First IST Dossier Feedback

On Thursday, November 11, 2010, I met with Professor Elizabeth Boling and Dr. Ted Frick to review my dossier in progress and gain feedback. What follows is a summary of that feedback:


  • My research agenda lacks focus. I am unable to articulate the question(s) I am trying to answer; entering the review I was only able to narrow it down to the broad field of design.
  • My teaching and my service are well-populated already and my stated plans and work in progress in both areas leave no cause for concern.
  • The study I already have in progress (The Dossier Game) is not sufficient to demonstrate my ability to perform independent research. The research questions were identified as a root cause, indicating both the lack of a clear agenda and a need for a more thorough review of the literature regarding design theory.
  • I am not as familiar as I ought to be with terminology in the field of design.
  • I am not as familiar as I ought to be with terminology with respect to qualitative research methodology.

For the second review

Following the feedback session (and often integrated with it), were concrete recommendations for next steps I should take to insure that I am moving successfully towards my goals:

Overall, I must clarify my research goals.

All content copyright Micah Modell, 2010 © (unless otherwise specified)