By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
What about a Wookie Jedi?
We should come up with a suitable name for our ship in Matrix... something with a suitable string of Z's and K's and G's.
Yes, I was very impressed with the whole idea of the Matrix - in fact, I love the dozens of parallels to our world... this is, pretty much, how I think it all works! The collective decides what reality will be like out of their will, reality can be changed by a sufficiently strong belief, God is a realization of the Truth (/afterlife) ... and that those who have seen the Light have a responsibility to return to The Cave to free others. A prison for the mind... an invisible prison without gates or bars or doors... a prison for the mind. Now and again, just every now and again, we may get a glimpse of the Truth, of our true nature and true power, but with power comes so much responsibility, the mind usually cannot wait to shut it back up again, to pretend that it is helpless. Heaven forbid that any of us should ever REALIZE this power! It would turn our lives upside down, but with this power, we would be granted the ability to accomplish anything...
These metaphors were displayed so eloquently in the movie, even an ANSWER to the QUESTION was hinted at. We have the power. There is no question. To ask the question is what leaves us powerless. Simply KNOW what you already KNOW. That is all you need.
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Technical Information on the Matrix
Great background for story-writers!
Tech Manual
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I could buy a Wookiee Jedi a hell of a lot quicker than an Ewok. Plus Wookiees are an advanced society - relatively - but Ewoks are not only in the stone age, but no one knew of their existance until Endor.
I have yet to see Matrix so I'll have to take a pass on that story line.
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Did you know that AI's today are sometimes referred to as "Intelligent Agents?"
As a character, I was considering an AI created by the Resistance... able to fight Agents in their own element, also able to interact with the crew through training programs. The AI's non-adaptability would become a continued frustration for it, however, and although programmed with the knowledge of all the Resistance's training programs, it could never advance further...
I do not know if this is the character I will choose... there are so many possibilities.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I could also buy a Wookie Jedi before an ewok Jedi (notice I didn't capitalize 'ewok') especially since Ranger & I had a muchly long-lived Star Wars campaign in which there was a Wookie Jedi as a character. He fought with a lightstaff, and even had a lightsaber bayonet attached to the front of his bowcaster. He was alright as a character, but the guy who was playing him was real flaky, so the character ended up being not as serious as he could have been, unfortunately. Still, he got serious enough, and although didn't realize full potential, did manage to wind up with some fairly exotic powers and a well-developed personality. Do you agree, Faye----Errr, Ranger? ;>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes on all counts Greyfred. Especially the flakey part.
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Flaky Wookie usually means dandruff... BUT I will think about it. I also really liked the Mon Calamari as a race...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Make sure you carry lots of water then...
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
For the Wookie's dandruff, or for my amphibeous Mon Calamari?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Either or. If it's for the dandruff, I'll make sure my character has Head and Shoulders stock, I'll be rich!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
We should start posting in the Matrix topic soon.
Give some real thought to what character you want to potray this weekend and we can get the ball rolling on that topic by next week.
My character:
Hacker Name : Jazz
"Birth" Name: John Stevenson
Age : 26
More to follow...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hacker Name: Swipe
"Birth" Name: Jacob Logan
Age: 24
Jacob works as a computer technician in a major corporation in NYC. Recently, he's been having some interesting chats on-line with some SERIOUS hard-core hackers (a resistance cell). Also, he's been having a strange recurring dream lately, as a result of his illicit copyright infringements of burning DVD's and whatnot (in his spare time). It's only a matter of time before agents find him...
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Name: Tamper
Age: 2
* * *
Created by Mouse, Tamper is an AI created for the Resistance. Until recently, Tamper has only showed up inside training simulations where he can appear as anyone or anything. In the real world, Tamper has recently been given a crude body - it appears like a manequinn - no face, no clothes, really no features, capable of moving about and plugging in. In the event of ship malfunction, Tamper's program is safe inside this robot-shell.
Inside the Matrix, Tamper appears as a very tall, thin black man whose legs and arms are disproportionately long. He can move with amazing speed, and has all the abilities possessed by the net runners. He can also hack into the Matrix from the inside for a number of astounding results.
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
(re Matrix)
Was Mouse killed?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Even better! :D
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Uh-oh. I got a glitch--Deja-Voux on the Matrix Topic. IT HAS ME!!! Gotta go...
--PS: Please delete my mirror-post, someone? Thanks!)
By Carmine (Carmine) on Unrecorded Date: |
Heh, how can I resist?
"Hacker" name: Carmine. Well, she's not a hacker, but she usually goes by one name, anyways.
"Birth" name: Una Taylor.
Age: 28
History: Carmine was recently unplugged and she is still adjusting to the new culture. Following an unusual encounter with an agent, Carmine retained part of their code within her digital self and has an uncanny ability to blend into the background and escape notice while within The Matrix. No matter what she does, people within the Matrix forget her very easily - and completely. This has saved her life more than once, and is why she was unplugged, despite her lack of hacker skills.
Read Unplugged for the full story.
At this point, Una is frantically learning all the hacker skills that come so naturally to her counterparts... ;)
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Awesome! I think we're all ready. We just need a name for our ship. Howabout Zion's Light?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, I wrote to 6 other "potentials" besides Carmine, but no one nibbled... yet. shakes head I should have expected that they'd want the blue pill...
Tina, are you lurking?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Nebbarchudnezzar was a biblical king... We should name the ship after some biblical/mythological being who deals with waking, dreams, sleeping, hope, etc... Mebbe, like, --d@mn!-- I just brain-blanked on my mythology... Oh, well... You get the idea...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
So, I posted in Shadowrun... Take my innuendo as you wish... Does Janey just have a cold, or is it more sinister? Is she, perhaps, a carrier of the MetaPlague? The ball has dropped, take it where you will... >evil, maniacal chuckle< Ahem... Sorry... ch{:)}
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
J is what I meant...
By Carmine (Carmine) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ship names, some serious, other's not.
King David
Last Hope
Broken Circuit (a ship that's forever falling apart)
Any help?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, we've kick started Shadowrun,thanks to some one's evilness...notice I, too, was only speculating about wheather the virus was loose. Is it? The thick plottens.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hammurabi - I like it! What's it mean, Carmine?
Yes, I will soon be posting the origins of Tamper - perhaps with a tie-in to the present as well. Let's do a post-Neo storyline. Any opposed?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hope I'm not taking too much license w/ Greyfox... sometimes, it can seem like we cross the line if we "meddle" with the characters of others too much. Does anyone have opinions, for that matter, how much "meddling" with another person's character should be allowed?
Are all characters essentially "public" - on-limits to all authors as long as it is consistant with the story?
Are you able to claim that someone else's character took this-or-that action, or said this-or-that thing?
Are you only allowed to refer to the character of another, not actually write for them?
Ideas, opinions?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I believe, Sol, you have as much an understanding of Greyfox as I, and therefore I allow you to take great liberty with writings concerning his character. Also, Faye & I have come to an agreement concerning Dawson & Dallas--we often write snippets for either character, as long as it's consistent with what has been established. More thoughts on this from me later--I've got a service call to take care of...
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Here is the rest of Jazz's bio:
John Stevenson alias "Jazz" is assistant business manager of Bianco Waste Disposal. A front for the mob, John had gotten his hands dirty on more then one occasion.
While he knew all aspects of "the business" his favorite game was information brokering. Most wiseguys couldn't even turn on a computer, much less use one. But John was born for it. Using his many contacts on the internet, and constructing huge search scripts which hacked into almost every major government dBase in the world. John or "Jazz" as his associates call him could get the dirt on anybody and sell it to the highest bidder.
Although he was only half-Italian and could never become a made man, he had made quite a name for himself within the organization. Not only for bringing in allot of dough... but for the way he always seemed to avoid getting nailed by the cops.
His digital self appears as a six foot tall white male of Italian-Welsh origin. He has brown eyes and dark brown curly hair. His dress is very expensive, like that of a business executive.
He almost never dresses casual.
His life will be changed forever when he is asked to research a cell known as "the resistance" headed by a certain individual who calls himself Morpheus.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Good job with VAXMigrator, Fred! This seems like such a good close-up, tie-up for our loose ends. I do not know what shall happen next, perhaps it shall wait for a time.
About Naenor: It was not previously revealed, but Naenor was once "in charge" of a Reality in his ancient past. In his arrogance, he tried to influence the events of that reality, and although the changes he made seemed small, they combined in an unexpected way, and the domino effect caused the eventual destruction of that reality - Naenor was powerless to fix it or reverse it, the contamination was simply too ingrained. Additionally, Naenor himself would die as a result, his fate tied to his world. He tried to warn Greyfox of this on the Holodeck of the VAXMigrator just before it was destroyed by Paradox, choosing this "poetically parallel" moment in Greyfox's life to give the warning. As an old, frail man, thus he died in Greyfox's arms, but left with Greyfox a part of him.
Of course, to a timeless being, chronology means nothing for his life-line is eons-long and outside the timestream, but... I digress.
By carmine on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol et al.
Hammurabi was a king of Babylon (or was it Sumeria?) who is credited with being the first lawmaker of ancient times. He codified a whole bunch of rules - no smiting, no stealing, etc - decided on the penalties for breaking those rules, and then had them carved on a huge obelisk in the center of town where all (well, all who could read) could see them.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol, as I have so often stated in the past, we should do some kind of comic, or graphic novel, or SOMETHING with the Greyfox/A'akra Naenor storyline. We've really got the whole superhuman/psychic/timestream-manipulation thing down to a science... I LIKE it! L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Since we share a universe when we write these stories, I think it's only fair to expect that someone is going to want to use your character to forward the tale etc. I think we should all agree that is not only ok but sometimes essential. HOWEVER, both Fred and I agree that no one has the right to fundementally change your character (i.e. making Tinker Bell a manic depressive or Willy Wonka into Oral Roberts, or turning someone ito a slobbering addict if they didn't start out that way) or has any right to kill or other wise destroy your creation. I there for submit for your condsideration these as basic rule of shared world writing:
1. No drastic changes to another person's character's character.
2. No killing another person's character.
What say you?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
That sounds like a good and fair start. With our small group, I don't think we'll really have many troubles, BUT it is reasonable to have some guidelines. Anyone else want to mention some good ammendments?
By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: |
Earlier comments retracted.. Sorry Sol. I kinda missed the part your post that established the events of your post as a simulation in the construct program.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Oh - I didn't read your comment! Must've been naughty! Anyway, I posted in Italics to show that all this happened in the past... specifically, it all happened sometime after Neo came to the crew, but before he had his powers.
I will need a follow-up background post to show how Tamper got his body, and how he came to be on the new ship, etc. The nice thing about having admin privs is that I was able to go in and edit my post a little. It says pretty much what I want it to say now, I may need to do some tense-fixing there...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
(looking over my post) maybe that's just too many Agents... we don't need so many for them to be a deadly threat. Give me a little while, I will modify the post.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tank can't jack in. He's an operator. Can't even run in simulations. Switch and Apoc, however, can. Might wanna replace Tank with Apoc? Just a thought--for consistency. Kewl post, otherwise. Thumbs up, Sol...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Good, good - I will. I wanted to have that blonde woman, too - I don't remember her name, so I didn't use her. What was it? Cypher killed her... and I'll also replace all instances of "Cipher" with "Cypher" - I am led to believe that the latter is the correct spelling. Oi, so sloppy am I that I have to edit AFTER I post! How do the rest of you do it?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Her name would be----Switch. She and Apoc were an "item" That is all.
By the way, I frequently use the preview post button, then proofread from there. Sometimes it takes me 5 tries--other times, I get it on the first one (like in VAXMigrator).
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Switch! Right! I thought so! Since she didn't have a part, really, I thought she'd be great to develop. My story will quickly move into the present however, but even so... just checking!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Anybody wanna join me in VAXMigrator? Bry, got any kewl ideas? I feel like I've got sooooo many characters floating around, and they're really all up for grabs. I enjoy writing for the squadron, but they haven't made it through the jump-point yet. I enjoy writing for Greyfox, but he just did something amazing, and too much amazing creates problems for mundane (rather, less amazing?) characters. I don't wanna step too far with the story, causing everybody to say "oh, that's Fred's story... what's he gonna write next?" OR "oh that's Sol's story... what's he gonna write next?" I'd like to involve some more people... Throw me your criticism. Tell me you hate it, you love it, ANYTHING, as long as you can back it up with a reason why. I've got some ideas, but I'm reluctant to post them, since I don't wanna monopolize the topic. Sorry if I sound snippy... Lack of sleep and all. I'll go eat something...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Fred, I don't blame ya. I know how you feel. What we need are a few more writers, eh? I suspect that a lot of people Lurk... our membership is about 40 people (Honest!) and I bet some of them are reading this right now. Come now, people, surely you are reading my words now for a reason, maybe you're bored or lonely... why not come on in and join us? Be involved? It doesn't have to be a lot, even a little 'hello' will make you a part of it all. Who knows? Other lurkers who share your interest may be enticed to post, too, and BAM - new friends just like that.
Incidentally, Fred, here's some critique on "where VAXMig is going..."
re: storyline - beautiful! There are so many rich threads to enjoy! This couldn't be better. Posts trickle in slowly, but they are quality!
re: characters - I think there are too many of them. Lots of characters aren't bad while lots of writers are present, but if there are just a few, many characters will get little or no development. Sometimes, it would be so nice to see some of the ones we have developed a little more. For this reason, I have of late considered the destruction of the VAXMigrator and a transfer of all personnel to the Talona ... why? Just to get all the characters in one place, then we can have some real interaction! Maybe we can kill off lots of extra characters in one big war. Then we can have 1 ship instead of 4. Maybe I'm being a little drastic... what do the other writers think? Is a topic such as this better with one ship or one fleet, or many ships?
re: distance - In any case, I think the VAXMigrator and Talona should meet up soon - it has been a LONG time by any measure!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I really wanted to get everything onto one ship, as well... That's why I wanted ship crews/personnel/squadrons to transfer over to the VAXMigrator, not the other way around. Harris has his own ideas on how to carry out Nimitz's orders... I really wanted to establish a small core of really tough ships, which, in a jam or a climactic end battle-scene, could be called upon to aid the VAXMigrator... It will take several years to refurbish the VAXMigrator now--it has no engines! Battlestars are old ships, but extraordinarily powerful! But, without engines, they're floating starbases... A NEW engine would take at the very least several months to build, if an entire technical staff worked in unison. Still, I want to keep the VAXMig, since she has alot of surprises with which to face a newer ship.
Also, if she were to be destroyed, Nimitz wins. Input on how to proceed?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
That's true... Nimitz could win... maybe the crew would have to go into hiding as renegades?
Seriously, though, we could repair the ship. But Earth probably WOULDN'T do it... I bet the Borg could repair it FAST... or some benign but tech-advanced alien race... of course, with the VAMMig crippled, it makes even more sense that she should have a squadron. I kind of pictured the shattered hull of VAXMig dragged back to Earth as Nimitz stands by smiling, with Greyfox forced up to the block for his unfair trial... the darkest hour, so to speak... writing one's way OUT once back to Earth, that's the trick... Earth = suicide! Well, enough of my comments... I'll leave space for others to comment...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I just did a little survey--for my own benefit. starting from post 57, there have only been 5 posts written by someone other than Sol or Me. 1 was Darren's, and the rest were Bry's. Wow... Can we get some more authors? Thanks. J
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
FYI: Sol & I have pretty much split the last 57 posts between the two of us. Also, there are currently 119 posts in the topic. Could this be the grand-daddy of all the other story-topics? Hmmmm...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Shadowrun is a close second with 93 posts.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Choufie! What will become of good ol' spacestuff
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
I posted in Vaxmigrator. Samuel Jarrah is back.
I left the post open ended. Either the doc can find the implant, or not. We know Nimitz had it installed, but we do not know of its true origins.
As for Nimitz himself, I willmake a post soon. I need to re-read the past 50 posts to get an idea of how the events that are unfolding now
affect or assist his plans. Any thoughts Fred?
*fishes for ideas* -- creatively taped... as usual.
I'll be posting there soon. Will make background posts for Jazz. The cool thing about Jazz will be that in the Real World he is blind. This will no doubt be quite a shock for him to overcome when he is unpluged.
Are you still with us Johanna?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Oi! I replied to the VAXMig post and did a Data/Nimitz post, but I closed the window accidentally as my class came in! No! I'll try to redo it later... it's OK, the post needed a rewrite anyway!
VAXMig questions:
I am assuming that the "Doctor" is a different EMH from the one on VAXMig... since Jarrah is not yet on the VAXMig... what ship is Jarrah on again? Is he on the Talona? A refresher would be good - what ships are out there right now? There's VAXMig... Talona... I remember some others, but so many were destroyed, and I lost track. Ping?
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah. He is on the Talona. Sorry. I forgot.
Well, lets assume then the EMH that looked over
Jarrah is one assigned to the Talona.
I want Jarrah moved to the vaxmigrator soon. That's his ship afterall.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, all EMH's look alike, that's the beauty!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Gerrit in the Enigma Quadrant? Who knew?
Note 51.53 The Enigma Quadrant 53 of 108
LEVVAX::GAK4178 "Black Amethyst" 6 lines 24-SEP-1993 22:39
Measly Citizen Gerrit hears some noise and rushes in to see a cute
alien slumped to the ground with a 9mm imbedded in its cranium. The
citizen frowns, then sits on it and wonders why he's still alive in
this cruel world.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
And the Mad Hatter - wow, everyone was there!
Now that's storytelling!
Note 51.68 The Enigma Quadrant 68 of 108
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER" 6 lines 27-SEP-1993 18:25
the mad hatter sits around with his thumb up his butt watching the
the mad hatter
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Vesuvius, Sheffield, Essex, Ajax, Apollo, & Andromeda will jump into the Kiterra system in the middle of the Talona attempting to destroy VAXMigrator. Greyfox/Data's command of VAXMig will be the key factor here... We don't wanna destroy either ship, only show Capt. Harris' treachery. Sound good? Let's Do It! ;>
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ah, what a post, Greyfox! With both ships disabled, I had to think LONG and HARD about WHAT Data / Fox could do ... but I came up with a little something... HOPEFULLY, we can get a little mutiny going on the Talona before the others arrive! I'm not sure HOW BAD a shape VAXMig is in, and maybe they have some kind of backup power, we'll see what develops...
Bryan, Jarrah is IN the game! For now, I left the matter of whether his implant was COMPLETELY removed - analyzed up in the air... but YOU are IN THE GAME! I think Lal jumped over, too, but holograms can only exist where there is an Emitter... depending how the Talona is set up, this may be only in sick bay for both of them... still, I am pretty pleased with myself right now, and enjoyed writing that last one!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Incidentally, I left your character "hanging" Fred because I thought he should face Morpheus alone... if it is Morpheus! The fact is that we haven't yet settled exactly what the role of the "old" characters will / would be in this Topic (makes it awkward to write for!) Tamper will probably be waiting back at the ship when Swipe emerges from Dreamland... the question is this: is your character (Bry) going to be "established" or are we going to awaken him, too? Carmine will be, I assume, established (Johanna, you may consider placing an additional link to her background when you post your introduction in The Matrix or even post the entire story if you like, possibly with edits if you want to alter the character for this alternate "universe")...
Anyway, I'll hold off on posting until Swipe is awakened.
Idea - Morpheus could be a "group" character that we all write for - whoever the Leader is shall probably be a "public" character. If we had more writers, someone could play the Leader directly, but we each have a character right now. I also don't know if it is a good idea for each writer to have TOO many regulars... it will probably be necessary. Another idea: although we don't need regular characters on the machines' side, it would be a possibility. I talked to Tina P. and she's "out"... no time. Of course, she was never officially "in," but I'm rambling now.
* * *
I also have available "Sol's Guide to the VAXMigrator" - if you want one, plz mail me as I shall be sending it out en masse at my earliest convenience. I also have available the first several posts of VAXMig II, the attempted 2nd story, also available upon request.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I just posted in VAXMig. Now, all 3 big ships are very messed up--which is the logical result when they all start shooting at each other. The destroyers and cruisers (as well as the Andromeda) I've intentionally left open--in case anybody wants to go into more detail about them... (hint-hint, Ranger?) It would probably be a good idea to post aftermath stuff from each of the characters' perspectives, and then come up with some way of repairing the ships... Alrighty? L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cool. I'm just catching up with Vaxmig story.
I'm glad to see it's kickin' again...... this does not mean that I want to carry Shadowrun alone, however, spread some of those creative juices around, fellas.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
My head hurts! I just went into Shadowrun, VAXLandia, Matrix, and Deadwood City--stared at each one for about a minute, but nothing came out of my brain and onto the screen! No inspiration--No plot devices--No character development--No action sequences--NOTHING! Am I dead? How did this happen? Why did it happen to me? Ow. I need sleep, and a weekend full of kewl movies and video games for inspiration... Maybe we could do a White-Wolf (Storyteller) story? Nah, too much like work...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
With all the recent Awesome posts you've been doing, don't sweat it. Everyone else needs time to catch up with U anyway, so rest easy, buddy! We'll give some other authors some time to reply there, and you can, well, drink coffee!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I can just picture him with one side of his cranium swelling up as he writes that - eww, cerebelum constipation sucks, but for heaven's sake relax. This is the stuff you do for fun, remember.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Damien Ertle (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just the thought of that makes me cringe. Don't sweat it Fred there is always someone to come along and bail your little fanny-o out. >grins<.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Please, do be careful of the swear factor, Damien. Thank you.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Very nice intro-post in The Matrix, Fred. Reminiscent of the Neo-scene from the Movie, and well-described. I like how you made the whole of Morpheus' realm seem so... CLEAR, very appropriate and a beautifully-done metaphor for what Swipe was being offered.
By Damien Ertle (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sorry Fred didn't relize it was that strict. I'll try harder.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
...quick, follow much trouble is Cele in now? Can't twist...argh...must realign...hmmm...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
;) - Don't worry - I just made the horse up! You can decide, or we'll write it together! I figured there'd be unicorns on VAXLandia... perhaps the Unicorn mistook her for someone, maybe not, will the truth ever be known???
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, Sol, how's that? I left it nice and ambiguous. We can keep the mystery as long as you want.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Excellente! I enjoyed reading your post, and I like the new twist that it has taken. I think this will offer some ideal chances for character development, and maybe even a chance for all of us to add our own additional touches to VAXLandia!
By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ok, it is done. Star Wars: A New Republic is created. Incidentally, if someone can come up with a better title & opening monologue, then lease submit it to me via email. That was honestly, my first crack at it.
Anyways.. some basic rules.
1. Only use characters consistant with the sprit of the star wars universe. (Sorry Sol, no Klignons allowed)
2. Only use tech specifically from the star wars universe. I don't want to see a klingon warbird off the port bow of a Calamari cruiser, nor do I want to see people "beaming" to the surface of a planet.
3. No killing off another author's main player character without first consulting them and getting permission. Actually, its much better if a person writes their own death scene. Also this applys if you wish to blow up their ship. Secondary characters however, are quite fair game as well as public characters which I will explain.
3. Public characters: NPC's from the movies and books, as well as any player character which is released into use by everyone as an NPC is fair game. A character becomes "public" if that person's owner writes in the storyboard discusion topic and says. "Do whatever you want with him/her/it."
4. That doesn't mean you can't use other peoples characters to interact with your characters. Just make sure whatever you do, (save from getting them killed or captured beyond the possibility of rescue), is consistant with the general personality and M.O. of that character.
5. Have fun. Too many damm rules huh?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
My last post, concerning gutting the power supplies out of the Talona, I've been thinking--not a good idea. We should proceed with the mag-lock of the 2 ships, as per my second-to-last post. Thanks. It's not canon-breaking, so we could still handle it in-story. I don't need the post deleted. I'll be stopping by at Eric's house on Wed. to get his first post written. It should be good. L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sorry I had to hit Jarrah over the head with a big 'ol beam, Bry. He's going to be perfectly healthy in time for the next big action sequence, don't worry. Also, it's one of the only ways I could justify him being alive (so close to the bridge) and not being on the bridge (which is, umm, obliterated). Can anybody decide the best way to link the two ships up? I was thinking, due to the relative size and shape of each ship, the large, flat bottom section of VAXMigrator could lock to the large, flat, top section of the Talona. The umbilical device would have to run from the main computer core of VAXMigrator to the engineering section of Talona, and the power on Talona would have to be brought back online. It can be done, just--not under combat situations. (it will take some time). Also, the tugs can pull the two ships closer to Kimerron-5, which actually has drydock facilities. Lemme know what you think, eh? Also, Eric will be contributing some very kewl ideas, as well as a fresh perspective on the topic... I hope to get his first post written tonight, refined by tomorrow, and hopefully posted by then, as well. Anybody else's thoughts? L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
PS--I told Eric that Sol gave him a login ID, and he said, "Oh yeah--Sol! He hates me." J
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Is he the one I hate? I can't remember - there are so many.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: VAXMig -
Well, I already in my post described that the Talona would be on top, so at the risk of an incompatibility there, I'd say go ahead. You know what the ships look like big guy, so feel free to go with it as appropriate...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I'm trying to come up with a good idea for the Star Wars topic... characters, characters. I would love to have some kind of a jedi, but human jedis have been done, I really am leaning toward some kind of alien. A student under Skywalker would be a logical choice - indeed, ALL jedis in this era would have to be students of Skywalker, and therefore all relatively weak. Luke would pretty much HAVE to be an NPC, as everyone wants a jedi after all!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Here is a general list of character ideas, this is by no means a complete list.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Great List, Bryan! Mmmm, *cogs turning*
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, Star Wars has been launched. I decided to start out on at least a familier planet. I left everything very open ended for people to dive right in.
Really, my first post is more of a character sketch/mood setter then anything else. and I hope every one has ideas, because right now I have no direction, just a character - who, if you could not tell - is most definately NOT a Jedi. Its just your basic intro of party at bar opening. Do with it what you will.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Gee--this sounds almost like a campaign we once had... Maybe I'll crash-land a pilot into the Dune Sea? ;>
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I could have a good Hutt... you know, reformed. He'd have his own protocol droid, peebot, since he only speaks Hutt-eese. Now, it's also cool because a Hutt is completely immune to Jedi powers. Also, he'd be really, really large.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Also, he'd have a slave-girl, and she'd be nekkid.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
On second thought, maybe I'll just have a slave girl character named "Nekkid."
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Or perhaps a very small dog.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Here's an idea: what would happen if an Ugnaught just happened to come across Bobba Fett's Mercadian Armour? Then, like, he'd have powers an' stuff. But because an Ugnaught is small, he would not be able to wear the pants. So his name would have to be Ugnaughty.
OK, my brain went str8 down the tubes there. Sorry everybody!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I know, Bobba Leyndor - he'd be Bobba Fett's twin brother, except shinier. He could be the founder of a militant anti-gasmining operation, but with time became dissatisfied. After his brother's death, he spent 5 years in a monostary looking for God, then decided that being evil was really the best way to honor his brother's memory. Also Bobba Fett always beat him up when they were little, so his face is lopsided and he talks with a drawl. He doesn't have any armour, he just runs around saying, "I'm a bounty hunter! I'm a bounty hunter!"
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ummm... Mandalorian Armor, Sol. Mandalorian.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
's OK, I was planning to go with the small dog anyway.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol, yer really a spaceball, d00d :>
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Shhh, GF, that was just a dream you once never happened...this is new and completely different...besides the root of the character was too cool to waste, lets just call this new and unexplored territory...Dune Sea crashes inadmissible....
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I already have an intro-post for that character, written, tho! DARN! Oh, well, I guess I won't be contributing to Star Wars any time soon...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I just thought we could start in territory everybody knows. It could easily be the Mos Eisley Cantina, you'll note I left it open, but we all know what Tatooine is like - loose, under no real government, ostensibly controlled by the Hutts, a free market. All manner of Republic-Empire - No Alligence types can and would be all together there. Do whatever you want.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: death in "Clone's Tale"
It was a violent, painful ordeal, Amanda, but I should point out that (although the story is not clear on this point) the slivers steadilly retreated after Lord Chaos' selfless gesture, and the castle was saved.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Or, mebbe Sol got beat by his opponent, who was playing a slivers deck, and this was one way for him to get back at that player? I'm just bustin on ya, Sol. The story was good. ;>
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Thanks, Fred! The story doesn't represent any particular game, but after playing a few games with Slivers in them, I was inspired to write this story. I never much cared for Volrath, either, that's why he's dead practically before the story starts - this story employs a lot of exaggeration and similar tongue-and-cheek follies throughout... well, maybe it gets more serious toward the end there...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I liked your non-violent story. It paints a picture, it is well-written and well thought out. I like the line about the blood-red leather... I knew just the kind you meant from your description.
By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Since I dropped half my shifts, a little time to post on Shadow run has come my way. Its a miracle. Check it out.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Mork to Orson" ... ha ha, I like it!
Rigel, good to have ya back! ! !
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ohh! Must run over to Shadowrun! Be right back!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yay, Nat. Glad to have you back.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, Sol, I give. Please describe a Gran to me. I'd like to do a follow up but I don't know what you are. It's not a small dog, is it?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I was going to work in a description, but darn, I just didn't! I'm going to take the easy way out here:
OK? Cool!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
PS - I drew that myself with MSpaint.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cool, well done, Sol. So he's kind of a cameloid-goatish three eyed it.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes. Watch some scenes from Jabba's palace, also in the original, before special-edition cantina scene. These fellas are depicted there. Also Phantom Menace shows them all over the place--Tatooine, council members in the senate, everywhere. They're a fairly common SW alien.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
My last post in VAXMigrator is meant to be an opportunity for anybody who wants their character to transfer to Vesuvius, do it now. I have a plan where the VAXMigrator will be out of commission for near to a year, as the engines are RE-ATTACHED. I figured nobody wanted their characters to sit around and do nothing, so this is the chance you guys are gonna get to maintain the story for a while without the VAXMigrator. Also, a kewl battle scene is coming up with Nimitz and a BIG fleet vs. VAXMigrator linked with Talona. Sol, I could use Data's help in this battle, but it is still your choice on whether or not you want him to leave the VAXMigrator. For more explicit details, anybody, e-mail me. Trust me, it will be most epic, dramatic, and kewl. Also, Eric's character will make his appearance during the battle sequence. L8R!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I meant to say "As Haran looked..." not "As the Haran looked..." Sorry. Also, I was pressed for time, and I couldn't find my pre-written introductory post, anyway. Besides, the charcter in that story was from before Tantive 4 & operation skyhook. Oh, well, the timeline can change... I hope you can grow to enjoy my new character... He may seem a bit too ego-centric, but I think he has a great growth potential (back me up on this one, Faye?) ;> L8R!
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yes, /i{VAXMig} will probably be in Spacedock for a LONG time. Don't forget that the scientists are ready to TEAR it apart since it has somehow survived a paradox, so if it hits spacedock, that could be it.
Even so, it would be a good chance to "ditch" some extras... likely the Doctor will be ditched in favour of Sam Jarrah, I may ditch Data, too, since he will likely move on in favour of a new command. That leaves Lal, and some bit characters... i may even ditch Sol, we'll see - his ambassadorial skills will be needed elsewhere. Hmmm, mm.
I'll wait and see how it all pans out b4 deciding on a new main character.
When I heard about the heavy damage taken by the Vesuvius, I thought it would be cool to meld all 3 ships into 1. Now that's pretty cool. What would it look like? That'd be a nearly unstoppable ship, indeed. It'd be like a mass-carrier, and battlestars could dock on it!
Another idea: The VAXMig, already in deep space, later happens upon a sister ship thought lost. It could be a derelict, or it could be under assault. Free parts, bay-bee!
On the other hand, I wouldn't mind some fun on the Vesuvius either.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Star Wars:
What a wonderful post, Ranger! I see that you did some research on the Gran. You seemed to get my character right, too. Cool! I like the way it is going, this will be fun! I also think the character interaction is SO important to any story. It makes or breaks it... after all, if the characters don't interact, then why even do a group story? That's my point. Well, see ya at sundown!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
I actually got up early this morning to research - okay mostly to shower - but I really wanted to get a look at the Gran description in the character profiles book hubby has. I'm starting to wonder if Haran is perhaps a human/Firrerreon hybrid. She wouldn't know, but it may be something that could turn up later. I'll have to think about it.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
:) So interesting! A may need to get a copy of the Star Wars RPG source book. I got my info from the Star Wars index on the web... but then I lost the link... doh! Oh well - if anyone knows it, don't hold out on papa Sol. In any case, I'll remember the (few) details they gave.
I loved the Gran senator in Phantom Menace... cool! I may even have an Action Figure of Ree Yees at home. I could get out my model paints and individualize him! Cool!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Nice post, Damien... Ever hear of a spelling/grammar checker? J Just bustin on ya. You can beat me up tomorrow... J L8R!
PS-Faye, do you know if Eric has started writing his little story yet? I'm anxious to start posting chunks of it on VAXMigrator. L8R!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, I think he was writing it last night. Give a call.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Knight Hawk:
I liked your short-story. Very creepy! I wonder how long it took for the soldier to get home. 2 weeks? 100 years? And the Sun rising in the North was a nice touch, too. Is it from a campaign you were in, or just your creative mind at work?
By Amanda (Starkindler) on Unrecorded Date: |
You drew that picture yourself, Sol? Very impressive. Glad you liked my story. It's my attempt at becoming a better writer.
By I am (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
I just wrote it. I sat down on my bunk in my cabin turned on my laptop and began to write. Its quite exsilerating when done that way.
By I am (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
I just wrote it. I sat down on my bunk turned on my laptop and began to write. Its quite excilerating when done that way.
By I am (Knight_hawk) on Unrecorded Date: |
sorry about the double post. Bad computer bad bad, no new pentium for you.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Oh, the guilt! The guilt! I didn't draw that picture, no, it wasn't me! No, no! I must be one of those compulsive liar types, what was the word? Aggh! Maybe later today I'll post a more accurate demonstration of my artistic abilities. Oh, the shame of it all!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
My next post in VAXMigrator is dependent upon the other authors writing, describing what their characters decide to do. I cannot take for granted whether or not your charcters want to sit on their butts for six months in-topic, or actually be doing stuff on another ship. I will most likely write for Kraken. Also, Eric & I will be writing installments from the VAXMigrator as it floats around, essentially doing nothing. Jayce & the Black Knights will remain with VAXMigrator, and so will Greyfox. Also, I've been brainstorming with Eric, and we've come up with an idea for a new villain... I shall be developing him as well. Any other input?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Just a friendly reminder--the crew transfer has taken place. The VAXMigrator is working under a full crew at this time. Also, I was planning on writing a post concerning Nimitz coming out and arresting Greyfox. I guess when it comes down to drawing lines for a fight, Kraken is gonna side with Nimitz? Well, this is gonna take some careful writing on my part, now... I had just assumed Kraken would aid Greyfox if it came down to it--like he did in this most recent skirmish. Give me a chance to come up with some altered plans for my next post...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ha ha - sorry Fred! I thought the fleet was coming out under Nimitz' orders to get Greyfox in the first place... and Kraken may not know that Nimitz is EVIL. I don't think anyone really knows... I mean, Harris was a nut, but Nimitz is cunning. Nimitz struck me as the type that wouldn't want to get his hands dirty. Now, I think if it came right down to it, Kraken WOULD help Fox, but does Kraken know that there is a problem at this point? What say ye?
I was also under the impression that all the "new crewmembers" of the VAXMig were temporary, and that they were mostly just engineers. Even so, I could point out that although I only transferred 2 members, there are other ships that the Vesuvius can draw from, some of them right there, like the Andromeda, right? And the Command Crew of the Talona also escaped before Harris took his last stand. In case anyone wants to bring anyone over to the Vesuvius.
One detail, though - I don't plan to write for characters on 2 ships. It's like writing for 2 topics. When my characters go to Vesuvius I'll be fading Sol, Data, and the Doctor into the background. NPC's? You can write for them if you like, but try not to get them too involved in anything.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
No problem. I think I can competently write for The Doctor and Data. I'll just leave Solenoid alone, if ya want me to. How about Jarrah? I mean, I know he wants to be on the VAXMig, but I don't think he wants to sit around. I'm still waiting to hear from ya, Bry. Greyfox out... ;>
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Do you want me to start writing for Data right now? I think I have a pretty good idea about what he's gonna say to Greyfox, and what his actual reaction will be... I'm just waiting on your word, Sol...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
re: VAXMig
Fred, you dirty b**tard! Well, well, I suppose I was asking for it, eh? Mmmm, no, maybe you'd better let me write Data for a little while more... mmm...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
ps - fred
dropped something in your e-mail box there that you will find funny
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Fred. Tasks at work have kept me busy. But I will write for Jarrah today. Basic things to be revealed. That is if I can figure out how to write a intresting post that has all these elements. The following it to be treated as player knowledge but not character knowledge. Not yet at least..
Here are the facts I am presuming about Jarrah:
1. The Doc will find an nero-implant in Jarrah.
2. The implant it will be discoverd is a neuo amplifier/reciever/transmitter that uses Jarrah's sub-conscious but still very telpathic mind as a some sort of subspace thought transmitter and reciver.
3. Someone or something (Nimitz presumably) is getting tons of on site intel through monitoring Jarrah's natural ability to 'hear' the thoughts and feelings of whatever crewmembers are within his normal empathic reach, which is usually ship wide. How much this is revealed to the crew is yet to be determined.
4. The implants have slowly deteriated Jarrah's ability to "filter" out the mental noise of the crew in his conscious mind. Thus explaining the headaches.
5. Jarrah doesn't know he has the implant and once informed will not know who put it in him.
6. The implant has both borg and cylon technical influences. Stolen borg and cylon tech to be more accurate.
7. A sub-space signal trace will be attempted to try and pinpoint who or what is using Jarrah. The signal source is encrpted and masked so well, that
Data will have a damm hard time decypering it. They may even "pull the plug" on Jarrah if a signal trace is detected or if they remove the implant without first figuring out a way to fake the signal. A small amount of plastic explosive is
inside the implant ready to kill Jarrah if
Greyfox gets to close.
Ok.. now if I can only take even some of those ideas and make a story post out of them... dammit. I wish I could write better.
Also, I want Jarrah wherever the crew is, I'm not ready to retire this character yet..
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Bryan, you are an excellent writer. If you finish your post and it has only 6 / 7 elements, who cares? As long as it is a good post, fun to read, and fun to write! You can always reveal more later!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Nobody's retiring yet. I just wanted a way to fix the VAXMig without having everybody feel like they're sittin on their butts. The VAXMig is NOT DEAD. I have a kewl story arc which Eric & I have worked out. Trust me, this is a kewl story arc. Put Jarrah wherever you feel he will be the most active. If I have to, I'll have Greyfox 'speed up' the process... We don't want another rift though, so...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
I take that as a major broach of character. Greyfox would never do such a thing. Darkfox, Maybe. Greyfox, never. How does one explain the major shift of character from one post to the next? In one post, he's calm and collected, and seemingly in the next instant, he's afraid for his life? Would Data even follow Nimitz's orders, after the way Greyfox has been acting to save the ship and crew? I might also point out that back at the jump-point, Data would have never tried to go through it. "We can all stay alive, here, or be dead, back home." Besides, Data could have done the computations concerning the collapsing point and simply know they'd never make it. But, I accepted it and gamely wrote along with it. I don't know if I can accept this. I thought you knew me, as well as my characters, better than that, Sol.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
PS--I'll be calm in a minute...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
PPS--That's like me saying, "Suddenly, the entire ship explodes as a second paradox rips through her hull, destroying everything, killing everybody, and causing the universe to implode upon itself. THE END."
But I'm not upset.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By the way, Sol, I got your e-mail.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
So then, what did you think?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK, OK, everyone - Fred and i had an e-mail chat there and he has agreed not to kill me. So read on, loyal groupies, and we shall see what shall become of Greyfox, and indeed if Data gets promoted to Admiral in his place, or if Data gets the snot beat out of him!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Sol, will you be home later on tonight? I'll give ya a call... say, like, 9:00 pm? Get back to me, eh?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
sorry buddy - have a work-related web-project tonight :( As you now know, it's been busy all night! If only I could figure out how to upload to CSH... I'm tryin'! I'm tryin'!
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay, so I saw Matrix and now I'm in it, too. Treat is just Treat. She's a natual born human out of Zion which means she's got no jacks and won't be running the Matrix but she'll be the one to get other sorry butts out of it.
Treat is about 22 give or take a couple of years, but looks even younger mostly due to her petite size - about 4'10" and 95 pounds.
She is designed to be a support character since I don't know how much time I can devote to the Matrix story line, so you all can use her when you need her. She's VERY perky, VERY smart, and when she says she's the best operator around, she's being fairly accurate.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Where was it that Crane was going to meet Dawson and Dallas? What kitchen? Dawson's? Am I being dense or did I miss something?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, me 'n' Fred are all set to kick some butt against the Black Hawk Fleet! We've been banging our heads together, here, but the (possibly?) Final Confrontation between the VAXMig and Nimitz has begun! Woah! Kraken is flying to certain death, Data killed, laserfire everywhere, let's take it home baybees! So don't be left out of what likely is the biggest event in the history of the VAXMig topic!
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tis ok Greyfox. We all need to blow some steam now and then. If it makes you feel any better, consider yourself forgiven.
Actually I can identify with the all the reasons why you were upset. Many times in the past I have read a note in a story topic and thought to myself, "Why the hell did he/she do THAT with my character?"
Then I calm down and remember three things:
1. This is Lev Society. Give whomever is posting the benifit of the doubt. That is the Lev way.
2. Story topics are colabrative multi-author stories. Despite the best attempts and colaboration and comunication, sometimes creative differences will occur. The chalenge for the authors is to work through those differences and come up with a truely great and interesting story.
3. Hey, its only a story!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, Sol--I need to run something by you. I was thinking of having the Vesuvius get blowed up. I noticed in a former post that Sonya Blade is a fighter pilot... We could have her & Lal slip out in a runabout or a shuttlecraft. Also, the Andromeda is floating around out there, probably just trying to not be noticed and not get shot at. Sonya & Lal could end up there--plus it's alot smaller ship, Darren's people are on there, and it could be the focal ship of the story for the next undesignated period of time as the VAXMigrator 'drops out' of the story... Yeah?
Bryan--I need to ask you where you wanna take Jarrah (character-wise). In former posts you stated he wanted to see action--here it is! I doubt you'd want him to sit around doing nothing for 6 months as the 'Migrator is being repaired. Maybe have him go over to the Andromeda, too? And then, Darren would have more opportunity to post, since it is his ship... Also, Jarrah would have had ample time to recover from his bump on the head, since 72 hours went by before this battle even started.
General questions: Is the Doctor back on VAXMigrator? Richards is still on Talona, commanding the few people he's got left down there. I'm thinking up a really good fighter-squadron series of posts, and am also contemplating Greyfox's next step... Losing Data was a serious blow, indeed...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Great post Fred! Richards ROCKS! The Doctor is on the Vesuvius somewhere, possibly still in disguise as Greyfox! (but who would believe it now?) Sonya and Lal could slip out somehow, also taking some others with them, or possibly while launching some kind of Fighter-attack. The Doctor's kinda adrift right now, that's cool, I'll be concentrating on the other characters anyway... there will possibly even be aSurprise Captain joining us on the Bridge of the VAXMigrator...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
BTW, Yes, it seems Vesuvius will be destroyed... it is a HUGE ship, though, I am sure it will take out LOTS of enemies! Also, tell again about the shuttle compliment on the Vesuvius and are they all operational? A swarm of shuttles would do some SWEET damage, but with HEAVY casualties... Oi! Just wondered what there is... for that matter, what does the VAXMig have? I think VT-ENLIT fighters, Vipers, I don't know... advice?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Wow, VAXMig is a really HUGE topic! I may be printing it out soon, or wiser, saving it to disk! I may, if you are lucky, post some VAXMig II: the Lost Years...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
VAXMigrator has flight group Omega, or was it Orion, as well as 2 squadrons of Vipers. For more information on the flight group, browse the VAXMig Archives, tail-end of the first section, where Jayce Brilliam arrives at Saturn... Hope it'll help ya! Oh, BTW--they did take some damage in the asteroid-battle, where Maniac blew up the big base. I'd say, 10% casualties, which is about 25 fighters. Still, 24 Vipers can replace that. Also, the Vesuvius has about 16 squadrons, which is... math in head... 12x16=192 fighters. VAXMigrator has 264. As far as shuttles go, I'm not sure. How many do you think a 1500-meter long ship should have?
PS--scales: 2000m is a Super-Star Destroyer
................1800m is the Talona
................VAXMigrator is 1 nautical mile long--slightly more than 2km. BIG.
................1500m is the Vesuvius-class Dreadnought (if it wasn't before, I say it is now).
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By the way, I just created a new officer, Commander Riley. Richards is still on Talona. But, I knew who you meant, Sol! ;>
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK, OK, forgive me, I am confusing the Black Knights with the Black Hawk Fleet. Are they the same? I am assuming that they are not. Next, where did the Longbow bombers come from? At this point, since I haven't seen them before, I am assuming that they came from the Vesuvius... but please correct me if I am wrong! I'll wait for the response before I reference them. Greyfox seemed short with Jayce - it made me wonder if Black Knight Fleet WAS the Black Hawk Fleet. Well, help me out a little - I'll admit, I don't know too much about it, having skimmed many of the posts surrounding the Big Battle near Earth way back when. I may archive VAXMig tonight on my hard drive there, and am thinking about expanding the Halls of the Ancient LEV with some of these notes. Anyway...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Black Knights is the squadron which was transferred to VAXMigrator with the rest of the flight group. The bombers are part of the group. They are the fighters which were launched from VAXMigrator not too long ago. Jayce and Greyfox used to fly in Wraith Squadron, but nobody knows it--now they may start jumping to conclusions, tho. I posted a character-developer way back where Vagabond mentioned how slick the Wraith squadron was... Also, this is the squadron Harris got busted for, and Nimitz used to test Greyfox... Only Jayce and Greyfox remain--read some of the archives; I've got some really good development running for both characters.
Simply put: Black Knights=good guys. Black Hawk Fleet=bad guys. OK?
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Good enuff for me! Thanks for the refresher! I will probably be reading LOTS of back-notes SOON... even have considered creating an Addition / Update to the VAXMigrator Guide of old, with a section for our NEW topic. That'd be SWEET on disk - or even in HTML format with links to pictures and posts! That'd be cool.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Of course my dream would be some kind of GIANT story archive including background and characters for everything we've ever written. Would that not be cool? Mmmm, I am so tempted to start something. I wonder if it'd be better programmed in C++ or something... I could make "hyperlinks" in the code and stuff... of course, with html so very available, that's probably a waste of time. I could have something like "the ancient lev" only right on disk... that'd be TONS of disks... oi, who else has ideas for some kind of giant gallery?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The new MC g4 laptops have 25 gig hard drives. How about a mobile server?
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
twenty... five? (Sol cries) - I just touched Paradise knowing that something that beautiful can exist!
Yah, we're going to have the 1-gigahertz computer REAL soon - we just broke the 700-Mghz barrier recently for PC's and 750 is likely to arrive before 2000. I don't remember who did it tho - not Intel.
I mean, 25 GIGS - that's like 25,000 disks... more than I'm likely to use in my life! All of the ancient LEV fit on just one disk... I mean, think about that - 75 people posting all year.
I can store about, oh, let's say 30 images on a disk... so you could have continuous video footage of average quality on that 25 gig drive... how much? Well, where's my calculator? At, oh, 30 frames / second, that comes to roughly...
carry the 1...
mmm... like about 7 hours. Bummer.
Man, that's like peanuts. That means when I make Lal, I can't let her remember much in video-form at all... darn it. Of course, that has to explain why humans forget.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox was short with Jayce because he has a battle to orchestrate----no time to sit around and chat about the good old days, ya know? After the battle, there might be some good interaction between the two. You posting something soon, Sol? ;>
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yeah, pretty soon - just taking a wee breather... but certainly not out of the show there.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Shadowrun - Yakov will drop Dawson and Dallas where ever they left the car then take the docs back to the basement - just in case that was not evident.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Congrats on the Matrix post, Bryan! I love your character - the description of the bald Italian guy was SO cool! I am looking forward to seeing what his character is all about!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Eric made a character also: he'll be posting through Faye soon. He's gonna be the captain of the ship.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Phew! I was starting to worry that we wouldn't have one! I think stories work the best when there is a 1:1 ratio of characters to writers - you know?
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
OK. Matrix - Hammurabi Captain John Doe just arrived on the scene. He is self awakened - in the Matrix he was unable to accept their reality hence was confined to an assylum, but hey! Guess what! he was right - so jerked himself awake out in the womb-tube, got flushed out of the system and was rescued by Morpheus. He's been captain of the Hammurabi for a couple of years now, only Treat has been with him since the beginning.
Vaxmigrator- Eric's initial post will appear shortly. With any luck in the next hour.
By Who yo Daddy? (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Yuk, my stomach tastes like eggs. Yes, that's right, Sol has 6 or 7 tongues protruding from his stomach lining into the cavity so he can taste the food as it sloshes around in there.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |