By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Bryan - how long has Jazz been on the Hammurabi. From the character sketch I thought he was a newbie, but the post made him seem like more of a veteran. So is he new but not too new or been around for a while?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
VAXMigrator is operating on stored reserves now--Talona has power and engines, just none of the power is going to the VAXMigrator. VAXMigrator has a limited amount of power left--probably equivalent to one more blast from the main weapon... to fire it again would probably be not good. I'm thinking of a kewl post where VAXMigrator uses the debris field and her tractor beams as physical shields, even projectiles with which to hurl at the enemy--this tactic would conserve energy, especially if the shields are brought down. The Talona still has guns, as well as shields, but her shields are considerably weaker than a Battlestar's shields... Just some insight into the mind of Phred... L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, Eric & I both stated an interest in posting for Nimitz, since he hasn't been making an extraordinarily strong appearance in the battle. I'm currently thinking of an evil, evil post where he comes up with an evil, evil tactic... Hmmmm... Any suggestions?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, Eric & I both stated an interest in posting for Nimitz, since he hasn't been making an extraordinarily strong appearance in the battle. I'm currently thinking of an evil, evil post where he comes up with an evil, evil tactic... Hmmmm... Any suggestions?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Actually, I just intentionally left that part out.
I didn't know what his role was going to be until I started writing. All I had provided previously
was a background of who he *was*. What he *is*,
I'm still working on. =)
One thing I have worked out is that he is somewhat new. He's only been awakened for three and half years. Enough time to know the game, but still damm inexperienced when compared to veterans like trinity and morpheous.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
oh, that previous post was about my character Jazz in the matrix topic.. sorry for any confusion I may have inadvertantly caused. :)
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
confused the poufie outta me for just a sec there... just a sec, tho. When I got to "trinity & morpheus" it made sense.
Fred, so naughty! Double posting like that. I say, Nimitz needs to be really evil. If we're getting to the end of this whole Nimitz thing, we need a big finale. Thoughts on the Nimitz plotline?
Fred and I talked last night about the topic, and ideas for introducing Eric's character. One minor consideration, tho - leave Naenor out of the Dune-style background... I want his origins to remain a mystery for now. Naenor was probably never a shadowknight. If I were to give you an idea of what he's all about, I would say he's somewhat like the character called "The Watcher" from Silver Surfer. Incidentally, I don't have any plans for bringing Naenor back into the plot at all. Maybe again, but he's already made his appearance - he's not a main character - that detracts from his mysterious nature and purpose. Will post Sonya's flight sequence soon, too!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I think Nimitz needs to stay alive as a recurring villain--the potential for good writing is always greater when you establish a good-guy bad-guy rivalry, and develop the characters in more depth. I recall Nimitz wanting to begin the "cleansing of the stars"--which might refer to the Union of Border Worlds, which were so recently military allies with the Confederation, but now have 'seceded' under their own rule... They could be the fringe planets who've been dealing with the Borg--they are out there, but it hasn't really been pushed because of timing, plotwise... I think the Sheffield and Andromeda should survive, so the Sheffield can return to Earth & report Nimitz's treachery, and the Andromeda can pick up the survivors from the battle (hint, hint, the main characters who left Vesuvius/VAXMigrator/Talona, whatever, hint, hint). Eric & I were thinking of slingshotting around the binary suns and getting away from Nimitz, who'll be understandably upset and perhaps go to great lengths to rebuild his private navy--perhaps if Earth hears of his actions, he can go rogue, maybe heading to the border worlds himself to try and whoop up on 'em... Haven't thought that far ahead yet... L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, There really are alot more fighters zipping around out there than what's been posted--only most of 'em are from Black Hawk Fleet & are thusly cloaked. I might brainstorm tonight, with me little notebook, and jot down some stuff to further the plot...
Matrix: I was kinda brief in the crew intros--mainly because I'm not sure if Carmine is coming back or not, and also to leave open any slots for others to jump in. I say, a cast that's too large is too hard to handle, especially with limited authors. So far, our crew consists of 5, including Tamper (who I'm not sure if I can count, but I will anyway). I just lobbed the ball back into Eric's court--I really don't know how "JD" is gonna train Swipe. I was envisioning Swipe as having "the gift" but not being "the one"--I picture him being really fast and moderately strong while in the Matrix. Maybe even almost fast enough to dodge bullets--but not quite. I was kinda envisioning him as a cat-burglar type, with the technical breaking and entering skills to get out with data stores, etc... Like his former hacker name of 'Swipe', he steals stuff and sells it for profit (software & data only). A pirate/hacker in its purest form. Also, I would like to make Swipe gravitate toward the martial arts training (like Neo did), since it fits his persona type so well. 'tis all for now! L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
At any rate, follow the before-mentioned link and you'll be able to see the Midway in all its glory, as well as all the other ships... PS--the Talona is a Midway class carrier.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Hammurabi crew is now John Doe, Treat, Jazz, Swipe, Tamper (I don't really know how to handle him either, Sol, so you'll forgive me if I skirt him for now) If and when Carmine comes back we can always bring her in as a newly awakened, but I for one don't feel comfortable introducing someone's character when I have no grasp of their concept. Her character sketch just isn't enough for me to run with, and I wouldn't want to since she hasn't even been introduced yet. If we all continue to contribute, I think this small crew is managable. My guess is the Hammurabi is max capacity at about eight anyway, and Treat does like her elbow room.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Re: Tamper...
Yeah, there's not much to handle. He tends to be pretty much a dead shell in the real world, although he is very dynamic inside the matrix. He basically "looks" and "listens," handles various ship functions, etc.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Do you ever read your poems in, say, a coffee-house? I think good poetry has to be shared and read aloud. Around where I live, there are a few coffee houses that let you come in and read your work over a cup of hot joe. It is not only fulfilling to be able to share your work, but you are also able to bask in the comradery of your literary peers (or inferiors, depending!) ;)
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK, I posted in VAXMig - please don't play off it yet, I want to write about Sonya and Lal flying the shuttle. The post I made is really in the past... I will probably append a bit to that post, but I didn't have time to write the rest yet (classes you know!) Hang in, more to come...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Faye.... "Kapwing?" What the hell is kapwing? J
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol--I got the bmp's off the storyboard archives in this forum... They look fine when I view 'em in paint or as a desktop wallpaper. Perhaps Discus encodes them wrong, especially if it's decrypted and then re-encrypted like I was doing? ideas? Why am I writing this in the story-topic discussion?
I think the battle is going well in VAXMig. I wanted to add an air of lethality, as well as slight insanity to Nimitz. That's why I killed half of the squadron like I did. After this ploy, there's a fair chance that Nimitz's own pilots who survived will just turn around and join VAXMigrator's side. Sol, I liked your Sonya post, with Kraken going down with the ship. I could picture it in my mind--the ghosts and all. Good writing. I can't wait for the next installment--Sonya's escape. Just remember that there are still 2 big(ger) ships on our side, the Andromeda and the Sheffield. Nimitz would choose to ignore them as inconsequential due to their size (compared to a dreadnought, they're tiny).
Shadowrun: I like the way Dallas & Dawson just dispatch bad guys so well, hardly breaking a sweat, then turn around and continue conversations. Reading between the lines, it's almost like they say, "Well, THAT was rude. How dare they interrupt our conversation?" I like it. Lots of fun. I'm itching to kill something with Dawson. I was actually thinking of a climactic scene near the end of our little virus-plotline, where Dawson meets Johnson's bodyguard, and the two get into a fight (kinda like a Riggs vs. generic martial arts bad guy from the Lethal Weapon series). Just one of those things, where, they stare at each other, and the bodyguard challenges Dawson to a fight--they both drop their guns, and lace into each other. I want to make it dramatic--Dawson might even get bloody! I'll talk to ya later, ok, Faye? Sol, I'll send you an e-mail or something. Ummm, anybody else who reads this--"hi" ? ;> L8R!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
I fixed the shadowrun image. Here is the process I went through..
Step one: save the gif image posted on in the shadowrun archive.
Step two: Bring gif into Microsoft Photo Editor and save file as bmp.
Step three: go to Ms Paint and use the fill tool to change the black surounding background to a color not present in the picture so that when I make that color transparent it won't mess up any details of the shadowrun logo. (Dark green works well), then save the bmp.
Step four: go back to ms photo editor and use
transparency tool to make all dark green pixels transparent.
Step five: save file as gif, and post on lev forum.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Kapwing...exactly. Your reaction is pretty much what I expected out of Dawson, too. Damn, I think I've got a handle on these characters. If you start throwing multiple big baddies at Dallas, he'll start taking damage. He's good but not invincible -- much like Dawson.
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
I don't know of a coffee house where you can read poetry. I know of a coffee house, but it's only for college students, which I'm not. Oh, well...
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Oh, like anyone would know! Sneak in and say, "Yes, I go to this college." Of course, if they don't read poetry, I guess you'd be doing it all for the coffee.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I was just re-reading the Matrix - specifically, Treat's intro post. Well done! I can't imagine anything scarier to wake up to than Treat looming over me with a bubble-gum personality and a great big grin as I lay on a rock-hard bed with needles all over my body! AAAAGGGGHHH!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I said she was good. I did not say she wasn't annoying: "HI!"
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
By the way, although Treat wasn't really IN my last post, her finger prints were all over it.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Can I make the Vesuvius go "BOOM" now, Sol? ;>
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol.. check the shadowrun topic. you will find that the gif in question had allready been fixed and is a part of the shadowrun topic.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Oh, and in case you didn't read my earlier post. I fixed it using Ms Paint and Ms Photo Editor. :>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Good job, Bry--only there are several black spots in the banner which used to represent tears or holes--they should be white now, but instead they're black. No problem--don't go insane to try and fix it or anything. L8R!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I say go blow up the Vesuvius ... bye, baybee!
I'm sure all the transports are clear... I also wrote Sonya's escape...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just as an aside--anywhere I've mentioned meters in any of my VAXMig posts, please read them as kilometers... Except, of course, when dealing with ship dimensions. Distances should be in Kilometers, cuz, think about it--anti-matter explosions are HUGE. Thank you...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well, I posted in VAXMigrator. It's sort of a camera-cut-away scene, combining the most recent sequence of events as they transpired in real-time from the viewpoints of several different characters, like Nimitz, The Doctor, and Greyfox. My plan is to post for the fighters again soon, as well as another battle between VAXMig and the 7 capships remaining. Also, Sol, I set up a really dramatic sequence for The Doctor and the refugees from Vesuvius by sending over the Sheffield and Andromeda (not enough to kill the St. Helens, but enough to save the shuttles). Feel free to use them in your next several posts--except I don't think they should be destroyed. Somebody needs to get back to Earth and report Nimitz, after all... And the Andromeda is technically a privateer, non-military ship. Well, more from me L8R! Cya!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
PS--the Sheffield has a weapons compliment of 10 Laser-batteries (on turrets) and 8 forward-firing torpedo tubes on the prow. Just an FYI--the turrets are 5 top, 3 bottom, 1 each on the port & starboard sides near the rear of the ship. These can swivel to fire at enemies to the rear. All 10 can fire forward, 9 at a time can fire to either side, 7 can fire up, 5 can fire down. Just the firing arcs... You know, me being a tech-head and all. Also, the Sheffield is a cruiser, and it carries no fighters. it's about 600 meters long. L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Umm, I made a mistake. Due to the shape of the hull and the placement of the bottom turrets, only 7 turrets can fire forward at any given time--the 5 on top & the 2 on the sides. The bottom 3 can fire to the sides and straight down, though. Sorry. ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just for technical reference, The Sheffield:
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
In my latest Matrix post, was Treat irritating enough? I'm trying to combine a woman who probably would have been a proffesional cheerleader in the Matrix with the tech who is confined in a permenant high stress situation with highly diverse personalities. I want to post an adviso that no one is to ever take anything Treat says in casual conversation too seriously.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I posted some more Swipe training. Well, hinted at it, anyway. I don't want him to be The One (because he isn't) but I'm trying to shoot for the occasional miracle (under the most extreme circumstances, of course). His gift is speed and dexterity--in case you didn't figure it out yet. Also, he's a thinker... Thus, the cross-referencing of physical training in my post. L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just an acknowledgement -- Shadowrun is now 100 pages long.
Anyone want to suggest a sub-title for our little tale that's a tad more descriptive?
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
MS Photo Editor has a transparency tool?? Mine doesn't. :( How do I get it?
By Sherm (Sherm) on Unrecorded Date: |
Actually, scratch that. It's on the menu BAR, not in the menus themselves. Go figure, it's microsoft.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I posted in the Matrix. Swipe just got a dose of Agent Training. He doesn't know enough yet to run away from them. Also, I didn't write for Jazz too much, in case you wanted to write your own action sequence, Bryan. I mentioned Jazz, and had him in the same area, but I also gave him an agent all to his own to play with. So, I hope you enjoy it! L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I wanted to post a sparring simulation between Swipe and Tamper, but wasn't sure how to handle it. Who would win? ;> Sol, any input?
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tamper would win - hands down. (!) That doesn't mean they couldn't spar, tho! Interestingly, I just posted a little Tamper write-in there, so feel free. Tamper might be more than a handful as an opponent, but he would make a good partner - especially in one of the more dangerous simulations. He's likely to pop up now and then in the simulation world, and in the Matrix... I may even post something more interesting in the REAL world, but we'll see...
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'm posting to the matrix soon. I just want to get something straight about this John Doe character.
Does he normally make stupid and irresponsible command decisions or was this a first for him?
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
How do you mean?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Bryan - John Doe DID NOT put Swipe in the Matrix, it's just a construct for training purposes if that's what you mean. He's Eric's concept,and he is pretty cavelier, but I used him in that last post. I don't think he'd risk his people needlessly. Does that help?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sorry, posted the above before I read the new posts in Matrix. Remember, even if safety protocals are 'off' Treat won't let anyone get killed in a construct, she's the lifeguard. It's her job to get the other characters out safe.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, I wrote that to try and compensate for earlier posts where people were sustaining physical damage while in the construct. Also, for the simulations Mouse ran in Sol's intro, flashback posts for Tamper. I was trying to tie it all together, since Swipe didn't bounce when he hit the pavement during the 'jump' sequence, and he got bloodified (where all the examples in the movie point to non-bloodification while in simulations).
PS--John Doe is just Crazy. ;>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, maybe he only turned them off for Swipe and Jazz can run around with impunity...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ohhh, closest I've ever come to stepping on someone's post.
John Doe is (I think) like all the bad teachers you've ever had who can't figure out why everybody doesn't just KNOW this stuff. He's pushing people so they get to his level of understanding so he won't have to explain stuff that he's always known and thought everyone should know.
I'll have to ask if that is right, but it does sound about right.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
You writing another sequence today, Faye? I want to see your perspective on Swipe... ;> Yeah, I agree that that's what Eric seems to be shooting for. JD may be hard to get along with, but he's a good guy. In a fight, you want him on your side. I've found that when I type fast, i sometimes forget to capitalize, I siwtch letters around, and often leav letter off the ends of words. And sometimes, when I'm tired, I repeat the the words I type... ;> L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
BTW, What's Rogan's story? For that matter what's the Gran looking for? I was just over looking at Star Wars, and I've got nothing to sink my teeth into. I may have to resort to random violence...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Faye, think of our last campaign, only everywhere you see or hear the name "Jayce Brilliam" replace it with "Rogan D'Arnia". That is all.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Don't know what I feel like writing. I'm not sure I can go into Matrix without a Bryan/Jazz perspective on the training contruct. I'm just taking my out of house furlough at the library. (How's this for left brain/right brain picked up four Disney tapes and two murder mysteries...ow me brain hurts.)
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
::Slaps forehead, rolls eyes::
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: Swipe's Bloody Nose in the Matrix...
Yeah, I thought Neo DID have a bloody nose when he came out of the simulation... regarding Swipe's non-bounce, I just didn't WRITE the bounce... it was implied (Swipe only got a bloody nose from a multi-story fall) ... why didn't I write it? Well, the posts all seemed WAY to similar to the movie up until this point, and I didn't want to post the bounce that everyone was expecting. I guess I'm just naughty!
So Jazz, where did you go? ;) Here we come!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
When he came out of the simulation, yes. Not actually in the simulation. I dunno. Mebbe I'm nit-picking again. Let's just try to have some fun, huh? We should all start thinking about a sub-plot that's different than the movie. Faye & Eric both told me last night that mebbe I went alittle over the top with Swipe there, beating his first Agent, where Neo failed on his first try. We could have Treat or JD say something like, "well, Swipe seemed to do OK on the easy one, let's up his difficulty." Tamper already mentioned the fact that simulated Agents are easier than real ones... Just yell at me if I make Swipe too God-like. I want him to be exceptional, is all.
VAXMig: Eric & I brainstormed last night. We came up with a way to end the battle. Eric is spending this week ironing out the post--hopefully we'll see it soon... It involves using the VAXMig's tractor beams & maglocks to attach to the St. Helens and begin boarding actions. The Talona section will be sent on a collision course with the remaining escort ships and scuttled--and the 2 smaller ships on our side pick up the survivors and head home to Earth. Once the VAXMig & St. Helens are linked, the other ships from Nimitz's side (if any survive the Talona explosion) would be limited in that they wouldn't want to fire on Nimitz's ship. Also, we get a chance to get up-close and personal with the enemy. Who knows, genetically altered humans? Ex-convicts from prison asteroids? Evil ConFed officers who were recruited by Nimitz after their court-marshals? Nimitz, of course, escapes with some of his trusted advisors in a fully armed shuttle he keeps near the bridge--most evil military tacticians keep one nearby, just in case they need to transfer their flag. I dunno what Nimitz's surviving fighters will do, but I do know that the majority of the fighters out there got toasty. I still need to think of another squadron-post. L8R!
PS--does anybody think I should have more of the Black Knights squadron survive? Need input...
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I wouldn't mind if the Black Knights survived to fight another day... maybe they will merely escape, who knows? Talona as the Ultimate Projectile Weapon... Cool! Imagine... VAXMig flies straight at St. Helens, lets Talona detatch, then simultaneously, turns a little starboard and activates the EMP. St. Helens is DEAD in the water, so is VAXMig (drifting to safety) and Talona SLAMS into the St. Helens... GOOD NIGHT!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
That leaves the other 7 ships to destroy VAXMig. No, it would be much more efficient to board St. Helens, launching Talona at the other ships in the task force. GOOD NIGHT! Concerning the Black Knights: We know Hawk is dead. Flint is unconscious. Jayce, Quicksilver, Vagabond, Panther, Catscratch, & Maniac are all OK. That leaves the other 5 (which I haven't mentioned since the explosion) open for survival. That means Cobra, Vaquero, Tomcat, Talon, & Maverick may still be alive, just non-operational. Maybe somebody should post a rescue ops sequence? I already had Quicksilver use her tractor beam on Flint... Jayce still hasn't gotten to VAXMigrator yet, either. (PS-his callsign is Raptor).
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
DOH! I just re-read your post, Sol, & I think that you think the Black Knights are the bad guys... No, they're the Black Hawk Fleet. The Black Knights are the squadron we've been following since the start of the story, with Jayce and the fighter pilots (I named them after the squadron in Independence Day). Sorry for the confusion. Perhaps these ships weren't ALL of Nimitz's force? Maybe he had others on reserve, just in case this battle turned bad? I mean, Nimitz doesn't expect to lose, but it would still be tactically smart to be cautious, in that respect. The end result would still be Nimitz getting away, VAXMigrator surviving (although now she's really f*#%@ed up) and Black Hawk Fleet losing like 90% of its ships, at least. Talona gone, Vesuvius gone, St. Helens controlled by us. Sheffield & Andromeda going back to Earth. Then, the plot would revolve around 2 things: repairing VAXMigrator, and having the good guys get back to Earth to report Nimitz's treachery, before Nimitz gets there to turn the entire Confederation against us. After all, the Sheffield & Andromeda have proof (via in-flight data recorders) to bring to bear against Nimitz--another reason he wants all the ships on our side destroyed. No ships, no evidence, he can make up whatever story he wants to bring us down...
And then we still have the Borg and the Stymie and the Cylons to whoop up on... This thing could go on forever... ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, that EMP was a special tactic achieved by re-wiring the electrical systems through the shield emitter-array, causing an electrical short circuit, which resulted in an EMP. To do it again would probably fuse so many controls together that the VAXMigrator would be nothing more than a permanent floating rock...
Brainstorming sessions are kewl.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, you're right... we'd have to use the Talona's emitter-array. Maybe that's even better... you know, if VAXMig had enough distance, and Talona was flown by remote, the VAXMig wouldn't even be caught in the blast. But I understand if you want to launch Talona at the fleet. Although a little EMP before it hits would prevent them from just flying out of the way as unmanned Talona comes flying at them!
Of course, VAXMig would be pretty much powerless without the Talona - what to do? I am looking forward to a good MIX-UP between the main characters and Nimitz, though!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Mag-Locks with boarding parties. Need I say more?
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well, heh heh - maybe we could FORCE 'em all to cough up a 'lil juice! OK - sounds like a party - I'm there!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Bryan, we're waiting on ya in the Matrix... Don't wanna lose our momentum--it's kewl so far, no?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I posted in Star Wars. Nothing too exciting, just some minor character development. I might post a flashback scene, as well (if I can find the disk where I saved it last year)... Ah, well--you know how it is. I think I'll look in my car--it's where most of my easily-transportable stuff lives now... L8R!
Any plot ideas on the Matrix?
Faye, how's Eric coming with that boarding-sequence post?
Am I pesky, or what?!? I never knew I could get this demanding when I'm tired... OK, so maybe I had a slight clue, but still... ;> L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Short Stories:
I just wrote off the top of my head--sorry if it doesn't flow quite right. I have a couple things to take care of right now--but I'll be back later today. Cya!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Eric wrote a post yesterday but went to go edit it when he discovered it covered some of the same ground you did. Said you wrote a good lead in but he's got some adjustments to make in his. So soon is all I can say.
I have a tentative idea for a Matrix post, but not until Swipe and Jazz are out of the construct. Treat, after all, is a real world character.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
With the Squids out there, ya could probably post some "real world" stuff. Ha ha - Tamper has the exact opposite problem... he's a "Matrix" character!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'll pass on the 'squids' for now, we can put every one in deadly peril in turn. I'd like to see where we go once everybody is ready for the Matrix.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I posted again in Matrix. I put in a counter-point to Swipe's godliness by having him get shot a little. He still does pretty good, though--especially since he manages to... What? and spoil the suspense?!?! You'll have to read it yourself! ;> I'm outta here...
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: recent Treat post: do I sense Treat evolving? She seems to be becoming a stronger character than before. I like it! The added depth suits her. I'd love to hear more Tux stories eventually, too!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well, since I pulled Tux out of my left ear for this post, I'll have to think about that. Hmmm. He does make a good cautionary tale though, don't he?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, Fred. Treat's first question would be why? Then follow it up with - why should I let you mess around with my stuff? The maybe she'd let him mess around a little, but her cosole is HER CONSOLE. Better come up with some compelling reasons or she my just punch out Swipe's kneecaps.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Why watch streaming code when you can just as easily watch it in real-time images? What do you think a DVD is? Or a quicktime movie? Or an MPEG? Streaming code being decoded and translated into a recognizable, digital image. What did Swipe used to do in the 'Matrix' as a profession? Write encodings/decodings for DVD's and burn them onto the media for permanent storage... He's probably quite good at it, also able to crack streaming code formats for easily-recognized video. Treat has to teach him how to 'read' the code anyway, and once he figures this out, it's his logical next step to try and make an automatic translation program for the code, so newbies don't need to learn to translate it in their brain.
Look at it this way--at least he asked Treat, before running off and doing it on his own--which he could do--but the point is, that with a joined effort between Treat, Swipe, and maybe even Tamper, something could be written to translate the matrix-code. It's all about the quality of life.
Good enough? ;>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hmmm. I guess it's a question of what you're used to. It's prob'ly 'good enough' and 'that's how it's always been done'in Treat's way of thinking. I don't know...convince her.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I've been thinking about it. I honestly don't think you could get the depth of information from 'video' that's available through reading the code. Neither would it be likely to completely replace the code stream. But as I said, be convincing.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Shadowrun - I couldn't let the guys get away without some damage, would'a been wrong, but I completely forgot about Dawson's cracked ribs. So you tell me, GF, did he avoid aggravating that injury?
BTW, does Nat know we're dragging Crane along on this one?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes, Dawson's ribs hurt again. That troll tossing him about screwed them up again--but adrenaline works wonders. When he comes down, he'll be feeling less than perky.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Faye--it looks like Damien wants to play with us... How spiff is our little Gh'troc, anyway? I hope not as spiff as the Legacy, or else Damien would be in trouble... How shall we proceed? ;> I guess Rogan knows a bit about mechanics--mostly starfighter mechanics--but I suppose an engine's an engine, huh?
PS--Damien, why would the empire concern itself with a single, downed pilot from the Republic? How would they know he even survived? Lots of ships were in the region... All the TIE pilots would be concerned with is that there were no more enemy ships flying around... I guess it would be perfectly normal for the imperial peoples to be so obsessive at this point--they want to find out info about the enemy. Many of the rebellion bases are no longer secret, now that it's the new republic... Hmm.. We could work with it. ;> Rogan is a pretty good pilot--he's force-sensitive, but the way it channels itself is through an uncanny ability to fly really well... Kinda like Han, only not quite as good (nobody's as good as Han). L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Haran has brought the ship up to a higher standard that it was, but it's still only about, oh say, 20% better than fresh out of the box, once that damn hesitation in the engine is gone that is (did you notice that huge window I left for Rogan to jump through, there?). It will not make the Kessel run in record time. And she is a damn fine pilot, not as good as Han for sure (see above) but at least as good as Julian and Kam and you know what they managed to achieve(inside joke). Sneaky is her preferred MO but barring tractor beams and interdictors, well...
By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes, I've been reading the posts. It's finals week right now, so I haven't had time to write anything for Crane just yet. Plus, I'm leaving for NYC on monday (hey Fred, wanna hang out?). I need the vacation sooo bad, my brain hurts and I'm working on flu #3. the pain! the pain!
By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes, I've been reading the posts. It's finals week right now, so I haven't had time to write anything for Crane just yet. Plus, I'm leaving for NYC on monday (hey Fred, wanna hang out?). I need the vacation sooo bad, my brain hurts and I'm working on flu #3. the pain! the pain!
By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sorry I had to shoot Dawson in the butt, Fred, but I know 6 or 8 lead pellets won't slow him down much, he'll just evacuate them next time he uses the bathroom....but get this....there may be some very interesting things a-brewing with the Star Wars topic....want to here more? Too bad! bwa-ha-ha-ha! [evil laugh complete with cumpulsive hand rubbing]
By I am (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes, Yes. Somethings going to happen. Fred Somethings going to happen. [Joins in on Rangers laughter.]
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, I know. Dance is gonna show up and kill all the stormtroopers. ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I have posted the epic VAXMigrator post which Eric had previously promised to author--but then dropped the ball. I tried to keep it as much in line with his plot idea as possible--I hope everybody enjoys it. It's time to start kciking butt and taking names...
This really is an epic battle, huh? ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, Sol... I skirted around the Doctor, kinda--but I left him open to do whatever you want, there... I dunno where it's going, but I can't wait to find out! ;> See ya L8R!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, all GOOD! I love it! Woo - hoo! I've been quiet about it, but it was because I was inspired to write a post, too. It's finally done now, go see!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: Doctor
I'll be finishing the fight scene with Nimitz and the Doctor in the next post... but Nimitz won't be beaten yet! It will end in a stalemate, and the Doctor will be left to ponder his error in judgement...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Can I post sounds on this board? I didn't see anything listed in the formatting section. I have a bunch of quicktime soundclips of Maniac's favorite expressions while he's flying... Oh, well...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
He wasn't supposed to tell you about Danse **pout** God, but he's a security risk.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
>>>>By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 11:07 am:
At any rate, follow the before-mentioned link and you'll be able to see the Midway in all its glory, as well as all the other ships... PS--the Talona is a Midway class carrier. <<<<
The link is not where I left it. Why?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Here it is again:
Wing Commander in All its Glory.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Star Wars: Hey, Sol, things are moving, better have your Gran finish his meeting soon and get back to the yard. I think that the Terrapin will be flying to an abandond Hutt palace to expedite repairs, I'm sure you'll want to see that ; )
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'll get his little bovine butt moving!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, Sol--a timeline reference... This is like, 6 months after Truce at Bakura. Luke would only still be known in limited circles, such as the Rebellion. You could still be looking for the legendary Skywalker, though, especially since Anakin was legendary, and if you know your Jedi Lore, it wouldn't be a far stretch.
**This Admin Suggested by Eric Leverenz**
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
If Star Wars heats up the way I think it will, I might be severely tempted to bring Julian in--considering Danse is already in, it would be a good tie-in plot. I don't wanna dump Rogan, though--He's ripe for great development...
VAXMigrator: Sol, I love your posts with Sonya & Lal! What's Sonya's plan? Will she be ok? Will she make it to the resupply base in time, or will an enemy fighter pick her off? What's going on? I will read on as your posts flow--you have my attention. Also, I'm going to write a battle-post for Powers and his boarding teams (2 companies of Marines and a bunch of security crew) as well as a separate post for Greyfox/McBride. I'm thinking that Nimitz's first move if things start going badly for him (and they will) would be to set the St. Helens for self destruct, then grab up his bridge crew, hop on a shuttle, and transfer to one of his other ships (he still has 3 out there...) I was thinking of a dramatic post where he sets the St. Helens on a ramming course with the resupply base, sets for a delayed self-destruct, and gets on his shuttle to leave, but Greyfox and McBride get on the shuttle at the last moment, as well. A small fight ensues, where McBride gets shot, just as the base and the 2 ships explode, Nimitz laughing evilly... And this would be catalyst enough for Greyfox to instinctively mess with the time-stream in that moment of energy release and emotion, causing the base, the VAXMigrator, Greyfox, and McBride to simply vanish, Q-style, and reappear back on the other side of the collapsed Alpha-Tori jump-point--right next to the engines! I know that technically, they'd never get home from there, but I'm sure we could figure out a way to do it. This also leaves Nimitz furious, and most importantly, without a flagship. There still is one more Vesuvius-class ship out there, though... The Fujiyama. Also, there's the Midway, which is the same class ship as the Talona. So, he does have his choice, although these are now the last of there kind, as well... Sound like a plan?
Shadowrun: I dunno where to go from here, plotwise... There are still so many pieces to fit together, and then we hafta figure out the smaller details and stop the bad guys from doing this again--maybe destroy the labs, maybe kill the executives who're running the show, who knows? I'm open to suggestions...
Matrix: Who's turn is it again? ;>
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ah, what makes you think that my character does not run in these circles? ;)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ok, Ok... Sorry. So, Haran is the only non-rebellion type character in the group? Ok! ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, Obi-Wan Kenobi lived on Tatooine for a really long time, as well. I know that Julian went looking for him, but it was already after he & Luke left to visit Alderaan. Julian followed his force signature all the way to the Death Star, tho... ;> Danse is Julian's nephew.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
You know, regarding VAXMig, here's an idea for how to GET BACK from the far side of the now-expired Alpha-Tori... it is so simple!
Remember, if you look at some of my VERY early posts in VAXMig, you will see that Data was working on a very special supra-4space engine booster. This hyperdimensional drive that Data created would indeed have the potential to return the ship home. Check it out!
That's a good idea with Nimitz, I think I'll have him lose to the Doctor in some way, and then make his chicken-out escape, setting the St. Helens to blow apart with the VAXMigrator still attached. Good thought, I like it!
What WILL become of Sonya? Lal offline, and Sonya victem of a top-secret radioactive element??? Agghh! I don't plan to kill her yet, but she will basically hang out in hiding until the fight is over... BUT then again, as bad as her situation is, she may just have 1 ace in the hole... the poetic justice will thrill you!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Danse is a mean lightsaber duelist. He uses 2 lightsabers, which gives him 2 actions for every action he takes. He has 8 dice in his lightsaber skill, and his force skills are like, 7, 7, 7, 3--which gives him a total of 18 dice to hit each action. I think he's carrying dark side points, so that would add another 6 dice (3 & 3) which would be 24 dice for 2 actions. Every action he takes has him drop a die, so in order to kill 10 stormtroopers he'd drop 10 dice, giving him 20 more actions, for a total of 22 actions at 14 dice per action. Eric usually saves out a few extra actions to deflect blaster bolts and stuff, so if he drops, say, 6 more dice, he gets another 12 actions for a total of 34 actions at 8 dice a piece. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that... YIKES!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Don't forget, Sol, we have about 500 guys assaulting the St. Helens at this point, half of which are Marines...
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Kewl post with the Doctor, Sol! I'm gonna follow it up with a little more drama, before having Greyfox and McBride vanish. Lemme know what you think of me little battle-posts (remember Meyers, Sol? I think she's head of security). The dramatic end-game will come soon, but I'm tapped out right now... Maybe tomorrow, eh? Faye, if you read this tonight at the library, print out a copy for Eric--I wanna see what he thinks... L8R!
SW: Maee Vees seems pretty kewl, Sol. I look forward to writing with more frequency in that topic, as well...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
What to expect from the mind of Fred, concerning upcoming events in VAXMigrator:
Expect a post from Jayce's point of view as VAXMigrator and St. Helens plummet toward the resupply base.
Expect a post with a Greyfox/McBride/Nimitz confrontation in the shuttle, resulting in the death of Mr. McBride!!! (don't worry, Eric. I'll talk to you about it later).
Expect the VAXMigrator & St. Helens, still linked together, to plummet out-of-control into the resupply base, as Nimitz gloats and Greyfox looks on... Finally resulting in a display of Greyfox's ability as he re-writes history to save the crew of VAXMigrator & the resupply base, as well as McBride AND the hull of the St. Helens...
In fact, Nimitz probably wants Greyfox to exercise his power, so he has more evidence against him. Nimitz may want another paradox-effect to blame on Greyfox, really putting the final nail in his coffin... Unfortunately, the paradox effect that happened was the closing of Alpha-Tori, via reverse-temporal shockwaves... You know, that thing... ;> L8R!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
True, how true!
(idea) I don't know if we want to do this or not, because it would KILL Nimitz, BUT...
What if Jayce finds Sonya (she is near-death from over-exposure to the radiation) and so Jayce takes the warhead away with his ship... then he runs after Nimitz (how? Nimitz is cloaked;) ) and launches the Omega six at the pod, blowing it to smithereens! That's the poetic justice I was talking about b4. Of course, this could happen and Nimitz would STILL live if Time reversed itself... just a little idea there.
I love the way things are going right now. The story is fast and interesting and exciting! Woo haa!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I had a brainstorming discussion with Eric last night--we could do this WITHOUT Greyfox using his powers at all... AND it includes using the Doctor in a most heroic way:
The Doctor doesn't need atmosphere--he's a hologram. He's on the bridge. He can get into the computer and disable the self-destruct sequence. Problem is: helm control is toasty (Anderson brought it with him). We're caught in the gravity well of a gas-giant, and the engines are pushing us closer. Doc calls Greyfox, who's IN A COMMAND SHUTTLE, and he can link the helm control remotely to the shuttle. McBride could be piloting the shuttle to lock down on the big ships, while Greyfox pilots the St. Helens remotely. He uses the intense gravity well to slingshot around the planet, and in doing so achieve a warp-like jump (theoretically possible, as well as widely established sci-fi) which gets them back to the engines.
Nimitz gets dragged along, still caught in the tractor beam. Jayce's squadron and the rest of the fighters could get recalled as Greyfox is piloting the ship remotely. Sonya & Lal? Hmmm... There's enough time to pick them up--the warhead could be used on one of the three remaining Nimitz-ships, and then we could split.
The beauty here is this: Once we get to the other side of the jump-point again, we'll STILL hafta fight to see who controls the St. Helens, Nimitz will be just as stranded as we are, and our engines will be readily accessible. Also, we'll have fighters and Nimitz won't. Does this sound like a plan? Let me know where you want Sonya to go, and Lal, OK Sol? Also, do you want me to write the Doctor post, or do you want to? Cya!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I could talk about that! But one q... isn't Eric going to use the "4-space" abuse to bring in his character? And won't GF still need to use his powers to reach the engines?
Those are my only questions! I wrote that we were going to crash into the resupply base, but now I think that when you said the ships were "headed for the resupply base" you meant something else! I was like, "resupply base? No! We're gonna CRASH!" And it makes a cool post, but let me know, and I'll make the modification!
Heh heh - I was actually gonna have Nimitz do a silent count-down so that no one would know about the destruction of St. Helens until it exploded - he's crafty - but then, Powers IS good, too. :)
Is Nimitz IN the Tractor Beam? I'll reread your recent post! How could I have missed that?
Can the Doctor disengage the auto-destruct? He's not really trained to do it, but if he had HELP, he could! Sonya and Lal - no plans for them as of yet... I still don't know how to get them back to the VAXMig and it wouldn't seem like a very good idea from her point of view right now anyway. She will fly the stupid tug home the whole way if she has to, but right now, VAXMig is certain death. She might be more likely to hook up with the Black Knights right now, and even so, her plan is to SIT TIGHT until the battle is basically OVER. Yeah, and she may be stranded, but sometimes characters just develop a mind of their own, and don't do what you originally intended! :)
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
McBride is Eric's character...
Nimitz is in the tractor beam...
Yes, the ships are gonna crash, unless they blow up first from the self-destruct sequence. Powers could undo the sequence, since Nimitz didn't have time to lock it down--but he's unconscious... I could write a post where Major Henries manages to revive him... There's an idea. Give me some time, and I'll roll with it. Also, I gave Sonya a way out with Vagabond, Maniac, and Panther. L8R!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Beautiful! I thought Eric's character was the boy... you know, the ultra-powerful universe-child? Are we still doing that?
I think the boys will find Sonya pretty much unconscious and with BAD radiation burns... but alive. She would gratefully accept a lift! I'll write that one, I think. After that, feel free to go with it.
Of course Nimitz is caught. I must have closed my window b4 catching that last time. Malcom - ha! A perfect first name for Nimitz.
I'm not sure how Greyfox will contact the Doctor... he might fly by the now-open viewport and say hi with angry struggling Nimitz in tow!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The boy, McBride, is the ultra-powerful universe-child... He's a sleeper and must be 'awakened'. Don't worry, I'll work something out. We only have 20 seconds or so to do it, though... I'll work on it. L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Well, Sol--it's your turn. I set you up for Sonya's rescue. Also, I had the Doctor send a general distress signal from the bridge of St. Helens... Sneaky, huh? Oh Yeah, Nimitz is now our prisoner--kinda. Mebbe he can figure a way out of a full neuro-inhibitor field? Something might happen, but for now, I'm just trying to collect everybody up and get back to the engines. As it is, it's gonna be difficult to land all the fighters--at least half will hafta land on St. Helens. There's only gonna be about a 3-minute window before we slingshot out. Vagabond will be able to catch up, whether or not he's got Sonya... That'll be up to you, buddy. Have Fun! ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ummm, Faye? Your post got cut in half or something... Was that something you did, or did you get an error?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I was trying to think of where I heard Mon Gaza before, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure it out. Then it hit me, just now... I think it's listed in the PodRacer game for N64--I remember seeing the Mon Gaza Speedway--and it looked like it was set in an industrial area. Sol, did you get an N64??? ;>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes it got cut in half... I don't know what happened ...please give me a chance to fix it by posting the rest of the paragraph. What happened? Computer gremlins
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Good enuff for me. Well, off to fix somebody's internet... A techie's job is never done... ;>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Haran post is now complete. If one of the powers wanted too, they could shove the halves together in one post for continuity's sake...up to you
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Faye: Print out the last couple of posts for Eric... I want him to see what's going on. Ask him if I did McBride justice or not? L8R! I'll try calling later on, maybe, but I'm going to Jon's house tonight--translated into don't call me at home...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol: concerning Sonya and the radiation, she wouldn't have burns on her skin, really... Her hair would start falling out and she would get deathly ill, you know, vomitting and diarrhea all at once, while at the same time shivering uncontrollably. The final stages are blindness, bleed-outs, and death--but I think the medical technology of the day has some sort of handy hypo-spray or something...
"Oh, you're in the terminal stages of radiation sickness? I'll give you a shot--then you need to drink lots of water and get plenty of bedrest for the next 5 days... You dehydrated yourself."
I always loved that aspect of sci-fi... Almost everything is curable somehow...
PS--radiation burns occur as a result of prolonged exposure to irradiated metal--as in having it touch your skin for more than a day. You also get radiation sickness from this type of exposure, but it takes longer--like 2 weeks to a month--to get to the terminal stages. A high-dosage of pure radiation such as this (according to today's level of medical science) is lethal. Sonya would probably die after a couple weeks in intensive care if she got out RIGHT NOW... With more prolonged exposure, the survival rate decreases significantly (the body is being cooked from the inside out). However, this is purely a reference by today's standards...
Just trying to keep it real, Yo! Peace OUT! ;>
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Remember, Omega six is a strange alien radiation that kills its victims fast and in "strange horrible ways"... just see my post for details! Sci-fi jibber jabber on my part? Perhaps, but after all, half of all sci-fi is made up anyway, thus the "fi" - joy!
Peace out!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ummm... I thought Richards was on the bridge? Wasn't that only like, 5 or 6 posts ago? Also, aren't we still caught in the gravity well of Kimerron? I liked the Vagabond/Sonya post! Kewl! I just got really confused with the Sol post... Wasn't he an ambassador? Of Peace? (scratches head, confused)... Umm, don't the fighters still need to land--and we still hafta slingshot out of the system? I'm really confused. Please help?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Maybe you should write a post explaining how Sol got to the bridge--maybe he assumed his previous rank and just started giving orders to Richards? How did we escape from the gravity well? How are the fighters gonna land? Ya just kinda breezed over a whole bunch of really dramatic points there, buddy... It's a little confusing.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK, OK, here's what I figured:
1) - Sol outranks Richards, so he took command. All of this is implied, not spelled out, but I did mention that we'd soon have a new surprise Captain. In any case, Sol may only be "acting" Captain anyway until Greyfox comes back.
2) Gravity Well - I kind of ignored that, because if the repair station is not caught in the gravity well, then how is the VAXMigrator?
Let me just remove that last post, though... it's easier.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
repair station is in orbit, so it's technically in the gravity well, just like the moons are, but it's in a controlled descent--this is what orbit is, anyway. We passed beyond the station, with the engines burning close to full, straight into the planet... We would naturally have a harder time getting out, so we sheared off the end at the last minute, and because the gravity and the engines were both working to accelerate us, we achieved great speeds. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my posts. I'll try to go into more detail next time. Write on! ;>
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just curious! Should be all set now! Deleted Erroneous post - Richards is still in command of the Bridge. OK! Let's do some FTL travel!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: radiation realism
I had Sonya vomit all over herself. Hope you enjoyed it!
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
jk ;)