Post Archive - (Star Wars) Apr2002 - Jun2004

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Star Wars: A New Republic: Post Archive - (Star Wars) Apr2002 - Jun2004

By Margravine (Ranger) on Monday, April 01, 2002 - 08:00 pm:

"If you're looking for a date, the seat is taken forever. If you want to discuss business there's a rental fee on that seat of 25 credits per quarter cycle."

Julian affected a happy face, "Business of course. Iwish to charter a ship. I hear you have an available vessel."

She eyed him up and down and judged his status, "5000 to the core, anything after that will be renegotiated."

Julian figured he could find the money, "Sounds reasonable. but that will have to include consumables and entry fees."

Haran nodded, "Agreed," she said with sour grace, "We'll be leaveing in four days give or take a day. Leave a way to reach you...oh, and leave me a deposit so I don't 'forget' to." She tried a smile on for size, had it been genuine it would have shown her to be quite attractive after all.

Julian handed over 525 credits and a contact number, "I'll be waiting," he smiled.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 01:31 pm:

Later that evening, Julian lay in bed, asleep after 2 hours of meditation. A slight ripple in the force stirred him awake immediately, yet he remained motionless, feigning sleep, as he reached out with his senses. A single being was working the lock on the balcony door, and 4 more were huddled outside the main door, waiting in ambush. Julian allowed the shadowy figure to gain access to the room, and as it stealthily drew a blaster from its holster, Julian made his move. In one fluid motion, he tossed aside the covers and rolled to a standing position before the mysterious assailant, drawing his lightsaber to him as he rolled. With the forward momentum of his movement, Julian ignited his purple blade and easily cut the blaster in half. With his return stroke, he stopped the blade mere centimeters away from the attacker's neck.

"Who are you?" Julian demanded. After a moment's hesitation, the attacker sprung backwards, launching a kick intended for Julian's groin. Julian stepped back, avoiding the predictable strike easily. Julian reached out with the force, even as his assailant was mid-spring, and slid the balcony door shut. The assailant slammed bodily into the metal frame of the now closed door, and with a slight groan crumpled to the floor. Julian lowered the point of his saber to the attacker's masked face and asked again, "who are you?"

"My name's not important," the attacker spat. Julian noted the voice was distinctly female.

"Fair enough. I can assume you're here to kill me, then?" Julian asked. "And your 4 friends waiting out front, they're your backup?"

"What? I was sent here alone," the attacker said. Julian noted she wasn't lying.

"Well, then I suppose you were sent to be killed. Tell me, have you done anything recently to anger your employer?" Julain asked, smiling as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"You're awfully confident in yourself," the attacker commented, slowly rising to a sitting position.

"Well, I AM a Jedi knight, you know," Julian said, as the attacker pounced, cat-like, THROUGH the glass of the balcony door with a tremendous crash. Julian sighed, then turned his attention to his front door, which was just now exploding inwards with an almost deafening roar and hail of shrapnel. The first of the 4 would-be assassins came charging into the room, blazing away with his repeating blaster. Julian used the force and flung him backwards, into the other 3 attackers. As the quartet fell into a heap amongst the debris of the door, Julian used the force to throw the comforter from the bed neatly over them, pull the lamp from the table and use the cord to tie the 4 attackers around the middle. "SLEEP" he said to the struggling mass under the blanket as he drew his left hand across the air in front of his midsection. The mass immediately stopped struggling and settled down upon itself.

Julian shut down his lightsaber and grabbed his bag, and hurriedly tossed his shirt over one shoulder as he grabbed his boots and leapt out the shattered balcony door. He landed in a crouch on the grass below, and took a moment to put his boots on, before pursuing the mysterious female attacker into the night...

* * * * *

"This is Garrin. Target took the bait and is in pursuit. Leading him to target zone 3. Out," Julian's female assailant said through her comlink as she ran. Soon, Julian would follow her into a trap even a jedi could not hope to escape. She allowed Julian to catch sight of her momentarily, before ducking around a large rock with a few small trees clinging to it.

Julian saw his attacker dodge around a large rock, and summoned a burst of speed through the force, and was there almost instantly. Cautiously, he stalked around the rock to see his quarry dash down a shallow hill into a dry riverbed. Julian had a fleeting sensation that this could all be some elaborate trap, but disregarded it and continued his pursuit. As he reached the riverbed, he had a distinctly familiar and disturbing sensation... And for a moment, his head swam as he lost his sensitivity to the force. He ignited his lightsaber, and cautiously stepped backwards, only to see a perimeter of dark forms sillhouetted against the moonlit sky completely surrounding him.

"It would be in your best interest to not resist, Julian Starchaser. As skilled as you are, I seriously doubt you could defeat us without the aid of the force," a man's voice said from the darkness. Without the force, Julian had no hope of knowing how many ambushers there were, or even what direction they might be in. He silently cursed himself for not trusting his instincts, and lowered his lightsaber as he switched it off.

"Ysalamiri," Julian said, matter-of factly. "What do you want from me?"

"Ahhh, it is not what I want, but what my master wants. He bids you to join him for breakfast," the voice answered, this time from a different position. "We are here to ensure you arrive safely and quietly."

"And who is your master?" Julian asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

"You once knew him as Eric Starstorm."

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - 07:24 pm:

Julian was led from the wooded area to a nearby, country-looking roadway and several waiting speeders. The man who had been speaking calmly collected Julian's lightsaber and led Julian to the second speeder, helping him get into the back seat. A thick, black sack was secured over Julian's head, and Julian listened as the convoy started their engines and began moving.

Julian tried to remember the last time he had seen Eric Starstorm. It had been on Wayland, at Emperor Palpatine's Spaarti Cylinder cloning facility, deep inside a protective mountain. Julian had confronted Palpatine, while Danse sought out Starstorm, babbling some nonsense about how he had been responsible for Starstorm's creation. As far as he knew, both Starstorm and Palpatine had been killed that day. However, there had been 1 viable clone left 'alive' at the moment both were killed, and apparently both powerful souls vied for control of the hapless body. Later events revealed it had been the end of Eric Starstorm, since Palpatine re-emerged as the driving power in the galaxy, finally being destroyed on the second death star by Luke Skywalker. Eric Starstorm and Julian had been friends for many long years before destiny interceded and they went their separate ways, and Julian was more than a little curious to find out how Starstorm had cheated death itself.

Julian's musings were interrupted when the speeder stopped, and he was led out, across what felt like a lawn, and then up several stone steps. Once the door was closed behind him, the sack was lifted off Julian's head to reveal a richly appointed foyer to what seemed to be an upper-middle class home. The man who had collected Julian's lightsaber motioned for Julian to sit in a nearby chair, and retreated up a set of thickly carpeted stairs.

Several moments went by before Julian heard an upstairs door open, and a young boy, no older than 13, verily skipped down the stairwell, holding Julian's lightsaber. "It's been so long since I've seen you, old friend!" the boy spoke cheerily, offering his hand to Julian. Confused, Julian accepted the greeting and allowed himself to be led upstairs. "Come on now, Jules. Don't tell me you don't recognize me anymore? If we weren't surrounded by those damnable ysalamiri you wouldn't be nearly so confused." The duo got to a room that looked like an office of sorts, and the young boy walked around and sat in the regal-looking chair on the business end of things before motioning for Julian to sit and nodding to the guard at the door, who closed it. The boy casually tossed Julian's lightsaber onto the desk before leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers below his chin. "The beard looks good, Jules. Adds a hint of distinction, especially with those grey streaks on the sides there." There was a mischievous smile in the boy's eyes, and something disturbingly familiar about his mannerisms...

"Eric?" Julian asked, verifying his suspicions as the boy nodded, smiling. "I thought you were dead?"

"Well, for a brief time I was. And Palpatine beat me to the chase with his clone body, but he left me a way out without realizing it," Starstorm regaled Julian as he spun in the swivel chair. "You see, Palpatine was more than a little promiscuous, and there just happened to be a female emperor's hand on Wayland who sparked the old man's interest enough to, well, let's just say they had a good time. Fortunately for Yours Truly, the fetus was in an early enough stage of development where cognizant thought wasn't really a problem, so I decided to step in." Starstorm spun once more for good measure, before stopping dramatically and leaning over the desk. "Hey, you know what? This makes me your uncle. Funny world we live in, isn't it?" Starstorm sat back in his chair with an impish smile.

"So, Eric, what evil scheme did you want to use me in today?" Julian asked matter-of-factly, not moving during the boy's entire animated speech. A look of shock washed over Starstorm's face.

"Wow, Jules, is THAT all you can think of me, after all those years? Training with Master Arkanian? All the good times we had?"

"I seem to recall several incidents where you kidnapped my nephew, mortally wounded myself and my friends, and manipulated me to your schemes. Oh, and let's not leave out the whole assassination of my grandmother."

"Jules, that wasn't me. I did not kill your grandmother. And I've never raised my blade against you--if you recall, it was that woman, Kamaria, who stabbed you on Alderaan, not me. Besides, the point is moot. I'm REBORN!"

"I will not be part of whatever it is you're planning."

"I invite you here to catch up on old times, and let you know that I'm still alive, and this is how I'm treated? Imagine how I felt when I heard that MY friend, Julian Starchaser, was here, on Corbuusi, the planet I chose to lie low on until I could at least control myself from wetting the bed. You have NO idea how frustrating it is to grow up again. The infant years were very difficult for me."

"What's your point, Eric? The only times you've ever popped into my life was to either use me for your own ends or attempt to hurt my friends. I'm not going to let that happen again."

"Well, this is a proud day. Julian Starchaser has finally gotten some convictions about something and grown a spine. Well done. However, that's not why I brought you here. I was just saying 'hello'. But, apparently, you want nothing to do with me anymore. So, go ahead. Leave. See what I care."

Julian picked up his lightsaber, checked it, and turned to walk out. "Eric? Why are there so many Ysalamiri around? I would have thought someone such as yourself would revel in their control over the Force."

"Well, Jules, there's a funny story behind that. It seems there are certain individuals out there who are intent on killing me, for whatever reasons I cannot imagine. Now, Vader, Palpatine, and several of their minions I no longer need to worry about. But there are still several people who know enough of me to want to destroy me outright. They can't sense me if I'm protected by Ysalamiri. And not the entire house is under their effect." Julian turned back around, feigning a lack of interest before Starstorm continued. "You see, you can create a bubble of non-force, surrounding an area with a 'hollow' in the middle. Now, that hollow is no longer connected to the rest of the Living Force, but is no longer under the influence of the force-repelling abilities of the ysalamiri. So, you have a region of localized force use, protected and undetectable from the rest of the galaxy, where you can study and develop your skills unbothered."

"Who's trying to kill you, Eric?"

"I thought you said you weren't interested."

"It's just that I've never seen you this afraid before."

"Well, if you must know, there are 2 people right now who have the knowledge, but only 1 seems to have the drive. Kamaria Moonstringer and your nephew, Danse. I'll let you figure out which one concerns me more."

"So, you intend to keep me here, holding me for ransom until Danse comes to claim me? Good luck."

Starstorm chuckled, "You see Jules, you never were really all that good at figuring things out. I always had such high hopes that your brilliant tactical mind an creative impulses of spontanaety might actually lead to some grasp of strategy and long-term goals. I'm disappointed to see you still lack that quality. So, you're free to go. I'll let you figure things out on your own."

Julian opened the door and stepped through just as Starstorm called out, "Be seein ya, Jules! Don't be a stranger!"

* * * * *

Julian was driven back to the Corbus Star in the same manner he had been taken, with a sack over his head and blind to the force. As the speeder drove away, Julian felt the Force rush back to him like oceans of water crashing in on him from all sides, until he was completely immersed in it once again. With a heavy sigh, he walked through the lobby and up to his room, which was completely swarming with local law enforcement. Julian approached the nearest officer and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, officer? What's going on?" he asked, acting innocent as the officer relayed the events of the evening to Julian and asked him to come down to the station for a few questions.

Julian drew his hand across his body and said "You don't need to ask me any questions."

"I don't need to ask you any questions."

"I'm free to collect my belongings and leave."

"You can pick up your belongings and leave."

"Write me the proper claim forms now."

The officer pulled out a small pad and scribbled some official codes on it, handing it Julian. "Take this to the station and show it to the desk officer, and you can claim any belongings we may have held as evidence."

"Thank you officer, you have been very helpful. Good evening." Julian left the hotel and made his way to the landing pad where the Terrapin was. It was time to leave the planet, the sooner the better...

By Starlit simulacron (Ranger) on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 11:33 am:

The rims of the two glasses clicked together as Haran and Vitas toasted themselves and a job well done. They smiled at each other and slammed down the contents of the glasses - the first of countless on the evening's game plan. Haran directed the flow of the conversation for the most part, knowing which subjects would turn her friend into a maudlin drunk, and which would keep him relatively happy. There was after all a reason behind his almost constant state of inebriation, and when he wasn't working his mind had time to reflect on it. She jollied him along with the tale of her travels since first acquiring the ghtroc on Tatooine.

"So now you're playing bus driver?" he asked when she had finished, "And with our beautiful little ship," he shook his glass at the table server for a refill.

Haran coughed on the last swallow of her own drink, "My ship, you mean," she grinned toothily, "Well, why not? They got the money and I need it. Also it's not illegal, no one can confiscate my ship for carrying them. I'll just dump 'em at some core world and get on with making a living."

"About that," he said scratching his jaw, "That name you said the kid gave you. It rings a bell, an old bell but… well knowledge is always useful if not profitable," he pulled out a battered data pad and keyed it up. Hundreds of wanted posters began scrolling across the screen in a blur.

His finger came down and the image on the screen was Danse Starchaser - a dozen years younger but Danse none the less. Sharing the wanted poster was another familiar face - her new passenger. Julian Starchaser was peering out from under a substantial monetary amount.

"It's Imperial," she said dismissively, "They're hardly in a position to pursue it."

Vitas shrugged, "Well, there are still Imperial worlds out there," he said gesturing vaguely at the ceiling, "But…."

He touched the pad again, and yet another wanted poster for the same Julian Starchaser, this time with beard, intact resolved on the screen, "That one isn't Imperial, that one is Happan. And quite a bit more recent too."

Haran studied the notice, "And the Happan are very, very rich," she muttered interestedly. She studied both notices, committing details to memory.

"Ah, I'm no bounty hunter, Vitas. Still, it is interesting…."

"Information is always interesting."

"And sometimes profitable, I know," she grinned.

Vitas ordered another bottle.

A few hours before planet dawn, the two friend were unceremoniously ejected from the saloon and spent another twenty minutes seated on the curb promising to stay in touch and saying goodbye. Haran at last set out for the docking facility and Vitas rolled home humming progressively more depressing songs to himself as he walked.

He was a little unhappy about what amounted to recruiting an old friend without telling her he was doing so, but his people thought someone of her personality would work best under her own direction rather than theirs - he had to agree. She could be a stubborn cuss, even when someone was trying to help her - especially then, he thought. But she was smart and resourceful and one of the cleverest pilots he'd ever seen maybe they could a least keep tabs on this person they thought was a potential disaster waiting to happen.

He carefully locked the door to his home behind him and collapsed into a worn and battered chair. His hand groped for a remote at the chair side and he clicked on the holoprojector. A blue and white sphere flickered into electronic life and spun regally upon its axis above the center of the table. Vitas watched it spin for a few moments as tears streamed unnoticed down his face while he mourned privately for what had been - the home that was no more.

Suddenly he propelled himself to his feet, slapping off the projector as he rose. He unconsciously dragged a sleeve across his face. He stumbled across to the refresher and splashed water across his face. Then he sat down and initiated the scrambler and sent a message to Coruscant.

By Starlit simulacron (Ranger) on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 03:38 pm:

Haran rolled out of her bunk a little before mid-day. She stumbled into the tiny wash cubicle and allowed yesterday's excesses to run down the drain.

She felt much better upon emerging and while she dressed she checked her message log to make sure what she thought she had done she had actually done. She was pleased to see that she had - she had sent notice to all her potential charter passengers that departure would follow her notification in 1 solar day. She checked the time, that gave her another few hours to tie off any loose ends and get the paying customers aboard - of course if they didn't show up she still had their money.

She walked through the ship, it practically sparkled it was so clean, but it was also silent. Even her erstwhile first mate was not aboard, and she hadn't even seen any of the others in weeks. She shrugged, not really concerned. There was still a pile of money out there in the universe, and some people were just dying to give her some of it - if not he folks she arrived with, then someone else. She walked down the ramp and headed off in search of breakfast.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 06:15 pm:

Rogan trotted across the permacrete landing pad to the boarding ramp of the Terrapin, a wide smile splayed across his youthful face. He'd spent the last several weeks on Corbusii at the starport control tower, booking flight sim time and flying some of the "private" atmospheric speeder craft. He had to keep his pilot's edge sharp, after all. He'd since qualified for YT-1300, 2400, and Gh'troch freighters, as well as class A speeders and similar small craft. As he trotted up the boarding ramp, a spring in his step, he noticed Haran giving the ship a once-over, as every pilot does before taking off.

"Haran!" the kid called out, his smile widening (if that was possible) as he waved his arm above his head. Haran turned to regard her first mate with raised eyebrow, before crossing her arms sternly and placing an accusing stare on the young man.

"And just where have you been these past weeks?"

"I've been qualifying. I got my full commercial light freighter pilot's accreditation, see?" Rogan held up an official-looking datacard with a grin.

"How'd you manage that one on such short notice? And with what money?"

"Well, I showed them my republic pilot's certificate and flight wings, full flight status, and my last performance review, so they gave me a buy on the course and allowed me to test out and just take the qualifying finals. Scored in the top 10 of the class, no studying." Haran regarded her apparently very eager first mate and patted his shoulder, sweeping her arm in invitation to the interior of the ship, and gave a crooked smile.

"Stow your gear and pick your bunk, then get up front and help me with a systems diagnostic and full-power flight check. Then we'll take her around the block to work out any kinks and burn in the new sublights before grabbing the charters and getting off this rock."

"Aye, skipper," Rogan said with a little salute before grabbing his duffel and stalking the interior of the vessel. He was going to enjoy this.

By Starlit simulacron (Ranger) on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 - 12:50 pm:

"Freighter 912779 requesting clearence for departure vector."

Haran waited impatiently, flicking on the switches for the ignition burn even before the answer came back.

"Clearance on departure vector A22Y9 granted. Safe journey, Terrapin."

She grinned wolfishly and fired the little frieghter up immediately. Everyone who was coming was aboard and everyone who wasn't coming she had up to date info on - for sale if need be, if there were any buyers.

The ghtroc blasted out of Corbusii at about twice the legal speed to the accompanyment of her pilot's delighted laughter.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 01:14 pm:

Julian sat cross-legged in the converted 'recreational lounge' of the Terrapin, his eyes closed, apparently deep in concentration as he measured every breath. His duffel was slung on the acceleration couch, and even Marvin was strapped in there, but Julian simply sat cross-legged on the floor as the ship tore through the atmosphere of the planet at breakneck speeds. As the G-forces mounted, only a small bead of sweat could be seen on Julian's brow as he remained motionless and stationary against nearly 6 G's of lateral force. Eventually, acceleration was no longer an issue and the forces within the ship returned to normal. Julian opened his eyes, sighed, and seated himself across from Marvin, activating the holo-chess game table...