Town Pub Archive: Posts # 1 - 62 (Jan - Apr 1999)

The Lev Forum: Storyboard: Town Pub: Town Pub Archive: Posts # 1 - 62 (Jan - Apr 1999)
By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

As the twin western-style saloon doors that mark the entryway into the the pub swung open, a man entered the pub.

This was no ordinary man, nor was he wearing ordinary dress. Wearing a $1200 Armani suit and a tastefull chosen top hat, he walked with a unusual sense of purpose. Even his cane seemed to give away his sense of unmistakable pride.

"Your...your... Houdini. Aren't you?" The barkeep asked.

"Yep" was Houdini's only reply, as he light up a cigar.

By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"I need a drink" says Sol. He pours a big mug of Root Beer. "yeah, my driveway at home is all snowed-in, so I've had to sleep in the Pub every night. Who would have thought! Snow in LEV! What is all THAT about?"

Sol sips again. He refills, since all the drinks are free.

"Houdini, it is good to see you again. My goodness, the magic IS back! Who would have ever thought it? The friends ARE back. The LEV is back. It's funny, posting today I feel like this has ALWAYS been here, like it is just SUPPOSED to be this way. Isn't that strange?"

Sol looks around the bar, realizing that this is the Pub, the REAL Pub. How interesting. The transfer is complete.

"Say, anyone see Ewokie lately? Or Tas? I wonder if we might just see them walk through that door really really soon!"

Alf drinks curdled milk and says, "Ha!"

By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Puffing away at his cuban cigar Houdini smiled back at Sol. "Yes, it is strange. The pub doesn't look too bad considering it was blown to bits in the storyboard relm. Heh, remember how AC used to love blowing this place up? Those were the days Sol!"

Houdini let out a circle of smoke from his stogie.

"Eh, its a nasty habit, I know, but a good virtual stogie isn't so bad now and then. Anyways, yes, we need to work on a plan to bring back the rest of the exiled lev netizens. AC, Tas, Ewokie, heck I even miss old Sherm, and Gerrit, and Liz, and Nat and many others.."

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Just then, a blue-white sparkling cylinder appeared at the center of the Pub, slowly materializing into a grey & black clad man--it looked almost like a Starfleet uniform. The man shook his silvery mane and rubbed his gloved hands together, letting them rest comfortably on the 2 cylindrical objects on his belt. They almost looked like flashlights, but Houdini & Sol knew the difference. The man pulled out a tricorder-looking device, pressed a few buttons, then looked around the pub. Finally, he approached the bar, nodding in approval.
"Well, this program was completely successful, wouldn't you gentlemen agree?" He pointed a finger at Spiffy Ninja, who silently nodded and poured a large, decorative Pilsner-Glass full of Mt. Dew. "I just have a few more tests to run, then I'll be back to spend some R&R with you fellas." He downed his glass of crystalline green, sparkling beverage, walked over to the wall, and stated bluntly "Arch." A high-tech looking doorway appeared, a door opened, and the man strode out through it. Then, as sudden as it had happened, the encounter was over...

By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

"Well Sol, the holo-matrix is holding up well.
I must say I am impressed. It is certainly a
novel approach, putting the pub inside a
holosuite." Houdini mused.

By Aileen Pagan-Welch (Ewokie) on Unrecorded Date:

The doors to the pub swing open...

a billow of smoke enters...

Sol, the barkeep, squints his eyes to make out the dark shape covered by smoke. Houdini's jaw opens as recognition sets in..

"It's... it's... "

The smoke disappears.. and all that is left is the figure of a small visitor from the planet Endor.

"It's is I! Ewokie! I've come home again."

By No one here is exactly what he appears (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date:

Two travelers, accompanied by their ever faithful companion, a cyberhound originally part of a force of individuals which has long since perished, enter the Pub, apparently arguing over something.
One of them is walking with a slight limp. Their clothes are heavily travel worn. The limping one's more so.

"I told you it was to appear here. You're a time-weaver, not a time-space jockey, like what's his name?..", the slighter thinner, non limping man says emphatically.

"Greyfox. Yes....," the other answers as he admires the interior of the familiar building, as if verifying the position of each artifact.

"Does it look so different?" Sol asks from behind the bar.

"Absolutely not..! Could use a few things though.. perhaps some extra help? Maybe a droid or two?" the thinner man suggests slyly.

Remebering those same words from a time that seems beyond memmory, Sol's face turns ghost white, then as he recognizes the insignia's on their long coats he relaxes. "SmokeDuster, then you did survive. The last I saw of either of you was right before the exodus. Charlemagne you were left behind... Apparently, it was not to be the last time we would meet."

"Once before we lost each other, my friend. But all things must come full circle. And so our souls were destined to come here, once the place had been prepared." Charlemagne replies as they take a seat in one of several corners.

"Now a round on me."

"A toast... To a new beginning."

Lt. Charlemagne LeVour
Richlieu (cyberhound)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

The doors to the pub swung open once again--just like in the old days, the doors seemed to never stop swinging to allow entrance... A tall figure wearing a black suede drover coat and gloves strode silently and confidently up to the bar. He had silver hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, dark skin, and slightly pointed ears. He shrugged his shoulders slightly and hunched his coat closer to his form as he nodded toward Spiffy. As he slowly turned to lean on the bar, he took in the sights and smells of the pub once more. A pint-mug filled with Mt. Dew slid down the bar, stopping within easy reach of the new patron. Without looking, he reached, grabbed, lifted, and downed the entire container, all in one smooth motion. He then placed the mug back on the bar and tapped its rim with a gloved finger. He knew everyone was staring at him, but he didn't want to interrupt the conversations they were having by speaking first. He simply leaned on the bar and waited politely for recognition to set in...

By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date:

A face appears in the window, looks around, and disappears again...

Everyone gets the impression in their mind that they just heard "Alcohol... Who needs it? And what's with the SMOKING already!" in their minds; but no sound was made, no words uttered...

Silence is all that follows.


By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Houdini smiles, closing his wide open jaw of
disbelief. "Wow, Ewokie. Yer here. Cool! Whoa information overload here. I'll be with ya in a minute..ok?"

Houdini motions to the bartender.

"Yeah mac, what will it be?"

"Andorian Ale, in a whiskey glass."

The cool green liquid was poured into the shotglass and Houdini taking the glass turned to Sol, SmokeDuster and the good Lt. Charlemagne LeVour and shouted with them as they toasted
"A toast... To a new beginning!"

Houdini noded in acknowledgment of the silver
haired gentlemen who also had entered the pub.

Houdini then heard a voice of someone familiar,
but this voice wasn't a sound, but rather a thought.

Houdini sent a reply back "If you say Guess What one more time.. "


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

The man in the drover coat finishes off his second beverage, then begins removing his black leather gloves. He leans back with his elbows on the bar, and rests his black leather boot-clad foot on the rail. Spiffy fills a third mug for the 'stranger' as he glances around at the few people who are present.

"This place needs some livening up," he stated bluntly, glancing upward at the wooden-beamed ceiling. He scratches his chin, nods slightly, and points at the ceiling. It erupts into a brilliant smattering of glowing colors, dancing about the beams and panels, swirling around and scintillating into other colors where they intersect. "That's a good start. Now, for some music to coordinate them..." He turns his head slightly and orders a Miller Genuine Draft--in the bottle. He twists off the cap & leaves the beer where it is, flinging the cap across the room. Everyone watches the cap as it gracefully arcs across the room, finally slipping into the coin slot of the Wurlitzer jukebox like it was greased. The jukebox jumps to life, clicking and whirring as its internal workings selected a CD to play, and then the music started.

"Spiffy! I'm buying the house a round. Cheers, everyone!" exclaimed the newcomer, as Aerosmith's 'Sweet Emotion' blared from the jukebox. Nodding and smiling with the minor atmosphere adjustment, he glanced up at the lights on the ceiling, which now pulsed and flowed with every beat & rhythm from the song. "MUCH Better. CHEERS!"


By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Oogowaaa!" yells Spiffy Ninja as the Jukebox starts playing. Spiffy's dance spasms shake alcohol left and right out of the pitcher he is holding, although Greyfox easilly moves left and right to avoid the liquid. As Spiffy notices that he is losing the precious cargo, he takes the pitcher to his facemask and lets the beverage soak through to his mouth....

"Spiffy!" yells Sol, "What are ya doing? Go outside and salt the parking lot. The ice is 7 feet thick!"

Spiffy tucks the pitcher of beer under his arm, grabs a 25-pound bag of salt under the other arm, and salutes Greyfox with the other arm as he strides off to the parking lot to fight the winter weather.

Spiffy Ninja

By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol turns to see his old friend Ewokie come through the door as Alf chuckles a Melmakiann chuckle in the backdrop.

"HEY! Omigosh, I never would have believed it! Ewokie! Come on in, come on in, you need a chair!" He motions to Houdini who is helping her to get comfortable, and brings her a choice of Free Drinks - so thoughtfully ordered a second ago by one of the Pub's honored and generous guests...

"Yeah," says Sol, "I'm working as a Computer Teacher now. It's the best! I teach the 'lil ones you know, even Kindergarteners." Sol smiles warmly for his friend. "Heh heh - married life sees you looking well," he winks.

By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

The timeweaver and his friends seem to beam at Sol. "Well, it is great to know that you survived the collapse. I knew you'd make it, but I guess I just didn't know WHEN you'd show up again... ha ha, who ever does?"

Hanging at Sol's side is the strange device given him by Lieutenant Charlemagne long, long ago. "And what's this?" asks Sol as he notices the object on his waist, "I suppose I've always had it here.

"Can I get you anything, gentlemen? Something for your dog? My, I like her. And say, robots sound like a good idea, but I'm afraid I don't know anyone who can build us one."

By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Alison takes a seat next to Houdini. She rubs the back of her neck and groans a little. "I've been asleep for a long time! What's going on here?"

"Why the LEV is back, my Dear!" says the Magician with flare. He produces a bright red rose.

"Why thank you," she says, "the last thing I remember is falling asleep in the corner with a mug of Polar Cola... warm Polar Cola... There was a blink of reality... oh, I don't know. It seems all so sureal."

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"Whoah there, Spiff-man! Don't spill the beer!" Greyfox shouts as Spiffy pulls off his little maneuver. Also, as the beer-pitcher drops to the ground, Greyfox points at it & it freezes in time. "Good thing I'm around to prevent these little catastrophes, eh?" he muses with a wink & a crooked smile. As he grabs up the pitcher & vaults over the bar in one, deft maneuver, he spins around and yells at the patrons, "OKAY! What's everybody having?" He pulls out two half-full bottles and starts flinging and juggling them around--like in the movie cocktails--as he starts mixing drinks for people...


By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date:

"Life is a mixture of the real and the sureal. Only the very trained eye can tell the difference between them." Houdini said with a smile.

"Then again, all reality seams blured where warm
Polar Cola is involved." Houdini added.

Alison let out a quick but reserved grin.

"Hmm.. speaking of blured reality, that reminds me..." Houdini turned towards the bar and motioned to Greyfox.

"Did I hear you correctly, yer treating?"
"Yeah Bry. What would you like?"

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks please. Preferably something from the Highlands, if the pub has it in stock that is."

Houdini motioned to Alison.."And you?"

Alison gave a wide smile and said, "Do you even
need to ask?".

"...And a ice cold bottle of Polar Cola for the lady..."

-Alison Blaire

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"On the way. Oh, and, uh... When I'm the bartender, nothing is out of stock--even if it happens to not be on the shelf, if you know what I mean..." Then, with a sly wink and an arcane motion with his hands, Greyfox wills the specified drinks to materialize in front of Houdini & Dazzler. "Will that be all?"


By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Hey there, Greyfox," smiles Sol, interested in the idea of somebody else bartending for a change, "Give me a glass of something that doesn't exist anymore."

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Greyfox ponders for a moment, scratches his chin, then looks as if he just had an idea.

"Coming right up, Sol, my friend," he says with a snap of his fingers. In a swirl of electric purple light, a HUGE glass appears in front of Sol, filled with a strange, greenish liquid that has what looks like leathery eggs floating in it. "Bon Appetit, my friend," Greyfox smiles as Sol merely stares at the object. "You never stated what it was you wanted, specifically, and this certainly doesn't exist any more. Actually, it was considered quite a delicacy in the Pleisticine Era. Enjoy!"


By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol smiles as his friend produces a wineglass and a bottle. "You know, Sol," says Greyfox, "They didn't call this Atlantean Ale in Atlantis. They called it Fentuve. That just means something strong. It was the only alcohol they had, and it's not really all that strong."

"Kind of funny that such an advanced society would know so little about alcohol. Of course, maybe there's something to that," smiles Sol as he tilts the glass around in his hand. The color was kind of red, a deep red like aged wine.

"This place really brings back memories," smiles Sol, "I'd say that sometimes, this is the only thing that keeps me sane, what with working 60 hour weeks and all." Sol takes a sip. Mmmm. Good.

"I should say," said Sol, "this Atlantean Ale is good stuff. Ever wonder why, if they were so advanced, that their technology wasn't spread around the globe beyond the reaches of their island? Some would say that it is because Atlantis was actually in space. Or the name of a vast spacefaring vessel that crashed." Sol shakes his head. "I don't know. If they were human, I doubt that they were from Earth. I mean, if they were, that explorative essence that defines humanity would have compelled them to reach beyond the confines of the island. Especially if they had flying machines! So either they were from another planet or they didn't exist at all."

"Well Sol," says Greyfox, "You are holding the wine."

Sol admires the wine thoughtfully, smiles, and drinks.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"In actuality, Atlantis never sank beneath the ocean at all. The people were indeed explorers--really more like dimensional travellers. They perfected crysal & pyramid metaphysics, and created some of the most powerful Dimensional gates the Earth had ever known. Bad news when they activated them, though... It rifted the entire continent forward in our timeline, basically erasing it for the past 5000 years. It'll show up again in another 1 or 2 millennia, according to human perceptions, of course. Oh yeah--the Bermuda Triangle's northern tip actually covers about 4 or 5 miles of Atlantis' south-western coastline. Creepy place. Time-space is in constant flux there. Wanna visit?" Greyfox just smiles...


By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Houdini gives a smile and after a toasting gesture
drinks the cool dark liquid. "Ahh." he said with
satisfaction as the liquid warmed his throat.
Houdini overheard Greyfox and Sol's conversation and decided to join in.

"Be carefull what you wish for..." Houdini warned.

"Why whatever do you mean Bry?" Sol questioned.

Greyfox looked amused. "Yeah, Bry, tell us. I didn't know you had an intrest in such things."

Houdini noded in approval and continued.

"Ships constantly disappear near the triangle.
While it may not be cause for concern, it is certainly something one must keep a lookout for..that is if you choose to sail or fly into the triangle. Rumor has it in another topic a sailor missing since the late 1600's is back in
our time now. My guess is he got lost sailing and
fell into the triangle. Then again, that is just my theory. You can take it or leave it as you
choose to."


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"I know the man you're talking about--or, rather, I knew his father. Had two ships back then, The SeaWolfe & The GreyWolfe. If I remember correctly, one was a sleek, fast frigate, and the other was a smaller, more maneuverable Barque. Not sure which was which, though. At any rate, both ships belonged to Julias Wolfe at the time." He sipped his pint-mug of Mt. Dew and smiled at his friends...


By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Alf sat down in a free chair next to Ewokie.

"Hiya Aileen! This is quite a place eh? They serve
the best catburgers here. Not as good as the
ones on planet Melmac mind you.. but they are
still pretty tastey! Anyways, enough about me
how have you been? " Alf said as he took a bite
of his sandwitch.

"So how is life on Endor? Do you live near Atlanta? Hey guys!" Alf shouts across the room. "Atlanta? Atlantis? Alannis! They all sound alike..get it? HA! I kill me!"


By Aileen Pagan-Welch (Ewokie) on Unrecorded Date:

Ewokie turns to Alf and gives him a great big bear hug.

"Hiya pal! How have you been? How's your burger? Say.. have you seen Lucky the cat around?" Ewokie winks at her friend.

Then Ewokie goes all around the room and gives everyone in the pub a big hug. She then recounts the tale of how she came to be where she is now.

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip..."

She slaps herself as she realizes she is in Gilligan mode and not in "storytelling" mode.

"Oops.. I humbly apologize. I must have zoned out for a second. I'm fine now."

She begins. "I met a sailor from nantucket..."

No wait.. that's not what she wanted to say either.

"Remember Tas? We got married on April 20, 1997! Isn't that incredible? We met on Lev Society, fell in love and three years later were married. Never underestimate the power of the Lev." *hushed silence filled the room* "He is in the Navy now, and when I finished graduate school at RIT, I moved here to be with him. We are located in St. Marys, Georgia right next to Jacksonville, Florida. He is stationed at Kings Bay Naval Base and we have about another 4-5 years here before his 'tour of duty' is over."

Ewokie looks at the faces of all her old friends and says "with that said, let me know how you all are."

She orders an Amaretto Sour, pinches Alf's love handles, and waits to hear everyone's exciting stories. When no one speaks, she walks over to the jukebox, puts in a quarter, and selects the song "It's so hard to be an Ewok, when you're only 4 foot tall" by The It's(which is the most popular song on Endor)

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Outside, Spiffy Ninja fumbles around on the ice. Everything is Frozen Solid! Spiffy cries and his tears turn to ice. Then he remembers Sol's words...

the salt, Remember the salt!

Spiffy starts laying on the salt with his little Bucket. After a while, he realizes that this isn't enough, so he hauls out the Wheelbarrow. Spiffy shovels salt all over the place. Then, with surprise, Spiffy marvels at how the salt crackles and pops, and the ice starts to melt!

Spiffy realizes that the patrons' cars are also encased in thick ice, so with cleverness, he rolls the wheelbarrow over and starts dumping loads of Rock Salt onto everyone's cars. He does so very generously, sure that this will melt the ice faster.


By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Puxatauny Phil sticks his head out of the snow and says,


Then he ducks back underground.

Spiffy Ninja once heard that if you can catch the Groundhog that he will grant you three wishes, or give you an early spring, or something, and either one of these would be a good thing, so Spiffy started running after him. His black Ninja Suit didn't come with shoes, so he kinda got the sock parts wet running through the snow, and when he finally reached the Groundhog hole, out popped the Groundhog 7 meters away. He blinked twice at Spiffy and said,


By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Ewokie," says Sol, "That is such good news. Remember when we went to see Batman? You told me all about how that little Kender was the one for you. Awwww, Kender-Ewok Love! It is grand! Georgia? You must be near the military base. Is the food good at least? I had a friend named Sarah Hamby who was also stationed there... did you know her? Just checking."
Sol kicks his feet up on the bar and relaxes as 'Fox pours the drinks. "Yeah, I'm teaching computers in Rochester - you know, Elementary School. They do typing and reading programs and "plusses" and stuff like that. I love it. It seems to be more in keeping with my spiritual path than plain old programming. I still do that, tho, all the time. But for fun, for recreation."
"Angie and I are goin' strong after more than 2 1/2 years. She's the One, Ewokie!" He nudges her with his elbow. "She's my Darlin'!

"Hey, you guys," says Sol to SmokeDuster and Charlemaigne, "Someone told me that you guys are pretty good with electronics... do you think you could build us a robot? You know, a GOOD robot, not like that Lost in Space Robot, but a REAL robot? He needs to be able to serve drinks at least, maybe some more things, too. Whaddya say?"

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"I can get 'ya as many robots as ya need, buddy," says Greyfox with a knowing wink...

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Spiffy is suddenly shocked as the Groundhog appears right in front of him. The Groundhog's Deep, Black eyes cause Spiffy to feel a certain vertigo, a feeling of tumbling over and over again into emptiness, void. The Groundhog tightens his gaze and Spiffy has a vision of a Dark Time from long ago, for which groundhogs, ALL groundhogs, want revenge...

The Murder

The darkest moment in Groundhog History has to be the case of the "boom, boom murders" of two relatives of the famous Seer. No event in Punxsutawney history has infuriated, insulted, raised the ire of Groundhog disciples more than the brutal and senseless 1953 executions by the State of California. It all started out innocently enough when a transplanted Punxsutawneyite, recognizing the importance of Groundhog Lore presented the Royal Groundhog Couple to the Los Angeles Griffith Park Zoo. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club was assured that the baby groundhogs could be accepted and that the zoo was delighted to have them. With all appropriate fanfare, young Philip and Elizabeth (named in honor of England's royal couple) were dispatched to California as gifts from the Weather Capitol of the World.

The Royal couple arrived on June 27 after an uneventful flight and were welcomed by zoo officials. As the happy couple began to enjoy what they hoped would be many happy days in the sun, the California Dept. of Agriculture declared the young groundhogs "agricultural pests" and ordered them destroyed. Despite a national outcry and pleas for mercy which reached even to the Governor, the 6 week old royal groundhogs were lined up and shotgunned. "Two little groundhogs dropped their shadows and picked up eternity's wings yesterday" reported a Beverly Hills newspaper. An immediate apology was demanded by
the flabbergasted citizens of Punxsutawney. The board of directors took action to bar all citizens of California membership in the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. There was talk of forming a militia to march to California in retaliatory invasion. Elizabeth and Philip were returned to their native soil and given a special burial plot in the Groundhog Club Park.

Spiffy stared wide-eyed. The Groundhog waved a furry paw in front of Spiffy's eyes, but Spiffy was completely entranced. I have you in my power thought the groundhog, but aloud, all that could be heard was the eerie sound,


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Greyfox snapped his fingers, and the bar disappeared in a puff of smoke, a used-droid lot appearing in its place...

"We got droids, I tell ya! All kinds of droids for every possible need--Agri-droids, astromech droids, protocol droids, assassin droi-- well, we'll just forget about THOSE for now, won't we, heh, heh? Now, what can I do ya for, my friend?" rattled off the middle-aged, balding, pot-bellied, plaid-suit-jacket-clad salesman that jumped into the pub...

----The Used Droid Salesman

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol dances around. "Hmmmm.... what robots shall we buy? Ewokie? Houdini? What what what? Say, can I have all of them?" asks Sol.

"Sure," says the tubby guy, "If you have enough money."

"Good thing nothing in the Pub costs any money!" grins Sol gleefully, in one of his inebriated moods. He dances around admiring all his new robots as the Sales-guy fumes.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"What?!?!?" exclaimed the rotund fellow. "Nothing costs any MONEY?!? What, are you boys SICK or sumthin? These are top of the line models, here, these are... I can't just go and let ya have 'em for nothing! I'd lose my job, or even worse! Now, when you boys wanna talk realistically, y'all can come back, but if ya got no dough, I can't let 'em go!" The salesman was really fidgety and wiped his forehead with a purple handkerchief alot. Greyfox just glared at him, which seemed to make him even more nervous than before.

"Of course, I could make a deal with ya for one--mebbe two droids, but they couldn't be spiffy lot models such as these. I'd have ta ask ya ta come look inside the showroom for, ummm, well, floor models. >everyone shudders<

Greyfox nodded solemnly, then gestured toward Sol, who was still dancing around triumphantly. "Sol, I believe the man is trying to drive a bargain with us. Shall we let him, or shall I just take the droids we want from him and dispatch him?" Greyfox ponders for a moment while scratching his chin...

----The Used Droid Salesman...


----The Droids...

By No one here is exactly what he appears (Smokeduster) on Unrecorded Date:

"Either way..... doesn't really matter, the SmokeDuster interjects as he wanders around the 'droid lot closely examining two or three in particular. "Would be a shame to haveta pay him for all of them, but a few seem to be worth something. And it would be kinda nice to have some more spare parts around here. What would you say for the lot?" he asks the saleman.

Leaving the salesman to stammer under the criticism of his oh so fine merchandise and the decidedly unfavorable response from Greyfox, he turns to Sol. "Don't worry. I'll cover it, consider it a web-warming present." He turns back to his companions. "Besides, I got back pay coming, and it wouldn't be fair to this kind, and very terrified, and rightly so, sales associate. In fact, get this man a drink. We have some business." He says offering the man a seat and a drink.

The SmokeDuster
Lt. Charlemagne LeVour
Richlieu (cyber hound)
Droid sales associate

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

The Used Droid Salesman looks really, really relieved now... "DRINKS?! Well, HELL! Why didnt 'cha say so before?!? We could make a deal over drinks, ANYTIME, fellas!" The roly-poly little man waddles up to a barstool and sits on it, waiting to be served. Greyfox nods his approval, snaps his fingers, and five R-2 looking droids roll off the lot, complete with optional tray-tables on top. Once they reach the wooden floors of the interior of the Pub, the lot and everything vanishes in a wild puff of smoke. The little sales guy didn't even seem to notice...

"Now, take you fellas, fer example... I KNEW you boys were good people the moment I saw ya! Git me a JD on the rocks, will ya son? Hey! These droids look top of the line, here... Why'd ya wanna replace 'em, anyways?" Greyfox just rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and serves the man his drink...

----The Used Droid Salesman...


----The Droids...

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

...but not before Sol slips a little something extra into the glass...

By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Unrecorded Date:

The door to the pub swings open and a tall, beautiful blonde strides in. Everyone in the pub turns to look, and they see her feet first. As they scan up her perfectly toned legs from her suede high heels, the first thing they noticed was the black miniskirt barely covering her sexy, shapely hips. The diamond stud in her bellybutton made her abdominal muscles stand out all the more perfectly. Her half-cut, silver tank top was straining to hold her 34C breasts. She had strong shoulders and lithe arms, her whole body screamed "Gymnast" or "Swimmer". Her piercing, Grey eyes sparkled with determination as she strode slowly up to the bar, and put a bloody, wooden stake on it.

"I hope you guys know that all of your cars are covered in rock salt and rusting into nothing," she says with a smile. Tossing her head to one side, she points at a bottle behind the bar, and Greyfox tosses it to her... 3 Liters of Mountain Dew, vintage, 1999...


By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

The Used Droid salesmen smiles as takes a sip of his JD. It was just what a salesman needs to take the edge off. Soon they would be ready to make a deal, and he would land a huge commision for this one.

"..There is a sucker born every minute.." thought the little droid salesman.

Then, he started to wonder about how he got from his droid lot on Tantouine to here, and it slightly unerved him. He mentally shruged his shoulders completly unaware of what just happened to his droids.

As Buffy entered the pub his brain put forth an additional 'thought':

...And the ladies are a far sight prettier then where I am from ...

With that the short-puggy droid salesmen blacked out and slumped in his chair.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

Greyfox couldn't help noticing that the Highly attractive female newcomer kept glancing at him, so he moved closer to her and started up a hushed conversation, which nobody else could hear...


By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Unrecorded Date:

The conversation between Buffy and Greyfox was accompanied by many giggles, eye contact, and flirtation. Greyfox mentioned something, Buffy nodded and smiled, and then the two walked toward the corner. A swirling portal opened up, and they walked out through it.
Greyfox commented over his shoulder, "Sol, you can be bartender again. I'm going somewhere with Buffy, here. I, ummm, might be back." He winked as he stepped through the portal, Buffy on his arm, and they began a deep, passionate kiss as the portal closed behind them...



By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Woah," blubbed Sol, "How about that? Buffy the Vampire Slayer right here in our own establishment. Jeez! The gem in the belly-button was cute, too. Ooop - I better not say that - Greyfox hears all, and I have a feeling he might not want to hear that!" Sol slaps the booze-soaked salesman on the shoulder. As he comes around, Sol encourages him into a more... negotiable mood with another drink.

By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Houdini migrated to the jukebox where Ewokie who was listening to her favorite tune "It's so hard to be an Ewok, when you're only 4 foot tall" by The It's.

"Say, that's a really catchy tune. I kinda like it. When did the Ewok tribe start liking country music? The last time I visited the ol' Forest moon of Endor, they still were into that retro-80's thing. Your tribe really knew how to party. "


Two thousand-zero-zero
party's over oops!
out of time!

So tonight I'm going to
party like its 1999.

By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

"I love that tune. HA!" ALF said while scarfing down a catburger.

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"Say," said Alf, "where is that Ewokie? She said she was going to feed me a tasty cat-salad. You know, I don't like vegetables, but the blue cheese drowns out most of the flavor."

"Ewokie!" bellows Alf, "I'm hungry."


By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Houdini looked bored. "This place needs some spice." he thought. He walks over to the back wall and shouts.

"Computer. Arch." Houdini said.

A high-tech looking doorway appears.

"Computer. Access the holosuite character logs.
Is the holo-matrix of holosuite character Vic Fontaine on file?"

"Affirmative...Vic Fontaine is on file.."

"Allright! Computer, add character Vic Fontaine."

A man with silver white hair in his 40's wearing a black evening tuxedo appears on the pub's entertainment stage.

As the doorway disappears. Vic walks over to Houdini.

"Hey! Houdini, how's the magic act going? Eh?
Vegas is rough this time a year? Where are all the people?"

"Well, ya see Vic, that's the problem. We need a good night club act in here to get the place smokin' again."

"Yeah, hey thanks for giving an old hologram
a sense of purpose again."

"Wait a minute, you KNOW that you are a hologram?"
Houdini asked.

"Why yes. Now, what would you like to hear? "

By Jen Delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date:

jn slides across the parking lot, leaving a melted
trail of slush behind her. The door opens and she
steps into the pub, wearing cutoffs and a blue
fleece shirt. Sandals, no socks. Heat was
radiating off her body and melting the snow.

She walks across the bar, looks around with a
puzzled look. Sits down next to Ewokie and
produces a bottle of Peach Schnapple.

"I thought this place blew up awhile ago.. well
this place was always blowing up, but I thought it
was gone for good? So, feeling better?"

By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

"Jn, you have managed to do in two minutes what
our resident handyman Spiffy Ninja has failed to
do all Winter. Could you come to my house?
I have a drivway that needs ice melted off of it.
I'm kidding of course." Houdini smiles and takes a seat next to Ewokie and Jn.

"So what have you been up to lately Jn? I hear
you have made quite a name for yourself in the web
design business."

By j.delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date:

jn sips her drink and smiles at Bryan.

"a name! I didn't know I was that popular!"

looks down at her drink, and suddenly grabs the cap off the table. looks at it closely, then clicks it a few times.

"I know that's the most annoying habit in the world. But as for biz.. it's going ok. It's so much more fun when you can beat your clients into submission. So how are you guys doing?"

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol plays with his staw, then plunges it into his 2-foot high milkshake. "Hey, Jn, what's up? I was listening to my Turtle Power soundtrack in the car this morning - I love it. Has a lot of anti-violence messages, interestingly I never noticed them before! Also I heard Tasslehoff is BACK. isn't that cool? I mean kewl!

Ah, Friday at last... Microsoft is coming today to check out our labs AGAIN. Nobody ever tells me ahead of time though, I don't know how my superintendent expects me to prepare if he never tells me. Oh well, so if I'm running Broderbund when they walk in, too bad!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

The wall behind the bar siwrls around, as if it were turning into liquid, finally opening into a rounded portal. Nobody stepped through it. A muffled scream was heard by all, then a dull THUD, and then Greyfox fell from the rafters onto the hardwood floor. The portal swirled silently shut after he made his not-so-graceful landing.

"Ow," he said in a pained, almost whimpering voice as he lay in the spot where he landed, his body all twisted in awkward angles. His clothing was tattered and torn, and it almost looked like someone had dragged a steel rake over his back. There were small, purplish marks visible on his skin in certain places where the tears allowed them to show. His left boot was missing, and his right sock was on -over- his right boot. His hair was mussed up and flying in every direction, and he looked extraordinarily tired. "Ow," he said again, moving slightly so Jenn wouldn't step on him...


By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol jumps on the ground next to Fred. Sol's clothes are all torn up, too, and he has purple spots on his face and it looks like someone stuck velcro to his hair. Also someone used a dirty rusty metal rake on his whole body.

"Ow - me too" says Sol.

Greyfox looks over with a disgusted look at Sol's obvious attempt at attention.

As Sol completes his fall to the ground, he drags the entire tablecloth with him, and all kinds of little glass things fall all over the place, rolling on the floor.

By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:


By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Houdini turns to jn and smiles right back at her.

"Nah that isn't all that anoying, I like playing with bottle caps too. But you know what I like even better, this REALLY annoys people. "

Without waiting for jn to answer, Houdini pulls out a fifty cent piece from his pocket and spins it on the table like a top.

"I could do this all day. It can get anoying really fast. As for my biz, well, I deal with people from Carrier. Enough said. Are you still living in Rochester? "


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

"Uuuunnnngh... Buffy really knows how to wear a guy out! Ow... I need to take a nap," Moans Greyfox from his place on the floor. Everybody just stares at him. "What?!? I've been going non-stop for six days! YOU try to do that and see how YOU hold up!!" he shouted, finally collapsing in a huddled mess on the floor. "Hickies really hurt," he groaned as he passed out...


By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Not to be upstaged, Sol dies.

By j.delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date:

"YAA!" what were you saying? Sorry. I was daydreaming."

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at jn funny. All of a sudden it's very quiet. jn suddenly realizes she's alone at the table, and looks around with an embarrassed look on her face.

"sorry." she grumbles.

By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date:

Kyle, Cartman, and Stan enter the the Town Pub...

"Oh my god! They killed Ken.... err.. Tony!
You basterds!" Kyle shouts.

"Shut up Kyle! I want cheesypoofs!" Cartman blathers.

"Sir," the bartender interupts, "but we do not have cheesypoofs."

"I WANT CHEESYPOOFS!" Cartman screams.

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

"I'm not quite dead yet," says Sol, wobbling on the ground.

By j.delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date:

jn reaches over and grabs cartman's nerd-glasses off, tearing the staples from his head.

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

Sol surgically removes the cheesy-poofs from Cartman's liver.

By j.delgrosso (Jn) on Unrecorded Date:

jn sits down at a table, facing the the corner with her lunch and the paper.

"dammit.. leave me alone right now." she growls to herself, more than anyone.

SHe discards every section of the paper, one by
one, onto the floor. THen she settles in with the
comics and cheesy Ann Landers columns.

'Boy, she sure is getting crochety in her old
age. How old is she now, 144?'

Four semitransparent people hover around jn.
She swats them away. Leave me ALONE!

One of them is babbling about the stock market in
a very loud voice. The other one keeps saying
'penis' and giggling. And the fat one keeps


He keeps doing it. He moves all around the room
and whistles, each time, jn looks up to see where
he is.

She pops open her laptop and pulls up Lev or some other "non-work-related" page, proxy server be

Finally she's had it, and takes a bat to the whistling ogre, looks around and tells stock market boy to shut his face.

Several people in the pub looks at jn, astounded at this little temper tantrum. Seeing as how it was no one she knew, jn again got furious.

"what the @%#$$ are you looking at?!"

By System Administrator (Admin) on Unrecorded Date: