By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
There's a site called "Partners in Rhyme" that has LOADS of sound files for you to use in your computer programs, or just to download and listen to for fun. If you are programming your own game, or just want to download and listen to some funky music effects, drop in and get some. They are FREE and you can use them however you want!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, in case you haven't heard me rave about this space adventure yet, well, it is called SPACED and it follows the daring exploits of Biff and Spiff, citizens of Atlantis, who are called upon to save their Continent from some greasy-haired aliens who have stolen away thier power-crystal. Get in your spaceship and GO! There are 4 INTENSE levels, incredible fun, enjoyable to play. Face space-worms, Asteroids, even a Robot with a Giant Vaccuum Cleaner! And a surprise awaits you on the final level...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
For some reason, I can't follow the above-posted link... so you might have to type it in by hand! Cheerio!
Since the brainfulness-endowing crystal of Atlantis has been stolen, all of the beings there have become slobbering idiots. Something has to be done, so our heroes Biff and Spiff take off in a ship, hoping that they can regain the crystal before their whole race achieves total stupidity. Help them blunder their way through the vast reaches of space to the enemies' base and recover the crystal, so that the Island of Atlantis won't be lost (this is a historically correct game!)
By No one here is exactly what he appears (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date: |
I think it's just you Sol. Because for this link has now worked from AustinDetek, RIT CS, RIT ISC, AOL and home......
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Reflection Surprise Terror For the futur (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date: |
Now why would I want to do that???????
just so I can play a cheap rip off, when I have the original ?????? (bought by my foolish employer)
{now to read the stories!]
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
I found this cool software last night that lets you send and recive faxes and voice mail, it also serves as an addressbook and speed dialer for voice calls. The software is shareware, but it like winzip, it doesn't time out after 30 days.
Call Center has a very nice interface. You must have a faxmodem and a sound card for this package to work.
For Windows 95/98/NT platforms,
Get Call Center Now
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
For any of you who are interested in Wing Commander technology, I have found the definitive site. It has ship classes, specifications, and capabilities. And also it has pictures.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
DHTML Asteroids!
Play asteroids on your Internet Explorer 4.0 web browser!
Warning: This game will not run properly in Netscape browsers!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sun Microsystems is *almost* giving away for
free the latest version of Solaris on CD-ROM.
Yes, friends, Solaris, the UNIX operating system of choice for the ultra high-tech programmer on the go.
For $10 plus shipping and handling
Sun will send you a copy of Solaris 7.0 on CD-ROM.
For non-comercial use of course. :>
Intel or Sparc version available.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Get this folks. A company calling itself Free-PC
is doing a trial run of 10,000 computers to be given away to qualified households.
The idea? You get a free PC with a 333 MHZ pentium processor and 15 inch 1024 x 768 monitor.
The catch?
A frame always appears on the PC which displays
corporate advertising, and you have to use your computer at least 10 hours a month. Also,
you can only run windows apps on it.
But, the good things are that you get a free computer and free internet access.
For some people straped for cash this might not
be such a bad deal. :>
Read about it here:
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |, Try Virtual Viagra!
Now this is an interesting little tidbit I found which claims the ability to enhance your computer's performance in untold ways! It is FREE and it is from Netscape. If you try it, tell me what you think!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cool Software !
The Role Playing Assitant does it all!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Web Filter Now!
This web-filter lets your machine automatically take out annoying pictures, ads, etc from the pages you visit most often. Unfortunately, it also needs Linux to run, but hey! Some of you guys like that stuff! Anyway, go try it out!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
A cool 3d Rendering engine....
It is easy to use, and you can program all kinds of 3-d stuff. You can even try out the fully-functional Demo (although animations are limited in this version to 3 minutes).
Download Demo here
Works in Windows or even... Linux! Yeah baybee! I really love this program, it really does everything for you. I wonder if it is of use? There's also a BIG online Online Manual.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Still looking for a use for your old computer?
Howabout the Interntet? This link will take you to a page full of DOS Browsers for the Internet, including arachne, a really GOOD one!
DOS Internet now - the Mighty 80-88
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
For those who wish to become Jedis, there is an actual site that teaches you all you need to know!
Legends of the Force
Includes meditation techniques, breathing exercises, and even how to build your own Lightsabre! A must-see.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
But have you tried...
The Virtual Kissing Booth?
Go on in, try your luck, even volunteer to be IN the kissing booth for future visitors to smooch!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Wanna check out a REALLY cool online Movie experience? Go see WhirlGirl! She's the best superhero around, and you can see her on the web right now!
A new movie EVERY WEEK.
Check Out WhirlGirl
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cartmangotchi is a living Cartman of your own to feed, play with and love.
Get Cartmangotchi Now!
*needs shockwave plug-in*
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Free 2nd Edition AD&D character sheets here...
save 'em as GIFs and send 'em to the Laserprinter!
Warrior Rogue Wizard Priest
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Free voicemail, free e-mail, easy access to all of it in one place...
Onebox! Surf the Web all day and get phone messages through your e-mail. Give it a try!
I was seriously thinking about getting this one...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Excite does this, too...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
So you're planning on Moving, eh? What about cost of living? How much are expenses in your target location versus staying where you are right now? Well, now you have, at your disposal, the
Salary Calculator!
Just punch in your location, and the target location. The Salary Calculator does the rest - gives you an estimate of how much money you would need to make to "break even" in the New Location!
Try it!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
More freeware for you! What's here? Viewing tools, programming tools, WINAmp (now freeware) and so much more. When you get tired of paying for stuff, go here:
The Freeware Arena
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK, your Freeware Daddy SoL has another special Present from the Web for you!
It is called laser age... just look!
you can get it here:
Laser Age, Wing Commander Secret Ops, Adv of Tim
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
A handy way to keep track of all your stats, maps, GM hints, and more! Never lose anything again! Very cool, very free! For Windows 3.1 or higher.
The RolePlaying Game Accounting System
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Get that ancient computer of yours on the Internet with this cool TEXT web-browser. Yeah, you know it, you love it, it's Lynx, and it is totally free! Also available - the DJGPP source code in case you want to tinker! Now, does it get any better than that?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Here's a site where you can download free internet access! It has a flash animation describing everything--the only catch is a small advertising window which you can't close. Everything else seems legit to me, tho... Check it out:
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Awesome shareware graphics viewer / converter called SEA! get it! Esp you, Fred!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
What's that supposed to mean? ;>
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
You can use it to turn .bmp's into gifs! It's easy - just run it, select your file, then press F2!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'm working on getting a registered full-graphics suite on my work-station. That oughtta work, too.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
For all you freaks who like assembly,
Brotherhood of Assembly and Machine Programmers
By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date: |
I resemble that remark!
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
Americanism: a social disease of the postindustrial world characterized by a loss of work ethic, a shrinking of inner resources, and a constant need for external stimulation. You can recognize the victim by his constant efforts to get in touch with himself, to believe his spiritual feebleness is an interesting psychological warp, to construe his fleeing from responsibility as evidence that he and his life are uniquely open to new experience. In the latter stages, the sufferer is reduced to seeking that most trivial of
human activities: fun.
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'd tell you where to find FUN, but I thought you could help me.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Fun is an illusion created by the machines who run the matrix...
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ah...yes, the matrix.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Want to see some really old Star Wars newspaper comics? You can have them all in ZIP format, or just go through them at the website! Awesome!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Check it out! Tired of having to leaf through 9 codexes and 20 expansions? Why not get the WarHammer 40K Games Bible? It includes HUNDREDS of viewable Pages, an extensive Index, and it is FREE. (Games Workshop even gives its blessings). Go get it! No Tabletop fanatic should be without it!
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I read in Dragon Magazine of a site called
Dragonscroll which selld RPG and Anime stuff at
20-30% off regular price. maybe worth a look!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Go to for the greatest Flash-toons of all time!
See timeless classics like these:
Frog in a Blender,
Gerbil in a Microwave,
Lemming Cliff-diving Contest,
Nanna Hooters,
Superfly I & II...
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ok guys, guess where I'm gonna be shopping for your christamas presents this year....
They've got lots of items for sale that are so stupid, they're funny. Like Dr. Evil's bag of Shhh!
Then there's pet rat candy and human dog food. Believe me it only gets stranger. Check it out, it makes for a good laugh.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
(thank your friendly neighborhood MOD for making that above link active, Nat...) ;>
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Thank you my friendly neighborhood mod =) I might just but you that Dr. Evil's bag of Shhh! for being so nice...
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Introducing MOPy, the virtual pet fish for your windows screensaver!
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hehehe Cool! I found out my high school has a website! Check it out!
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and the Performing Arts
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
dirt cheap plane tickets to Rochester (like $50 cheap from JFK) they also fly to to LA and other cities.
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
From the desk of Solenoid:
The Wizards site is full of free D&D downloads... reference materials from players, some of it looks like they turned 2nd edition manuals into downloadable zip files...! maps, software(some) and adventures to run PCs through. Check it out! A hundred items!
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Where is Sol these days? Daddy Sol! Where'd you go?
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
here's the wonderful website of Captain Underpants! Destined to fight the evil Dr. Poopypants!
It's mainly a kids site, but it's kind of fun. You can have Dr. Poopypants create a silly name for you. My name turned out to be Zippy Pizzachunks.
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey Fred! I put your name through Dr. Poopypants' name change-o-chart- your silly name is "Greazy Gizzardpants"!
Ha ha!
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
oops... Uhhh. I mean "Greasy Gizzardpants".. Yeah, that's it.
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Haha... cool but why no romance?
PS: I pressed the red buton!
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
by the way.. my name was Lumpy Giglefanny.
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
I don't think wedgies and love mix. That's probably why there's no romance.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Confused? go to the website and check it out. Silly boy =)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I put in Eric's name, and it's Crusty Liverjuice.
James is Poopsie Liverjuice.
Faye is Greasy Liverjuice.
Unless you use her maiden name, and then she's Greasy Pottybrain...
Brenna was Lumpy Pizzapants, I think.
Sol's was kewl. You should type it in and see what it is...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Falafel Liverhiney... ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
whoah. I need to go to bed... Dengit...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Damien is Gidget Girdletush. Goodnight! ;>
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Falafel! He he!
If you take a Falafel Bean and shake it in the popcorn popper, it explodes into OODLES of tasty Falafel! Mmmmm!