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - 03:09 pm: |
thanks bry.
ms. vice - nope. didn't make it. sounded like a lot of fun tho. when are you folks getting together again?
what about like a informal gathering someplace like green lakes or pratts falls? chitt falls? i dunno. have like a compu-nerd-bbq.
-- pp
By Merlin (Merlin) on Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 05:17 pm: |
And smoke swirls suddenly up from the floor, creating a vortex of colors and stars and other shiny things, as a shadowy form appears in the corner farthest from the spectacle and watches with some bemusement as everyone focuses on the distraction.
Yes! I'm back! And it only took almost ten years! yay me!
-= Merlin =-
By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 07:19 am: |
Hooray! Welcome, Wizard!
Hey, what's up? No one can stay away from the LEV goodness for long! Good to have ya back in the loop (and good 2 be back ;) ).
By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 04:33 pm: |
Echo leader to echo base, I've found them, repeat, I've found them!
Welcome back!
By Merlin (Merlin) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 11:49 pm: |
Wow, and nobody has posted anything here since last June...
Where is everyone?
-= Merlin =-
By I, (Ranger) on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 03:25 pm: |
There are scattered posts that are more recent, but things are a bit slow at Lev lately.
By Merlin (Merlin) on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 06:50 pm: |
I've noticed... I mean, it took me a month to realize I'd been replied to. Maybe it'll liven things up a bit if I bring in some Vegas dancing girls.
-=Merlin =-
By Houdini (Houdini) on Thursday, November 08, 2007 - 01:17 pm: |
Hey, anyone still in contact with Nat?
I just tried sending an email to an old address I had for her and got the "return to sender" thing.
Kind of a bummer. I was thinking about it on the way back from Greyfox-land on Sunday, that it would have been cool to see her at the party. I bet anything she rocks at guitar hero or would if she is given the controls.
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, November 09, 2007 - 09:22 am: |
I haven't heard from Nat in a long time myself. Did a quick netsearch for her, too, but couldn't find anything. Of course, she probably lives in NYC, so that might help as far as tracking her down. Can a person have access to the white pages from online? Of course, this assumes that her last name has not changed in the past few years, for if it has, I don't think that tact would work.
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, November 09, 2007 - 09:22 am: |
Or does she have an RIT alum account?
By Who is the (Knight_Hawk) on Friday, November 09, 2007 - 09:33 am: |
I haven't heard from her in awhile but last I heard she had gotten married so that might hamper your search. I think GF knows more but I could be wrong.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, November 09, 2007 - 08:10 pm: |
I have her address and cell number somewhere, but am forbidden by law to publish it in any public forum without express permission of the owner (some silly net-privacy law)
By Houdini (Houdini) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 11:44 am: |
Greyfox my friend, encourage Nat to post. I miss reading her thought provoking posts.
By Gerrit (Gak4178) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 11:49 am: |
Any luck on bringing in the Vegas dancing girls? :P
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 11:55 am: |
Yeah! Gerrit! Ha ha ha, I sent this guy a message like 10 minutes ago and he's already back on the board. Wired in as usual, you are awesome, Gerrit! So how's life in California? I bet it is warmer, but sorry to hear about the oil spill.
Any plans for the holiday?
By Houdini (Houdini) on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 03:54 pm: |
Gerrit! Schweet! How's it hanging buddy! I'm so glad to hear from ya bro!
We don't have dancing vegas girls, but we do have spiffy ninja. ;)
Actually I always thought vegas would be an awesome spot to do a mega lev reunion. I wonder if Alan Thick can spot the lev society about 50 rooms at Tahiti village for free. With free airfare and vegas spending chips of course! ;)
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 09:59 am: |
We should so do this. That would be the reunion of a Lifetime. Either that or at Gerrit's house. That would be cool, too.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, November 16, 2007 - 03:44 pm: |
I'm too poor right now to consider this option... Hopefully in time I can remedy this...
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Monday, November 19, 2007 - 09:37 am: |
You will, 'Fox! Money isn't everything - good friends and 40K models to paint still also count for a lot.
By Liz (Liz) on Monday, November 26, 2007 - 05:30 pm: |
Hi. I'm Liz. Back in the days of LEV, my nickname was Liz. I wasn't terribly creative in my nicknames.
I was there for the first LEV Society meeting. I was there for its birth, its life, and its eventual death and rebirth on Storyboard. I was on Storyboard a LOT.
I made some friends, I hurt some feelings now and again, I made more friends, and then I left because of a lot of trouble in my life resulting in my leaving school. Since then, I worked my way through a lot of issues, went back to school twice, spent several years doing stupid things with my life, finally got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, spent a few more slowly getting my life together, then met a really awesome guy about 3 1/2 years back. We're married, just celebrated our 2 year anniversary, and I'm happier than I ever remember being.
Recently, I've been in touch with Ewokie, and apparently a couple weeks ago Sol contacted me through my Livejournal. I just got that message today.
So, hi.
Oh, and Sol: I wish I drew that Livejournal's actually a piece of art from my friend Chris Pallace ( that he drew for my wedding invitations. He used to do a comic strip in which my husband was a character.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 02:15 am: |
Greetings, Liz! Ahhh, memories. *HUGZ*
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 09:28 am: |
Hey Liz! It is really nice 2 C U again! And congratulations on finding your awesome guy! Greyfox and I got to hang out after many years - I call that a win. Trying to find a few original LEV members for visiting here on the board also. I am in contact with Ewokie also (sometimes) and owe her a letter 2 B sure! Gerrit - also good to C U after all this time!
I have a feeling that we have more LEVers out there who lurk this board. We may see them drop by even from time to time.
Liz, good 2 C U!
By Houdini (Houdini) on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 10:34 am: |
Its good to have ya back in lev Liz. The place just wasn't the same without ya.
By Reformed Kender (Liz) on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 03:08 pm: |
Thanks guys. Man, it's been what, a decade?
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 10:09 am: |
Tell me about it! It has been a really long time! R U still living in NYS? Or someplace more interesting?
By Reformed Kender (Liz) on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 03:04 pm: |
Still in Rochester, very happily so. I'm living about a block into Irondequoit. I have entirely too many friends in Rochester, as well as my family (they moved to Rochester in... '98 or so), and his mom's not too far outside Rochester. I spent most of my life moving around, so I guess the nesting instinct finally took hold.
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 04:11 pm: |
That's cool - you know, I really have not travelled in my life. I like consistency and order - maybe much more than most. Though when you think about it, Rochester is actually pretty cool. And now with the decline of Kodak, who knows? Maybe our air will get better, too!