Return to Darkness (Cont.)

Order a Drink:

As you stare at the drab countertop, hoping that the strange detail in the linoleum will somehow magically become text, some set of directions to get you out of this mess. You hear a rythmic snap far off approach closer with every successive sound. You shift your gaze up into the worn, 40-something face of one of the diner's many disgruntled waitresses. She is snapping away at the gum in her mouth, staring down on you with as much disdain as is professionally acceptable.
"What'll ya have?" she barks.
"Excuse me?"
"Food, sir. What would you like to eat? That's why you're here, right?"
"Uh, yeah, of course. Could, could I have just a coffee while I look over the menu."
"Yeah sure, how do you take it?"
She scuttles away, returning in what seems like a heartbeat with a cup of stale coffee and a half hearted smile.
"So? What will you have? I have other customers."
"I'll just have the soup of the day. But, can I ask you: Did I come in here with anyone?"
The waitress stopped snapping her gum, "What kinda question is that? Wouldn't you know if you came here with someone? Is this some sort of joke?"
"I know it sounds crazy, but... Look I had quite a bit to drink last night, I can't remember things so well."
"Well I don't know my shift just started," she rolls her eyes, "I'll ask Eileen" she scuttles away again muttering something about 'damn alcoholics'. You can see her speaking with one of the other waitresses. The new waitress confused approaches you, "Excuse me sir? Yea, you did come in here with someone, a friend of mine actually. His name is Mark."
"I did, thats great news, I had a bit of a rough night. Could you tell me where Mark is? I need to catch up with him."
"Well, I don't know, but I could guess. He's probably somewhere over on 51st. He's always at that new bar, shoot whats the name? Hey Mary!" she shouts to the previous waitress "whats that bar on 51st called?"
"Pulse Bar! How many times I gotta tell you that!"
"Yeah, Pulse Bar, you can find him there usually."
"Thanks so much"

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