Town Pub Archive: March 2000 - July 2007

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Town Pub: Town Pub Archive: March 2000 - July 2007
By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Bryan enters ye old towne pub...

The pub was filed to the brim with people from all over the cyber-realm, they were laughing and drinking and having what appeared to be a very good time. Bryan marveled at the almost picture-perfect old-world style the pub's owners had adopted.

A large pot roast and turkey slowly roasted on a weight and pully roterisery above the flickering flames of a beautiful antique fireplace. The smell of fresh bread filled the pub as a baker removed the tastey loafs from a very old bee-hive oven.

A tall christmas tree adorned the north-east corner of the main dining room. Golden bows and pretty silver bulb oranaments sparkled as the christmas lights flickered in alternating red, green and blue paterns.

The bar itself was a work of art. Every sprit imaginable and some beyond imagination adorned it.
Each table had a beautifule poinsetta centerpiece and each placesetting used the finest in china and flatware.

The walls througout the entire pub were bathed in christmas, chaunaka, and kwanza decorations.

The pub was very much a festive holiday place.

Just off the main dining room was a small theatre stage. Santa Claus (who looked very suspiciously like Sol dressed up as Santa) was sitting on a big chair. A line of kids, big kids, and adults had formed to sit on Santa Sol's lap and tell him what they wanted for (insert your favorite holiday).

I ordered some warm mulled spiced wine and walked to the theatre room with delight and with glee.
My good friend, Sol in a santa suit is just something I have to see.


By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Dang, I'm HOT," says Sol, still wearing the Santa Suit for the last five months, "and whatta hangover!" Fat-bellied Sol stumbles out of the Jon with a bottle of Malt Liquor.


By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Spiffy Ninja slaped his forehead with a loud smacking sound. He couldn't belive what he was seeing. Master Solenoid with a hangover?

"Oiyagowa! Mui yob!" Spiffy said in a loud muffled voice which in English means:
"Holy Sh*t!"

By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Hey, it isn't exac-ly (hic) isn't exac-ly (hic) an hangoverrr," says Santa-Sol, "it's paint-fumes from painting all the Towne-Pub closets."

Sol spins around twice, then falls on his santa-belly, bounces back to his feet, then falls on his Santa-rump!


By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Spiffy Ninja and Houdini help Sol to his feet and walk him over to the big comfy sofa chair.

By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

"Nooooo!" Screams the Tick as he pops into topical existance.

"Don't put him in the comfy chair! Chair bad! ..Way too powerfull! "

"What do you mean Tick, its just a chair, right?" Houdini said with a puzzled look.

"No Houdini, this chair is no ordinary chair. This is the COMFY chair!" Tick warned.

The whole room gasps in unison "The comfy chair!"

"Yes, my good friends of Lev. This chair is EVIL.
Way too comfy.. must resist its pow-er. Oh forbidden comfort.
Oh forbidden love! How you taunt me! But I will fight you! You can not beat me chair! I fight evil
with a macaroni duck!"
Tick ranted.

Sol got up and moved away. Not sure what to make of this childish display from a cartoon superhero.

"This is naughty" Sol whispered to Houdini

By Subcriminal (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

"Forbidden comfort? Eh?" Nat said as she got up and sat in the comfy chair despite the look of terror from the Tick. "I've always liked forbidden things."

By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

The Tick screams as Nat enjoys the plush cushions. "AGH!" says the Tick, "this is how it starts! Saints preserve us!"

The big blue gnat starts chewing on the side, sucking out the cotton with his bare teeth!


By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Gnat vs. Nat on the Comfy Couch!

Rated R!


By Kelly (Vampy) on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 12:56 am:

then a certain redhead walks in the pub... with a black trenchcoat swaying with every step.. slowly, while checking out the scenery... steps up to our dear bartender, sol.
"give me a cold one."
sol asks, "warm blood?"
i, vampy, reply, "not this time, i vanna maalox.. that last victim, one of those terrorists, must have had jalopenos for dinner, and its not agreeing with me.. " vampy grins a fangy smile, "but at least we're one terrorist short. :F'

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 08:22 am:

"Malox, huh? Jeez, it can be tough out there!" beams Sol, then flips over the counter to give Vampy a big hug. "Here's your order," he says, "Free of course! Everything's free in the Pub. Haven't seen you in these parts for a long time - but you found your way back! I knew you would one day," grins Sol.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 11:30 am:

From a shadowed corner of the bar, Greyfox silently watches the goings-on before nodding at the newly-returned Vampy, raising his drink as a friendly "hello"

By Kelly (Vampy) on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 03:42 am:

vampy then saunters slowly over to the jukebox, wishing its karaoke night, for it would be a closed-captioned concert: live, among friends, and just felt like belting out a few tunes..
then chooses a song on teh jukebox.. then, still feeling restless, and jumpy, begins to spin around like a banshee, not caring whether her old freinds think she'd become a nut, esp since she just got out of a nuthouse. i mean, who cares?? we;re all among friends, and laughing over good times, right???
"guess what, guys?? i just heard from CAT, who just sent me a chain email after not hearing from her for a year!! so, yes she's alive, thanx gawd!"
remember CAT? the one who was with Raventhorne??

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 09:47 am:

Sol grins at Vampy - of course she's nuts! And nobody cares anyway.

"Vampy, yer pretty cool!" he says, "Want some Rootbeer and icecream? We have Mint Chocolate Chip!"

Sol throws a Can of Dew to Fred - the can goes hurtling though the air...


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:58 pm:

And nails Greyfox square in the side of the head, knocking him out of the barstool and onto the floor of the pub with a loud THUD! The dew can, having bounced off Greyfox's skull with a sickening CRACK, lands on the corner of the bar and explodes, spinning as the carbonated liquid forces its way through the tiny crack in the aluminum. Everybody just stres dumbly as Greyfox groggily clambers back up to the bar. He holds up a hand and nods. "I'm OK. It's OK. Would you mind just pouring me some icewater? Thanks," he says, before planting his face on the bar, right in the puddle of dew, and falling unconscious...

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 05:45 pm:

"Dude, he's sucking Dew now, I think he'll be fine," says Sol with a bartender's satisfaction as he wipes out a dirty glass with Bounty, the Quicker Picker-Upper.


By Kelly (Vampy) on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 - 12:45 am:

oohhhhhhh, sol, you must be speaking to my soul.. i looooooooooooove mint chocolate chip!! as well as chocoalte covered strawberries. waiting for the candy stores to come up with mint cholate covered strawberries, cuz then this vampire would just die to heaven and back, just to bother you, sol, for more!! :D too bad it cant replace the terrorist's blood i'm hoping to get, cuz they are getting hard to find.. esp since they wont let me in cuba to snatch my victim(s) *sluuuuurp* hmm.. at least this minty flavor will tide me over for a while..
"sol, another bowl, please!!!"
sol then slides the bowl of minty cholate ice cream down teh counter, where i catch it, savor teh smell, taste, with every bite, slowly.. ever so slowly, to appreciate every ingrediants involved in teh makings of this wonderful concoction...
as vampy then drifts off to her own heavenly meal... practically entering heaven's gate.. then finds herself snatched on her foot, preventing her from entering heaven...
"who could that be?? let me go already!! i just wanna see what heaven is like.. i've been alive for like, 500 years, since the age of vikings!! i just wanna see heaven, the angels, then i'll be back.. i promise!! geez, let go of my foot!! who is grabbing my foot?? i cant see you, whoever you are!! can you blame for for being curious?? and, well.. i hear its beautful!!"

By Kelly (Vampy) on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 12:49 am:

hello?? is this room dead??? like me??
my.. no pun intended, but i may be dead here, but i do live a nd breathe, ... :P
i'm coming back with my wolf. named finn. at least then there'll be some other life here other than me. :(

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 02:01 am:

I'm still here.

I am everywhere.

I'm a MOD now... :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 12:45 pm:

"I love dogs," says Sol as he eats a pint of Chunky Monkey, "Why doncha bringgem, Vampie?"

Sol spins on the barstool.

"Come on! Let's see who can spin the fastest!"

His stool starts to make a cool zippy whirring sound.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, February 01, 2002 - 02:51 pm:

"How many spins d'ya think he'll make before he falls down and stuff?" Greyfox starts taking bets...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, November 21, 2003 - 04:16 pm:

Data, Houdini, and Sam Jarrah decide to go to the the old town pub. After months of topical non-existance they really needed a good hearty drink.

Houdini just wanted to eat some honey bbq chicken wings, drink beer and watch football or hockey. Data wanted to hang out with his human friends and discus the finer points of topical non-existance, and Sam wanted to play some pool
and drink some high test andorian whiskey or perhaps some 200 proof solari rum.

These are the things that are going through the minds of these characters as they materialize into topical existance in front of the town pub doors. The town pub is a cool place. It sits on the edge of Lev town. It's a meeting place of sorts, where characters from all the storyboard topics come to just be themselves and get away from the reality of their fictious existance elsewhere in Storyboard. Occasionaly a author will make themselfs a character just to exist here and be part of the fun.

Data looks at his two companions and says, "Gentlemen, I will go first since we do not know what to expect. Saftey protocol 142 states that.."

"Thank you Data, proceed." Sam says cutting him off.

Data walks through the double doors...and drops his draw, everybody was frozen in place!

"Facinating.." Data immediately pulled out his tricorder and began to take readings.

"Counselor Jarrah, it would appear that these people are in a state of "

"Suspended animation.." Houdini said interuptingly.

"Not exactly sir. You see somehow time has slowed down for them to the point where its just above stoped, but not completely. They are moving forward, just very very slowly."

"Impossible." Sam said angrily.

"No sir, it is very possible. My eyes are detecting very subtle movement at the sub-molecular level. It may be inpercieable to humans, but I can detect it."

"What could have caused this?" Houdini asked quizically.

"I calaculate their is a 73% chance that a storyboard poster apathy field created this anomoly. The tricorder is picking up small traces of boron particals." Data said.

"Boron particles?" Houdini said now totaly confused.

"Boron particles form whenever a life form becomes bored. It charges the area arround the person who is bored and creates a highly charged apathy field."

"Facinating, is there any way to reverse the apathy field?" Sam said totaly stupified.

"Not really sir, the author of this post is simply trying to write something in this topic and generate a desire to get people to post more in the hopes of revesing the field. Unfortunatly for Bryan he is a bad writer, and not very good at spelling or grammar either. " Data said knowingly.

"I'll bet Q is behind this, because Q is a bad guy and we need a protagonist right now to keep this crappy post going!" Houdini said swimingly.

Q appears out of the blue and laughs.

"Now why does everyone allways blame me for their troubles? Its allways Q did this, and Q did that. 'Q, why did you send the enterprise against the borg? Q, why didn't you save my dog woofy. Honestly you humans complain way too much." Q said anoyingly.

"We don't have time for this Q. Reverse the apathy field now, or I'll..." Houdini said demandingly.

"Do what?" Q said mockingly.

"Keep writing this post!"

"No, anything but that. Spare us all the misery will you? Ok."

Q snaps his fingers and everyone returns to normal.

"There, ya happy now? Silly humans. I have a Q child to raise and you go and summon me for some silly story board topic revival. Good day."

"Hello everyone." Houdini says smilingly (hehe bring on da cheese!)

By I, (Ranger) on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 03:46 pm:

Haran, Treat, Thaddeus, Matthias, Dallas, and Cele pop into existence at a well situated table. Bowls of popcorn, pretzels and peanuts are deposited and Matt treats a round.

Haran shakes her head cynically. 'Nice try, Houdini, but there's apathy and there's atrophy.'

Treat grabs up the solid food and jams some in her pockets while stuffing her cheeks with enough to make her look like a Polynesian chipmunk, 'Grump,' she sprays at her companion.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 03:27 pm:

"Apathy, Atrophy, entropy. I don't know, don't care as long as people post something. Ohh, beer nuts, my favorite! Hey barkeep. I'd like a pint of Guiness!"other then Jazz appears standing near the entrance to the bar. He shows up in the form of his RSI.

"Treat thank god. Whats going on? I was on the Hamarabi, I blacked out and now I'm here. Where in the hell are we? Did we get killed by

Just then another bright flash appears and none sentinals or something? Is this heaven? Who are these people" Jazz said confused.

By I, (Ranger) on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 10:10 am:

'Hey Jazz' Treat tosses her pony tail as she whips her head about scanning the pub, 'this seems to be a memory node or something - but why the hell I'm able to access it I'll never know. Why didn't you tell me you guys ate like this inside?'

She smears mustard on a hot pretzel and bites off a big chunk.

Matthias and Thaddeus move to a corner table assuring Data that he has never played poker their way before.

By I, (Ranger) on Sunday, January 04, 2004 - 02:55 pm:

"Told ya so," muttered Haran into her drink. "Sometimes I hate being right all the time."

By Merlin (Merlin) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 11:56 pm:

"It's called a Cassandra Complex," spoke a voice behind Haran "And it does, indeed, suck. Arthur never understood that, you know. He always wanted me to enchant him so he could never be wrong. I refused of course..."

By I, (Ranger) on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 03:28 pm:

"As well you should. Its me thats right all the time," grinned Haran harshly.

By Merlin (Merlin) on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 07:02 pm:

"Ah, I see... but are you certain that you are always right?" Merlin returns the grin as a convenient gust of wind billows his robes and the lights get dimmer, "Or are you merely always correct? One must always know the difference, or the consequences could be..."

Merlin's voice fades off. As the wind dies down and the lights return to their normal levels, he stares blankly for a moment.

"Consequences..." he mutters to himself.

"Damn it all! I've forgotten what I was saying! Now, before you make any commentary about old age and memory loss, lets see how well you do when you're a few thousand years old."

With that, he leans across the bar and places his order.

"I'll take a screaming viking. Shaken, not stirred, so as not to bruise the cucumber."

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Thursday, June 17, 2004 - 09:14 am:

Greyfox shakes his head and seems to wake up after a long trance-like state. He glances around, seeming confused for a moment, before reaching around behind him and grabbing something. With a slight grunt and a grimace, he pulls the object seemingly from out of his back, and brings it forward to examine it.

It is a big old dagger, dripping blood from its nasty-looking double-edged blade.

"Dang," he says, "How'd that get there?" Looking down, he sees a large pool of blood below him, and realizes it is his own. "Wow. that kinda sucks," he says weakly, slumping down on the table, the dagger falling and clattering on the blood-soaked floor.

By I, (Ranger) on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 01:35 pm:

"Dang, nobody said there was a floor show," muttered Cele, "Are they gonna try and hit us for a cover charge now?"

By Technomage (Houdini) on Saturday, December 25, 2004 - 05:22 pm:

The pub was decorated in Christmas splendor. Egg nog flowed freely, and everybody was happy.

The hobbits smoked their pipe weed and danced.
The elves smiled and looked gracefull.
The dwarfs drank ale.

The humans were all amused.

Life was good.

Houdini raised his glass of single malt scotch and said with a grin. "Merry Christmas one and all! "


By I, (Ranger) on Sunday, December 26, 2004 - 11:05 am:

"And a prosperous and happy new year," returned Mat and Thadd in unison.

By Merlin (Merlin) on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 - 04:23 pm:

They say that when something life-changing happens, time stands still. Sometimes it's true love, sometimes it's an epiphany, sometimes it's finding God.

In this case, it was a pocket watch.

"Damned watch! Forget to wind it once and it freezes time for a year and a half!"

Merlin mutters to himself as he brushes the accumulated dust off of his robes.

"Well, I guess I'd better wind this thing before another year goes by..."

By Reality is but another illusion. (Houdini) on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 05:03 pm:

Houdini looked arround the pub. It was a tuesday night. Place was a bit empty.

Hey, barkeep. Play some music or something and get me some rum and coke. Do you have any popcorn?