Post Archive - (Short Stories) Aug2007 - Apr2008

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Short Stories: Post Archive - (Short Stories) Aug2007 - Apr2008

By Sol Hawk (Sol) on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 - 04:20 pm:

As the Overlord Akon'izar's brutal attack on Sol Hawk came down, the Kai Master could feel the blade punch through him. It had been a shameful display - the Overlord had grabbed the sightless Kai roughly from behind a pile of crates, forcing him to his feet before driving the blade clean through.

But suddenly, Sol Hawk wasn't sightless any longer. Akon'izar took several steps back in abject fear as the Kai Master, who had had his lung punctured, his spine shattered, his heart stabbed, his skull smashed, and his ribs broken began to advance in him purposefully, calmly, inevitably. Sol Hawk could see out of the corner of his eye that the women and his Kai brother were here. He had seen the way in which the Overlord had regarded them, like meat for a feast of blood.

"Stand down," said Sol Hawk, his words measured, "For the sake of peace for all our countries, let the chain of violence proceed no farther."

Akon'izar grunted and spat at Sol Hawk. The salivitory projectile seemed to move in slow motion through the air - and impossibly, Sol Hawk dodged it completely without even getting wet. Akon'izar's eyes were still dumbly on the spittle when the Kai Master Sol Hawk, now granted a speed by his Goddess beyond anything anyone in Magnamund had ever seen, came at him with a fury that was pure and righteous. There weren't any mistakes in Sol Hawk's movements - every strike was perfect and there was no excess motion. First a feint, learned from Korlaeth. Then a clever parry that he had once seen Simyn do. Valestar's perfect concentration coloured his next movements, and the twin-blade attack taught him by Arcadian pierced the flabbergasted Overlord in two more placesDAM20, CRIT. A brute-force smash was Sol Hawk's third attack, and he grinned, knowing that Sir Victor would be proud DAM10.

"No, this cannot be! You will die, Feyata, because I am the one who will kill you and everyone you know, do you hear me? Everyone!" shouted Overlord Akon'izar as he frothed at the mouth and bulked up his muscles.

"I am already in the arms of my Mother. What I do," said Sol Hawk, "Is out of love." Sol Hawk's body began to glow with a soft, white radiance. The Kai Master's scimitars now were as wings and he lept, rising spiral-like into the air. Around and around the Kai Master corkscrewed, and all the eyes were on him as he spun through 360 degrees, kicking at the still-protruding Graveweed Arrow that Hawkeye had planted in Akon'izar's chest and driving it in deep with the heel of his boot.

The blundering Overlord staggered backwards, yelling, "Ahhh, Ahhh!" and smashed into a giant stack of crates. The splinters and broken wood erupted into the huge adversary, piercing him through every organ in his body, through his head and brains and right in the kidney and also in the groin. Akon'izar, upset by the sudden surge of shooting pain, the like of which he had never known, faltered and slipped on a pool of his own blood and impaled himself on both of his very own swords.

"Is this not always the way," said Sol Hawk sadly, "that evil, in the end, always destroys itself?"

So he had done it, and Sol Hawk's first thought now was for his friends. At first he saw Hawkeye, who was looking on in horror. Sol Hawk gave him a friendly wave, but it seemed not to register, for the expression on Hawkeye's face did not change. What had happened? The women? The Princess? Sol Hawk's eyes identified the Princess who was yelling something, and she had clutched two small fists up against her mouth. And the Lady Vellia? Where?

Sol Hawk turned around and could see that one of their number had fallen, for Vellia was stooped down over him. In a pool of his own blood their fallen companion lay, and the wounds he had sustained were very bad. It was with astonishment and then almost with amusement that Sol Hawk realized that the man who had fallen... was he. A second ago, his purpose had driven him to protect his friends, but with the moment past, the idea that he was even standing here became as if it was a dream, and no sooner had the realization come that he found himself cold again, in pain, rested upon the floor and looking up.

I am coming, Brother! shouted Hawkeye, but Sol Hawk knew his own time was up and that the honour of the Kai would need to be carried on by another now. He smiled back as he sank down, all further breath had left him and his face was fully peaceful. But though his lung was punctured, and although the sound of the words would no longer vent from his lips, he mouthed a final goodbye to his friend, For the Kai.

Even as she worked to bolster his life-force with her own, Vellia somehow knew that there was nothing more she could do. Sol Hawk's eyes flitted open a final time in response to her efforts, staring benevolently into the eyes of the woman who had been saved by his sacrifice, the woman whose name he had never learned. She was nursing him with a gentle energy, and by her presence and her attention, the Kai Master found comfort. He was entirely helpless now, as he had been at the very start of life, but he had no fear. He could feel drops of water like rain upon his face, one by one they landed, telling him in their quiet way that, at least for now, he was still alive.

Was she... crying? Or was that Ishir? Sol Hawk reached to pull her closer, but his arm went completely awry. There was no more control anymore - the deftly dexterous Kai Master was unable any longer to even reach for a shoulder that was right in front of him. He put all of his final effort into voicing his last words. Lady, give... to... Sir... V...

His hand came open and Vellia could see that Sol Hawk held in it two Heartstones. The two tiny bloodred stones were beating in the Master's hand as if alive. In his dying moment, Sol Hawk, through Ishir's gift of sight, knew that Vellia had understood.

And then he died.

By Houdini (Houdini) on Monday, October 15, 2007 - 08:55 pm:

The best story ever. ;)

There once was a man named Bob the goat herder. He herded goats. He liked herding goats. He liked it so much that one day he got a tattoo of a goat on his forehead. Soon after he began to think he was a goat and ate lots of paper.

Bob soon after married a female goat named Billie. They had three kids. Mutant kids with four heads that each could sing a different new kids on the block song. This made the towsfolk mad, not because they were mutant kids, but because nobody liked hearing new kids on the block songs all day long.

So one day the townsfolk sent a delagate to see Bob and his goat wife and said, 'Hey bob could you and your kids keep it down, were trying to sleep, and my wife won't do my cookin anymore!'

Bob said, 'surrre thing tommy...' then bob killed tommy.

All of his kids grew up to be sucessfull entertainers and there youngest son became goat boy on MTV.

The end.

Oh and everyone in the town died of food poisoning. ;)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 02:39 am:

the shortest short story ever written:

Once upon a time they lived happily ever after.


By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 - 10:14 pm:

On the forest planet of Kashyyyk there is a tree of great importance to the Wookiee people. Hidden deep within the Kkowir forest it grows strong and tall, it is the Great Tree. For time immortal the Wookiee's have gathered around it to celebrate the gifts of life and peace that is the promise of the Tree of Life. And so it is that on this particular Life Day the Wookiee Grrumosssh found himself in front of the tree for the first time in so many years.

For generations Grrumosssh's family had maintained a hiding place deep in the forest to escape the slavers of the Czerca Corporation and most recently the Empire. He had used the Force to cloud the minds of the pilots and gunners of the patrol ships that enforced the blockade on his homeworld. The real trick had always been gettign the ship safefly through the forest and to the makeshift landing pad. He'd done it several times with smaller vessels as he had grown up but his new YT-2000 was another story. He had hit a few trees as he made his way in but the damage had only been superficial and no threat to it's stability at all.

His first stop had been the house to find the person he'd come to see, no one had been there however. Thinking of the significance of this day he thought of the tree and made his way there hopeing he would not be seen or recognized. What he had never told anyone, not even the woman he loved, was that he was an exile from Kahyyyk, his village, and his family. It had happened over 200 years ago on the day of his right of passage.

As was Wookiee tradition he and his friend Ferorrr had gone into the wilds to prove they were ready to be accepted as adults in the eyes of the village. They'd had no trouble at all till they made their way back to the village and ran into the Tandoshan slavers.

They'd used their Ryykk blades to dispatch the slimy reptiles easily and made a break for the village. They saw the smoke rising into the sky long before the flames engulfing the village were visable. They could see the lines of of Wookiees being led away by the lizards as they neared the edge of the village, the attack on the Trandoshin guards was tougher than the first fight but they fell to the two young Wookiees none the less

Ferorrr decided to split up so he could try and find his family and try and rescue them if possible, Grrumossh wanted to do the same thing so he agreed and the two parted company. Grrumosssh ran through the burning village, the smoke and flames seering his lungs and fur but he didn't stop.

He neared his home before he saw another Trandoshin and this one never knew what hit him as Grrumosssh's blade severed the head from it's body. What he found at what was once his home enraged him more than anything ever had before. Grrumosssh skidded to halt at the body of his younger brother Orryy who was only twelve years old. Fighting back teers he turned as he heard the sounds of struggle coming from around the otherside of the hut. Grrumosssh ran around to find his father fighting three lizards with his bare hands his Bowcaster lying at Grrumosssh's feet.

Breathing heavy Grrumosssh picked up the rifle and fired a bolt into the nearest of the Trandoshins killing it outright. He tried to fire again but the weapon was torn from his hands as one of the Trandoshins opened fire on him. He was hit in the shoulder and chest as well as some of the shrapnal from the gun being hit. Grrumosssh blinked back the tears of pain forming in his eyes and charged the Trandoshin that had shot him. Catching it in the stomach with his shoulder Grrumosssh impaled the it on a flameing log from the burning hut. He turned and saw his father fall to the ground on top of the last Trandoshin. Grrumosssh ran forward and rolled his father over and was relieved that he was still breathing.

"Father?" He whispered.

"Grrumosssh...they got your mother and sister...find them...protect th..." Holding his father in his arms Grrumosssh roared into the night.

Getting to his feet he felt the anguish and rage welling up with in him as he thought of his dead father and brother and the thought of his mother and sister in the clutches of these lizards. The sounds of the world around him faded to nothing and his vision turned to red as he charged back throught the village in the direction that he had seen the slavers heading before. Any Trandoshins he came accross were torn apart as Grrumosssh's rage consumed him. He reached the clearing that had been set up as the loading area and saw the ship take off carrying with it his last hopes of rescueing his family and friends.

His roar echoed through the night as he lay his eyes on some of the straglers that got left behind. Before he knew it he was top of them and tearing them apart limb from limb his rage giving him strength and endurance. He became more and more enraged as blaster bolts struck him but failed to kill him. At last the final one was killed and Grrumosssh could feel the rage leaving him. Looking around him he saw what he had done but it wasn't until his uncle had come out of the trees and began to yell at him that he realized he had used his climbing claws to do it. It had been on that night that his uncle had taken over the mantle of village chief since the proir one, Grrumosssh's father, was dead. Grrumosssh had been declaered a Mad Claw and banished from the village and the planet. He had taken only his father's broken Bowcaster with him and set out to find his place in the galaxy and hopefully his mother and sister.

Coming out of his memories Grrumosssh found himself at the Great Tree and pulled his cloak tighter around himself, he hadn't worn his Jedi robes but his Lightsaber was still attched to the Bandolier he wore. He walked among the gathered Wookiees looking for the one he had come to find but didn't see her. He made his way around the tree a second time when flood lights snapped on and illuminated to entire area.

"This is an illegal gathering and you are ordered to disperse!" Boomed a voice. Looking around Grrumosssh saw that the area was surrounded by Stormtroopers and three At-St's. He tightened his cloak a little more and reached for his Lightsaber, he knew a fight here would be bad but it might be the only way to get out of here. Stretching out with the Force he brought up his own defences and prepared to strike when he heard a familiar voice come from behind him.

"The Wookiee people will no longer be opressed, we shall have our freedom!" It roared. It was Ferorrr he was alive and seemed to be trying to gather the Wookiees to fight.

"Bring that thing to me." The Imperial officer barked. Two Stormtroopers moved forward and the Wookiees in front of them moved aside. They approached Ferorrr their E-11's pointed at him.

"You heard the commander, MOVE!"

Before they could react Ferorrr grabbed the closer of the two and hurled him into the other swinging him like a club. One of the other troopers opened fire but the shots never made it to Ferorrr. To everyones amazment a blue blade of energy had sprung into existance just in front the targeted Wookiee and deflected the shots back at their source.

Grrumosssh pulled his cloak off with one hand and brought his Lightsaber in front of him in a defensive stance. "I am the Wookiee Jedi Grrumosssh your claim on this planet is over." Useing the Force Grrumosssh ran forward and managed to take the legs out from under the three At-St's destroying them. The shock of what had happened only lasted a second as the Stormtroopers opened fire on him. Grrumosssh was able to deflect the bolts easily sending them safely back at the firer or into the sky away from the gathered crowd. Feeling the Force flow through him he was calm and relaxed moving steadily towards the closest group of troopers.

He never reached them as Wookiees led by Ferorrr attacked the poor men with the ferocity of caged animals. With in minutes the battle was over and none of the troopers got away, Grrumosssh was thankful that only a few Wookiees had been hurt but none had been killed.

"What are you doing here Mad Claw?" Ferorrr demanded. But before he could answer a female Wookiee ran from the crowd and threw herself into his arms.

"Mala." Grrumosssh whispered as he held her close to him. "you look better than the last time I saw you, more beautiful I think."

"Oh Grrumy." She said tears forming in her eyes.

"Get away from him Mala!" Ferorrr belowed. "He is honorless and an exile."

"He rescued me when no one else could Ferorrr. He found me and freed me from the Imperials just like he has so many others standing here now. He is also my brother Ferorrr and nothing can ever change that." She countered.

"That doesn't change what he did!"

"That was a long time ago Ferorrr he's changed since then just like we all have. Times are different now and certain alowences must be made." A soft voice said from behind Ferorrr. The speaker walked from out of the crowd and up to Grrumosssh, Mala stepped aside and let the new comer get closer. The old Wookiee walked with a limp supported by a gnareled old walking stick. "How are you Nephew?"

"Uncle." Grrumosssh said softly.

"You look good Grrumosssh strong, and calm. You have indeed changed from that night so long ago, a change for the best I believe." The old Wookiee said before embracing Grrumosssh. The other Wookiees gathered around them and surounded once again by his family and friends he looked to the stars. On one of those many worlds his mother was still a slave but he would find her one way or another.

Standing next to him his uncle smiled widely as he looked at his Nephew, "A Jedi? Heh, I'm proud of you Grrumosssh and I know your father would be proud too. You've come along way from the young Wook who left here in disgrace, you've returned a champion. Welcome home Nephew, Welcome home."

It is a time of shareing and togetherness of hope, healing, and forgivness. So whatever your belief and holiday may it be happy, merry, and above all safe.

By Warsmith (Knight_Hawk) on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 09:31 am:

'Nuff said