You seem to have stumbled on my stuff. Coolios. You're probably looking for something. Or just stalking my stuffs on cshnet. Yeah, I do actually use my website. EXCITING.

If you don't know me, HI. I'm Emily (aka ducktape). I'm a CSHer from Fall'08(20081)-Winter'13(20122)!. I've done a lot with CSH, I've lived on floor the whole time. Social for 2009-2010, Social for Winter'10-Spring'11 and History for Fall'12-Winter'12. yep... know you know a bit about me. Woo. Check out my wiki if you're suuuper curious.

Anyways. Below are a lot of things I've worked on here, both CSH-Specific, and other things I've done, not as CSH resources. I tried to sort them based on interest. Enjoy :)


Projects, Fun, Experiments