Return to Darkness (Cont.)

Drop the Weapon:

"I am! I am! I'm sorry" you shout as you lower the weapon slowly on to the table, everyones attention in the diner has now turned towards you. The officer quickly draws his service weapon and pushes it hard into your sternum knocking the wind out of you and forcing you back from the table.
"Turn around and put your hands behind you," he commands rising quickly from the booth towards you.
"But I-"
"Shut the hell up, and do it before and put you on your back."
As you comply he slaps the handcuffs down harshly on your wrists and throws you into the booth seat opposing his coffee. He stands over you and reaches for his radio "Dispatch I have a 417 here at Scotty's Diner on Lexington, Suspect in Custody, bringing him in now"
"Officer are you even listening to what I have to s-"
"Hey, shut the fuck up unless you want a broken jaw to go with this arrest! Just stay put we're leaving soon."
Looking down at the table in front of you, the unease in your stomach returns, there's nothing to do for now but sit.

Chapter 1 End

Check back in for Chapter 2

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