These are photos of my 'kids'...I mean cats.

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This is "Max", she used to lay like this when she was pregnant. Sam & Connor are her sisters. Max is the best leaf hunter I've ever seen. She's loves climbing the curtains and periodically goes insane (for about 10 minutes). (17K)
This is Max's daughter "Avery". She takes after her dad. She dosen't like to be held but boy when she wants attention she'll bite your hand to get you to pet her.(17K)
Max's second son, "Nathan". He's the odd one. One of his favorite smells is 'Listerine' on your breath.(17K)
Max's oldest, "Taylor". His nickname is 'tater' or 'tater-tot'. He's my buddy. He has one talent that I don't see too much in cats....he fetches. Not just anything, he has a special satin mouse that he will bring to you and drop it at your feet to get you to play with him. He's also the one who usually wakes me in the morning.(19K)
This is "Sam" she is a true southern-bell. She's a true princess. Sweet and demure one minute, tear your head off the next. She loves to pose and be admired. She really is a sweetheart.(8K)
If "Dalton" had a tattoo, it would say 'Born to Cuddle'. He's a big boy, but it's all muscle. He just loves being cuddled. He'll just curl up on your tummy and sleep for hours.(15K)
Taylor got a bit smelly, so Larry gave him a bath. I forget exactaly why we had to bathe him but he really didn't like it at all.(19K)
It's Taylor, Dalton and there is Dekotah (our youngest) in the middle.(20K)
This is "Bandit", our oldest. Larry rescued him from a person who really didn't appreciate cats much. Bandit gets a bit skittish, especially around Halloween (being all black cat of course and tough to photograph). He really is a good cat even if he has a 'god' complex.(27K)
Here is Connor, she's a flirt. She is a real 'Georgia Peach' (where she was born). She actually likes going for rides in the car. I'll take her to the video store and she will run around the store greeting customers and making new friends. I really don't think she has a mean bone in her body.(58K)

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