Tales of the Bard

The Lev Forum: Welcome to The Lev Forum (Moderator's Corner): DEAD TOPIC LIMBO: Tales of the Bard

By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date:

This Conversation is meant for players to tell a tale or two from favorite Adventures Gone By. They can be stories that you remember from D&D, Shadowrun, Rifts, Marvel Superheroes, etc... the only requirement is that it was a real adventure and that it is storylike in nature. (Ie telling about Magic The Gathering isn't story-like).

So enjoy! What tales do you know, fellow bards?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date:

I remember the time Cele & Jared went into the Underdark to rescue Jared's father, Julias Wolfe, from the clutches of his last remaining blood-relative, who was now the matron mother of a prominent Drow house... Anyway, we still refer to this adventure as "the battle of the bloody stair" since Jared & Cele employed the assistance of a chaotic-neutral fighter-mage who was a follower of Arioch, Lord of Chaos. Anyway, he thought it would be great fun to piss off the Drow, so he let us use like 50 of his guys to sneak into the underground city and up to the house where Julias was held. The tricky part wasn't the underground river or the largely open area between the edge of the water and the cliff-face the house sat atop... The tricky part was the 3-foot wide stair carved into the face of the cliff, going all the way up along it's like, 200-foot SHEAR surface. Anyway, to make matters worse, this mage cast like, 9 different affect weather spells INSIDE the cavern, until there was a torrential BLIZZARD inside the cave. We were about halfway up the stair when this happened, Cele in the middle of the group, a bunch of mages and clerics in the rear, and Jared up front. There were Drow lizard-riders coming down the wall at us, and Cele was picking them off with her bow, while Jared single-handedly fought off like, 50 or 60 Drow warriors as they came down the stairs to meet the assault. Yeah, he got poked, and cut some, and you know--it hurt... But when they got to the top, and Jared had, I think, 5 HP left, and he saw a squad of Drow lizard-riders approaching, he just raised his swords and shrugged. The lizard-riders ran away.

Then Jared thought it would be a real good idea to lay down for a while, and he fell to the ground (stone) and passed out while the clerics healed him. He ruined a really good set of clothes that day, too... All covered with blood and cut up and ripped and stuff. And what happened INSIDE the chamber where Julias was being held was pretty intense, too... But, that's another tale, for another time... L8R! I must return to work now...