Welcome to my Javascript seminar. This website will be a test website to show how to manipulate different DOM elements using javascript. Doesn't that sound like fun? To get started, please make sure you have Google Chrome installed, we will be using the Console a lot.
We'll start off with basic DOM tree elements. How do I get the header div content?
Cool! Can you get it in this div here?:
Once you've done that, lets play with some style changes. You knew you could do that in Javscript, right?
Okay, this is kinda dumb, but lets try something. Can you count in an unordered list, using Javascript? Let's count to 10. Use the ul below.
You see this all the time. People click something, and something happens. You hover something, and it happens. There are a few common events you can do with this.
So lets do this. There's a mysterious div lurking below this text. When you hover over the title of this section, can you make it appear?