By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
This Conversation is a place for posting your NEW TOPIC ideas! It is also for discussion of their feasibility, or for posting notes in support of these ideas, etc.
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hello! Yes, at some time in the past I pared down the WORLD WIDE LEV main page in order to comply with CSH's request for lesser HDD use. Even so, as time marches on and technology gets cheaper, I am considering restoring the LEV main page (contains LEV archives, Schole University, etc) to its original state, possibly with the intent to update and expand it. For example, the LEV Library has been shut down for some time now, and I think it is time to bring it back. Some segments of the LEV Virtual World were also never developed (ie House of Pepsi and the 4-Space Game-o-rama). Also, member homepages should be represented on the LEV Nexus, for which many links are currently dead. Any ideas? Anyone want to add a page to the WORLD WIDE LEV? Another possibility would be moving Story Topic archives to their own space on the LEV main page where they can be more easilly accessed and browsed.
That's all for now
By Funk Sol Brother (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hello, important message for all LEVers!
LEV Forum will be going down sometime in the next 2 weeks. We have decided to dump our provider - as a result we are attempting to migrate the whole thing to my csh account (which might not work). If it DOESN'T work, there may be significant down-time as we attempt to locate another suitable server (free!). There is a backup plan in mind.
Here's what this means for you!
In order to get to LEV, it is best that you go to our homepage here:
And from there use the link called "Post LEV Notes." This link always contains the current location of the board. As soon as the transfer is complete (details pending) this link will be updated. I am attempting this task THIS WEEK and if it works, the details will be listed here as well. SAVE THIS MESSAGE! Since LEV Forum is going down SOON, you will want to save this link so that you can stay tuned for updates on status.
Thank you,
By The Super Moderator (Admin) on Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 01:36 pm: |
Lev has moved to CSH!
Do not use the old url anymore.
Lev is now at