By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Current Politics of Earth & Her Neighbors:
In the late 21st century, the United Nations had finally succeeded in bringing global peace to the many nations of Earth. In a unified effort, Humanity looked to the stars. In the earlier days, space travel was tedious and took far too long to travel even within the same solar system. Cryo-sleep chambers were implemented for the long journeys the new colonists would need to make. The Moon, Mars, and Venus were the first human colonies, using the experimental terraforming techniques developed years earlier. By the time the colonies were ready for trade, a young scientist named Gideon Schwartz discovered the first hyperspace jump-point as he worked on an orbital station near Mars. He was making an adjustment to a particle accelerator, and witnessed a blinding flash of light. When he looked out of his viewport, he saw unfamiliar constellations and a different planet. Re-implementing his adjustments, he jumped back to the Sol system, and elatedly made his report to his superiors.
The first colonists were bred to be genetically superior to humans, able to withstand higher stresses and resistant to more diseases than a non-colonist. By the mid 22nd century, the UN had renamed itself the Terran Confederation, with sovereign nations on Mars, Venus, Luna, and the moons of Mars, Deimos and Phobos. With Gideon Schwartz's discovery of hyperjump technology, expansionism attitudes grew by leaps and bounds. All space-faring vessels were re-designed to implement the jump system, and as a precaution Colonial Marines were assigned to all ships (Even then, ConFed had the foresight to allow for other, intelligent beings in space). Colonies sprang up in all the nearby systems with naturally-occuring jump-points. The Colonists seemed to have an unnerving sense of navigation--they could literally sense where jump-points were and sometimes even where they led. The 'normal' humans became afraid of the genetically superior 'Navigators' as they were now called, and the first human-vs.-human wars in nearly 250 years erupted across the galaxy...
These were dubbed the 'Colony Wars'(2295-2310). After first contact was made with another, war-like species in 2310, humanity rapidly came to its senses and united against this new, common enemy--the Cylons. It was during these first conflicts with the robotic species that the Navigators disappeared. The conflict with the Cylons has raged on now for over 100 years, and the current year is 2416.
As a result of the colony wars, splinter groups of humanity formed in their respective regions of space... The Terran Confederation retained Sol system, Vega System, Deneb System, Enyo System, and the 'core systems'--those systems closest to Sol--in all, 20 systems. They implemented an organized splinter-military named 'Starfleet'. The two soon became synonymous. Another group was the Union of Border Worlds, which occupied the far-flung regions of newly-colonized space. They were less centralized and less organized, but were created by the early Navigators, and so were descended from hearty stock. The two groups--once at war with one another, united against the threat of the Cylons. The Union of Border Worlds has suffered the greatest losses during the Cylon conflict, being on the frontier between Cylon and Terran space.
At present, there is a tenous peace between the two human 'empires,' with the war against the Cylons in the midst of 6-year cease-fire. Humanity, once again, had seemingly prevailed...
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Or so it seems... ;)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Many Sub-groups exist in the current political environment. One of these is Black Ops, the ultra top-secret military research branch of the Confederation Starfleet. They have been experimenting with all imaginable levels of technology--and even some technologies beyond imagination. Black Ops has records of multitudes of spacefaring alien species, all of which are kept mostly under wraps to the common populace.
Another group which exists is a religious order--an offshoot of the ancient Roman Catholic Church. Since the birth of their religion, they have been manipulating blood-lines in order to produce the Ultimate Being--a second Messiah. Their methods have been strictly natural, pairing off likely genetic candidates to produce a stronger--and genetically closer--individual. Unknown to ConFed scientists, the first Navigators were the direct result of this genetic tampering--after the organisation paired off two colonists to produce a stronger genetic template. This organisation has also had much contact with various alien beings in their quest for genetic supremacy. Certain alien 'sponsors' seem to 'adopt' likely genetic candidates, training them and showing them paths to ascension.
These genetic near-misses are called 'Shadowknights,' and they are given a duty and responsibilty with their powers. Only a handfull have ever existed, each one slightly stronger than the last, as the genetic template is purified and refined.
Black Ops caught wind of this operation--but only through rumors and legends from under-developed alien species. They decided to replicate the project, only using far-advanced genetic engineering techniques. Confed has been executing this program for about 350 years, and in that time have attained almost similar results as the religious project has yielded in nearly 2500...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
About Naenor: It was not previously revealed, but Naenor was once "in charge" of a Reality in his ancient past. In his arrogance, he tried to influence the events of that reality, and although the changes he made seemed small, they combined in an unexpected way, and the domino effect caused the eventual destruction of that reality - Naenor was powerless to fix it or reverse it, the contamination was simply too ingrained. Additionally, Naenor himself would die as a result, his fate tied to his world. He tried to warn Greyfox of this on the Holodeck of the VAXMigrator just before it was destroyed by Paradox, choosing this "poetically parallel" moment in Greyfox's life to give the warning. As an old, frail man, thus he died in Greyfox's arms, but left with Greyfox a part of him.
Of course, to a timeless being, chronology means nothing for his life-line is eons-long and outside the timestream, but... I digress.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
A Brief Synopsis of Cylon Culture:
The cylons originated as a race of organics, who became so technologically advanced that they began designing humanoid-style robots to do all of their work. Eventually, the robots outnumbered the organics, and became self-sentient. The robotic cylons, deeming themselves superior to their organic creators, easily conquered them and enslaved them. Over time, the organics as a species died out, to the point where only a few hundred were left alive, hidden from their cybernetic creations. The robot cylons, however, found that they actually needed an organic intellect to guide them and orchestrate their activities. To this end, the station of "Imperious Commander" was created, and a single organic was placed in the position. This Imperious Leader is rumored to be housed on a BaseStar--the cylon equivalent to a super-carrier. The cylon empire is far-flung, larger even than the Terran Confederation. No-one is certain how far the clutches of the cylons may reach, or what planets have fallen to the sinister race of robots...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
A Brief Overview of Fourspace:
Fourspace is a realm that exists outside of normal space. Those who are able to manipulate Fourspace can exercise incredible feats such as travel through time, teleport through space, use telepathy, move objects using only the power of mind, neutralize enemies both great and small without so much as a blink of an eye, shape-change, and just about any other ability that is outside the confines of normal Physics. It is believed that excessive manipulation of fourspace is highly dangerous, for as a side-effect of excercising these powers, pockets of improbability are called into existance. At present, this is the supposed cause of TOPICal Nonexistance.