February-March 2000

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Story Topic Discussion (Admin): Post Archives: February-March 2000
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Please don't have Dawson share any of the details, hmmm.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Oooops. I meant Fuchi. I'll edit it. And I was as vague as possible, given the circumstances... ;>

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I just finished editing the post to its most refined, final form. I was tempted to go into detail, but decided against it. Suffice to say, Ray's going to be... Busy... for quite some time in the story. So, Dallas has about 8 hours to do whatever he wants to do, find out whatever he needs to find out--whatever... And then the two timelines will be caught up. Or, you could go even further than that, going right up until 6am the next day... We still need to work out the big meeting, too... I hope you enjoy my post as much as I enjoyed envisioning--err, rather writing--it. ;> L8R!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Okay, as you can see, Shadowrun is all set up for the big Saturday meeting/confrontation. We just have to figure out an approach. We can even side swipe the meeting and do major hack and slash else where. GF, whatever showdown you want is up to you, but we can work out approaches if you want. Or, hell, just have at it, that's worked pretty well for us so far.:)

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Continuity point - Jack Moore was rescued from Eastern Herbalist by our guys, Emile Cosper has, presumably, 'been taken care of'.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Sorry. Thanx for keeping me straight. I'll fix it presently. How many references did I get this wrong with?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

From what I read, just in the Chou stuff you wrote yesterday. Don't worry, we'll proof read before an editor sees it.:)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I fixed it.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

The boy's quick people :)

Ugh, gotta go, the work day begins....

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I was having an idea about Shadowrun, but it went away... Some tie-in with Chou confronting Sawyer Fielding or something. And what sort of disciplinary actions will Takahashi be taking on Annette? Does Annette have a good CYA contingency plan, or is she gonna fall on her face when the profits from her area aren't as high as they should be?

Will Ray Dawson ever sleep again? ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

We should probably talk, I've got strange little Shadowrun thoughts flitting through my brain, too.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I need to work late tonight... Mebbe I'll stop by for a moment on friday--we could talk about Shadowrun, I could create some immortals, and we could mebbe watch a movie. You want for me to bring food?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Nah, come ahead if you want to, I'll make a pot of...something. If you want Dew, though, you should bring some. Don't strain yourself, though, I'll see you for the game in any case...

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I wrote a shadowrun post. Yakov and Stosh are dead--but at least Stosh put up a good fight (as any dwarf is expected to!). Also, I had to have one of the ninjas survive, just so I can write the post of him reporting to Chou Sun Di about the failure. That'll be good!

I had an idea for the meeting... The next step of the virus plan could happen--Takahashi could scold Annette for the sales thing, then dismiss everybody non-essential for a 'closed meeting' of the high execs. This is where I'll have the ninja report to Chou, Chou will flip out just a little--showing his true authority by ordering Takahashi around, while Fujiyama looks on, stunned. Then I'll have Chou give Fujiyama the order to round up a batch of Metas to test the virus on. Chou will storm out, and start on his own mission: taking care of the Docs and eventually Ray & Dallas (when he discovers for sure who they really are).

Meanwhile, Annette has her claws into the bartender at the meeting, who reports to her all that has transpired. She gets in contact with her buddies at 'Eastern Herbalist' (who already have the majority of Moore's research) to start producing pharmaceuticals designed at combatting the new 'metaflu II' (as they'll call it). Really, they won't do anything at all, except maybe make the flu-esque symptoms less severe--but Annette has much more of a business sense than the Yaks... She's gonna make a ton of money off the dying metas before they go out, and everyone will see her face endorsing the new flu medicine, thusly making her a popular humanitarian and the least likely to be blamed by the public for her involvement with the meta-plague.

I have plans for Takahashi and Fujiyama, too--but to reveal all my plots now would leave nothing to surprise or suspense, now would it? ;> L8R!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Also, the meta-plague will be introduced on the heels of the meta-flu Seattle is experiencing--so nobody will think any differently. Beautiful, huh? Hell, Eastern Herbalist could ALREADY be producing little medicines for the metas.

Also, Annette could have more than one front-company to set up her money gains. Hell, she could organize a total product war, with price-competitions and all that. Annette could be sitting pretty, on top of a heap of money. Money can be her motivation...

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I was gonna off your ninja, but I'll let you have him and just get the docs into the Underground. Annette is nothing if not hugely ambitious it would have to be money AND position for sure. taking down the hated Fujiyama or Fielding would be gravy for her, but we know Fielding at least is well protected. I hope to write something once the swarm of fouth graders are gone for the day, lunch isn't long enough for a good conspiricy.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

AND, Annette could attempt to use Dawson as the courier for her orders to Eastern Herbalist (hard copy is actually less trace-able than electronic mail, etc.), where he could run into Chou... Oh, what a twisted web we weave... ;>

By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Enjoyable posts in The Matrix - way cool! Ha ha, good job Swipe! Of course, lucky lucky for you that the woman just happened to have a cell-phone in her purse! ;) I like the scenario that's shaping up!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Chou is EVIL. That's all I have to say. Oh, and also, I think "EWW!" is also appropriate.

Faye, I liked your little Chou quote at the end of your last post. Hit the nail right on the head. We should prolly get to the meeting soon, too... ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol: Join us.
Fred: Eww! in spades.
As I recall the meeting officially starts at three. I'm guessing what with one thing and another it's about 11 or 12. If we have any more extraneous actions going on we should probably get to them now. I think things will begin to snow ball after all of 'todays' activities. :D

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

By the way, Bertram is a rat shaman, and Crane was the one who loaded the docs with dumb psudonyms. He got Danny's from doing the Name Game song, and Jack's from Mother Goose. What a happy guy ;)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Ahhh, to be writing again... Feels good, doesn't it? I'm not gonna blow too much up, just have Dawson poke around as much as possible without destroying too much (although, I'm gonna hafta think long and hard about exactly how to do that). Nice move with the finger, Faye. I applaude you. (Now, I just hafta write something just as kewl, dammit!) ;> L8R!

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Applause hurts if your fingers have been snatched off by a cranky physad....:)
We've built up the meeting a little too much not to have SOMETHING happen here. A low body count is acceptable if we take down someone/thing big. Perhaps an expose of one of the players....

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey, I was thinking it would be more dramatic to have that Adam Lerner thing happen behind closed doors, so Annette knows exactly who did it (Chou is a real cocky bastard like that--kinda like Xintau from my Immortals guys, only with more real power to back him up). You think you could re-work that? I'll help you with Chou's angle this weekend... kewl?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Sure. I told you that was just verbal doodling anyway, and hey it served it's purpose and got us writing again.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I have set some events in motion in Deadwood City... I's been a-workin on a plot... ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Oh, great. Now I have to go look up some articles on silver mining....grumble, mutter... ;P

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey--I needed a way to get lots of new people into town. What better way than to make it a BOOM town?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I wrote in 3 topics today. I look forward to seeing how they play out... Will Ray be discovered? Who is Uriah Jacobus, and why does he hate Brody? Will Swipe's simulation mission succeed? Tune in next time, to Storyboard--where YOU control the action! ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Two things - We should at some point touch on what Jack and Danny are doing in the Underground in Shadowrun.
And - in the time period we are dealing with in Deadwood, Uriah cannot have a phonograph, a Victrola maybe, but not a phonograph.
So it's a minor point, so shoot me. :p

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Sorry. I'll change it eventually. Maybe.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Good one. Now I'll have to have Treat come up with something full of sweat and bullets - but hey - it's all in fun, bwa ha ha ha ha! ;) See ya!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I added some spice to the mix for Shadowrun. A little meeting between Chou & Annette. I also wrote a snippett in VAXMigrator, which will hopefull inspire Eric to write again for McBride. Faye, if you could print that post and give it to Eric, mebbe we can develop McBride some more... L8R.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the next round of Matrix! After a surprise spike in the last round which was sharply returned, we now see a long lob -- the ball's in play folks! -- isn't this exciting?!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Death on the subway! Your turn, Faye. Can we stop the train soon? ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I take it that Rogan's discussion with Haran forstalled the murderous intent she was about to exhibit toward the interloper - you didn't think a couple of thousand credits was enough to stop Haran from shooting him if she REALLY wanted too did you, KH? Hmmm? She really doesn't want him breathing her air, right now, and she's not too happy about passengers in general. Poor Haran, she'll never win Miss Congeniality.

Matrix is a real ... run away train right now ... (snort, chuckle, chuckle)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Actually, I figured the discussion was Haran and Rogan plotting a devious way to jettison What's-his-name from the ship while sleeping. Rogan only wants to earn trust, and this new guy is seriously screwing with that plan. Not that I'm stepping on KnightHawk's writing--quite the opposite. I as an author do not dislike Damien as an author. Rogan as a character severely doesn't trust or like Harl (or whatever) as a character. That is all.

And yes--The Matrix topic is getting good... ;>

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

Ah so I am writing Hol correctly. He is meant to get under everyones skin but fear not all shall be revealed. In the meantime the question of where the group is going to go is still up in the air I have plans for that squadron which if possible include meeting up with the group. Ah well talk to you all later.

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

By the way Fred what are you saying about my writing. Is it that bad that you have to not say it's bad to tell me it's bad?

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

I was just going to have Haran shoot him in the ass as he walked away so at least he'd be in pain :D In game terms this would all ready have turned into interparty fighting...

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

But this isn't a game. Ah yes that brings back the fight between Talon and Freds charecter (Blast my memory I swear the name was right on the frontal lobe and just disapeared.)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Julian Starchaser, "The one-handed" ;>

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

"That was my second favorite hand..."

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

"That was the most horrible thing I've ever seen."

I had the Starchaser part and knew it started with a J but for the life of me couldn't remember. Anyway it was an interesting battle which I think Talon would have won.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Why? Julian has many more powers, and actually much more dice to throw around. Talon just had the Dark Side to throw around, which, technically, Julian could call upon as well. I would not pre-determine such a battle, in fact, I believe it would have been rather even, except for the number of character points and force points each of us could muster... It would have to be played out: I wouldn't bet on either of them.

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

Yeah, well, let's just remember who finally killed off the Emperor - assists granted :D

By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date:

That's the rest of the post. Go ahead and correct typos, I have about 8 seconds to get this done and get back to work. Later

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

True, I bow to The Savior of the Jedi's power and wisdom.

By I get the last laugh (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date:

Hey Ranger I set it up so the ball is now in your court.