May-July 2000

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Story Topic Discussion (Admin): Post Archives: May-July 2000
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I started the ball rolling with the start of the climax... Perhaps I shall organize the archival for Book #3 today...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Archival efforts complete. Book 1 was too long--I broke it down where I thought it would be appropriate. There are now 4 books and a total of 144 or so posts in shadowrun. Faye, I think book 4 may be the one where we do our climactic wrap-up... If we want to close up any loose ends afterwards, we should do an epilogue. I'm not sure how these would break down into chapters in a book, but being generous at 2 per post-book, we'd have 8 or so, then an epilogue... Unless we could break it down more logically. 8 chapters is a short book. We'll talk more about it later.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

End-scene approaching. All players in position. Of course, Faye, you know that Dawson won't get any transmissions in his earpiece radio for a while (he's kinda horizontally indisposed at the moment). So, I set the ball up for Dallas to play for a minute, before I write the next scene with Dawson.

Oh and Nat, if you're still reading this and stuff--Crane and Spyder are gonna live. I just couldn't rationalize why Chou wouldn't go after them. Faye, your turn! ;>


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

By the way, no it isn't an inconsistency--Chou really doesn't have the virus yet. But inject a little truth-serum into somebody, don't tell them what it is, and let them think it's gonna kill them, and you can find out a lot of information... Chou's smart like that, you know.

Also, the guys he has watching Dallas could just follow him to the docs (if he doesn't discover them first, hint-hint). I'm evil. ;> L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Thank you for deploying the quick response team ;)

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Ooooh! He IS good. He go Dallas' real name after all... :D

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I'll work on the how of that one later... Dallas has records SOMEWHERE, after all...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Also, my most recent post was a work in progress, so you may need to click refresh to get the entire thing (I made it more timestream-friendly).

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey! No fair, you changed it since what you wrote yesterday. I was going to have him contact Lucy and the Dog Soldiers anyway, true, but now I have to rethink some stuff....
Do me a favor a leave Dallas out of anything you write for a bit - go ahead and beat the crap out of whomever you want, and I'll bring Dallas back in when you're ready, but he's got some plans to make - a believe me, he'll ditch any tail. And he has an hour and a half to play with here **malicious grin**

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Oh, don't worry about how Chou got Dallas' records, his life has been pretty much an open book [until he got to Seattle], all Chou had to do was cross what he knew with what was on record in the Nations. He'd have to hit the right one with the right guy eventually, how many Indians named Dallas are you likely to run across after all, it just takes time. :) If you want some Whitecrow family history let me know, but they are all still up in the AMC.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Naw... You can handle all that. I'm busy giving Ray shock therapy. Oh, and Ray still thinks he's the only one who got nabbed...

By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

I'd like to offer a heartfelt kudos to the Shadowrun topic authors! Great story! It just draws ya in and keeps getting better! Awesome! :)


I haven't been writing much, if at all. Which is something I intend to change very soon! =)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Ray has ignore pain--you know, that Physical Adept ability which lets you fight at no negative dice modifiers until you hit like, obliteration-point? Just thought I'd hint at the forthcoming scene I'm milling about in me head... ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Thank you for the review Bryan, it nice to hear back. Also nice to know we're not just writing for ourselves. :)

I just copied your latest post and I'll read during lunch, Fred. I hope to have time to post later today, if not you'll have some of Dallas' efforts tomorrow.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Dallas has some more stuff to take care of but he'll be there before anyone important gets killed... :)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

SR: I kinda arranged it so Chou wants Dallas to arrive when Fujiyama does, so all can bear witness to the actual injection of the virus into Spyder and Crane.

I'm not sure how to write the exchange between Chou and Crane/Spyder... Chou's organization is big, but not HUGE. I'd say, maybe 300 operatives in Seattle. Crane might know enough about drugs and what they feel like to know that he's got himself doped up on Sodium Pentathol, and might just become trippy (to piss Chou off). Not sure how Spyder would react, so maybe if I ignore it, it'll go away (or somebody else will write the scene). What to do... What to do...

Maybe I'll write the scene where Chou's boys make the hit on Sawyer Fielding (or do you want that one, Faye?) Chou ain't leaving a single rock unturned. He knows Fielding hired Dawson and Dallas, and that those two are annoying him, so why not kill the employer, just to be sure he didn't hire them to annoy him... Did that make any sense? And of course, gotta get rid of Nicollette, who started this whole damn thing in the first place. Docs gotta go, and anybody protecting them.

Damn. Chou's list is huge. Not to mention the fact he probably already failed, since the cure is done. He can still release the virus, though, making it difficult at best to innoculate the entire metahuman population with the cure...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I've been milling about Adam Lerner's involvement in this whole thing... I think it works out best if he is Annette's assistant, perhaps in Eastern Herbalist, and hires Spyder to investigate the missing corpse, thinking Annette is going to use this info to stop the plague. He finds out Annette is one of the orchestrators, and starts leaking info to people (I don't think he gave any more info to us as a group, he only hired Spyder, and we took the ball and ran from there). Of course, he has all of Spyder's info because of the data-trade happening between Annette and Cosper (from Aztech). Needless to say that when Chou is brought in (after word of Diane going zealot) the hunt for ALL loose ends begins. Lerner is a loose end, and Chou eventually finds him.

Fujiyama is a big time mover and shaker. He was using Diane as a pawn, and also as a bed-warmer. He hadn't wanted her to release the mutant strain on the street, and also didn't want her to attempt to off Nicollette. He is actually one of the prime proponents for the meta-plague. I would rate him as a peer to Senji Takahashi--both of which are like Lieutenants in the Golden Dragon.

Matsumuri (the guy who Chou is constantly in contact with) is the head of Golden Dragon. Not a happy guy. Views what's going on in Seattle as a screw up in management by Takahashi, sends Chou to clean up and assess damages. Chou is above them all, with supreme executive power, and a reputation for not being very nice.

When this is all over, I say that even Takahashi and Fujiyama are gonna fall. Lerner's done. Annette is done. Diane is done. Cosper is done. Nicollette and Sawyer are still breathing, but only through the efforts of our heroes. I suggest they come down with a slight case of death while our guys are all in the warehouse. Chou is meticulous, after all... It should be dramatic too, like finding them hanging in Fielding's office, gutted and bled to death (or something horrible like that).

I'm still pondering how to take care of Fujiyama and Takahashi... Perhaps make it look like one killed the other, and deliver the one left alive to the authorities, with enough info to ice him forever, as well as implicate him with anything that may have leaked to the public. I'm just trying to think of how to deliver that.

I love brainstorming sessions, don't you? I've already revealed too much secret information. L8R!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

One of the calls Dallas made from the telecom was to Fielding - the others will remain my secret for now. Fielding is on full alert, Dallas isn't stupid, he knows if Chou is making a move Sawyer and Nicolette are on the list. See, he's beginning to get a bead on Chou, so Chou will find that way quit difficult. If you wanna have a anti-Fileding sortie by all means do so, but I would say it would fail, after all, even a nasty piece of work like the Golden Dragon pales by comparison to the nasties Fielding could field as a senior VP at Fuchi. He IS a corp after all and although decent for his ilk he isn't soft. I'd prefer Fielding to remain among the living.

I don't hink I made it abundantly clear in my last post that Huang and Pi are leaders of rigger teams and they had Dallas under their drones. I can write a clarification for insert if you think it would be a good idea. It is moot now, however, since the teams and the drones are history and Dallas is off doing sneaky Cheyenne warrior things without Chou knowing a thing about it. I also have to check something and let you know about warrior societies when I get my hands on the info - a tiny edit may become necessary.

I was thinking Takehashi could be found dead. Either an obvious Yakuza hit or a 'suicide' Fujiyama could be the goat for that. He could be wrapped for the authorities, but Chou is not the type to let a loose end like that live, so he'll have to wind up dead too. Maybe an actual suicide if things go as Chou wishes.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I GOT AN IDEA! (if we were to have Fielding and Nicollette die, that is)...

Set it up like a crime-of passion, where it looks like Annette kills Nicollette, Sawyer kills annette, and then kills himself out of grief. But, since we don't wanna kill them, this point is merely academic... We'll talk... L8R! ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I suggest making the alterations, Faye. As it stands now, it sounds like Huang and Pi and Kung are nothing more than cowardly ninja-types. I can alter anything you want me to, just post the additions somewhere, and I can swap posts or something. L8R.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Shadowrun is just writing itself... L8R.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Hmmm... What should we write about in such topics as VAXMigrator & The Matrix? I miss these topics. I especially miss VAXMigrator. Faye, are you into space-related sci-fi? (of course you are! Star Wars, Star Trek, Farscape, Galactica) Read VAXMigrator for a bit of backstory, and we'll brainstorm the next story-arc for this epic tale... It just kinda fizzled due to lack of authors.

(not right away, mind you... We can finish off Shadowrun first)

How about you, Damien? Have you read VAXMigrator? Just checking... L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I don't know, Vax is a behomouth, it's a little too entrenched for me. Maybe you should kick the hubby into gear on that one.

I've been a little too tied up thinking Dallas' thoughts to get back to Haran, Treat, Matthias, Thaddeus, or Cele lately, but I think I'm gonna have to go west soon. Gotta get out of high tech and into low for a bit. That's not to say any of the others will fall by the wayside, mind, but I gotta finish the Shadowrun arc first, I think.

Hey, have we decided Chou's fate? I have an idea that's just too ironic, but I won't post it for all to see - we can talk this weekend.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

It's your turn, Fred. What's happening to Dawson et al.
The techs should deliver the drawing right about when everyone is in place for the meeting/demo - that should piss Chou off. :)
Oh, and re: your earlier post; Dallas' family conections hook him to the Cheyenne Fox Soldiers warrior society, his grandfather Sun Road was a society chief, but Dallas is not presently a member, though his brother Rayford is.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Hmmm... Sneaky Cheyenne warriors vs. Sneaky ninja warriors. THIS oughtta be good... (I'm real real busy today, so posting might not happen fer a while)...

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Okay, I've just been going over the last couple of SR post and I'm going to nitpick a little because...well, because I can. So there.
The times that we have listed do not make any sense as they stand. Annette cannot hang up with Ray at 3 THEN hang up with Chou at noon. Plus if Dallas has 1 1/2 hours from Chou's transmission that makes it 10.30, BUT he'd only been searching an hour after Crane and Spydie got snatched at 7.30. Giving him say 20 minutes to get from Redmond to the elven district, that still only puts us at 9ish. THEREFORE, I propose Annette calls Ray at 3 or 4 and Chou 30 to 60 minutes after that. Crane and Spyder get snagged at 8.30 at the earliest, possibly as late as 9, Ray and Annette get nabbed by 10, and Dallas has disappeared by 10.30. There, all nice and tidy.
I pick because I care. :)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Annette called Ray later in the day.

I was referring to Chou's call to Annette earlier, while she was looking through the files.

Make Dallas search for more than an hour.

I assumed Chou's call to Dallas would be at 10:30, after he had totally covered THE ELVEN DISTRICT (takes more than an hour for that).

Dallas plays ninjas & indians after 10:30, once he knows Chou's on him.

Dallas' motorcycle chase took time, too, and that happened after 7pm, right?

I think the times make sense, they're just posted out of sequence due to a point-of-view difference. I shall check again and then post here soon...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Last post, Book III: Annette Fielding is in her office, 24 hours after the meeting at the club, Chou calls her, she looks through her files, gets really really drunk, calls Dawson at 3pm for the sex-fest at 4pm.

Second post, Book IV: Chou hangs up with Annette, arranges the night's activities with Niban, organizes 2 raids (or more) for the midnight meeting with Fujiyama. Recollects the arrangement he had with Annette for a 10pm 'delivery' of Ray Dawson.

In an attempt to coordinate with the 10:00pm snaggage of Dawson, Chou nabs Crane and Spyder at 7:30, allowing time to arrange things at the pier, and plan for contingencies revolving around Dallas.

Dallas gets his transmission when he does, books it to the apartment, starts searching the district. It's nearly 8. He searches for MORE THAN AN HOUR (time loses itself when dealing with certain matters, after all) when Chou calls him at 10:30 with his little "and then there was one" statement. (8pm-10:30pm is definately more than an hour).

Dallas plays ninjas & indians for a bit, bringing us up to...


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

OKAY, so my post for Chou, stuck in between my posts for Ray, would probably make more sense if I moved it either to the start of Book IV or the end of Book III. Prolly the end of Book III. I think this is where the confusion lies, because it splits one timestream, jumps back, then returns to the previous timestream, which is already ahead by several hours. I need to eat something. L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

So now I'm laughing. Don't get crazy. It'll all work out and I did say it was only nitpicking. But hey, I was amused, thanks for the giggle.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Faye, if you want me to write another post, leading up to your ideas (which we discussed last night) I can do that. I think Chou is the kind of guy who likes to gloat--do you get that impression? Anyway, like I said--make it dramatically cool, perhaps more than one bullet, if you know what I mean? anyway, lemme know. L8R...

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Sure, if you want to write a lead in great. I've got to take care of Crane and Spyder, the warriors, and Dallas. And yeah, Chou don't work and play well with others...Don't worry it'll be impressive - more like the end scene for Butch and Sundance [wow, there's a misdirection]. I won't be able to work on my post until after 2 probably which will mean a late after noon post. If I can get it in today that is - I'll try. Gotta go to work now though.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I gotta give the grand tour to some guy from Milan from 2pm-4pm. He's our Italian computer-guy who's visiting global HQ here in NYC. It sucks. L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Don't let him pinch your ass. :)
If I post you can always edit if you want and slip something in. Off to search for inspiration now.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Do you want me to hold my post until Thursday? It'll be a long one.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Okey Dokey

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Is this "THE" post, Faye, or do we wanna trade back and forth once more again before putting this thing to bed?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Well, I've been working on THE post, but if you want some more screen time, go for it, just be aware that I have everyone in the same room with all the elements we talked about in place. Most of our heros have been in better shape.
Hang on, I'll e-mail you so we can keep this discussion out of the public eye. I'd kinda like to post this by days end but I'm flexible.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Ready or not....

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:


I have some great wrap-ups for this. We'll talk about them real soon, okay? L8R...

PS--what does everybody think? Ya like? ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Faye, I made some minor descriptive adjustments to your finale post--I elaborated on Dawson's injuries, and I described in more detail Dawson's assault on Chou (as it stood, it seemed like Dawson got pumped full of virus). I think I'll add one more line in there towards the end, too. Something like "I need a smoke" or something like that. I also elaborated my hospital room post. L8R!

PS--Fujiyama still has the virus, remember? ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Umm, the virus/injection was supposed to be ambiguous. The whole Ray move at that point was out of desperation, he only had ONE chance ONE move. Eric read it and thought Ray evaded the injection - see how that works? Imagination is better sometimes. The rest is window dressing and doesn't really matter, but don't kill the suspense, man. I'll go reread it and get back to you.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Nope, I prefer my original. Your way leaves Chou 9 ways to kill Dawson before he gets his hand on his throat. Please restore my original for that passage, if you want to diccuss the possiblity of Ray getting some virus, do it in the hospital scene. That stuff is supposed to be inert in a human system anyway.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Just in case you don't remember: ** Dawson felt the cool head of the device touch his neck and as Chou pressed the trigger, Dawson�s right hand, shackles dangling, snapped out and grabbed Chou�s throat. He squeezed as hard as he could as Chou�s eye�s widened in surprise. Dawson hung on like a bulldog as Chou tried without success to break the hold one handed. The two rolled, grappling, and Chou managed to break the hold at last. Dawson�s finger prints were livid marks on his neck.**

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Okey-Dokey. I changed it back. You liked the other stuff, tho? I must go now. L8R!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Yeah, the descriptive stuff was fine. Now I gotta figure out a lot of explanation stuff. I figure we might have one or two explanation scenes and then maybe an epilogue -- maybe something with ominous overtones -- I haven't thought that far ahead yet. What do you think?

If the rest of y'all haven't been keeping up, the Shadowrun topic has pretty much climaxed and will soon actually have an ending. Wow.
Hey Nat, you still with us?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Ack! You beat me to it :) I came in to post the start of an epilogue now I must retreat and do some heavy rewriting, back in a bit.....

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I just printed out the whole thing. 85 pages (I printed it double-sided, thusly only using 45 sheets of paper). I'll be going to Staples over lunch-time to bind it in a book-ish fashion.

The last post I wrote is designed to be the ending of a chapter. Anything else can be tacked into an epilogue, and can therefore be printed on new paper (I have decided, since all the chapters start on an odd-numbered page, page 86 will be blank). So, 87 will be the start of whatever epilogue we write, okeydokey? L8R.

PS-You like the new level of sinister I applied to Fujiyama? ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Oh, I thought yours was kind of epilogue-y sounding too, okay.
I'm guessing your post and mine, story time wise, are within a day of one another, so what we have here is a horse race :)

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

So what's the word, are we ready to slap a 'The End' on shadow run - or is yet another 'book' in the making? Or is it both....

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I dunno. I'll be in Roch. this weekend--tell Eric. I'll call ya.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I wrote something in Star Wars. I decided to bring in a character apart from the rest of the group--I also feel Rogan has been compromised as a character. He seems to act very inconsistently from his original concept, and has no real direction. I therefore propose he become an open character, so anybody can use him and make him do whatever they want him to (which already seems to be the case). Just, please don't write for my new character, because I've got a story arc going on that'll be kewl, I think. You can react to stuff the new character does (if it even impacts the party at all, which I doubt), just dont use him in a post, unless you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it would be consistent with his character (this is one of my pet peeves, can you tell?) Anyway, tell me what you think about the new 'twist', m'kay? L8R.

PS--everybody else seems to be a force-user, I figured why not bring one in myself...

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I beg to differ - Haran was conceived as a person who wouldn't recognize the force if it grabbed her crotch and told her to turn head and cough - hey wait that's guys...well, you get the idea....

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Starchaser....Starchaser...Julian, you say? Hmm, rings a bell somewhere in the back of my memory... ;)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Yeah... You know--Julian has always been just a touch self-delusional. Perhaps the last several years of solitude has done something to his sanity? Perhaps he really did fall to the dark side, only he doesn't know it? Man, the ideas are just flooding in. Everything will become clear in time... ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I landed Julian on Corbusii. We could all meet, or we could drift by each other unknowingly. Also, this gives Danse the opportunity to skip out, and have a way off the planet. Hell, Danse could just find out the Legacy is there, and just go on over and fly off in it, leaving Julian here to fend for himself. However we wanna work it, it should work... L8R.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

So, I did what Eric wanted. Danse is gone, and Julian is left behind. Don't worry, though, he won't be the main character--we're just using him to float a plotline. L8R!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

ooops. I thought it was night-time. Shall I edit your post, Damien?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Yah, the Legacy landed when it was dark out. Please alter your post, Damien.

By Naughty God (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

delete it

By Naughty God (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

I have decided that as of this moment I am withdrawing from the story topics. It has nothing to do with comments made as it does with my inability to keep consistant with the others. It also comes from the growing reralization that I suck as a writer. I will continue to read the topics and to post in the others. So do what you will to Trinj, Forp and the Imperial fleet I built up they are fodder for your needs.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Don't be so hard on yourself, man. We all make mistakes. I've been inconsistent with prior posts alot, I just happen to have the power to go back in and alter it after a proofreading session. If you drop out of the topics, they'll die. And if you think you suck as a writer, isn't it true that practice makes perfect? The more you do it, the better you get? This is a perfect place to do just that, where nobody will criticize you unless you ask them to. Also, story-topic writing is difficult in and of itself, since you must allow for what the other authors might do to what you set forward. Unless you get together with the other writers and hammer out a script, it's very easy to feel that your story is stepped upon (It has happened to me in the past, so I'm speaking from experience). Keep with it, man--just make a couple of minor changes and your posting will work fine.

For example, I try to pay very close attention to details. If another author has already set up the environment, I react in a way according to that setup, rather than restating the environmental factors in my own post (unless it's relevant, like if it's raining, and a fight happens, and I hafta end up throwing my character into a large puddle or something). If you want, I'll just change the daylight into night-time, and how about you see Danse's lightsabers in the distance? Also, Trinj can sense Julian, but then not sense him at all, which would probably just be really weird for him. Sound good? I'll take care of that right now. Hang in there, buddy. You're doing fine.

By Naughty God (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

I just made a post to try one more time. GF the sensing of Julian had been intended as you fixed it to be. One minute he was there the next he wasn't. Hope this current post is okay.

By Naughty God (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

Oh and Trinj didn't use the force it was just a really good shot to the solarplexus.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Good post, Damien. I enjoyed it! Just as a side note to everybody, I went back several posts (to where we landed and Rogan trotted after Haran) and made some minor edits. I had Rogan undue Trinj's binders before catching up with Haran. It works much better that way. I suggest going back and reading the whole string of posts from that point forward, and everything seems to fall nicely into place. All we need is to get everybody together, and the plot can sicken--I mean thicken... ;> L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Okay, now we're rolling --- but what kind of ship is the Hawk's Talon? Or shall I just play it by ear?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I believe he said it's a YV-666 light freighter--whatever that is. You have a bunch of source-books, Faye... Look it up! ;> I'll wait for a response from Haran to Trinj's proposal before bringing Julian over. Needless to say, he's probably watching the ship right now, learning what he can from a distance. L8R.

By Naughty God (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

A YV-666 is a Corellian light freighter. In the Guide to Ships and Vessels look up Bossk's Hound's Tooth. The Hawks Talon is pretty much the same but without the bounty hunter equipment and the Trandosan controls. I figure if Haran doesn't want to get rid of the Terrapin she can sell the Hawks Talon and repair/modify the Terrapin. Your decision Faye. Glad you liked it GF, are you worried that I know Sabacc.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

No. I know chess. ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

The plot shall slowly thicken from here. I believe bounty hunters will be appropriate at first, no? True, the Imperial Security Forces no longer have as long a reach or as firm a grasp as they once did, information still flows (through sympathizers, etc). I wonder how long it will take to rig up the Terrapin to Haran's approval--after all the freighter is wanted by Imperial forces at this point. (And it's probably gonna be alot MORE wanted as soon as Forp makes his report). Oh, and this Emperor's hand is a big mystery. Let me flesh him/her out a little more before making him/her public property. Also, I skirted around Lansky as much as I could, Damien. If you wanted a more Lansky-esque reaction, go ahead and post it--I was just following through with what I thought she would do based on previous posts. And I don't think I had her speak one word. Anyway, L8R.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Bryan, come post in Star Wars with us! Come on! It'll be fun! Like old times! Come on, Bry... Please! PLEASE?!?! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease... ;> Okay. L8R.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I resurrected VAXMigrator. Would somebody please post there with me, so I'm not all alone? Thanks.

By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:


I will make a post shortly. Need time to digest and braistorm...

Star Wars:

Ok.. you talked me into it.

Houdini is back.

By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

OOOOHHHHHH! I like it, I like it (Begins to bounce in his seat) I like it. This will defenetly cause problems for Lansky considering in a previose post I had stated shw was never really a commander or otherwise, she killed the true captain and took his place, she then made herself an admiral. And then again a person with close ties the Emporer himself is never good for ones health. Though she would have said something rather than pantomiming her wishes. It's all good.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

VAX: I have an idea. think of First Contact... We need to travel back in time in order to defeat Nimitz. Either that, or we have to cruise around in the Union of Border Worlds to gather a fleet with which to defeat Nimitz's New Order. I figure he had the Zarcons build a bunch of fast attack cruisers with high maneuverability and superior technology (think of the Whitestars from Babylon 5). Current ConFed technology would be hard pressed to defeat these. Perhaps there shall be rumors of a missing squadron of BattleStars, and we could use some spiff trick to retrofit them, and we could fly in with a battlegroup and whoop some butt... Let me know what you think (although I am getting a little weary of writing battle-scene after battle-scene) Perhaps Eric & I could write the development of McBride in greater detail. Anyway, I gotta run for now. Please share your thoughts, everybody... L8R!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

SW: I'll post for Rogan again soon. I just wanted to play off of Haran's reaction to Trinj's offer. Also, how long are we staying here? I need to know so I can orchestrate something to bring our characters together. Cya!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Several days at the very least...Maybe a couple of weeks on Corbusii. I'll get to Haran as soon as I can....

Oh, and if Maee Vees doesn't pipe up soon [Sol, that means you :)] he is going to be left behind.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Bry, do you have any character ideas for Star Wars yet? Email me, and we'll brainstorm...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey, Faye--I look forward to your next post... I know I've been concentrating on Julian, but soon Rogan will get his fair share of story-time. I just need to set up this plot device before we get going again... Several weeks, eh? That's enough time for bounty hunters to show up, no? ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Should we use Regarrians in the Star Wars story topic? How about Soveriegn Protectors? Or Dark Jedi Apprentices? (The intro hints at a re-emergence of Sith followers). A new Dark Lord? What kind of super-evil, villainous bad guy should we make? (I figure the Hand is just a stepping-stone or mid-level bad guy: not entirely out of the power-league of the mundane heroes, but also able to at least annoy the Jedi-like characters).

I feel we should try and keep the focus of this story on the group in the Terrapin, and I'll try to keep Julian in the background as much as possible (for example, nobody will know he's a Jedi as long as he keeps up Mask Force--and he has enough dice to throw around where he could drop one to sustain it indefinately and not really miss it that much). I do, however, wanna write an epic lightsaber duel with him and a real tough, badass bad guy. I was thinking maybe a masterless Regarrian, or perhaps a leftover from our current RPG campaign... The ideas are ripe and flowing, but I'm unsure how to proceed with this... Hmmmmmmm... ah, well. L8R! ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I'm just itching to write... I wrote another snippet from our as-of-yet-unidentified Emperor's Hand... I defined his specific role and knowledge base, and set the wheels of foreshadowing steadily into motion... To think that such inspiration derived itself from something in our own little RPG campaign... ;> L8R! I go home now, paint Warhammer... ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I'd say no Regarians. Since they were purely our in game invention. But that's just my initial reaction.

By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey, is my Gran still aboard? :)

Sol - looking for Summer posting fun

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Yep. As long as you say so before we leave Corbusii. Make yourself known.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Yes, Maee Vees is still around, but Danse isn't. Trinj, however, is another minor force user, and perhaps around the same power level as Vees, and so those two might have some interesting developments (although Trinj is ex-imperial, and has a low tolerance for aliens). There's always Julian, but as stated in topic, he has masked his force signature, so nobody can sense him... I'm still waiting for the proper motivation to bring Julian and the group together. For now, though, the stories are parallel... L8R!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Wow, Sol posted at 1:44, I posted at 4:11. Neat, huh? ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I think I'm gonna have some bounty hunters 'run into' Julian soon, which will be the motivation for his approaching the Terrapin... This allows time for character interaction and development before Julian even shows up, so we could establish how people will react to his arrival. On a side note, Mask Force cannot be kept up while sleeping, and unless he brings it up again, Julian is currently NOT masked. This is important to note and keep track of--The Force is a great way to track Julian down (ie: Force-attuned bounty hunters). Ah, well...

Damien: when will we do the development of Lansky and The Hand? I have some ideas about plans he might set into motion, but the general idea here is that he's going to assume he's in command. E-mail me, or set it up in here, whatever. L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Nice post in Land Ho, KH, gave me a chuckle, a super hero is just what our group needs. (Captain Amnesia?) :)

By Vengence is Mine (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

Glad you liked it. I was in a silly mood and read how silly some of the other posts were and went from there. "Hmmmm Captain Amnesia, sounds familier but I just can't remember."

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

As a matter of debate, at least among the authors. A title has been suggested for the Shadowrun story: A Plague of Shadows
Any thoughts?

By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

Sounds good to me. Why not? By the way is anyone thinking about book 2? As I was telling Fred, I promise to participate now that I'll have some time to kill =)

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Very cool post Nat. Is it the start of a sequel or a splice for the first tale?
You were ever meaner to the elves than I implied in my posts, sheez, guess I don't have to sugar coat 'round you ;)

By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

Cool, glad ya liked it =)It could be either a sequel or a splice really, I don't really mind which wasy it goes at this point, I just kinda felt like typing something =)

Yeah I was pretty mean to Crane, maybe I just wanted to punish him for tusting that pizza-boy (Normally he's not that naive) =) then again, when a gang of ninjas get a free for all on making you scream, you'd probably end up sliced and diced anyway.

I really enjoyed reading all the shadowrun books I missed while school had me busy. You guys did a great job. I also thought Barge was a cool addition.

I read a shadowrun novel 2 years ago, it had some interetsing stuff in it about a Yakuza faction unlike the others that respected metas. Pretty interesting.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Yeah, if we go to sequel land we'll have to bring back Barge I think. Just the dichotemy between him and Dallas makes me woozy. But I love Dallas, he's too outstanding a character to have him just fade away.

I actually have not read that much Shadowrun fiction - one book of short stories [1/2 good 1/2 bad] and two or three novels wich were only fair to poor. Personally, I think our characterizations are way better than 2/3 of those I've read that got published - but hey, maybe I'm prejudiced.

Got any input, there, GF?

By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

I think the book I read was titled "steel rain". Granted it wasn't the best work of fiction- I agree with you about the characterizations , I don't think you're prejudiced) At least the author did a little homework on japanese culture and the yakuza to make some of it convincing enough to read. The head of this yakuza faction actually had an elven child (who is unaware of her linage), who was the main character of the story, and a member of his green serpent guard.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I like Ray.
Ray is kewl.
Ray likes winning.
Ray likes sequels.
Fred has spoken... ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I re-arranged Nat's first post to be just after the Ray/Dallas hospital post, and left the second one tagged on the end. I also got rid of the "tale's end" post by Faye (sorry) because these stories usually don't end--they may seem like they end, or people stop writing for them, or whatever, but they normally continue after intermittent pauses... So, if we want a second story, no problem. Not all sequels have to deal with the same type of enemy... Perhaps more magic in this one? Also, I am posting in the Matrix from Swipe's perspective, and am currently gathering my thoughts for reactions, etc. from other in-story entities... This is your construct program, Faye. Do what you want with it... ;> L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Bryan, we got Jazz all set up with a gajillion potential Agents, wanna play? :)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I wrote something in Shadowrun. Just a little snippet-esque gapfiller which gives a little insight into Ray's character... I may want to get more 'inside' Ray Dawson's head for character development in the future--he's been defined by his actions pretty much up till now. Hope everybody likes it. Anyway, L8R. Faye, seriously--throw whatever you want at Swipe. I'm gonna need some time to think about kewl responses, though--I lack proper inspiration on the subject. Mayhaps I'll watch The Matrix again or perhaps I'll look at some Jet Li flicks. I dunno. Anyway, gotta run for now. I'll post something soon, tho. And whatever happened to Star Wars? L8R!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Yeah, me too, then I saw you got here before me and did one or two alterations for sense. My main point was to give Dallas his own place finally...

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey Nat, is Spyder gonna get herself a new data jack and return to decking or is she going to try a mundane lifestyle for a while ;)

By Bryan Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:


Matrix post is forthcoming...check back lunchtime..

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

**rubs hands together in gleeful anticipation of mayhem to come**

By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

She'll have a new datajack. I'm working on some plot stuff. I might send Crane to New York on an errand. I should have something new by tomorrow =)

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Great - can we weave in my serial killer stuff?

By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date:

Sure! that would be kewl!!!!!! Weave away =)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I see. Nice Sam, Damien. Of course, Dawson will only be found if he lets himself be found--unless of course, your guy's got as many resources as Chou had... I'm gonna post now. ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Well, Ray and Spyder are at Ray's place. Hey, I know! Dallas can run into Tyler, who's asking about Ray (a bit too obviously, at that). Dallas can tell Ray about the new guy, and Spyder can run a check on him using the pictures Dallas will provide with his little camera. Ray can then chance a meeting with him, if we find out this guy's not dangerous (face it, any street-level wannabe with chrome can kill a couple trolls. we need to know if Tyler is professionally dangerous). If Tyler proves to be too dangerous to us as a whole, the meeting will be somewhere out in the Barrens, and Dallas can be up on top of a building with a high-power rifle and tap Tyler a few times. That should drop him. (It is unwise to be the enemy of Dawson & Dallas).

By the way, Damien--set my mind at ease: why is Tyler looking for Ray? If we work it out here, I can better roll with it in story. Something from the past? Somebody take out a contract on him? What? L8R.