Post Archive (D&D) Sept2007 - Aug2008

The Lev Forum: Gaming: AD&D & Other RPG's: a Roleplaying discussion: Post Archive (D&D) Sept2007 - Aug2008

By System Admin (Admin) on Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 04:39 pm:

Anyone heard anything about the new D&D 4th Edition?

By System Admin (Admin) on Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 04:43 pm:

d30 system and other details re: 4th ed D&D

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 02:11 pm:


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 12:35 am:

My eyes are officially falling out. Why did you make me look at that? LOL!

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 12:13 pm:

*giggles like Ralph Wiggum*

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 04:37 pm:

Here's a shot of and specs on Bayne's blade, Shazirizaad. This would be Houdini's character from one of my D&D adventures (I play 2nd, usually).


By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 04:42 pm:

Yeah, well, I must have been too lazy to spellcheck it, but it is still pretty cool.

Also shown here: (upper) the yeti characters expected to find on the mountain and (lower) the yeti they actually found...



By Houdini (Houdini) on Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 05:17 pm:

I went back through the d&d discussion archives and saw a post Tony had made and thought I'd steal his concept.

Ahem.. here goes nothing!

Bryan's useless list of RPG campaigns and characters throughout the eons of time.


1) Darren's second edition D&D campaign circa 1996.

Rigel Six of Four, a ranger/theif with an odd (and randomly assigned by Darren) last name. Had alot of fun getting caught in a fishing net by Tony's character then set on fire. Tony called this helping. ;)

2). Sol's 1st edition campaign.
Tiberous, a fighter/mage who got to cut the head off of an evil wizard trying to get away in a hot air balloon.

3) Ravenloft, Mini adventure with Nat's x-bf - Played a lawful good paladin, and was not told ahead of time that he was going to DM ravenloft.
Hilarity ensued for the DM. The player (me) wasn't nearly as amused or pleased with the DM.

4) Rifts micro-adventure, Fred.

Played a ape man who wore a glitterboy mech suit. Had fun killing things and intimidating bad guys durring interrogation by sheer force of presence alone.

5) Nat's epic d&d campaign. Fun macro battles with a deity of her own making's army.
Rigel Tiberius Six-of-Four (he had a middle name now at least) the 8th levl ranger/thief. Fought bravely, but was more arrogant then his Darren campaign counterpart. Highlight of the campaign was when Rigel told a druid where to stick it, and the druid performed a change sex spell on him. (BTW, this is why the great net spellbook sucks, I got ranger spells, the DM gives a druid a change sex spell. wtf? lol).

Rigel was a female character after that and managed to get laid alot, by both men and women if I recall. Rigel did it to get an advantage in intergation. He was an 18 charsima as a dude, and as a chick well, even he couldn't stop touching himself..herself.. whatever. :) I think Nat thought the gender confusion thing was funny. I just went with it cuz Nat seemed to enjoy it so much. You want your DM to like your character.. you are less likely to die that way.

Nat's druid character never changed Rigel back to a dude though. *shrug* Nemmit was cool. It taught me another important lesson about RPG. If you can't get a gm to let you play your cool munchkin character. GM a game and play him/her/it instead!

6) Shadowrun - Fred

Played a Merc guy with dual ingrim smart guns, and wolverine like pop-out talons. I pretty much took Duke Nukum and gave him more badass weapons.

He also knew his vehicles.

His motto. Shoot the bad guys, collect the money, spend the money on hot elf women strippers. Don't remember what the mini adventure was about, but I do recall my character stealing a armored truck for fun and breaking into lone star HQ.

7) Tony's D&D adventure story arc regarding the rise of RaThor and the restoration of Thor's honor.

Two characters run by me in this campaign made an introduction through that campaign. A human barbarian warrior named Ugh who is the last known surviving member of th Higowi tribal clan, and Bayne Forestwalker a mysterious wizard who's magical powers don't come from a spell book.

8) Savage Worlds - Deadlands. Greg's campaign.

Played Sam Washington, the son of a escaped black slave and accomplished Buffalo hunter. Deadly accurate with a rifle. He has a talent for surviving, and wining over the ladies. Deadlands is such a tough campaign setting that if you survive, then you are playing well. All of the original characters in the party died except Sam who survived:

1. A demon buffalo stampede going through his hotel bedroom.

2. An assassination attempt where I was outnumbed four to one.

3. a hoard of zombies attacking a farmhouse with the party inside. (Think night of the living dead).

4. a demon.

5. killed a giant white buffalo the size of train car with two well placed gunshots to the head.

9) Tony's campaign
Continuing adventures of Bayne and Ugh, fought the wraithknights and faced the terror of the undertower and its secrets.

By Houdini (Houdini) on Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 05:18 pm:

You are the man tony!

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, October 19, 2007 - 10:48 am:

YOU da man, Bryan!

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, October 19, 2007 - 12:56 pm:

D&D Campaigns I've been in

1) In 4th Grade, I played for the first time with a 1st level Magic User, no name. It was funny - I thought my character was a "Magic Geezer..." - why couldn't they just say Wizard? It was so different than other games because your character could DIE and you couldn't just come back to life. This was driven home for me during my first encounter with a monster. As we approached the castle, a Carrion Crawler emerged from beneath the drawbridge, paralyzed our fighter, and dragged him underground. The rest of us stood by terrified, and there was nothing we could do - our friend was gone! We spent much of our time running from danger...

2) - In 4th, 5th, 6th grade I created three incarnations of D&D which I DMed complete with my own made-up rulebooks, the longest of which was 100 pages long and extremely detailed. The quest usually took place in a castle and players had to explore the many monster-infested corridors looking for the Super Chinese Dragon, the most Powerful of the Dragons, and defeat it. An interesting aspect of my game was that it was impossible to die and players usually ended up with hundreds of weapons and armies of Unicorns, Pegasi, Supercorns, and Pegicorns at their disposal. If you were very lucky, your animals would be pregnant, and then you'd get even more!

3) - 7th Grade - Ran my 1st "Real" D&D game at school. Let players bribe me with money so their characters could advance. It was a big hit - stuck to the Dungeon Deep scenario, the Ultimate Goal of the game was to discover the "Ultimate Treasure," a room FULL of gold. This took all year, and characters underwent MANY adventures in the Dark Corridors world before some at last found their way.

4) - My proudest campaign went all through my High School years, DMing for DG and Charity and Thom Salter. We ran over 15 adventures, each lasting several sessions - characters advanced from Level 1 up through 33 and ruled the world in the end (almost!)

5) - DG's World: Had a character, Doric the Cleric... reached Level 32 and spent his life fighting a Demon who killed everyone he ever cared about.

6) - Charity's World: Some Drunk Dwarf, I think named Arsol

7) - Catherine's World: Durass the Fighter, extremely strong and very stupid. Reached HIGH levels and got stupider every time. Infested with Fuzzies, could only speak one word for each level, and got stupider every time we played. On the Final Adventure, Durass was last seen on the swingset refusing to leave this enjoyable place as the other characeters went on to meet their fate...

8) - Catherine's World 2: Blarney the Leprechaun was a 6-foot leprechaun that liked to swear. His vulgarity usually got him beat up, and he was later cursed by Water Nymphs who had disguised themselves as beautiful 6-foot tall Leprechaun Women. My 2nd character was a female metamorph.

9) - Charity's World 2: King Maa-chow was an old crazy fighter who thought he was the King. He ordered around the other party members and told them that they were his priveledged subjects. They would beat him and he would attempt to punish them for their insolence. The quest was to remove an evil ruler from the kingdom, and when at last the evil one was destroyed, Ma-Chow kicked the dead body off the throne and sat down on it himself! The players left the delusional man on the throne amidst the various dead soldiers in the deserted hall.

10) - Chuck's World - Many incarnations including Plasma the Dragon, an 11-foot tall 65 lb 130 year old wizard. Plasma the dragon was friends with a Thief (my other character) - the thief told the dragon that he was a Lawful fighter and the Dragon believed it. So the Thief would sneak into the town, steal all the gold he could carry, and run out. Then as the archers would line the walls, the Dragon would fly out and burn them all. "Help, help!" yelled the weak thief, "Why are they after me? Save me!"

11) - Darren's World - Lilaina Half-Elven was orphaned as a child and attempted to join up with other adventurers to discover secrets about her past and also save her homeland from a Demon! Fortunately, she escaped being sacrificed on the Alter of the Dark Elf and regained her faith as well.

12) - Thom's World - Played this one with Uncle Bill and friends. My character was the Fighter-Mage Kurock, a mage who loved Fireballs. In later times, Kurock would gain apprentices named Ember and Tinder who were required by Kurock to shave their heads as part of their initiation.

13) - Mike's World - Krull was a half-elf fighter-wizard-cleric who also liked fire.

14) - Bob's World - Here I played a character called Omen, the gnomish cleric.

15) - Fred's World - various incarnations including Falafel the Elf and a somber cleric type whose name I can't remember. Why couldn't Falafel have his own harem! Why, why?

16) - Nat's world - So many fun times! Main character was Tasslehoff Feeny the Kender. Ended up to be quite a litte *ss - enjoyed hiding under skirts, banging pots and pans together to distract black knights, and blowing on his Blowhorn.

Also played Lilaina in Nat's world in later times.

17) - Sol's World - Freshly graduated from the University, the Brave Cum Laude were asked to venture into the dungeon deep to uncover the secrets of undead attacks on the town. Betrayed, the characters later found that their wizard-mentor had betrayed them and intended to overtake the world! The wizard tried to escape in his big, big, balloon, but the Fighter hopped atop his flying gold golem and wrestled him out of the balloon to his greusome thousand-foot fall.

18) - (almost Chris's!) A female psionisist just learning about her strange powers in the realms of Dark Sun...

19) - (almost Mike's!) Pei is a young female who is training to become a druid.

20) - Paths to Immortality PBeM campaign - Played a fighter named Borren who went against The Black Knight and died in the attempt to slay him.

21) - Paths to Immortality PBeM - Pei the young druidess (from Mike's campaign which never started) came to life in this adventure where she and a band of companions investigated a series of caverns in search of several powerful demon warriors...

22) - Paths - Don Reynoldo, a French fighter, was on a quest to get ALL THE WEAPONS. A braggard by nature, but deceptively strong and fast, would Don Reynoldo slay all the enemies or all his party members first? Mercifully, this adventure ended early...

23) - (an almost campaign) Nine, the Dragon was driven insane due to lab animal experiments conducted on him by a Goblin Mage - a Gold Dragon gone mad and chaotic...

24) - (Tony's World) Right around the time Lord of the Rings came out, I was persuaded by friends to begin a new D&D Campaign. This was the story of the Linea de Lenora and their companions, a line of elite warriors who were sworn to protect their kingdom. Played over several years (and potentially still going) the characters fought Wyndor the Wizard, Selsion, the Sahuagin-Aquinesti mage, the Wraithknights, and more.

25) - (LWRPG, Kailord's game) "The Enemy of my Enemy" Played Sol Hawk, a Kai Lord who lived 50 years before the fall of the Kai Monastery in MS 5050. Went up against Egoliah, a Vassagonian Overlord who vied for ultimate power on the open deserts...

26) - (LWRPG, Alasi's game) "Shadows in the Mist" Played Solar Death, a Kai Lord who manifested all of his powers divinely for a purpose unknown to him. His terrible premonitions foretold of the fall of the Kai Lords, but no one would believe a man with a violent past and many dark secrets...

27) - (LWRPG, Zipp's game, 1) "A Night to Remember" Reginald the Cat-Warrior visited an inn in search of a powerful artifact-gem. The clever feline managed to outsmart all the other players and escape with the gem, but its powers overtook him and transformed him into a terrible beast.

28) - (LWRPG, Zipp's game, 2) "Strands of Fate" Satori, the cat girl, completely new to the world of humans, found herself in a city under magical siege, Toran, whilst searching for clues about her human father...

29) - (Catherine's game, 3) The young wizard, Jayden, learned with his companions that the world was the target of one of the dark gods... it was up to him and his friends to stop this.

30) - (LWRPG, Tony's LW game) "A Twist in Time" - The demigoddess, Alyss, recruits twenty paragon heroes and heroines from throughout Magnamund's history in an attempt to secure the fate of one boy named Lone Wolf...


Other worlds:

Super Heroes (chris) : Xi, the scientist from another dimension who became trapped between realities.

Super Heroes (fred) : Captain Freedom had a cape and was like some kind of Supercop who defended, you guessed it! RIT campus!

Shadowrun (fred) : Jobe, the weed-smoking street shaman has mysterious powers granted him from the Other Side, and from the Spirit of the Metro...

Rifts : Scorpion is actually a small boy who was forced to live in a bombed-out arecade for his whole life. When he grew up, he BECAME Scorpion for real!

Star Wars : I had a Mon Calamari character for a short time...

Teenagers from Outer Space : I played an alien who looked suspiciously like the Pillsbury Doughboy - he had a car, could teleport and shrink himself, too. He also had a big allowance!

Savage Worlds: Played a college student trekkie / computer genius who discovered amazingly that the mechanical kids' toy named Bun Bun was actually a surveylance device at the heart of a multinational government conspiracy...

Dragonball Z : I played an old martial artist named Master Ben-Ro. Among his powers: the ability to turn into a werewolf, eye lasers, and the legendary Dragonball Buster move!

Guild Wars, Online RPG: Sol Hawk and Len deGlennmere were my characters here... even Little Banjo made an appearance.

Morrowind, Elder Scrolls: Still playing with my character, Echo, who is a thief/mage inducted into the Kin of Silence. She was changed into a Vampire while lost in the wastes and even now still seeks to regain her humanity.

LEV Characters, summary

Sol - Ambassador to the VAXMigrator, resident of VAXlandia, Sol is a well known figure in LEV.

Dazzler - aka Alison Blaire from the X-men. Dated Sol virtually for years, has various light and sound based powers

Dionelos - Sol's dark side

Taco - Sol's insane side

Ashsol - Sol's humorous side who will do ANYTHING for a laugh

Little Banjo - a minstrel halfling who just loves playing his Banjo plus annoying people

Centavo - The blacksmith from Deadwood

Tamper - A robot made by Mouse in the Matrix

Spiffy Ninja - A nutty funster of a ninja who speaks his own unique language

By Who is the (Knight_Hawk) on Friday, October 19, 2007 - 01:51 pm:

Ok let's see if I remember them all.

First true Char was a Drow fighter that left the Underdark because Corolan Larathian (or however it's spelled) came to her in a vision.

Next is the now legedary Thoradain Stonehammer. I think we played this campaign for over 5 years and ended with Thoradain at level 94 and a rank 3 God. He has since retired and is now lord protector of the city that leads to the Realms of the Good Gods. Oh and he was a 20 fighter 20 paladin 10 Dwarven Defender and I honestly don't remember the other 40+ levels.

Cora Lightfoot was a halfling fighter thief and a rank 0 godling. with her in this campaign I also played a Song Dragon named Fioria.

Talyn was one of my favorites to play. He was a Fighter Warshifter Weretiger. He was bitten protecting one of the other party members and turned the curse into an advantage as he could do things that were just incredible.

Current Character is Kara Reed, she is a Human reincarnated as an elf Fighter. She uses a spiked chain which is really fun to use. I also play Jayden Pierce who is a Human Paladin.

Star Wars played a human Jedi from the future trying to prevent it's events named Talon (Ta-lon).

Lord of the Rings was an Elf wizard named Heirvilia, he died spaectaculary and was replaced by a Noldor Elf wizard named Gilaren.

Had numerous Shadowrun Chars that escape me at the moment.

Cyberpunk- played one half of a sniper team named Johnny. His cyber wear was the most extensive of the party. He had a cyber eye with targeting and lowlight, wired reflexes, a cyber arm (right) and leg (left), and smart links for his guns. The arm and leg were results of haveing to have the real ones removed due to in game combat. Became exseedingly cold to the point where he walked out of a doorway knelt down and opened fire (1 round of full out suppresion fire) on a group of 15 gangers killing them all, standing and telling the others it was clear as he walked out the front door. That event even worried me after it was over.

There was Darkclaw my Champions char based on the char of the same name from the Amalgam comics.

Most notible World of Darkness Char was a Werewolf Silent Strider named Kern.

There have been more but I write of them later when I remember them.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Monday, October 22, 2007 - 01:25 pm:

Hey, I want to talk about Jon's D&D World, what that's like, and what characters are in it. In case we play this coming weekend, I need to have some character concepts ready. I don't have 3.5 (but do have 3.0) but I think I'd be able to put something together quite quickly should I be called to do so.


By Who is the (Knight_Hawk) on Monday, October 22, 2007 - 01:51 pm:

There's not a whole lot of difference between 3.0 and 3.5 as char creation is concerned at all. A few skill changes but overall it's the same. As for Chars I play a Fighter and a Paladin, GF plays a fighter with a ranged prestige class, Jon plays an illusionist and cleric, and Jamie plays a swashbuckler/ranger. thats the regular core char with some that were added in the last time we played at GF's with Brent, Sandy and Kym playing. As for the world I'll let GF describe that as it is his world, but for the most part it is very similar to the other D&D realms.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 01:11 pm:

Sounds cool to me - I'll create a 3.0 character in the appropriate range (maybe something REALLY cool and experimental - I sort of like the alternate classes listed in the D&D Miniatures Guide, the hard-cover). This I shall present to the DM for appropriate tweaking which might be required for 3.5 or simply for his world.

I'll likely include some magic items - how liberal is Jon with handing out magic items? Would a +5 sword be too much? A +2? Potions and scrolls? Every DM is a little different in this regard, but just want to make sure I am not underpowered compared to the rest of the party.

Should be fun, I hope we do get to play. To save on playing time, I will definitely have my character sheet ready when I come out.

By Who is the (Knight_Hawk) on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 01:33 pm:

Well the thing is yes you can have magic items but you have to stay within the constrants of you chars starting gold and final DM approval.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 10:39 am:

So anyway, I am starting my new D&D adventure at my house pretty soon. We are currently looking at 4 players plus me (the DM!) This game will be starting in January and preparation has already begun.

The characters so far (some players have more than one character):

Rathor, Prince of the Berserkers
Bayne, Sorcerer adn Lost Prince of Aradonia
Ug, Last of the Higowi Tribe (companion of Bayne)
Ministra, Priestess of Isis
Nyra the Wolf Girl (and Wolf Protector, Ayden)

Kym, the Master Thief

Really looking forward to running again. It has been almost a year since the last adventure.

By Houdini (Houdini) on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 01:07 pm:

I'm looking forward to it.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 09:37 am:

I am sending you a copy of Bayne's 2nd Edition Sorcerer Rules. Feel free to use them on your new character sheet if you decide to go custom!


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, December 07, 2007 - 03:49 am:

you named a D&D character after Kym. how sweet!

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Monday, December 10, 2007 - 05:59 pm:

Yah, this Kym is a male halfling - has an invisibility cloak and a length of liverope... kinda cool player, too.

By I, (Ranger) on Monday, December 10, 2007 - 06:13 pm:

I think I'll name my next character Yylytyn, assuming Greyfox and I will be gaming again someday :D

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - 09:09 am:

Ranger you are so bad ;)

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - 09:24 am:

How do you pronounce Yylytyn?

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 04:50 pm:

Well I just ordered the new Warhammer 40k RPG called Daark Heresy Innosence proves nothing. I think this is the final form of the thing Sol posted a while ago as that was 800 pages and the book is 400. You take on the role of a Inquisition member and sounds pretty cool, should get it tom so I'll let you all know what it's like.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 10:34 am:

I'm very interested in hearing more. I downloaded some of the sample character sheets from the website - pretty cool. 40K is rarely seen from the viewpoint of a single person (at least apart from the novels) so this should be an interesting new way to game in the 40K world.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 04:33 pm:

Well this is a shocker aparently the book ins out of print. I mean WTF it was released last Friday and was out of print that day. Hmm get it while you can guys. I'm gonna do a little more research when I get home though.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 06:27 pm:

I did more research and yes Black Library has not only cancelled Dark Heresy but all of their Roleplaying lines. They will release all the titles they promised up to the September sourcebook but after that nothing so get em while you can.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 09:51 am:


By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 10:51 am:

Yep it's got alot of people ticked off but what do you expect from GamesWorkshop. I did get my copy today and it is beautiful, full color illustrations and pages. It's a percentage system so you use two 10 sided dice. I was happy to see they use a version of the Cyberpunk hit location system. Anyway more when I get a chance to read it or you get a copy yourselves.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 10:58 am:

Hey Warsmith, that sounds like a really awesome RPG. I heard that GW got a new CEO recently, and maybe this is the reason for the SUDDEN action re: the new RPG. I will have to grab a copy of this as well because I'd hate to miss it. Full color pages? Wow, that's what I want to see. SO many GW books seem to have a high percentage of BW pages which is ridiculous in an age where the NEWSPAPER is full color.

Anyway, thanks for the info! The book sounds top-notch.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 01:52 pm:

Yeah it looks like they culled some of the best aspects of old dead RPG's to make the system. IE the hit locations from cyberpunk, different criticle hit effects from ICE's LoTOR, They call it Fate but it's like the force point system from West End Games' Star Wars game. The more I read the better I like it.

I will be looking to pre-order the other books that I know I'll want so that I'll be sure to get em. I know I want the players guide, armoury book, and the scenario books so.

OH they also have inside the covers a map of the galaxy doen up like the old maps with monsters swallowing ships and the like :)

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Friday, February 01, 2008 - 09:25 am:

Ok so I spent a bit of time last night reading the book. Here's a breakdown of the basic system.

XP- Works very similiar to White Wolf where you are given xp after encounters and Roleplaying. The pay out is low with easy things getting like 20 xp BUT... just like WW you spend the xp to increase your skills and Attributes. The cost is not that high and after you spend enough XP you automatically go to the next rank or level.

Levels- It's career paths and these work like Star Wars Galaxies. At each rank there are a number of skills and Traits you can spend XP on and when you spend enough you go to the next rank. Eventually you have to choose between a further path when they branch off the main.

Combat and using skills- I'm combining this for ease of explanation. This is a d10/d100 system meaning you use percentages. Now when you roll you want to get under your current attribute or skill number. IE if your BS is 35 you have to roll under 35 on a d100. Now before you get like what the @%&$#% hear me out, there will be modifiers that will either add or subtract from your skill number. IE hitting a Greater Demon is easier so you get a positive modifier but if you are trying to hit necron scarab it's harder so you get a negetive modifier. It also works both ways so going back to the GD example he will have a nagetive modifier for hitting you. Also if your the same size catagory there is no modifier either way.

Armor- Works very much like Cyberpunk where there are hit locations and your armor will protect certain areas for a certain value known as AP. How this works is that when you are hit in a certain location that is armored you subtract the AP from the damage done and then take wounds (I'll get to wounds in a moment.) I have yet to find if like in cyberpunk the armor value decreases when it gets hit and allows damage through but I am still reading. Armor ranges from light clothing to powered armor.

Wounds, Critical Hits, Fatigue and Death- This is probably the most leathal game I have ever encountered. It takes the quick damage from cyberpunk and throws on the critical hit effects of ICE's LoTOR. You have a wound value average is probably 12 as you take damage your wounds decrease once they are gone you start taking critical hits. These CH's can range from glanceing hits that add Fatigue to hits that instatnly kill you. The way it works is say you have 12 wounds and take 13 points of damage, that nets you a CH of 1 and depending on the weapon type (Energy, Impact, Rending, or explosive) depends on the effect but you'll defenitly survive it. Now say you get hit for 6 points of damage, that gets added to the previous hit so you now take a CH of 7. Depending on the damage type this is the last of the survivable CH's, get hit again and your gonna die. Leathal yes but •••• it'll make combat quick. Now fatigue should you get any fatigue from strenous activity or damage you suffer minus' to your skills if you take enough fatigue to match or exceed your toughness bonus you have to make a d100 test or pass out.

I'm still reading so when I get to Fate, sanity and corruption points I'll fill you in further. All in all I like what I'm reading and look forward to trying it should anyone in my group want to play.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Friday, February 01, 2008 - 11:10 am:

Oh and to give you an idea of the size of this book it's 400 pages and character creation takes up the first 122 pages.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Friday, February 01, 2008 - 11:13 am:

Hey, Warsmith, thank you for this update. This makes the game seem all the more interesting I think - different than some of the vanilla RPGs I usually play and with aspects taken from all the best RPGs we all know and love.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 08:53 am:

Good news. It was announced on the 22nd that GW sold the rights to all it's non Tabletop games to Final FLight Games. This includes Dark Heresy and Fantasy Pen and Paper, as well as all the board and card games ever produced by GW in the past 25 years.

I was thinking about it and this not only means that Dark Heresy will continue but we could be seeing a new updated version of Space Hulk.

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 10:28 am:

Not bad at all. We shall see what comes of it. Who knows? Maybe Dark Heresy will see some additional attention after all.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 - 09:12 am:

Yesterday Gary Gygax passed on.

CNN Story

By Houdini (Houdini) on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 - 01:32 pm:

I've been reading the WotC message boards and their is much suspicion around their move to bring out 4th edition AD&D. Many threads stated similar things, but I've taken an excerpt from one of the bloggers who makes the point rather well (thus saving me valuable effort writing stuff).

Is it a case of the wizard of the coast boss man (Hasbro) keeping us down and pulling a Microsoft on the gaming community? You decide!

a guy who calls himself Real orion on the wizards D20 message board writes:

It's not as much about us end-users as it is tightening the leash on the RPG industry. They basically pulled a Microsoft. They made their "platform" free, which means that it became the industry standard. MS did it with DOS and Wizards did it with D20.

Once you have the platform, now it's far, far more convenient to just use whatever runs on that platform. I'm almost entirely uninterested in learning other RPG systems at this point. If you're not using D20, you'll probably not get my money. I know that that's illogical (different systems are better suited to different genres and game settings), but there it is. Laziness wins out.

So now that theirs is the industry standard platform, now that everyone uses D20 as a matter of course, Wizards wants to reduce the freedoms in the OGL (in fact, change the OGL into something else entirely), and take that "openness" and change it into brand loyalty. They basically want to be de facto in charge of the whole RPG industry. They want to be able to make internal changes that everyone else then has to conform to. And it's working.

Between that and the fact that D20 works just fine the way it is, I have no great enthusiasm about 4e.

--Bryan throwing wizards under the bus because, first you fight the man, then you become the man.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 - 01:46 pm:

Jon and I have been talking about 4e for awhile now. The only reason we MAY buy the book is to read the changes to the hitory of the world. This may change as it comes out but I don't know. Personally I like the D20 system but I prefer the percentile system of Cyberpunk and now Dark Heresy.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 - 04:08 pm:

That's why I still play and run 2nd Ed D&D. For friendly gaming, you can really use anything you want. The problem surfaces when you try to play with new people you don't already know.

By Houdini (Houdini) on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 - 03:54 pm:

It's all about preference really.

I have friends who play every campaign setting (including D&D) using savage world rules. It's a great system actually.

Heck one of these days I might make my own system just for fun.

BryWorld RPG. Roll a D1000 dice for initiative baby!

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 10:54 am:

So Houdini,

This should be a pretty good d20 modern game you're going to be running. I checked out the book at the store the other day and thought about getting it - but it was like $40 so I may wait on it. Should be the bomb, yo.


By Houdini (Houdini) on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 11:29 am:

Yes it will. It will.

I was just thinking of a cool spell idea.

Ass Kicking

2nd Level spell

Material component: piece of leather from an old boot.

Duration: 1 round per caster level

Wizard summons a might boot of asskicking that floats behind intended target and kicks enemy in the buttocks for as many rounds as the spell caster has levels unless the spellcaster withdraws the spell.

Does 1D4 damage per round. Automatic hit if the target doesn't have padding on their buttocks.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - 02:57 pm:

Ever read "Goblins?"


By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 03:32 pm:

Wow, this site lets you pay for the original D&D materials... really cheap, $5 each or so, and you can get them in a .zip format. Some of this stuff is almost impossible to find anywhere else.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 09:31 am:

Nice game last night, Bry. Thanks for introducing us to d20 Modern and the super-org known as Department-7. Looking forward to more great games in the future!

By Houdini (Houdini) on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 03:35 pm:

Thanks Sol! I hope it was a good introduction to my game. You guys did some fantastic roleplaying.

More to follow.. stay tuned!

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 09:41 am:

My D20 Core Rulebook is now officially on the way from eBay - just $25 or so! Thanks SmokeDuster!

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Monday, June 09, 2008 - 09:23 am:

I was in Barnes yesterday evening and took a look at the players guide to 4th edition. I was not happy at all.

Here are some of the changes.
Races- included new races. Dragonborn, Eladrin, and Tirfling. Removed Gnomes.
Classes- included a new warlord class. Removed Barbarian and Bard. Prestige classes are now restricted to a certain class and called Paragon Paths.

It was pretty much at this point I got sickened and stopped flipping through it.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 11:20 am:

Ok heres a few more things I've read about 4th edition.

Because of those paths in the classes you can no longer multi-class.

They've reduced the number of skills down to just 17. and you get a set number of points per level that can never change, apparently a high Int no longer gives a bonus to skill points. Along those lines your class skills are at your level + 5 and cross class skills are 1/2 your level, so that means you can't put any points in cross-class skills till 2nd level and even then only one point can go in.

Armor check penalty affects anything physical. Ok that may not sound so bad but think about this. Con is classed as a physical attribute therefor anything useing Con bonus is considered physical activity includeing resisting the effects of a poison or disease.

Theres more but I'm too disgusted at the moment. I mean they basically undid almost all the advances in hte game mechanics to make it so everyone was no longer a cookie cutter version of each other. In fact it's reminding me of what SOE did to SWG.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Saturday, June 14, 2008 - 11:35 am:


Please go on. Your knowledge of the systems is comprehensive and I am not knowledgeable in SOE or SWG. Please tell more when the disgust levels go down. I looked in the 4th Ed D&D Player's Guide also, but I have to admit, I couldn't make heads or tails of it since it was all so different from what I am used to.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Monday, June 16, 2008 - 11:11 am:

One of the biggest things was they changed the alinments. the old way had nine alighnment options.

Lawfull good Lawfull Neutral Lawfull Evil
Nuetral Good Neutral Nuetral Evil
Chaotic Good Chaotic Nuetral Chaotic Evil

Now in the new system there are only 5 options

Lawfull Good
Chaotic Evil

Now what I meant with SOE and SWG is kinda Complicated. When SWG launched it had somewhere around 25 professions. Some were starter others were ones that you had to have certain rankings in the starter professions. FOr example when I started I was going to be a Bounty Hunter, an Elite profession that required you to master both the Marksman and Scout professions. So I chose the Scout starter profession and when I first logged in went to a marksman trainer and took that as well.

So the Professions looked like this

tree 1 d tree 2 d tree 3 d tree 4 d
tree 1 c tree 2 c tree 3 c tree 4 c
tree 1 b tree 2 b tree 3 b tree 4 b
tree 1 a tree 2 a tree 3 a tree 4 a

For some of the higher proffesions you had to master only one starter or one starter and only certain trees of a second. You only had so many points to train with but you could master three professions and have a few left over or you could train only a few trees in several professions and have a mix of abilities.

Now when Jedi came out you had to loot Holocrons off of certain NPC's and it would tell you that you had to train a certain profession. For example my only Holocron said I should be an entertainer, but since I had just unlocked Bounty Hunter finally I said no way. So you master the proffesion it told you to and you now have to find another one and repeat till the holocron is silent and you have to train a random profession till it tells you you are a Jedi. You would then have a second CHarecter slot made availible for that Jedi. Jedi were Extremely Rare and when they died 3 times they would be perminantly dead and the player would have to start over.

Eventually they made it so that you had to do certain things to get an old man to visit you and send you on quests to allow you access to a village on dathomir. There you would trade in XP towards Jedi Training and then Eventually you would unlock Jedi for your current Charecter. It still took time but Jedi no longer had Perma-death.

Now SOE released a Expansion dealing with Episode 3's planet Mustafar and had Jedi specific quests. Unknown to any players however was that in the codeing for the expansion was a massive change in the way the game worked and 2 days after the release those changes went into effect.

All but nine professions were eliminated and Jedi was included in those nine and made a starting profession. Instead of chosing the trees you wanted or training in a build you wanted to play all toons of a profession all had the same build and so were "Cookie-cutter."

In this way they dumbed down the game much as Wizards of the Coast is now doing with D&D. The only difference is that unlike with SOE we can choose to play the old editions of the game and not the new one.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Monday, June 16, 2008 - 01:26 pm:

The change with alignments sounds really dumb to me. I think a better move would have been to remove them entirely. That or else keep the old system. More and more I am starting to think that 4th Edition was a real poor move.

The truth is that when they came out with 3rd I really felt the same way. AD&D and 2nd Edition were in most ways the SAME GAME as the original D&D was back in the day. But when they went to 3rd, they made a lot of radical changes to the system. True, they grew on me over time, but in the purest sense, to me it wasn't really D&D. That's why I've stayed with 2nd all these years. Because I am a D&D Purist. There, I said it!

I was going to buy the 4th Edition Player's Guide, but now I am not so sure. My money might be better spent elsewhere.

Also I just bought $75 more Orks during my vacation, but that just means I have 2 reasons now instead of one.


--Who Just Saw the Incredible Hulk and thinks that Bruce Banner IS the original Ork Warlord.

By Sol-El of the House of El (Sol) on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 - 04:46 pm:

Story of a new GM's woes:

Man, some players can be jerks! GM's solution also listed.