Cool Links 2002/2003

The Lev Forum: Presents from the Web!: Cool Links 2002/2003
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

<!-NOTE: Message edited by 'admin'-!>An idea for a new topic:

Presents from the Web!

People love getting presents, and we LEVers are no exception! The purpose of this TOPIC is for people to post the URL of a cool Web present. It should be in the form of a

cool computer games
free computer programs

or maybe to a lesser extent,

links to picture archives
other free stuff on the web

The rule is:

You must DESCRIBE what the link is, where it goes, why it is worth it, etc. If it is a game, you must explain what the game is and how to play, what you liked about it, etc. In other words, include a brief Review. Don't just say "Hey try this:"

Let the presents begin!
<FONT SIZE="-1">
Please Note: To use active hyperlinks in your post remember to use the following format syntax:
\newurl{URL, text description}</FONT>

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Want to play some Pizza Worm? Be a little worm, a HUNGRY little worm! Pizza Worm Want Pizza! Yeah! He runs all around the Pizza Parlour eating all the pizza. Eat as much as you can, but don't hit the wall, and don't hit yourself! Oh, and the more he eats, the longer he gets! Go Pizza Worm!



note - this file is zipped! You need pkunzip to use this game!

By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

A good Job Search engine:

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Monday, August 06, 2001 - 11:34 pm:

Hehehehehehehe. Someone finally made a website for people of my demeanor. check it out:

What's in a name? Everything.

By The CheeseWizzard (Sol) on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 03:27 pm:

Want to join a real religion? One that believes in aliens and cloning? Go see their dodecalingual website here:

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 06:39 pm:

ummmmm... yeah. ;>

By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 03:35 pm:

Wouldn't it be great if someone actually tried to make a REAL hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?

Cool informative site about life, the universe, and well... everything!

By Technomage (Houdini) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 04:12 pm:

Weird site devoted to the Tourist guy at various
tragic point in history.

It's kinda lame, stupid and a waste of your time.

Uh.. your welcome. =)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, November 12, 2001 - 10:40 am:

seen it.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 09:30 am:

If you like the show Stargate SG-1 you may like REALLY like this website.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 10:45 am:

Here is Allanis' new song - hear it first!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 05:04 pm:

Colorgenics generates a psychological profile based on colors you choose. I tried it and it was really damn accurate. Give it a try, and relay your experiences back here (on LEV, not necessarily in this topic) :) ENJOY!

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, April 05, 2002 - 01:04 pm:

Was looking for star wars themes for my computer when I found this site.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, April 05, 2002 - 01:04 pm:

Was looking for star wars themes for my computer when I found this site.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Thursday, June 13, 2002 - 03:16 pm:

I thought this company had disappeared, but it now appears they are back. Aprentice is a game that lets you play head to head M.T.G. games with your friends over the net.

If you are looking to play against a computer player, you will have to look elsewhere. This game relies on human beings to play.

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 10:47 am:

Triumph the insult comic dog vs. Star wars- for those of you who missed seeing this on Conan's late nite show, like I did. This is so funny, it reminds me of some extremists from RWAG.

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 03:00 pm:

The name says it all:

a Fart Within the Matrix

It makes me laugh.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 01:13 pm:


Remember this old telnet game run on the old BBS's? Guess what?!? I found a bunch of places that revamped it and run it! The particular server I play on is All you need is a telnet application that supports ansi/vt100 and you're IN! I have a corporation and everything. If you're interested in a job plying the galactic trade routes with Laugh-a-lot Inc. let me know, I can give you the password to join my corp and start a lucrative, highly profitable life as a rogue trader! :)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 01:14 pm:

re -2:

HEY! I was in RWAG!

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 01:48 pm:


Yeah, so.... =) But did you see the movie at the end of the link I posted? It would probably exclude you- provided that you don't dress in Jedi robes, have an imaginary girlfriend (Unless Brenna is a projection of your mind, and a very convincing one) and prance around with a plastic light saber tucked in your Darth Vader underoos.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 03:04 pm:

Well, I WANTED jedi robes, and I in fact DID carry the electric light-up lightsaber to the Special Edition trilogy theatrical re-release a few years ago. Brenna is NOT imaginary, and those people have lives and feelings just like everybody else. They just happen to enjoy immersing themselves in Star Wars, and I find nothing wrong with that. Am I a nerd? I can proudly say, YES, I AM A NERD. All you nerds out there, stand up, UNITE against the oppression of those who claim to be cool. Being a nerd IS COOL! I have spoken...

By the way, this ranting and raving session was paid for by the National Association of Nerds, Geeks, Dweebs, and Losers and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the author... :)

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 04:30 pm:

Yes, I know about your light saber, Fred... but you don't have Darth Vader underoos. Then again, I wouldn't really know... For all I know you could be prancing around in Brenna's G-strings... And I don't wanna know what kind of panties you wear (eewww).

"Those people" in the Triumph clip go FAR beyond "immersing". I like star wars, yet I don't prance around in the height of Jedi Couture, nor do I wish to be reincarnated as George Lucas' penis. *sigh* maybe I'm just not extreme enough in my fandom to "fit in". *sigh* how do I go on, I'm not geeky enough! My ego, it hurts!!!!

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Monday, August 19, 2002 - 10:04 pm:

Just because.. I am posting a link to Rising Dragon Tattos for those who want to see the beautiful work of Darren Rosa and his talented underlings. This past 4th of July was my "pet Dragon's birthday". The pain I experienced is sill fresh in my mind, as I was suffering since the ibuprophen wore off 4 hours into the 6 hour tattoo session. Once again, thanks to Fred and Brenna for suffering with me...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 11:00 am:

I don't know if I've posted this before, but this
website works like a way-back machine for all of your favorite websites! Want to see the Netscape website as it was back in 1996? You can with this baby!

It is also good for recovering old web documents that have now since been lost. For example, my old website at RIT was toasted after I left, including an old draft of my resume. Not so with the way back machine!

By Starlit simulacron (Ranger) on Sunday, September 29, 2002 - 01:12 pm:

Pretty pictures; cosmic facts:

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 11:57 am:

Did you know Hobbits could bust a rap rhyme?

Yo yo yo check out the Lord of the Rhymes!

By I, (Ranger) on Saturday, December 13, 2003 - 04:05 pm:

A comic strip for gamers