By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 10:36 am: |
The Chorf'ka zipped through space toward a looming space station which revolved around the planet called Ghorii by its inhabitants. It was alight with all number of beacons, some of which illuminated places in the spectrum that could not be seen by the human eye, others that produced an array of colours both brilliant and welcoming. As the space station grew larger in the field of view, a vast landing bay opened up and received the Chorf'ka. As large as the Space Station was, however, there was no way that the VAXMigrator would be able to enter.
The VAXMigrator was a massive vessel, capable of some amazing maneuvers the like of which had barely been seen anywhere else in the galaxy. This is because it had engines capable of propelling the ship through fourspace - and as a result it was capable of immense feats of space travel unknown to the denziens of the galaxy.
Admiral Greyfox was no ordinary man. He was possessed of a knowledge which allowed him to personally manipulate the very fabric of fourspace by his own will alone. It was a dangerous power - this had been proven time and time again - but it was a power which had saved the crew and also untold lives by its use. There was no person better qualified to command the VAXMigrator, a fourspace-enabled vessel, than Greyfox - aka Jayson Lynxor - for the very concepts and theories behind the ship's creation were not an abstraction to him - they were life itself.
"Mister Philo," he said, "Call the Ambassador to the launch bay. I would like him to be present upon our arrival at the space station."
* * *
Solenoid was in meditation in his quarters when the summons arrived. He breathed a deep breath. It was time. He had sensed that this moment was coming. That this time would come.
"The Admiral has requested your presence," said Philo over the comm.
"Tell him he can count on me," said Sol, "On my way."
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Monday, October 01, 2007 - 04:18 pm: |
Only shortly later, Ambassador Solenoid arrived in the launch bay. The launch doors were already open in preparation and the alien Space Station was gigantic for it filled the entire field of view, some one hundred feet by one hundred feet. Slowly turning on its axis, the behemoth moved silently, for there could be no sound in the depths of space - neither had the atmospheres of the Space Station and that of the VAXMigrator yet touched.
Solenoid looked out interestedly, taking in everything he could about the design of this artifact. There was a subtlety in its design which led Sol to believe that such subtlety was important to these people as a culture. The lines of the Space Station were smooth, certain features were represented upon the surface of it again and again - power couplings, weapons systems, relays, beacons, even nonstandard and nonessential systems were repeated.
What they would find aboard he couldn't yet say, but he hoped that it would be friendly.
By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - 04:11 pm: |
Commander Data had been viewing all of the events since the VAXMigrator approached the Ghorii system. This was extremely simple for him now that his positronic brain had been wirelessly tied in with the ship's computer. That had been Philo's doing. That man was an enigma to Data, even more so than most humans, if indeed Philo was human. When the information had come to him, Data had been in his quarters dreaming. It wasn't something that he needed to do, but it was something that he enjoyed doing from time to time. In his dream he had been a bird - a bird flying in space. The feeling of the solar wind blew all around him, ruffling his feathers, though Data knew consciously that it was impossible.
Ahead he saw that he was not alone... a blue star was in the distance and the VAXMigrator shot through space ahead of him. As if it was sharing the great black sky with him, the vessel banked and came alongside him.
-Well hello there- intoned Data, turning a yellow eye to the metal eagle in space, -And where are you going?-
-Mister Data, we've come into the Gorii System - this will be an excellent place to obtain supplies.-
-Would you say also that there are fine nesting grounds in Gorii?-
-No- said the VAXMigrator, as it flapped its solar wings, -I doubt very much that we will find the haven we are looking for here.-
And at that moment, the whole of space was burning with a shower of meteors, fiery and blue. One struck the VAXMigrator, another narrowly missed Data, and within an instant, the android was awake in his bed.
-Computer- he thought, -What system are we approaching?-
-Ghorii- came the reply, -Contact has already been made and Ambassador Solenoid has been called to the launch bay.-