This is kinda funny -- it shows how the csh systems are used for useful tasks during the summer... hehehe
% w
  1:59pm  up 63 days, 20:07,  12 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.13, 1.00
User     tty from           login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
barrett  pb vaxg.isc.rit.e 12:29pm                      write matta ttyq2 
barrett  pe vaxg.isc.rit.e  1:57pm     1      1         -csh 
cwalker  p8 d109-l027.rh.r  9:15pm     2                write kenny 
jerry    pf dialin-38.neta  1:56pm                      sort 
kenny    p5 jake.cst.digex  7:38am     2                write cwalker 
linus    p9 starfury.cs.ri  7:43am     9                write matta 
matta    pc  8:14am     2                write linus 
matta    q1  1:11pm     1                write noid 
matta    q2 10:05am     2                write barrett 
noid     q0 escstu.isc.rit  1:08pm     3                write matta ttyq1 
shane    p4 jake.csh.rit.e 28Feb97  3:50   7:00   7:00  /stuff/bin.mips/irc Jef