Which DRIVER and BIOS are the BEST?

3D Mark 99      Quake 2 Demo      Unreal      Direct 3D

Diamond .0252 (Unofficial driver)
Diamond Driver revision .0252 is out on Microsoft's HCL site!
New Features include:
Added Flat Panel support, TV and CRT selection to "Output Selection" Property Page.

What About Performance?

    After running a series of tests I came to the conclusion that Diamond's newest (unofficial) driver makes great strides in Direct 3D, yet improves nothing involving OpenGL. 3D Mark scores stayed the same in some catagories, but way up in the 2, 4 and 8 meg rendering ( giving numbers very similar to nVidia's when DX5 compatibility mode is turned on...) I've heard around the net that some people have used this driver and then increased their 3D Mark scores nearly 200 points! Quite possibly my processor is limiting the Viper too much to see a difference.
    Quake 2 scores were identical to the nVidia numbers, while my Direct 3D test showed little improvement. Although, this test is not a seems not to be a good indicator of DirectX 6. Playing Myth 2 showed about a 4 fps difference (17fps to 21fps) from nVidia's current reference drivers. Of special note is one problem I had with NBA live 99. In a game, the court lines were flying all over the place, going back to nVidia drivers solved the problem. Something must have changed to create this problem, for I have never seen it before.

Download my 3D Mark Database file here
Diamond .0245 (Official Driver)
New Features:
Enhancements for 8MB board compatability, Upgraded Gamma settings page with 2d and 3d support Addressed reported monitor refresh issues, and enhanced DDC monitor detection.

What About Performance?

    Diamond's newest OFFICIAL driver is slower than the .0252 driver, and also slightly slower than nVidia's and Diamond's .0241 drivers. I am not surprised at this, for the newest driver, according to the driver numbers, is the one posted on Microsoft's site, .0252.
    I ran some tests through 3D Mark 99, my only good benchmarking program for Direct 3D, and the results showed all I needed to know: about 2-10% slower than nVidia's driver, and 10-20% slower than Diamond's .0252 driver. Look below for the results.
    Once again, the OpenGL API has still been left untouched, thus no performance difference. Does anyone know of release dates for this API??

Download my NEW 3D Mark Database file here

In Depth Tests (1/3/99)
The Suspects:
.0220 = Diamond Driver
.0239 = Diamond Driver
.0241 = Diamond Driver
.0048  = nVidia Ref. Driver

Test Conditions:
AMD K6-200mhz  66mhz bus  96mb fpm ram  Diamond Viper V550 ref B
  Fic PA-2007  Maxtor 2gig & 8.4gig  AOpen 36x Cd-Rom
  Desktop at 800x600x16bit  Windows 98
Not Overclocked  Best 'Gaming Environment' Settings Used

3D Mark 99

The Results show the original Diamond .0220 driver as being the fastest out of all the contestants. I must think that they created this driver for the purpose of benchmarking as the image quality was not as good as the newer drivers (.0241 and .048). When Diamond stepped up the image quality they reduced performance. Look to the future for a driver that combines quality and speed from Diamond based on nVidia's reference driver .048 (that's right, Diamond has yet to make one based on that revision even though it's been out for weeks now...).

Winner: nVidia .0048

3D Mark Database File: Download Here
Microsoft Excel 97 Database File: Download Here

Quake 2 Demo 3.14

1024x768 .0220 20.5
800x600 21
640x480 21
1024x768 .0239 20.5
800x600 21
640x480 21.3
1024x768 .0241 21.3
800x600 21.5
640x480 21.6
1024x768 .0048 21.3
800x600 21.5
640x480 21.8

It's good to see that each driver revision includes a better OpenGL ICD. The only problem was my processor seemed to limit the fps scores. Image quality was good on all drivers, the nVidia driver having a slight edge. I also tested various drivers with the 1.95c bios. The numbers were no different, as expected.

Winner: TIE .0048 & .0241

Unreal 2.20

All Unreal Tests were run with sound, no music and at 640x480, Default OGL

The most revealing test, Unreal, shows just how much the OpenGL driver has changed. The image quality of driver .0220 was horrible! .0239 was better but the leader again is nVidia. It coupled the best image quality and high frame rate I will expect from every driver made from now on.

Winner: nVidia .0048

Direct 3D

Fill Rate .0220 75
Poly. Throughput 311
Intersection Throughput 9.5
.0239 58.6
.0241 59
.0048 76.4
The nVidia drivers really shine here, beating the high scoring .0220 driver by diamond.

Winner: nVidia .0048

Download the Benchmark (570k):

In Conclusion

     Needless to say, I am currently running the Viper V550 with the nVidia Reference Driver .0048 on the 1.95c bios revision. It seems to be the most stable for me, as well as the fastest. nVidia's control panel is better than Diamond's as well. I am waiting with fingers crossed until the release of Diamonds newest drivers based on the .0048 reference suite.
     Bios's are updated to fix problems related to motherboard chipsets and other peripherals. I have tested each bios and found no reliable difference between any one: IN TERMS OF PERFORMANCE. A bios upgrade may be needed to 'fix a mouse problem' as Diamond has said. Some Bios's do not have the right support for TV-Out. I used 1.95c becuase it had the American TV-Out support, two others didn't.
     As always, only flash your bios if you have to. Things do go wrong. A lot. Just use your best judgement, and hope that it does what you expected.

Bottom Line:
Performance: nVidia .0048
Image Quality: nVidia .0048 & Diamond .0241
Display Utilities: nVidia .0048
Overall Winner: nVidia .0048
Best BIOS: Only change BIOS if needed!

Tune in for Diamond and nVidia's next driver release

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This site is not affiliated with Diamond, nVidia or anyone else
It was created by me to show the performance of certain drivers and bios's
01/03/1999    Michael Couillard

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