History of Computer Science House

1976 - CSH is Founded

1981 - The birth of CSH as we know & love today

1982 - Acquire PDP-11/15

1983 - Paint the hallways DEC colors (Pink & Purple)

1984 - First DRINK online

1985 - Expansion into Fish

1988 - Second DRINK online

1994 - SIGGRAPH, Clipper

1996 - Resnet, CSHNet is Born. First Dorm floor with internet in every room in the USA?

1997 - Nebula 2000 switch donated by Performance Technologies. VAX and RA90 offline for Renovations

1998 Fall - Relocates to NRH2 for Fish Renovations

1999 May - Relocates to Gibson for NRH Renovations

1999 Nov - Returns to NRH3 after renovations

2000 - DRINK rennovation. Teenies & iButtons (Grahams, Kuker, JT), Sunday Protocol

2001?? - Water Fountains are a Fire Hazard (Jimmy Shotglass)

2005 - SOAP Created by Brian Allchin and Mark Tran

2009 - One Fox, White Fox; Whitefox MailServer Dies

2007 - Bad Touch (Operational MultiTouch Prototype) by Big Dan, Woz, Corry Haines, Travis Popkave

2008 (Spring) - SNACK installed with DRINK

2008-2009 - Multitouch 1.0 created for ImagineRIT by Dumont, Spencer Place, Alex Howland