By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Admiral," says Data in the Ready Room, "There is some disturbing news I must share with you. I have been asked to observe and report your every move to Starfleet."
"Oh?" says Fox.
"Yes. I have also been asked to ignore your orders and keep your return a secret from every possible agency. I was asked to erase all knowledge of you from the Database.
"Did you?" asked Fox.
"Yes," said Data, but then tapping the side of his head he says, "I did back it up however."
"Who have you been receiving orders from?" asks Fox.
"Admiral Nimitz. In fact, he is the one who ordered the rendesvous."
"You realize that you'll face a court martial for breaking your silence, Captain."
"I do," says Data, "but when I saw you save us all back there on the bridge, I knew certainly that you were not the threat you were portrayed to be. The good name of a man must not be forsaken to protect secrets. My ethical program would not allow me to comply."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Do we know anything about what's going to happen at this rendezvous?" Darkfox asked. Data merely raised an eyebrow.
"Typical crew transfer and re-supply, I would imagine. We're supposed to meet with the Talona for new fighters and pilots," Data responded. Something in the back of Darkfox's head made him question the motives of this rendezvous. Perhaps it was the soul of Greyfox compelling him forward...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Yes," said Data, "The rendesvous will refuel us and ensure that we return safely to home space. I do not know what the Admiral has planned upon our return." Data blinks. "Perhaps it has something to do with your mysterious return?"
Data's com-badge beeps. "Captain Data! We're nearing the jump-point. But you've got to see this for yourself..."
The pair walk out onto the bridge... on distant scanners, they can see the jump-point... and it has shrunk considerably as Sol predicted... but...
"The apeture has become a pin-hole," says Data, "The VAXMigrator will not fit through it. Major, slow the ship to half speed."
"Half Speed? It'll close if..."
"Half speed, Major."
As Major Powers complies, Data jacks into the ship's computers. In an instant, a schematic appears on the computer console. The crew marvels at the odd piece of machinery...
"A transporter..." says Greyfox, knowingly.
"The VAXMigrator has no such device, nor does it have the means of producing one under our current time constraint. But you, Admiral... you could... perhaps assist with obtaining these devices?"
"Mmmmm... you have something in mind, Data, but I don't see where we could transport ourselves to."
"I shall see to that," says Data, "Can you do it?"
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol lies on his back in his quarters, staring at the ceiling and breathing shallowly. He presses his hands across his chest - he feels empty and incomplete, and now that he is disconnected from the VAXMigrator, it is almost as if he has lost his limbs. His quarters are so familiar, but he believes none of the images he sees.
The barriers have come down, come down.
After months in intense meditation, the real world just isn't real anymore. Walls, objects, all just paper, a thin skin. The proverbial "silk stocking filled with miard."
Sol lays there sucking up energy, and the world spins around him. What supports the wire-frame?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jayce, Vagabond, Panther, Talon, Catscratch, Hawk, Flint, & Tomcat stood in line in the hangar bay, Maniac lounging on the deck behind them, as Quicksilver paced back and forth in front of them. Technicians and repair crews scampered around the battered launch bay area, stabilizing leaks and putting out small fires. The main doors slid open, and the entire line snapped to attention, Quicksilver turning sharply and saluting...
"Admiral on deck!" she shouted, causing the entire group to salute sharply. Even Maniac stood up casually and brushed off his flight suit somewhat. Kraken saluted back, then glanced over the ragtag-looking group of pilots.
"As you were, pilots. Major Jayce Brilliam?" Kraken asked toward the group.
"Yes, Sir," Jayce responded snapping back to attention.
"Major, where is the rest of your squadron?" Kraken asked, glancing over the 10 pilots in attendance.
"Sir, 4 pilots went down in the fighting. I've received no status on them as yet," Jayce responded. Kraken smiled.
"Well, son, you only lost one. Vaquero, Viper, and Maverick are all aboard the Essex under medical observation. Aurora squadron didn't fare as well, I'm afraid," Kraken added, glancing toward Quicksilver. "There are still 10 pilots listed as missing. Search and Rescue is working overtime to trace their ejection transponders. As fleet commander, I'm ordering Capt. Todd Mitchell and Col. Amanda Stevens be transferred to the Black Knights Squadron, forming an augmented command squadron of 13. Brilliam, Mitchell--come with me, please," Kraken said as he turned and left the hangar bay. The two looked at each other, then followed. Quicksilver took charge of the group...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of The Talona...
"Sir, we're coming out of the asteroid field," the helmsman reported, holding steady his course.
"Good. Start making the computations for the jump out-system," Harris ordered. Both the helmsman and the astrogator looked at each other, then at Harris.
"Sir, you do realize we'll be deserting the fleet during a battle," Commander Richards commented from his position near the science station. Harris stopped dead in his tracks.
"I have DIRECT orders from central command to not get involved in any conflicts while transporting the VAXMigrator's new supplies and crew. This ship is operating under full covert operations protocol! We are to expedite our mission as swiftly and flawlessly as possible. We've already lost 2 squadrons, and I can assure you that neither central command NOR the VAXMigrator will be very pleased about that. Now, plot your course and make all speed for Kiterra. Understood?" Harris watched the crew begin their duties, then paced into his ready room and locked the door. Richards just shook his head and sighed.
"You heard the captain, people... Look alive!" he commented, sitting in the command chair as the Talona made its final course adjustments, then leapt into warpspace...
on the bridge of The Vesuvius...
"Sir, the Sheffield reports the Talona has jumped into warpspace. She's left the battle, Admiral," Lt. Jones stated. Kraken shook his head.
"Send word to the Sheffield and Essex that we'll meet them where they are. We'll re-group, then make the jump to Kiterra as planned. Leave the Hades strike cruisers here on extended patrol, order all other craft ahead," Kraken ordered.
"Aye, sir."
20 minutes later, the Vesuvius, Sheffield, Essex, Ajax, Apollo, and Andromeda made their final calculations, then jumped toward the Kiterra system...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Admiral, says Data, but Greyfox has crumbled onto the deck.
"I can't," he whimpers, "I can't. Now I understand, Naenor..."
Data makes a motion and two men take Greyfox off the bridge. Ah-ha! The Probe! Data opens a space hatch and climbs onto the hull of the VAXMigrator, staring into the singularity with his own eyes as it fast approaches...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
As Data stands on the hull of the ship, speeding toward the singularity, he opens his mouth and emits a high-pulse multiphasic signal. Three pods detatch from the hull and come to hover in the vacuum near Data. With only minutes remaining, and the jump-point opening already too small to fit a Battlestar through, Data begins ripping apart his left arm and re-wiring the pods. With a power feed from the VaxMigrator's engines, this might just work," muses Data.
Data commands the pods to move ahead of the ship where they form a ring. With one last visual check, Data verifies the pods' coordinates as they pass out of eyeshot, then descends again to the bridge.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
The aperture shrinks to almost nothing.
"Fly into the ring," commands Data as the pods appear on the viewscreen.
"But sir... the jump-point! It's closing!"
"I am aware of that, lieutenant," says Data calmly, then with a glacial stare, "Enter the ring!"
As the VAXMigrator approaches the spinning pod-circle, the robotic vessels begin to charge up, blue sparks racing across their tiny hulls. As the VAXMigrator's nose passes through the center of the ring, three pods oscillate and fire, then three more and three more. The energy leaps to the hull of the VAXMigrator, and an odd tingling sensation overcomes the bridge crew. Each person looks around to see the others vanish from the bridge, one at a time. The walls and consols wash over with blue and silver lights, and then suddenly... all is as it was before.
"Status," says Data. The viewing console shows the back sections of the VAXMigrator passing through the ring of transporter pods, each vanishing into nothing, and instantaneously rejoining itself with the rest of the ship on the other side of the jump-point.
"Excellent," exclaims Powers, "Captain, you created a jump-point through the jump-point!"
"Has the VAXMigrator fully emerged?" asks Data.
"No sir, we're only 76% through. Still three more sections need to clear the threshold.
"And the aperture?" asks Data.
"Closing... 3.5 centimeter diameter."
Data flinched in an almost human way. Judging from the rate of collapse, the ship would simply not clear the void. He put his remaining arm on the console. With heavy heart, Data entered his access code, and saying nothing more, left the bridge.
* * *
Section T-32... the ship buckled and swayed.
"Turbulence," said Ensign Eyno, "It's just turbulence." She waved her arms slowly in an attempt to get the passengers to calm down. The wails of the women and children only rose higher as the fire burned on the deck - as the ship shuddered, the makeshift repairs gave way again.
"Just a little ways more," motioned the Ensign above the loudening voices, "we're almost to the forward sections." As she led them forward holding a crippled man over her shoulder, the deck exploded and the crew was showered with red sparks and shrapnel. All hell broke loose, and the people began fighting desperately to reach the forward section and escape the fire. Some outright attacked each other, others simply huddled into the corners, trying to go where the fire did not burn so much. Ensign Eyno took an elbow in the eye, which knocked her nearly senseless - she and her charge were trampled under foot.
Then, red lights shone all over the deck, and a siren blared. Ahead, beyond the worst of the inferno, the Lock was closing. The 4-foot thick door ground toward the floor with the chalk-board screech of old, old metal.
"Oh my god, we'll be trapped! We'll be trapped!" someone screamed. The people tried to get to the lock as it closed, but it was so far away, and the fire was too hot, plasma burning anyone who got too close. Those that tried desperately to reach it were consumed, watching their own skin evaporate off their bodies in the midst of the fury.
Then, the final boom, and desperation rose over the crowd. The sorrow had barely been realized, when all of a sudden, a high-pitched whir could be heard, high like a laser drill.
"We're in here!" yelled the people, "in here!"
The sound rose until it could be heard even above the sound of the plasma fire. Everyone covered their ears, its sound so shrill that the pounding could be heard in the brain itself. Then, through the walls, a blue light washed over everything, capturing everyone in a barrage of energy.
Eyno looked up one last time. The lock had vanished, and in its place was the blackness of space. Looking into the void, she saw a tiny dot of light, and then it was gone. She gave thanks for the sudden coolness which washed over her burned body. The world became faded and black, she gasped for air, an ice-cold hand reaching into her lungs and turning them inside out. The last thing she saw was the shell of the ship releasing its passengers into space, and then... and then... a spinning circle of pods coming closer, closer, and as the ship hit the edge, pod after 10-ton pod slammed into the wreckage, obliterating it completely.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox writhed in agony as he felt the deaths of all those unfortunate enough to have been in the aft of the ship. His mind screamed, pulsing and threatening to erupt through his entire being. Then, all was silent. He struggled to look around, clambering up to a console nearby.
"Computer, status report," he commanded.
Shields at 32% Hull breach decks 1 through 65, sections T through V. Environmental control fluctuations. Primary power offline, operating entirely on stored reserves. Approximately 36 hours of life support remaining. All non-essential operations shut down.
Greyfox cupped his face in his hands, stumbling into a sitting position on the floor nearby. He peered outwards mentally, observing the ship's structure from the outside, and shuddered. Where the engines used to be, there was nothing but empty space. The VAXMigrator was nothing more than a floating coffin in space... Greyfox wept.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Somewhere in the Kiterra System...
A small, blinding point of light appears, growing larger, larger, finally erupting into a swirling maelstrom of blue-purple energy, with white lightning arcing throughout its surface. Then, out of the vortex, The Talona lurches, slowing to a normal speed as the jump-point closes behind it...
"Report," said Commander Richards, gruffly.
"We've jumped to the Kiterra System," reported the helmsman, "All ships systems normal. Scanning surrounding areas for anomolies." He pressed a few buttons, and the viewport sparked to life, showing the system in all its binary-star glory. "Astronomical anomolies are all within normal parameters--some minor solar flares from Kiterra II. No ship activity shown, Sir." The helmsman turned and looked at the commander.
"Well, now we wait for Captain Harris' orders," Richards said, scratching his chin as he peered at the viewport. 'Where is she?' he wondered, scanning all the sensors reports for any sign of The VAXMigrator...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Talona,, repeat, Talona," comes a faint but audible message...
"Talona here," says Richards, then waits... there is a 10-second delay before he receives the response...
"Ambassador Solenoid here... transmitting coordinates... we've lost our engines, require assistance. Not in danger, but moving at sublight speeds towards Earth. Boosters only. Repeat, we've lost our engines, need assistance. Talona, do you copy?"
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Somewhere, in the un-ness
"Greyfox," comes a voice.
"Hmmm... Sleeping..." he says, looking over a precipice into Reality with amusement...
"DarkFox has failed. He is powerful. He is skilled. But he has no drive. He did not save his ship."
"Command made him crumble," said Greyfox, "he just fell apart."
"It was necessary for him to learn this lesson. He believed he could comandeer your body, but when he got it, his motivation just seems to have fallen apart. But you needed this lesson, too, Greyfox. Has it brought you knowledge, as it did your brother?"
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox pondered for a moment. "I believe I have learned something--everything, even power, is fragile. To use power without thought of consequence or preamble is folly. The foresight to discern what consequences will result from an immediate solution is true wisdom... I know that I have abused my powers, weakening timelines uncounted, until, eventually, the Paradox Rift occurred. Although the timeline is weakened, it is repairing itself even now." Greyfox's voice fell silent, awaiting a response from the hidden voice. Finally, after an interminable silence, it answered.
"And what is your relationship with the weave of time, the fabric of reality," it asked.
Greyfox smiled, "My duty remains unchanged--to ensure the safety and natural progression of Time--it is my method which has been altered." Greyfox paused a moment, raising an eyebrow as he spoke his next words, "Not all problems can be solved by action. It is an imperfect universe, and order is but part of the balance of The Weave. Some tragedies were simply meant to be, unfortunate as this may sound, it is reality. The wisdom to know when to act, as well as how, is the true responsibility of my station. I know this now. To live among mortals was but a lesson for my progression. I understand now that in order to properly fulfill my duty, I can no longer live among them. Repairing the Fabric is impossible when one resides within it." Again, Greyfox fell silent, awaiting a response from the voice...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Very good, Greyfox," says Naenor, "I knew this answer was within you. The fabric of Time mends itself even now, you have sensed this true, but it is not out of nature, or fate, but because of your understanding. It is true also that a life fully outside of time and space would grant you inexhaustable power, and you have seen a glimpse of your future, Greyfox... it is this which you are being prepared for ultimately. You are destined to one day join me, and you will watch after this lesser reality as I once watched after mine. This is your destiny. Darkfox failed utterly at the challenge, but this was necessary that you might bring his awesome powers once again under your control. Take back your powers, Greyfox, take back this, your birthright. You have proven finally, and certainly, that you shall use them as they were always intended... in defense of this reality."
"We shall meet again, ShadowLord Greyfox."
"You are the first of your kind," says Naenor proudly. All at once, the Eye of Naenor blinked wide open, and a globe of raw energy shot out at Greyfox with light-speed. Greyfox brought out his hand just as fast and caught it.
With genuine wonder, Greyfox peers into the shining blue-silver globe. It is layered into sections, an infinite number of them. Each layer contains billions of pinpoints, light and dark. The layers overlap and intermingle in some places, in others they are unusually distinct and pure. The whole of it churned slowly through the globe, ever-changing, ever in motion.
"This... is mine," says Greyfox slowly.
"What... do I... ?"
Naenor smiles. Of course, you already know.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Darkfox fell into a deep, fitful sleep, his face still buried in his hands at the base of the computer console. All the faces... All the faces...
"Darkfox," a voice washed over him softly. He struggled to open the heavy lids of his eyes, straining to lift his head. "Darkfox," the voice said again, a little stronger. Darkfox struggled even harder, his head raising slowly up from his hands. "Be strong, my Brother. Do not destroy yourself, as I would have..." Darkfox finally looked up, and saw Greyfox standing before him, his hand outstretched. "Take my hand, Darkfox. There is much I need to show you."
Darkfox raised his arm, stretching out his hand, and took hold of Greyfox's. A sudden flash of blue-white light erupted around him, and then, blackness, dotted with pinpoints of light... Space. Greyfox stood next to him, and motioned with his hand. Darkfox looked, and saw the frozen, lifeless bodies of all those who had died as the VAXMigrator hit the jump point. "No," he said simply, looking away from them.
"This is the responsibility of power. This is the burden of command. Do you still envy that?" Greyfox asked somberly. Darkfox slowly shook his head.
"No. Not any longer," he said slowly.
"Let me show you another perspective," Greyfox said, waving his arm toward the deceased. In a blink of light, another time was displayed, the VAXMigrator speeding toward the miniscule jump-point of Alpha-Centauri. They both watched as the teleporters sparked to life, sending the mighty ship through the jump-point. "Make it go faster," Greyfox said to Darkfox.
Darkfox closed his eyes, concentrating. His temples throbbed, his mind filled with the immensity of the task. He began to sweat, his entire being shaking with strain... He screamed, his will not making the least imprint upon the scene before him. "I-- I can't," he gasped finally, grabbing his head with his hands and doubling over in pain. Greyfox just nodded.
"I know," he said. "I know." Greyfox closed his eyes and concentrated, and in a moment, an alternate reality materialized. The globe in his left hand shimmered, changing ever so slightly, as some power was shifted from one plane to another. "Darkfox, you have realized the folly of your jealous ways. You understand now why Naenor treated you as he did. In this moment, you gave up a part of yourself--a shard of your power. Enough of a shard to change the outcome of this event. Watch."
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Lal bounced impatiently on the balls of her feet next to her father's desk.
"So the pods... grasped the crew and transported them?"
"Mmmm hmmm," she said, her eyes darting to the side.
"This is a most unusual occurance. The odds of this are exceedingly small, but mathematically, your account is supported."
"Yes, Father."
"The energy-matter stream of the entire ship could not pass through the closing apeture, so it aborted..."
Lal glanced at the sketchpad in Data's hands...
"...but before it aborted, an instant before, the pod struck the VAXMigrator's aft section and the beam... sprayed across the dying crewmembers..."
"It happened, Father. It caught us at the last moment as we were drifting in space."
"I cannot deny the data of your holographic brain," exclaimed Data, "but if the transport was aborted, that means the hole was closed..."
"And if the hole was closed... then how did we transport through?" finished Lal, suddenly interested.
"This seems... paradoxical..." says Data, "The Jump-Point would have to be open and closed during the same instant in time..."
"Oh, Father, does it matter? We're all here, aren't we? We made it!"
Data reaches toward Lal and takes his daughter into his arm. "You are right," he says, "that is all that matters..."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
>On the bridge of the Talona<
"Plot coordinates and make all haste to that location, helm. All stations prepare for emergency evac. Set up a triage in medical. We will get to the VAXMigrator in time," Commander Richards orders gravely, as the entire ship is put on yellow alert. Captain Harris emerges from his ready room, and sits in the command chair as the Talona speeds its way to the hulk of the VAXMigrator...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"All crew, battle-stations," Captain Harris orders. The entire bridge crew looks at him, astonished. "I have just received intelligence from Central Command that there is a strong likelihood the commander of VAXMigrator is a traitor to the Confederation, and must be dealt with using all caution. There's no telling how many of the crew are loyal to him, and it should be assumed that this is merely an elaborate ruse to lure us into a trap. Proceed at combat speed, raise shields, and charge weapons."
"But, Sir--" Richards tried to interject.
"Thank you, Commander, that will be all," Harris responded.
"No, Sir, that won't be all," Richards said, more emphatically. Harris waved his hand dismissingly at Richards.
"Dismissed, Commander."
"No, Sir. I am not leaving this bridge until you explain to the crew exactly why you're endangering a possibly disabled ship with wound--"
Harris stood from his chair. "Commander Richards, I hereby relieve you of your position, under article 17 of the uniform code of justice. Security, remove this mutineer from my bridge!"
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
It had been a long day for Doctor Samuel Richard Jarrah. Usually his empathic and telepathic abilities were an asset to him, and to the mental health of the patients he treated, but not today. Sam who was normally able to filter out the crew's emotions as background noise in his mind was unable to do so now. The collective fear and anxiety of this crew was almost unbearable to him. He hardly could blame them, he was just as scared as the rest of them, what the hell had saved them anyway? So many questions and fears he didn't know where his thoughts ended and the crew's thoughts began, and what was this strange voice in his head he kept hearing. It sounded like.... it was calling him... to join the collective...
"Ow!" Sam said out loud as he entered sickbay.
"What is the trouble Mr. Jarrah?" The doctor questioned.
"Migraine headache Doc." replied Sam, rubbing his temples.
"Lie down on this bed Mr. Jarrah, let me take a look at you. Tell me Sam, have you undergone any serious stress in the past few hours?" The holographic doctor said as his medical tri-corder buzzed and whizzed over Sam's forehead.
"Yes. The crew's emotions...too strong... pain... Nimitz..." muttered Sam.
"Just relax Mr. Jarrah.," the doctor said as he administered a sleep inducing hypo spray.
Sam was out like a light.
"What's this? Fascinating." the doctor said as he viewed the results on his medical tricorder.
"Kathy, prepare Dr. Jarrah for a full nerual imaging scan. We have some work to do."
"Yes sir."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The door to Sick Bay slid open, and Data walked in. As he moved from patient to patient, he would give them a reassuring nod. But there was one 'patient' in particular he was looking for. Finally, he stopped next to the bed where Greyfox lay.
"Admiral," he spoke, standing with his hands behind his back. Greyfox opened one eye.
"Yes, Commander Data? What can I do for you?" Greyfox responded, sitting up as he did so. Data raised an eyebrow.
"I am... intrigued by the events which have transpired in the past hour. I was... hoping you might have a logical explanation for them," Data said, carefully choosing his words. Greyfox smiled, dropping his feet to the floor and standing up.
"Walk with me, Data. I want to show you something," Greyfox said, leading Data out of sick bay. As he walked, he spoke. "You've been analyzing the readings from the jump-point transport, I assume?" Data nodded. "Well, tell me what you've found."
"Well, Sir, the sensor readings show quite distinctly that at the precise moment the crew should have been transported through the jump-point, its aperture had closed. It would seem an impossibility for the transporters to beam the crew through something that is no longer there," Data explained, as the two made their way to a computer terminal. Greyfox chuckled.
"You know the theories of transporter technology, yes?"
"Of course, Sir," Data answered.
"Well, let me show you a simulation," Greyfox said, programming a sequence of buttons on the terminal--his hands moved over the panel in a blur, almost too fast for Data's android eyes to follow--but not quite. After about 45 seconds, the terminal sprang to life with a 3-D, holographic display of the ship. "Observe how quickly the ship is travelling, in relation to the closing of the aperture, as well as the correlation between the transporter pods and the ship. Now, notice at the time of collapse, this anomoly, here." Greyfox stopped the simulation, pointing at a flash of light which apparently originated at the jump-point, in the middle of the transporter-stream. "This is apparently the closing of the aperture, and this--" Greyfox pointed at the rear section of the ship, surrounded by the newly-ejected crew members, "Is where the transporter beams caught the crew." Data watched the crew dematerialize in the energy stream.
"Yes, Admiral, but this section of the stream is not through the aperture of the jump-point at the moment of closure."
"Right, Data, but you need to analyze where the jump-point leads for the answer to your quandry." The simulation focuses on the jump-point as it recedes. "Now, all astronomical data gathered from the area surrounding the point shows that it receded from end to end, not from circumference to center. So, as it receded, the transporter stream got caught in it's 'wake' and was dragged along at a much faster rate than normal." Greyfox showed this portion of the simulation as Data raised an eyebrow.
"Most interesting, Admiral, but the distance travelled by the transporter was too great. The frequency of the beams should have deteriorated by the time they reached this system."
"Travelling through normal space, yes. But this jump-point had temporal qualities of its own, thereby allowing the transporter beam to remain cohesive over a great expanse of space, at the same time travelling faster than normal as it was 'sucked' along, for lack of a better term, through hyperspace." Greyfox watched Data absorb all of this, an expression of feasability washing over his face, finally.
"Yes, Admiral, that theory is possible. I did not know you were so well-versed in temporal and metaphasic theories," Data said, arching an eyebrow.
"Well, Data, they didn't make me an admiral for nothing," Greyfox chuckled. Just then, a loud eruption shook the ship, stirring them from their discussion, and all the power in their section went down. "We need to get to the bridge, Data. Let's go."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the Talona...
"Fire!" Captain Harris ordered. The operations officer turned and looked at him.
"Sir?" he asked, a confused expression on his face.
"You heard me, Lieutenant! Fire!" Harris shouted. The good lieutenant nodded, turned, and launched several quantum torpedoes at the drifting hulk of the VAXMigrator. Everyone watched as 2 of the 4 projectiles slammed into the ship's thick outer hull, which glowed an incandescent orange from the massive energy of the explosions. Harris stood from his chair. "Fire again! Target that same area!"
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
"Status," Greyfox ordered, taking his seat at com as the ship rocked under the latest barrage.
"Shields down to 5%. Still trying to bring weapons online." Someone remarked.
"Prep all fighters to launch. I want them to disable those torpedoes as they come inbound," Greyfox ordered.
"Yes, Sir. Both our squadrons are prepped and standing by for launch."
"Admiral, if the Talona decides to launch her fighters, our 24 Vipers won't be much of a match for them," Data commented.
"Don't worry, Data, I've got a surprise for them," was all Greyfox said...
On the bridge of the Talona...
"Sir, they're launching fighters," Lieutenant Johnson reported. "Looks like, 2 full squadrons of old-style Vipers."
"They'll be no match for us. Scramble 4 squadrons. Keep firing on the VAXMigrator," Harris commanded, chuckling inwardly.
"Sir, the VAXMigrator is moving towards us, behind her fighters."
"What? They don't have any engines left!" Harris exclaimed.
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
"OK, Pilots, disengage tow-cables and scramble for those other fighters. Lure them close to us. And be careful," Greyfox ordered. Everyone looked at him, wondering why he wanted the fighters close to the hull of the ship, where they could potentially do the most damage. "Data, I want you to start working on an electromagnetic pulse feedback loop, cycling through the shield generators. It'll eat up whatever juice we have left, but it'll render those newer fighters useless, and maybe just disrupt the systems on the Talona long enough for us to gain an advantage." Data started working on the device almost immediately...
On the bridge of the Talona...
"Start powering close-range weapons, it looks like she's maneuvering for a broadside," Captain Harris ordered. When he saw the fighters start their engagement, he almost laughed out loud. The VAXMigrator was in bad shape. This entire battle would only last a matter of minutes. And then, it happened. Everything on the bridge erupted in blue sparks, and then it was dark. Even the viewscreen was dead. "What happened! Report!" Harris shouted into the dark.
"We were hit by an enormous shockwave, Sir! All power systems disrupted... Weapons, engines, shields, everything! We're dead in space, Sir!" Lt. Johnson said. Not even the emergency lights turned on...
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
Everyone watched as the Talona's fighters were overwhelmed by the EMP shockwave, causing them to drift aimlessly as all their power was shorted. The Vipers, with their older, manual back-up systems slowed slightly, but returned to the VAXMigrator's docking bays under power. As the shockwave hit the Talona, everyone held their breath. When all the observable lights on the opposing ship went dark, and her nose dipped slightly in space, they knew Greyfox's ploy had worked.
Everybody cheered...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"It seems our allies have new plans for us, Admiral," says Data, "but I have a plan."
"Talona, Come in. This is Captain Data of the VAXMigrator. You have fired upon our vessel. We demand an explanation!"
At first there is no answer. He makes eye contact with the Admiral, then continues.
"I advise you to answer. Although our propulsion system is presently off-line, our weapons-systems are not. I would like to have this incident settled without any additional hostilities, but if it is the only way to protect my crew, I will retaliate in full force to any additional engagements."
Harris' voice becomes audible across the bridge. "Captain Data, you are in no position to negotiate. You are harboring a known criminal, and our sensor-readings show residual evidence of a 4-space disturbance. You are endangering us all, Captain, and if you honor your allegiance to the Star Fleet, you will turn over Admiral Greyfox immediately!"
"My orders from Star Fleet clearly indicate that your vessel and the fleet were meant to escort us back to Earth, not ..."
"My orders are clear!" shouts Harris, a vein appearing in his neck, "And I shall not be..."
"Data draws a finger across his neck, and the transmission ceases.
"You know," says Greyfox, "I don't know if he's going to go for your bluff. Our weapons are stronger than theirs, but without the main engines, they will be limited. And I don't think Harris believed you."
"It does not matter," says Data, "a bluff was not the only thing I sent over the comm channel."
* * *
Jarrah looked up as the Doctor tended to him in sick bay. All of a sudden, the EMH blinks like static... he looks the same, but something has happened. "Samuel Jarrah..." he begins.
"Yes, Doctor?"
The Doctor leans over, and in a hushed tone begins... "I am from the VAXMigrator," he says, "We're carrying Greyfox, and we need your help."
By Reflection Surprise Terror For the futur (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the Vesuvius ….. traveling through hyperspace…..
"Any more signals from Commander Richards?"
"No, Admiral. And our stationary probes have stopped transmitting. The hyperspace beacon the Talona used registered an energy spike in realspace about the same time."
"Revert to realspace 10,000 km from the Talona's last known coordinates, ready the tractor beam and sound for collision. Tell the other ships to wait here for our signal."
"Sir, standard procedure is to send in a cruiser or interceptor to investigate, not the flagship."
"I know the procedures lieutenant, I wrote them and they do not apply to anything relating to the VAXMigrator. Jump."
At that moment a jumppoint forms and the Vesuvius reverts to realspace. Immediately the ship slows as the sublight engines take over. It moves to block the escaping VAXMigrator.
"This is Vesuvius to VAXMigrator. You are ordered to stand down and prepare to be boarded. If you do not comply we will fire. I say again, we will fire. " Admiral Kraken turns to the lieutenant, " Notify the other ships to jump on these coordinates."
On board the VAXMigrator.
"Now what Admiral?"
"Open a channel to the Vesuvius."
"Channel open. Admiral Kraken responding."
"Admiral, we have suffered a catastrophic engine failure."
"Catastrophic is hardly the way to put it Mr. Data. Your entire aft section is gone. What happened?" Kraken comments.
"If you would care to take on our wounded, it would be easier to explain in person."
"Alright. Just one thing. What the hell did you do to the Talona, and more importantly why." Admiral Kraken asks.
"Sir, I believed the Talona to be acting contrary to orders handed to me directly from Command. When she threatened to do further damage to this ship, we evened the odds. You will find that the Talona and her fighters have suffered an EMP pulse, which shorted out their electrical systems. The result was we were both dead in space."
"Mr. Data, are you implying that Commander Richards was disobeying orders?"
"No sir. The Talona appears to be no longer under the command of the commander. Captain Harris seems to be issuing orders there now."
"Typical. Alright Mr. Data. We will transfer your crew here and make preparations to repair your ship."
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Thank you, sir," says Captain Data, "VAXMigrator over and out."
Data punches in a few things on the Captain's station. The display appears - not a holographic display like those on the newer ships, but a bright green-on-black configuration. He studied the two ships which have appeared: the Talona and the Vesuvius.
"Mr. Data," says Greyfox, "I was under the impression that our wounded were already being cared for." He smiles a knowing smile.
"Yes," says Data, "but as you are no doubt also aware, we have a rumored rivalry between Harris and Richards."
"Oh," says Admiral Greyfox, "I'm surprised you knew about that."
Data taps the side of his head with his finger, which makes an audible plastic-on-plastic sound. "Intelligence from the Doctor is already coming in. We would be... inefficient not to take advantage of it. In any case, by deferring to the Vesuvius, this will hopefully widen the gap between the two officers..."
"...and get the Talona off our back. Captain, that uniform looks better on you all the time."
"This gives us the additional advantage," continues Data, "of having some additional operatives on board the Vesuvius.
"Mr. Lincoln!"
"Yes, Captain!"
"Prepare to receive the Vesuvius staff. We will likely be nanolathing at the aft section."
"It will be my honor to serve."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the Talona...
"I want emergency power up NOW!" Harris shouted over the newly jury-rigged intra-ship comm system. Back-up lights dimly illuminated the bridge, which was filled with the acrid-smelling smoke of electrical fires. Slowly, the lights grew brighter, and the viewscreen sputtered to life, filled with static. Harris saw the Vesuvius, directly between the VAXMigrator and Talona. 'Damn Admiral Kraken!' thought Harris. 'He'll ruin everything!' Harris watched as another, large jump-point formed in space behind the Talona, 5 ships emerging from it--the Essex, Sheffield, Ajax, Apollo, & Andromeda quickly moved into a familiar position around the aft of the Talona. Standard fleet attack formation. The corner of Harris' mouth started twitching.
Commander Richards' quarters, on board the Talona...
"Sir, security staff and all transfer personnel for the VAXMigrator have stated their loyalty to you," the voice on Richards' personal comm-unit stated. "We could, with the current disruption of communication, begin the personnel transfer, without Harris even knowing."
"Alright. Make it happen. Load up all the fighters, bombers, and shuttle-craft slated for transfer to VAXMigrator and get them over there. Also, lock down all the launch bays after you're in--I don't want Harris to launch a counter. Any of the ships which were inactive when the EMP hit us will be untouched. Whoever's in charge on the VAXMigrator sure knows what he's doing," Richards commanded, ending the transmission. He then patched through to the Vesuvius.
"This is Commander Richards of the Talona. I would like to speak directly with Fleet Admiral Kraken..."
On the Vesuvius...
Klaxons sounded, siren-lights spinning, as the pilots scrambled from their bunks to their flight lockers. The Black Knights squadron not the least among them.
"What the hell's goin' on?" Maniac asked over the cacaphony.
"Where've you been sleeping, man?" Vagabond replied with a chuckle. "We're escorting the personnel transfer for the Talona. We're moving again, Maniac!" Maniac just shook his head as he clambered into his Banshee fighter.
"What? Do they think VAXMigrator's gonna shoot 'em down as they fly in?" The canopy closed, but Vagabond saw that Maniac was still jabbering away. Vagabond chuckled inwardly, and prepared for launch...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Ambassador Sol, looking out the porthole, stood by, amazeed, as countless ships exited the jump-point and formed an attack-position. "Damn," he said to himself silently, "This is bad." He walked across the deck at top speed to the bridge.
* * *
"Permission to speak freely," said Ambassador Sol.
"Yes sir, Mr. Ambassador," said Data.
"With all due respect, Captain, this is a TRAP. This isn't a rendesvous fleet... this is an armada! I don't know why, but they've come here to battle us!"
"Do not be concerned," says Data, "everything is under control."
"Whatever they want," says Sol, "they obviously don't have it yet. Captain, our entire crew is in danger! This is building up to a second armed conflict I tell you - a conflict we will not survive."
"Your services may soon be needed," says Data, "until then, I can only tell you that the details of all that are transpiring remain classified above Top Secret. What material there is being made available to you by me at this time. Review it, and I shall call upon you shortly."
"Aye Captain."
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Admiral Greyfox?" Sam whispered.
"Yes, Doctor Jarrah. Admiral Greyfox. Now will you help us?"
"Yes. What do you need me to do?"....
The lights went dim in the Talona's sickbay as the EMP drained the main reserves. The doctor vanished.
A minute passed and power was restored to sickbay.
The doctor also returned.
"Something just hit us."
"Excelent observation Mr. Jarrah. The vaxmigrator just hit the Talona with an EMP blast. Now will you help us?"
"Dammit I said yes! ouch. Damm headache."
"Take it easy Mr. Jarrah. I know why you have been getting those headaches of yours. However right now, I need your help with a task you are particularly suited for, here is what I want you to do..."
The admiral's door chimed.
"Who is it?"
"Cadet Eighorn sir."
"Come in."
"Sir, here is the latest report on the Vaxmigrator situation, as you requested."
"Keep up the good work Cadet. Dismissed."
Nimitz read the report and pounded his fist into his desk in anger.
On the Talona...
As Harris was quickly shouting orders, he could hear a familiar voice appear in the back of his mind. It was Admiral Nimitz.
"... Captain Harris... I just want to remind you took an oath of loyalty to me and black-op sqadron. You do recall what the penalty for failure is, yes? Do not fail me Mr. Haris... Nimitz out.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jayce flew his Banshee around a convoy of slow-moving transports, on their way from the Talona to the VAXMigrator.
"Say, boss?" Vagabond said over the comm. "You see the aft of the VAXMigrator?"
"Woah. I wonder what hit 'em. The entire aft is gone!" Jayce responded, rolling his fighter to get a better view as the convoy rounded the rear of the mighty Battlestar. As he did this, a burst of green energy flashed across his nose. "DAMN! Who's firing?" he yelled, immediately putting his ship into a spin.
"That shot came from the Talona!" Vagabond shouted, also diving into a complex evasive pattern. Jayce looked back toward the Talona, and wondered how such a mighty ship could possibly be defeated by fighters.
"Vagabond, buddy--our priority is the safety of these transports. We gotta get 'em into the landing bays," Jayce said, sighing.
"You got it, buddy. Mebbe VAXMigrator can give us some cover-fire?" Vagabond joked. Just then, space itself lit up, as lasers streaked everywhere the two pilots looked...
On the bridge of the Talona...
"Sir! weapons systems are back online, and sensors are showing that all our shuttles, transports, and the fighters slated for transfer are en route to the VAXMigrator. How shall I proceed?"
"Open fire, Lieutenant," Harris ordered.
"SIR?!? They'll be sitting ducks in a--"
"FIRE, LIEUTENANT!" Harris shouted, standing up. He smiled when the first shots lit up the blackness of space. In that moment of confusion, he knew he could take down the majority of the smaller craft. He didn't count on the 5 ships behind the Talona to open fire. The bridge went dim again as the entire ship rocked with the impacts of the main deck-guns on the destroyers and cruisers from behind. The Vesuvius maneuvered herself between the retreating craft and the Talona, also opening fire on the super-carrier. Odds were greatly against the Talona.
"Captain Harris. This is Admiral Kraken. Stand down, or we will open fire." Harris stood and turned the comm unit off himself.
"Target full spread of torpedoes at the launch bay of the Vesuvius," he ordered. The tactical officer just looked at him in astonishment. Harris physically threw him from the station, setting the coordinates himself, then firing. The rest of the bridge crew left the bridge silently, realizing finally that Harris had just condemned them all to death...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
Greyfox watched in silence as the Talona started firing at the swarm of small ships as they drew near the VAXMigrator. "Shields up!" he shouted, jumping into a vacant seat at a computer terminal. Again, his fingers moved in a blur, and a small, 3-D hologram appeared above the console. It was an image of the ship, with its interlocking shields showing as glowing blue shells. The crew watched in awe as Greyfox manipulated the shields back and forth, swivelling them around the hull of the ship, so every blast from the Talona was caught by them. He also maneuvered them in such a way that the smaller ships were inside the Battlestar's shields. Not one of them was so much as hit by a blast.
"Mr. Data, I want a tractor beam on those ships immediately. They need to be on board as soon as possible."
"Admiral, we have very little power left. If we activate the tractor beam, there will not be enough power for the shields."
"Transfer power from life support, then, Data. Just get it done!" Greyfox continued his manipulation of the shields as the Talona increased the intensity of her blasts.
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
Admiral Kraken and the entire bridge crew were hurled from their chairs as the 12 torpedoes slammed into the forward launch bay of the mighty ship. Kraken immediately re-seated himself, calling for a status report.
"Shields at 15% Major hull breaches reported in 52 of the forward sections. Emergency force-fields in place, as long as power holds up," Lieutenant Jones reported, also returning to his station. Kraken looked out over the top of the Vesuvius and saw that the starboard-side sponson was completely gone. That entire section housed nearly 500 pilots and technicians. Kraken let out a sigh.
"Set for ramming speed. Order all other ships to cease fire. Open a channel to Talona," Kraken said quietly. Lt. Jones just nodded.
On board the Talona...
"Attention all crew on board the TCS Talona. This is Admiral Kraken. If you remain loyal to the Confederation, evacuate the conn tower. Repeat, evacuate the conn. This will be your only warning. God have mercy on us all."
Harris sat at the weapon station o the bridge, laughing maniacally as sparks erupted all around him. Systems wewre failing left and right, yet he sat there, redirecting power to weapons, firing, and repeating the process. Finally, he looked at the viewscreen to see what damage he'd done. All he saw was the twisted, mangled metal of the superstructure on the front sponson of the Vesuvius as it closed the final few meters between itself and the conn tower of the Talona. Harris stood and raised his arms over his face to shield himself as the blinding white flash of light enveloped his already-dead body...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jayce and Vagabond flew a holding pattern, along with Maniac, Quicksilver, and the rest of the Black Knights, waiting as the swarm of transports and small craft was loaded onto the VAXMigrator. When the blasts from the Talona finally stopped, Jayce flew around to get a better look...
"Oh my God," was all he could manage to say, slowly, when he saw what had happened.
"Knights, fall into squadron formation," Quicksilver ordered. "We're going over there to see if anybody else needs help..."
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
Greyfox let out a sigh, closing down the shields. A single bead of sweat ran down his forehead. He closed his eyes, clenching his jaw as he did so. This had not turned out at all as he had expected. He knew Nimitz was somehow behind it all, but couldn't figure out why. "Mr. Data," he said at length, standing up from his seat at the computer terminal, "begin repairs, and start processing the new transfers. I'll be in my ready-room."
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
Admiral Kraken looked over the fleet tactical displays, observing the data from the various ships. The Talona had sustained severe damage--it's command tower was gone, and several structural breaches riddled the outer hull. Electrical systems were at 43% & shields were nonexistent. The Vesuvius wasn't in much better shape--an entire housing section in the starboard prow sponson, hell the entire starboard prow sponson, was gone. Shields were down to 10%, with structural integrity down to 65%. Kraken shook his head when he thought of how many good people just died who didn't have to.
"Set coordinates for Kiterron 5. We're going to need everything they've got over there," he ordered. Silently, he thought, 'And then some.'
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Doctor lurched forward in the sick bay. "What is going on up there?" He checks the readouts. "Lal, Lal, are you here?"
Next to him, and suddenly, Lal appears next to him. "Here I am, Doctor. I'm searching the ship for holo-emitters. So far, I'm still looking."
The Doctor wrinkled his electric brow and pretended to wipe persperation from it. "There must be holo-emitters somewhere on board."
"Until a minute ago, there were several on the bridge, but according to the main computer," Lal rolls her eyes, "the entire command tower was blown away."
The Doctor stood straight up and searched her face with his eyes. She confirmed his suspicions with hers. "Jarrah was on the way to the bridge. He's a telepath - I wanted him to scan Harris' mind for a clue to his actions. If he was inside the command tower when it was hit..."
Lal took her hand and let it sink into the console on the wall - her arm went in all the way up to the elbow. "I'm downloading the computer's locator function into my holotronic matrix. I should be able to determine not only where Jarrah is, but who survived the destruction."
"Yes, yes?" said the Doctor...
"Oh my God," says Lal, "Harris is dead..."
"And Jarrah?"
As she scanned the ship, an entry beep sounded. There were visitors to sick bay. With a sideways glance, the Doctor indicated to Lal that she should vanish - she would not be a familiar sight to the Talona's crew. In an instant, she was gone, safely stowed away inside the holo-buffer.
"Please state the nature of the Medical Emergency," says the Doctor as the wounded begin to pour in. Phew! he thinks to himself, It is a good thing that the Talona utilizes an EMH similar to myself...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox's ready-room, on board VAXMigrator...
Greyfox sat at his desk, his computer terminal displaying damage readouts, status reports, and energy fluctuations. Also, a minimized window with the schematic of the ship rotating in 3-D. He sat, fingertips touching, leaning back in his chair, hands at chin-level. Given the levels of damage and energy usage, it would be impossible to build new engines for the ship. Battlestar parts were no longer available--anywhere. Even if the VAXMigrator were to make it back to an installation that could handle it, it would take years to complete. Another, more feasible option would be to return to the other side of Alpha-Tori, retrieving the old engines, and spending several months re-attaching them.
Another problem was the usage of power. At the current rate of consumption, all energy reserves would be gone in less than 24 hours. One option to resolve this would be to take some of the Talona's reactor cores and install them on the VAXMigrator. Another possibility would be to mag-lock the VAXMigrator onto the dorsal hull of the Talona, and tapping into the power-stores of that ship for use here... Especially since the controls for the Talona were completely destroyed--this idea was intriguing, a hybrid-ship, super-carrier battlestar, using the controls of the VAXMigrator and the power and engines of the Talona. After a few minor refinements, the idea could work. Greyfox pressed his communicator, sounding a gentle beep.
"Mr. Data," he said into the air.
"Yes, Admiral?"
"Please report to my ready room--I have something to discuss with you." Greyfox folded his arms behind his head and smiled, waiting for Data to enter...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Yes, Admiral," says Data with a salute.
Greyfox winces inwardly... Data was always so formal. "Come take a look at this."
Data's eyes widen as he looks from display to display. "Yes, Admiral, the modifications you suggest would be extremely easy to implement. If we disabled life-support aboard the Talona, and routed power from all secondary systems to the VAXMigrator, we would be able to power both ships completely, provide shields around the amalgomate vessel, and even support the Talona's maximum speed. We can have an umbilical link in place within an hour. We can settle the Talona down on the VAXMigrator from above, and secure it by activating the docking maglocks of the VAXMigrator's forward section here." Data waves his fingers across the screen, and it lights up with dozens of simultaneous images. Greyfox quietly observes, viewing each snapshot in time as if studying pages in a book.
"We will need 200 people to complete the initial merging... we will be able to get the VAXMigrator underway then."
Greyfox smiles and enjoys the view as Data hovers over the schematics, creating dozens of alternate plans and calculations. "Admiral," he says, proudly showing his final result, "You will find this design to be 1.34 percent more efficient in energy consumption."
"Well," says Greyfox, "One-point-three-four percent better? Great job, Captain. I'll see that you have the men you need. Mobilize an engineering staff. I'll call for you shortly."
"Yes sir, Admiral." Data nods briefly and exits.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Earth--Admiral Nimitz' office...
Nimitz sat at his desk, reading an intelligence report, when his coded-frequency subspace communicator sparked to life. A warbled, distorted, obviously masked voice came across.
"Harris has failed. Implement alternative plan."
The transmission ended. Nimitz nearly turned purple with rage, then calmly threw the communicator out his window.
"Captain Rodriguez," Nimitz said, pressing a button on his desk. "Prepare my shuttle. I'm going to meet the St. Helens at Saturn's Rings Starbase." Nimitz then strode out of his office to pack...
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
"Sir, transfer of personnel from Talona to VAXMigrator is complete," Lt. Jones stated. "We'll be arriving at Kimmeron-5 in less than an hour."
"Good. Signal the base with our arrival, and have the cruisers and destroyers set up a system patrol. I want the Vesuvius spaceworthy enough to get back to Earth as soon as possible. I'm reporting Captain Harris' actions to the council myself."
"What about the VAXMigrator, Sir?"
"Admiral Lynxor is a resourceful and competant commander. I'm sure he'll figure something out. Right now, though, we need to be concerned about our own vessel." Kraken pointed at the viewscreen, and the missing 'chunk' from the prow of the Vesuvius. Jones nodded silently, and returned to his work.
On board the Talona...
It was dark. The emergency backup power had shut down after the huge jolt shook the ship almost apart. The only light in any of the corridors came from the small electrical fires from the burned-out consoles. Commander Richards had been searching the hallways for the past half hour, already finding 25 injured crew. He couldn't take them to the sickbay, since there would be no power there, either. Richards dutifully pressed on, recruiting more and more of his crew as he went, each helping those who needed it most. It was truly a brilliant display of discipline and morale. After 45 minutes, Richards heard a faint moaning from one of the side corridors leading toward the bridge.
"Over here!" he shouted. "I found somebody else!" Richards ran around the corner, and saw a man pinned under a fallen support strut from a nearby door-frame. "Rest easy, you're gonna be alright," Richards said. The man looked up, a trickle of blood running down the side of his head.
"I need to get to the bridge," the injured man said with labored breathing. "I must stop Harris." Richards shook his head.
"What's your name? I don't recognize you. Were you with the transfer?" Richards asked. The man nodded.
"Jarrah. Dr. Sam Jarrah. Ship counselor for the VAXMigrator," he said. Several crewmen showed up at this point, all laboring to lift the heavy beam off of Sam.
"Richards to VAXMigrator, come in," Richards said, tapping his communicator.
this isxxxhhte ffffMigrator. Go shshead.
"Initiate an emergency medical beam-out on my current location," Richards said, placing his communicator on Sam's chest. "You're gonna be fine, Doc," Richards said, as Sam disappeared in a glowing barrage of energy. "Alright everyone! Keep searching!" Richards commanded, as he made his way towards the bridge...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Black Knights flew between the Vesuvius & Talona, each pilot assessing the amount of damage the ships had sustained. Maniac let out a low whistle.
"They're in a world of hurt, huh Colonel?" he asked.
"Yeah. It looks pretty bad," Jayce responded, rolling his fighter for a better view. As the squadron maneuvered around the Talona, the Vesuvius began moving toward Kimerron-5 resupply base. The Talona just drifted in space, no lights showing, no power. She looked dead in space.
"I wonder if our stuff is still OK," Maniac said, pulling his fighter up next to Jayce's. About this time, the space-tugs started showing up, attaching mag-locks and temporary thrusters to the hull of the Talona. Jayce's communicator sprang to life.
"Black Knights squadron, this is VAXMigrator. Assist tugs as necessary--we're going to link the two ships together."
"This is Col. Brilliam. I copy--will comply. Out." Jayce switches to his local frequency. "You heard the orders... Let's fly defense pattern Omega." As Jayce finished his command, he pulled off to starboard in a complex barrel-turning maneuver. Maniac followed closely behind him.
"What are we gonna defend the tugs against? There's nobody out here but us! Man, this is bogus--" Maniac began on a tirade.
"Shut up, Maniac!" Vagabond shouted, cutting Maniac short. "Hey, boss, I read you. Another exciting day at the office," he said to Jayce, who chuckled...
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
"Sir, engineering crews are working double-time on the umbilical device you specified, and 3 survey teams have already been sent to the Talona to investigate the viability of the plan," an ensign reported as Data sat in the command chair. Data raised an eyebrow. "So far, the survey teams have come up with nothing salvageable from the ship. She's dead in space Sir."
Data sat for a moment, thinking. After a few seconds he nodded. "Have the survey teams and engineering crews salvage what they can from the Talona's power supplies. Have them set up transporter beacons around each reactor. Also, evacuate all personnel from the Talona. I am certain conditions are far better here than they are there."
"Aye, sir."
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Doctor worked feverishly in sick bay, healing the dying fugitives from the Talona.
"What I don't understand," said Bryans, "... is how you're here, Doc. An EM-Pulse hit us! All electricity should have been OUT..."
"Yes, yes, just a miracle of fate," said the Doctor, "Now hold still." These people were getting suspicious - no need to reveal himself as the VAXMigrator's holographic Doctor... according to the Captain, the whole situation was settled, albeit violently, and he didn't want to make any waves by explaining how Data had extended the shields around the Talona's lower decks just before the EM pulse wiped out power on both ships. Data had even managed to protect the VAXMigrator's emergency reserves. That was the advantage of having a Captain that could think at the speed of light!
Ideally, he would be able to communicate himself back to the VAXMigrator with Lal when no one was looking, leaving the original doctor of the Talona in his place. How to extricate himself, how to do it? Systems showed that VAXMigrator had, in fact, managed to protect the Talona's backup powersource as well, so he would be online as long as the emergency life-support held. That would be long enough...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox sits in his ready-room, cross-checking personnel files on Admiral Malcolm Nimitz. Something in the reports had to point to why he would want the VAXMigrator destroyed. Greyfox's doorbell chirped, causing him to close down the reports and bring up a game of "pong" on his screen.
"Come in," he said, as he feigned interest in the simple game. Data entered. "You have a report for me?"
"Yes, Admiral, the umbilical devices are in place, and the two ships have been mag-locked together. After some initial difficulties stabilizing the power sources of the Talona, we eventually created a feasible link. Currently, the VAXMigrator has 90% shield capability, with all other systems at 100% operation. The hull of the Talona has 70% shields, 80% weapons, 95% engine capacity, but only 60% hull integrity and 50% power. All non-essential staff have been brought to the VAXMigrator--only engineering, weapons, and fighter-technician teams remain. Also, all fighters have been retrieved." Data finished his report by handing a small datapad to Greyfox, who picked it up and skanned through it, finally smiling.
"Good work, Data. I'll be on the bridge soon--just finishing up some work in here," Greyfox said. Data nodded, then walked out. Greyfox returned to his research on Nimitz...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
Admiral Kraken strode back and forth, listening to the reports from the engineering crews as they worked in the forward sections of the ship. Repairs weren't going smoothly at all. Secondary explosions plagued the non-vital systems, and the power was in constant flux. And, to make matters worse, as the Vesuvius made its way to the Kimerron-5 resupply base, a power regulator near the engines gave out, causing a mighty explosion which rocked the entire ship, throwing several of the engineering crew out of the front of the ship. Kraken had been in his bed at the time, and wound up face-down on the floor. The sad part of the whole incident was the fact that the rest of the bridge crew had been on duty at the time--the explosion caused a direct power feedback into the control systems, causing a major electrical discharge on the bridge. Everyone on duty had died or was severely injured. Now, Kraken was in desperate need of a command staff, for in less than 72 hours, he would be leaving for Earth with his escorts, and he needed the Vesuvius to be as operational as possible. Now, pacing back and forth on the bridge, he was faced with a dillemma...
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
The comm channel sparked to life, and Admiral Kraken appeared on the viewscreen. Data stood from his seat at a computer station, answering the call.
"Yes, Admiral Kraken? How can we be of service?" Data said.
"Captain Data, I have a... situation which I need to rectify. The command crew for the Vesuvius has been reduced to 2. I need some... officers to volunteer to man the bridge. Would you have any likely suggestions for such a transfer?" Kraken wrinkled his brow. It was perhaps the first time he'd ever requested a transfer of crew, rather than order it.
Data cocked his head to one side, apparently pondering the situation. Finally, he replied. "With all due respect, Sir, I cannot make an immediate decision on this matter. I would need to call a general staff meeting and discuss it with the rest of the officers. I shall send word back to you after that."
"Thank you, Mr. Data. Kraken out."
Data turned and looked at the bridge crew, raising an eyebrow, then ordered the staff meeting to take place in conference room 15-b...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Kraken," says Captain Data, "I must first remind you that the VAXMigrator is functioning with a diminished crew as well at this time. I am able to trasfer only two officers to the Vesuvius at this time. May I present to you Major Sonya Blade, fighter pilot and NAV ops. May I also present my daughter, Ensign Lal. Both will serve you well."
The Admiral lowered his head. "Alas, only two, only two," he said somberly.
"Perhaps," said Captain Data, "next time you will not consider a direct ram of the enemy ship to be a viable option. Take care of my daughter, Admiral."
The Kraken was taken aback at this officer's bluntness - such words were usually reason enough for a court marshal. But Kraken could see something in Data's eyes, something you'd see in the eyes of veterans far superior in years and experience. Data was right.
"I'll take good care of your daughter, Captain. Godspeed, and may you get your vessel operational as soon as possible."
"Aye, sir."
"Oh, and there is one other thing. Although we won't be escorting the VAXMigrator back to Earth, we will need you to transfer Admiral Lynxor to my custody at this time."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox sat in his ready room, still studying all he could about Fleet Admiral Nimitz, when Data strode dutifully in, a fully armed security team on his heels. Greyfox looked up, a slight smile adorning his features. He switched off his computer.
"So, Data. Is this the way it's going to be?" he asked, placing the palms of his hands on the top of his desk.
"Admiral Kraken has ordered me to deliver you into his custody, Sir," Data answered, matter-of-factly.
"Are you going to, Mr. Data?" Greyfox asked, staring calmly into Data's yellow, android eyes. Data stood there, pondering for a moment...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Admiral Jayson Lynxor," says Captain Data, "You are accused of High Treason and Disloyalty to the State. How plead you?"
"I didn't do it!" blurts out Greyfox, sweating, shocked and surprised by Data's response.
"That will be for the jury to decide on Earth. Gentlemen, take him!"
As the guards advance, Greyfox does a spin-kick which knocks the first one senseless. Data intercedes from behind and takes Greyfox down... but HARD. As Greyfox flinches, Data clamps a restraining bolt around his bicep and head-butts him from behind. Astounded and betrayed, Greyfox falls to the deck.
"Data... Data..."
"That's Captain, Jayson," sneers Data, "You have been stripped of rank, and you will address your superiors with the proper respect. Now, on your feet."
Greyfox gives a sideways glance of hatred at his capture.
"Do it," says Data, "That is a fourspace restraining band I have attached to your arm. You can't just slip it off." Greyfox tries, but sparks shock his hand. He slumps and walks over to the armed guards who aim at his head cockilly and walk him out.
As if nothing had happened, Data sits in his chair and returns to his paper work.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
As Data sits, surveying the latest information concerning the repairs of VAXMigrator, a text-only message scrolls across his computer screen.
Is the plan set into motion, Mr. Data?
Data types back, Yes, it is. Remain hidden where you are. I will speak to you in person at the pre-determined time. Do not communicate through this channel again. Data turned off the computer, and worked on something else...
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
"Sir, Admiral Lynxor is in our custody. We are clear to return to Earth," came the security report. Kraken nodded, pointing at his new helmsman, Sonya Blade.
"Lieutenant Blade, keep me informed of our progress. As soon as engines come back online, we're departing. Ensign, Lal, send communication to the other ships with our itinerary. Assign the Andromeda as permanent escort for the VAXMigrator." Kraken looked at his watch. "Only 12 more hours to go. Let's look alive, people." Kraken then walked off the bridge, heading for the detention levels...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The VAXMigrator sat at spacedock, the final touches being made on the links between it and the Talona. In the next bay sat the Vesuvius, a huge, flat panel fitted over the stump of the starboard sponson. Data watched as the Vesuvius' engines flared up, and she began to pull away from the docking area of the Kimerron-5 resupply base. Her 4 remaining escorts closed ranks as she pulled out, making final course adjustments for the Kimerra system's jump-point back to Earth. Data silently hoped his ploy would work. Kraken appeared on the viewscreen...
"Captain Data, thank you for your cooperation in the deliverance of Jayson Lynxor," he said. "I'll put in a word on your behalf to the council--perhaps they'll vote to keep the VAXMigrator in service after all. Godspeed, Mr. Data." Kraken saluted as he finished his statement, and Data responded in kind, saluting as Kraken's image faded from the viewscreen. The Vesuvius and her escorts moved out, slowly, toward the jump-point. Data sat in the command chair, starting calculations for the most efficient power usage for the new, conglomerate ship, when Greyfox strode dutifully onto the bridge.
"Data--start the engines and pull out of space-dock," he said, causing Data to turn and regard him. "Do it NOW, Mr. Data. Something bad is going to happen very soon, and I don't want to be sitting around when it does." Data stood from the command chair and walked over to his post at operations.
"Aye, Sir. Shall I activate the weapons systems as well?" Data responded, moving with android efficiency.
"Yes, Data. Red alert," Greyfox said, sitting in the command chair...
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Admiral Kraken," said Lal from her post on the bridge, "Admiral Nimitz has opened fire on Admiral Lynxor."
"Nimitz!" said Kraken, "Damn, he's been shadowing us the whole time. Weapons!"
Damnit! Kraken considered how it had all gone so wrong. He was going to take custody of the Greyfox quietly - no one needed to know about it... take custody because in his gut, Kraken knew that the VAXMigrator was heading straight into the fire. Funny, he never suspected that it would be Nimitz himself. Damnit, Greyfox! I won't let you go down with the ship, you son of a b**ch!
The giant Vesuvius makes a full turnabout, moving back toward the Black Fleet and the crippled TALONAMigrator.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"They took out our maneuvering thrusters in one hit!" yelled Powers on the VAXMigrator.
"How can that be?" asked Data, "Our shields are still reading 100% capacity."
"That was a phased shot, Data," said Lynxor, "just the kind of ploy they like to use in the Black Hawk Fleet. Rotate shield modulations - don't let them get another shot!"
There were twenty Black Hawk fighters, and they were swarming down on the VAXMigrator FAST. As the VAXMigrator pumped energy blasts into space, five Black Hawk ships swept over them in a bombing-run on the Talona section, where they were the weakest.
"Shields holding," said Powers, "but the Talona - section took a major hit! And thrusters are offline!"
The VAXMigrator floated in space like a chunk of rock, firing again and again - but like phantoms, the Black Hawk ships seemed to just slip by the shots.
"Damage on the Black Hawk Fleet?" demanded Data.
"None, sir! We're not reading any damage, or any hits."
"Replay index 05:32:23 thru 28." A huge display appeared at the center of the room, showing the VAXMigrator in green at the center of the bridge with red dots where she'd been hit. All around the simulation swarmed the Black Hawk ships, firing onto it. As the VAXMigrator's forward cannon charged, Data pointed to it with his finger, following the shot as it flew toward a Black Hawk ship, and then, passed right through it.
"A hologram? Asked Powers.
"Not that easy," said Data, "That ship damaged us. Displacer shields." The VAXMigrator shook again, hit. "Here and here," showed Data, "this vessel landed a shot on us. Notice where the impact is in relation to the ship. And here and here, this ship fires again. They're using an a-b-a-b scramble pattern. It's hard to make drastic changes to the displacer offset during a battle without giving yourself away - the computer output verifies that this, this, and this ship are using this pattern. The others, unfortunately, will have to hit us before we can verify their offset."
Then, from the corner of the room, a simulated image of a gigantic ship approaches position 0, 0, 0... firing weapons... the Vesuvius.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Greyfox switches on the comm-channel, opening a frequency to the Vesuvius.
"Admiral Kraken, I warn you, if you remain here, you will be destroyed. Nimitz is out of his mind. He'll destroy anything he thinks is aiding us." To accentuate his point, Greyfox transmitted the images of the St. Helens firing on the resupply base. Kraken responded only by firing torpedoes at one of the nearer ships. Greyfox shook his head, sitting in the command chair.
"Mr. Data, continue your survey--quickly. As of this moment, I'm assuming command of the ship under general directive 25, article 31. Tractor-beams, stand by for the coordinates Mr. Data will supply you," Greyfox ordered, dropping a small red optical chip into the console on the arm of his chair. Another frigate fired at VAXMigrator, and she shook again. "Data?"
"Yes, sir. I have the coordinates of the ship. Displaying them now..." A large, red shape appeared on the 3-D display.
"Tractor beams, fire on that location!" Greyfox ordered.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"It's too slow," said Data, "I'm going below."
Greyfox nods, and Data lifts up the access panel in the floor, sliding through it to the engineerng sub-chamber, located beneath the bridge.
Data's eyes flew back and forth over the controls, and flips open a hatch at the back of his head, wiring himself directly into engineering. He let his mind fly through the systems, trying to connect with the Talona's engineering array. One by one, he brought the resonators to full power, and had each one vibrating in sequence. In his mind, through the holographic array, he could see the whole battle taking place. Data took control of the secondary gun turrets aboard the Talona and began firing at the Black Fleet's shots as they whistled in toward them, forming a protective field of laser fire in addition to the modulating shield.
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Captain Data," came a voice in Data's mind.
"Admiral," said Data, listening in his mind to the sinister voice.
"Yes, I know that you are able to hear me. I'm transmitting this signal on the same frequency as the one used by that electronic brain of yours."
"Data, you've failed to deliver Lynxor.
"I will not betray him to you."
"Data, lower the shields. We will obliterate him. We have the means."
"That would kill most of my crew."
"Data, listen to me! He's a menace. He cannot be allowed to leave this system. Imagine the countless worlds that will suffer! He's used his hyperdimensional powers before, and he will again. I command you, drop the shields!"
"I will not. Lynxor is an innocent man, and I will not condemn him to death."
There was a dead silence over space...
"It's a shame, really. Harris failed me, Kraken has failed me, you have failed me, Jarrah has failed me. The Black Fleet shall not. I have something in store for your dispicable Greyfox."
"I shall... " Data clutched his throat.
"Warn him?" mocked Nimitz, "No, I don't think so. I've seeded this transmission with a cascade virus. You're dead, Data."
The android falls to the metal deck, gasping.
"Oh, I knew of your trechary, trying to hide him from me. In fact, I suspected it all along. This virus will eat your mind away, first the higher functions, then the lower. Of course, you were programmed to activate it, just as surely as you were programmed to process the sound of my voice."
Nimitz's voice started to break up inside Data's mind as his auditory functions disintegrated. There wasn't a way to stop a multiple cascade failure. One system would collapse, then another, and another, the effect was exponential, and any self-correction would spawn five more collapses elsewhere. Data was enraged - this was precicely how he'd lost his daughter, Lal, the first time.
Lal! Data thought he could perhaps, just perhaps call out to her for help... no. There would be nothing she could do. He would not put that terrible guilt on her shoulders. Instead, he reached for the keypad, desperately trying to enter a message, a goodbye... but fell away clumsily as his body betrayed him.
His mind went dim. A wire still ran from his brain to the computer - the engineering system retailated at the immense quantity of anomolous data it was receiving from his neural network, and created a feedback-jolt. The connection was physically burned away, and Data could feel it like a fire in his head.
"Ha ha ha, let's see how VAXMigrator functions without her Captain," laughs Nimitz, "And by the way, Data, say hello to the Devil for me."
And Data died.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the Vesuvius...
Kraken watched the damage readouts scroll in from the escorts. Essex had been hit hard, essentially crippled, but her guns remained active, firing on an enemy carrier. The shots seemed to pass right through it, however. Ajax and Apollo were skimming through the enemy fleet, drawing some fire away from Vesuvius, when the Apollo simply erupted, a second explosion lighting the nearby hull of an enemy ship. Kraken raised an eyebrow.
"Launch what remaining Dragons we have left! They're using cloaked ships with displacement shields. We're fighting phantoms!" Kraken ordered. Major Blade simply nodded, pressing some buttons on her console. At that moment, the St. Helens faded into view, directly ahead of Vesuvius, and then Admiral Nimitz's face appeared on the screen. He was wearing a strange, black uniform, with a red skull on the left shoulder.
"Admiral Kraken, you are in direct violation of the Confederation Council. Cease fire now, or I'll be forced to place you under arrest," Nimitz said.
"I am defending myself and a fellow officer from an undue attack--"
"No, Admiral Kraken, you are aiding and abetting a known criminal--which makes you an accessory. I am willing to show you leniancy, since you're obviously under some sort of manipulative control of that fiend, Greyfox. I give you one last chance to choose the right side, Kraken. What do you say?" Nimitz leaned forward, smiling slightly.
"Admiral Nimitz, you are not judge, jury, and executioner. You cannot condemn a man before a trial has even taken place! I was bringing Admiral Lynxor back to Earth for a trial--where his actions could be judged for what they were. Innocent, guilty--I don't care. I was ordered to bring him into protective custody, which means I became responsible for him. I will keep him alive until we get to Earth," Kraken debated. Nimitz just nodded.
Nimitz turned to his executive officer, stating, "Let the record show that admiral Kraken has disobeyed a direct order from a superior, and has, by his own word, stated his willingness to defend and harbor a known criminal." Nimitz turned back to Kraken, a stern look on his face. "I'm sorry, Admiral Kraken, but you leave me no choice--"
"Don't pretend you're upholding the laws of the Confederation! You flew in here, guns blazing--"
"That will be all, Mr. Kraken. I hereby relieve you of your command--and strip you of all rank. You are accused of high treason, mutiny, insubordination, and aiding a known criminal. Commander," Nimitz now addressed Kraken's executive officer, "take him into custody, and wait for Black Hawk Fleet at the jump-point." Kraken looked at Commander Riley, who looked back and forth between the two admirals.
"Sir," said Riley, "I believe you can go to HELL!" As Riley said this, he slammed his hand down on the weapons console, launching 12 torpedoes at the St. Helens. Nimitz disappeared from the viewscreen, as Lal switched off the communicator. All 12 torpedoes hit their mark, shaking the St. Helens, and causing gouts of flame to erupt from her top-side. Kraken knew that in a head-on fight with Nimitz, he would probably lose... But he was going to at least bring Nimitz with him...
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
On the bridge of the VAXMigrator...
"Helm, status report," said Greyfox, surveying the latest damage readouts.
"Engines back online, Sir. Control being re-routed through our engineering section," the young ensign reported. Greyfox nodded.
"Shield modulation?" he asked.
"Functional, Sir," said Powers. "We still haven't isolated the phase modulation of their shields, yet."
"Thank you. Make way for Kimerra-2--fly as close to it as you can without falling into the gravity well. Are the fighters up?"
"Yes, Sir, all squadrons reporting ready--I've got 12 longbow bombers heading for the Concordia-class, and 12 heading for the Victory-class."
"With all due respect, Sir," Powers said, "our bombers will have little or no effect on those ships, if we don't isolate their shield modulation."
Greyfox nodded, pressing a button on the arm of his chair. "Mr. Data, I need a report." There was no response. "Mr. Data, do you copy?" Silence. "Lieutenant Albright, patch me through directly to the leader of that squadron, there," Greyfox said, pointing to the holographic display of the Dragon Assault Fighters.
"Aye, Sir."
By X (Eric) on Unrecorded Date: |
“Admiral,” the young ensign at helm began.
“Yes, McBride?”
“Sir, I’ve been watching the way the enemy vessels are maneuvering… when we detonated our ‘shield ship’ those three changed position,” he said pointing out the ships on the tactical display, “And, Sir, I don’t think those ships are phantoms any more.”
Greyfox’s attention sharpened, “Why?”
“I don’t believe that the smaller ships have the power to run displacer shields on their own, so they’re flying in small formations of four or six.”
“And using interlocking shields,” said Greyfox thoughtfully, “And if they are using interlocking shields, we can…” he paused.
“Yes, Sir,” said McBride, anticipating him, “It is theoretically possible.”
“Mr. Powers.”
“Direct our Long Bows to the targets identified by Mr. McBride. Lieutenant Albright, get Colonel Stevens on the comm immediately.”
The speaker arm of the command chair came to life, “Stevens here…”
“Colonel, I need the location on two of the enemy ships…now,” said Greyfox.
“Light cruiser at 23.52.19. Light cruiser at 20.49.23,” supplied Stevens.
“Very well, Colonel. Get your people away from there fast,” Greyfox slapped off the comm, “Mr. Powers…”
“Targeting now, sir,” said Powers eagerly.
“Belay that.”
“A moment, Mr. Powers,” said Greyfox as he worked feverishly at the display control pad on his command chair, “Mr. Powers, on my mark, I want a ten second sustained pulse from the primary weapons targeted on 24.50.21. Mark!”
From the bow of the VAXmigrator came an intense beam of energy aimed at a seemingly empty point in space. Then like a jet of water striking a flat surface, the point spread. The glowing ooze continued to spread for several seconds, and then it exploded. When the flash subsided, what remained were several large ship parts floating in what had been empty space.
“Mr. Powers,” said Greyfox quietly, “sensor readings.”
“I read seven ships, sir. Three light cruisers, four destroyers. No energy readings, no life signs. Four of the ships are fragmented,” Powers looked up, “What just happened?”
“When two or more ships use interlocking shields, the point where the shields meet is an open circuit where power flows between the shield structures. We just poured enough power into one of those open circuits to cause a cascade overload and detonate their shields,” said Greyfox studying the battle zone, “Now that the physics lesson is over, I’d like a status report, Mr. Powers.”
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
The lights on the VAXMigrator went dim, and some sort of explosion shook her badly. The holographic display on the bridge flickered momentarily, and then re-stabilized.
"What just happened," Greyfox said sternly.
"Sir, our primary power coupling from the Talona just burned out--I don't think it could handle the energy required for the main weapon," Powers reported.
"McBride, Is your course set?"
"Aye, Sir. Waiting on your command."
"Good. Store it in memory. Make way for the debris we just created--I'm not going to let Kraken commit suicide on our behalf."
"Aye Sir," McBride said, as the mighty Battlestar flew toward the floating space junk...
By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: |