Archive for May Campout

The Lev Forum: Welcome to The Lev Forum (Moderator's Corner): DEAD TOPIC LIMBO: Lev Society Reunion 2002: Archive for May Campout
By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 - 03:34 pm:

This topic is for discussions about planning a possible ALL member reunion gathering in either July, August, September or October of 2002. (TBD)

This reunion should include both current and alumni members of Lev Society.

Please post sugesstions, thoughts, etc here. :)

By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 - 03:45 pm:

Here are things we have to consider.

1. City for the event to be held.
2. Duration of the event. (1 day, 2 days etc).
3. Location of the event.
4. Event capacity.
5. Activities at the event. (Food, games, dancing, kareoke, do we have prizes etc).
6. Hotel accomodations, modes of travel.
7. When?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 - 06:54 pm:


holy crud.

ummm... I think the very absolutely FIRST thing we should do is find out how many people we can get in touch with.

When we get in touch with them, we send them a form of suggestions which we, the organizers, can agree upon.

we then compare the forms and find out which venue shall interest and accommodate the most responding people.

THEN we set the wheels in motion and make it happen, for if we jump the gun and like, 6 people show up (me, Sol, Bry, Nat, Darren, Brenna) then we would still have fun, but the cause will have been in vain.

So FIRST, let the emailing begin! :)

By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 05:22 pm:

What is going on with the reunion?? No one is posting about it.... I am wondering when this event is going to take place. I would like to know since I have to put in for time off. How is everyone doing with connecting with those who have posted in the past?? I wrote to Kat and I havent heard anything yet.... Please if we are going to do this this year lets start talking about it..


By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 05:49 pm:

Umm, I'm like a 1 hour trip from you guys. If I don't have anything urgent I can bless you all with my divine presence. In other words- I'm in, but only for weekends and maybe a week night or two. I've used up my vacation time =(

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, March 05, 2002 - 09:37 am:

actually, Nat, location is open to discussion. Chances are it's going to be where the majority of attendees live. I have a nagging suspicion it's going to be north somewhere, but I could be wrong.

The first step, of course, is sending out word to former and current members. Sol, you said you have a bunch of email addresses? I'm thinkin RaTh, Cat, Gyllis, Vampy, Kendall, Ewokie, Tas, Sherm, ummm... who else?

By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, March 05, 2002 - 12:19 pm:

Sol.. send me the addresess & I'll whip up a lev newsletter to send to our members who are currently Missing In Action..


By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Tuesday, March 05, 2002 - 05:00 pm:


oh, never mind then =)

By TWINK! (Twink) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 04:49 pm:



MAY 25th
Tell all the LEVers you know right away!

Post here your ideas for activities
And take the weekend off from work!



By TWINK! (Twink) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 04:58 pm:

Gee thanx for posting as me Sol :P

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 05:05 pm:


Is it REALLY you? WOW! How've ya been? COOL! Email me, let's catch up on lost time.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 05:20 pm:

Oops! Sorry TWINK!

Yah, TWINK! is in my Solar System Astronomy class! I emailed some people - here is the list, please update it by reposting it with added names!

Please add to the list!


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 05:21 pm:

tried to mail Amanda

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, March 22, 2002 - 12:55 pm:

add me! add me!

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, March 22, 2002 - 07:17 pm:

Add yerself, Silly!


Yah, if U R a definite, just COPY - PASTE the list and put yourself on the top half. That goes 4 all of Yooz!

If you know anyone we haven't invited (see short short list above) please email them and ask them to post in this TOPic!


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, March 25, 2002 - 01:22 pm:

tried to mail Amanda

That's it? Sol sent some emails out, but he NEEDS YOUR HELP! Can you add any names to the list? And if you know something, please don't keep it to yourself, post it here! It'd be appreciated!


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, March 25, 2002 - 01:32 pm:

I'm going. So is Brenna. But I thought that was common knowledge, considering we're on the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE... :)

She's gonna try to contact Cat and RaTh. I's gonna try for ETRigan (Do you know anything about him anymore, TWINK?)

Been trying to find a way to contact Gylis, Brendan, mayhaps you know something about him? anyway, that's all I know. L8R.

By One who treads lightly and humbly (Bits) on Monday, March 25, 2002 - 02:52 pm:


I've got tickets to see Blink-182 and Green Day on May 27th so I've got to be back in CT, but I might head up for the 25th.

I dunno about Gylis, but I did forward the invite on to Jeremy. Maybe we can rehash our fateful trip to upstate NY (or north bumblefuck as fred called it).

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, March 25, 2002 - 03:01 pm:

Hey Fred, since you and Brenna are definites, how about you re-post the list I made? That way it is even clearer. Didn't wanna speak for anyone. Good luck contacting your hopefuls! I haven't heard back from any of mine yet :(


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 - 03:01 pm:

Ewokie is a no-go for the reunion - she and Tas have plans that weekend. Please help keep the list up to date for the sake of lurkers and for everyone's reference.


tried to mail Amanda


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Sunday, March 31, 2002 - 03:58 pm:

OK, we have 4 verified so far. The LEV Reunion is about 8 weeks away, a little less than 2 months. My idea is this: unless we get a verified ten people, it'd be better to just go grab a bite someplace than reserve a hall or the like. Any ideas for a supper-fun place? My idea for Mem Day activities was this: a trip to Seabreeze. Not too many $$$, entertainment all day, places to picnic and eat. Seneca Park Zoo is another fun plan, mebbe both. The whole day would probably come in under $30 for sure. Most important, though, it would be a full-day event.

Other ideas?


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 09:27 am:

I dunno about you, but I gots 4 days to fill with fun. I think Darren was talkin about coming around, too. Also, I dunno the areas all THAT well, but I would just as soon go to like Putt-putt or sumthin too. But, that's just me. Mebbe bring an army and go storm Millenium and stuff...

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 02:24 pm:


tried to mail Amanda
Mike Martin

OK, I emailed more people, we'll see if anyone bites! Please update the list given here if you have any more information!


By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 03:07 pm:

If you are one of the "undecided" folk on this list please RSVP as soon as you can. What we plan to do for our Lev Society Reunion will depend greatly on how many people can attend and
what activities/events are suggested by YOU the Lev Society Member.

If we get more then a few people we will go all out and have a good time with a nice big party
full of fun social events. I recall a few years back when Computer Science House had their 20th year reunion. It was alot of fun and I wasn't even a member! (Sol knows what I'm talking about.)

Please RSVP as soon as it is humanly possible for you to do so.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 05:00 pm:

RSVP... :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, April 03, 2002 - 05:08 pm:

OK, I just received a bunch of "undelivered mail" messages in my mailbox - this means that although I thought I'd mailed out an invite to several people, in reality I missed some. Bryan, could you email Zummi?

Anyway, I will revise my list with what data I have, I do not know if everyone I mailed to has actually received an invite, so please feel free to double-mail anyone who is on the Undecided List. OK!************************************************

tried to mail Amanda
Mike Martin


By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Wednesday, April 03, 2002 - 09:21 pm:

I found an list from 1994 with addresses for people like Larura Cubas, Erigten, Cat ( her father's house) and a bunch of other people. I plan on E-mailing Cat again twm, and Write up a letter to be sent to other people on the list. Hopefully we will hear from them soon.

Good work everyone.. Keep it up... We want to make this a big susuess...


By Back Again (Norm) on Monday, April 08, 2002 - 04:08 am:

Hey there. It would be something of a drive for me, but put me down as a definite maybe on the reunion. Hopefully, I can give you a yes or no close to the event. I'll be checking in here to see how the plan is finalized.


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 08, 2002 - 11:37 am:

Norm! Wow, how are ya buddy? I hope you can make it out to the big event! What's going on?


By Stan the Man (Stan) on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 07:27 am:

Should be able to make it. Depends on where and how much things cost. As of right now the weekend is open.


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 09:21 am:

I doubt things are gonna cost too much, perhaps a couple bucks here and there for stuff--we is ALL on a budget, after all... :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 01:57 pm:

Yeah, so we are still leaning toward a day-long picnic-like event. We could do the Seabreeze, we could do Roseland, we could do a "real" picnic, we could visit the Seneca Park Zoo (huge). Let's see if we can hammer in a plan. More input plz, anyone?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 02:59 pm:

you know the area better than I do...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 01:37 pm:

Sol. I'll give you a call on Friday night and we can work on this some more..



PS: Answer your email. :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 04:00 pm:


if U don't have any preference, I'm sure I can pick something for you - but after all, democracy is the LEV way!

By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 08:57 pm:

I like the picnic Idea.. Seabreeze I like that too I havent been there in ages. It would be nice to got there again..but I forgot how much it cost to get in.. I know that Darren Lake cost more...and its far...

I am open for more Ideas

Wrote letter to Kat but the letter returned...
will try again..


By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 12:53 pm:

I have some great news!!

My cousin is the grounds keeper for a YMCA kids day camp called Camp Iroquois. It will be empty the weekend of our planed reunion and we have permission to use the campground for our reunion if we want to. It is located in Manlius, NY just 10 minutes from the city of Syracuse, New York.

Here are some of the amenities that would be at our disposal:

-- Two roofed picnic pavilions with electric power hookups.

-- propane grill

-- An Olympic sized swimming pool.

-- access to the sports equipment locker (baseball, volleyball, etc).

-- An indoor area in case we have inclement weather

-- nature trails

-- a spring fed lake

-- a campfire area

-- lots of free parking

-- permission to tent-camp on the grounds for those who want to hangout for the entire weekend

-- close driving distance to the city of Syracuse, and two major state parks.

-- Its free! You like *free* don't you? :)

If everyone likes this idea. I will put the plan in motion and work out the next set of details. I hope I can get some help of course since
I will be busy with work for the next few weeks or so.

Here are the details we need to work out now:

1. Food

2. Games/fun stuff to do on the "Saturday Main Event Day".

If we do a pot-luck type picnic where everyone brings a food item we could keep the food costs down.

Everyone would be welcome to stay the weekend which starts from Friday afternoon ( May 24th) and goes to Memorial Day (May 27th). The day of the "official" reunion is Saturday May 25th.

Any questions? :)

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 03:09 pm:

Sure, let's go for it. I have tents and stuff, we can turn it into a campout! Bry, you remember the last campout, right? Fun fun fun...

By The Chosen One (Buffy) on Saturday, April 13, 2002 - 02:23 pm:

I Really want to go to Rochester since I want to visit Fairport.... I also would love to see Sol and Angies new house... Well I stated where I would like the Reunion to be.. any other sugguestions??


By GCM2235 (Norm) on Sunday, April 14, 2002 - 12:32 am:

For me, Syracuse will cut a nice amount of time off any drive. Just adding my two cents.

I think it might also be good to get a list of foods together, so we don't all bring jello (I watch too much Simpsons :) )

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Sunday, April 14, 2002 - 01:18 am:

Sorry guys, I can't make it. I have to take my last vacation day to tear my landlord another arsehole.

By the way, I'm drink rihght now so forgive the typos........

Gin and tonics are gud..........


By Technomage (Houdini) on Sunday, April 14, 2002 - 05:06 pm:


Yeah, that was my idea. A cool formal fun picnic day wrapped arround a few cool camping days!


I'm sure you and Fred could work something out so you would have a chance to go see your folks.

Right Fred? Fairport is only an hour and twenty minutes away from the camp.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 09:33 am:

this is how my travel schedule is starting to look, but I must verify with Sol/Angie before finalizing:

Leave thursday night, arrive at Sol's house 5 hours later (prolly like, 11 or 12). Hang out at Sol's Friday until the afternoon, at which time we can drive to campsite and and set up a couple tents (for those who wish to camp). Brenna can also use friday to visit Fairport. For those who wish to camp, friday night into saturday will be camp-like activities, complete with fire (if we're allowed). Saturday is apparently when everybody from the 4 winds will arrive, and we can you know, have fun and stuff, barbecue, frisbee, boating, whatever. At this point, we could break camp Saturday evening OR we could stay until sunday morning and THEN break camp. At this time, Brenna & I shall travel back with Sol & Angie (provided they chose to camp, otherwise we shall travel back TO Sol & Angie) and spend the remainder of sunday until monday midafternoon with them.

Alright, trying to schedule things to keep everybody happy is tough, huh? :) ANYway, that's how it looks like it's leaning. Sol, we shall call you tonight to see how concrete these plans actually are... L8R!

By One who treads lightly and humbly (Bits) on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 10:35 am:

I won't be making it.

I forgot that I have a college graduation to go to that weekend for a good friend. And I've got concert tickets for memorial day.

Just can't seem to cram too much into one weekend, unless I can get somepeople to go on an all night trek through New York state. lol :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 11:22 am:

Fred U can crash at my place no sweat anytime. I think the question is: should LEV Reunion be 1 day at the Camp or 2?

My suggestion: let us make the LEV hangout occur on SAT of Mem Day weekend at the campsite. If any LEVers wish to do their own private stuff in the area of Syracuse or Rochester on other days of that weekend, they can, but the official event should be SAT.

Is this agreeable, or is a 2-day reunion preferred?

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 10:39 am:

Here is the final plan:

The Lev Reunion picnic will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2002 at Camp Iraquois. A picnic/bbq with fun activities will be planned for that day followed by a evening campfire program.

I along with several other people from Lev will be camping at Camp Iraquois from Friday evening through Sunday. All are welcome to participate in the camping. If you plan on camping please send me an email. I will need to know who is going to camp so I can let the groundskeepers know.

My email address is:

Please RSVP for both the camping and the picnic separately and please do it soon.

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 11:20 am:

Now that a final plan has been made, I suppose I should say that I shall be there, since neither Bryan, nor Fred, not Sol have placed my name on any of the lists so far.


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 11:37 am:

Bry, I have to say that you've done a great job putting this together. I think it would be a good idea for each person to BYOF - bring your own food. That's the easiest way I'd say. If you would like to bring something to share, I know it'd be appreciated. Camping, yeah!


By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 01:16 pm:


I beg to differ on the food. There are some things, that if an agreement is made about, that we can acquire in bulk, which would end up costing less. And if everyone plans on bringing enough of something for the group no one person ends up stuck paying more than anyone else.

Things such as plates, soda, napkins, soda, salad and meats, other drinks.

And if a plan is made for who is to bring what, we won't end up with everyone brings jello.


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 01:43 pm:

Who wants MEAT? :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 01:57 pm:

That is a good idea Darren - would you be in charge of planning it? The contingency to consider as I see it: people may show up unexpected - last minute arrivals. Another item to consider - if someone is only planning on staying 1 day and someone else 3, this will make a difference on food needed.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 01:58 pm:

Another point to consider - there will probably be no refrigeration - so whatever is brought should be able to last the duration.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 02:09 pm:

I have a large Coleman cooler. I know other people here who have coolers. For a one to three day stay ice coolers work just fine for refrigeration needs. We will need a few of them.

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 02:20 pm:

I can check and see what I can acquire from my dad, since the 2 coolers we used on the previous camping trip are his. But I don't foresee a problem.

And then there were 3.

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Monday, April 22, 2002 - 04:42 pm:

If I were to organize this, I would make it a kind of pot luck type deal. Everyone says they will bring something, identifying it to the group before hand. Like someone volunteers to bring the paper goods, another volunteers ( or maybe 2) to take care of drinkage. Another person might want to bring a meat/cheese/veggie knaw-on tray from say, Wegmans.

By saying what you'll bring, we don't need to worry about 20 jello molds, and everyone will have at least an idea as to "how much" to bring.

There's no good way to deal with the unexpecteds, but since we will only be in Manlius, we shouldn't have a problem if things come up a little short.

Since I've been volunteered to head this, thanks to Sol and unless Bryan wants to have charge of this piece of the puzzle. I can be in charge of bringing the paper goods (plates, napkins, untensils for eating, cups if that's what's desired, etc.) :)

So what we would still need is
drinks (soda, Dew, punch, water?, beer?)
knawing food like chips, cookies etc.
deli/cheese/veggie tray
hot dogs, hamburgs[and veggie burgs] (if that's whay people want)

And if Fred doesn't want meat, then there'll be more for the other meat eaters :)


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 09:25 am:

Remember the last camping trip, Darren? I shall bring MEAT and MEAT-related items (buns, condiments, grill items) as well as chips, drinkage, and ummm... Chateau Wenzel! Brenna & I have discussed it and shall stay friday night into saturday, and saturday into sunday morning CAMPING. My idea was to arrive at Sol's late thursday night, and when it came time for us to go camping, Sol, Brenna, Angie, and myself could all carpool. The 4 of us could stay in Chateau Wenzel very easily.

So, like I asked before, who wants MEAT, I needa know how much to bring. Bry, are there grills already there, or do I gotta build another pit O'fire? :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 12:58 pm:

OK then, I volunteer to bring Soda and Veggie Burgers. If a grill is available, I am sure we can fry a few up. Since Veggie Burgers are obviously for me and Angie, I figure it is fair that I bring Soda as well.


PS - Fred, carpool idea is a good one. You have clearance to swing by THURS night. I will send you directions in your email in the near future.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 01:37 pm:

I am Master of the Flame. Any cooking gets done by ME. :) I can, however, delegate others with certain responsibilities... From time to time...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 03:19 pm:

The camp sports the traditional firepits for cooking on coals and small campfires. Also a propane gas grill will be making an appearence. :)

Bondfires at the campfire area will be provided upon request by the groundskeeper who just so happens to be my cousin.

Darren can attest to Jody's fire building abilities.

Keep watching this topic for new developements....

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 03:43 pm:

Indeed I can. And it is one the things that Jody enjoys, from what I hear.

Fred, if you want to wait on the rolls, we might be able to pick some up from the warehouse club in Syracuse. Where BTW we can also probably acquire most of the rest of the goods listed.

Sol, if you're interested. I can hit the BJ's to get you a price for soda there, since I will be in the Fairport area Wednesday night. They don't usually run any real weekly specials like Wegmans, but this way you'll know if Wegmans price is beatable when you see it. Good call.

So lets see what we have,

We have Sol and Angie bringing soda for the community + veggie burgers
We have me copping out and bringing paper goods :)
We have Fred taking care of the meats and fire utensils.

Anyone else coming to this?

I have officially acquired the day off for Friday.

Everything is proceeding according to plan.... excellent.


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 10:13 am:

HEY! I can build fires too, don't forget... I feel so insignificant now... :(

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 11:54 am:


If U hit BJ's anytime and find a good price on Soda, you have my clearance to buy if you wish - just furnish me w/ a receipt and I'll foot the cost of any soda U buy (U buy for the campout, not for your apartment! :P) If you take me up on it, let me know, 'cause then I know not to buy more!



By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 12:47 pm:

I shall bring Dew
I shall bring Gatorade-sh stuff
I shall bring juice-sh stuff

Who wants BEER?

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 01:08 pm:

I checked last night and the price wasn't fantastic. It beats the normal Wegmans price, but it should be going on sale in the next couple of weeks. And I don't normally buy it there because I get it when its on sale.

Do you want to bring everything? Cuz if you really want to, I'm sure we'd love to just sit back and let ya ;)


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 01:20 pm:

I was talking about FOR MYSELF DUH... :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 11:55 am:


Are you coming to the LEV Reunion? You should bring Eric and BabyDM too cause it'll be FUN! I bet you never get to go to the woods anymore, why not enjoy the opportunity?


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 12:46 pm:

Ummm, Sol? She lives in da woods, and works as a PARK RANGER. And, umm, has stated a severe disdain for camping, however, the invitation still stands... Though I doubt anything will come of it.

By Vengence is Mine (Knight_Hawk) on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 04:48 pm:

There is also the problem with Baby DM JR who is only five months old.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 04:57 pm:

Oh no! What's wrong with Baby DM jr? Is she OK?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 09:54 am:

no, Sol, No problem with James (4 now) or Andrew (5-6months). In fact, Andrew is working overtime to try and figure out the whole crawling thing.

Damien was just referring to the logistical problem of transporting one so young on such a tremendous journey. Fret not, all is well in the household of Faye & Eric.

By Starlit simulacron (Ranger) on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 10:24 am:

Geez, I'm away for a couple of days and all my laundry gets shaken out in the open. So much for web annonimity with you all about;)Thanks for the invite (and the concern) but no. I don't camp unless I'm being paid to.
Perhaps one of you admin types should chuck this whole conversation over to the appropriate venue?

By Technomage (Houdini) on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 03:20 pm:

Zummi has infomed me that he will be joining us for both the picnic and camping.

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 05:26 pm:


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 09:30 am:

I just saw the MAY schedule here at work...

I am scheduled to work the 1:30-10pm shift. ICK.

I shall see if someone will trade shifts with me, and if not for the whole month, at least for the 23rd so I can get up there at a reasonable hour of night, not like, 3am.

And Brenna's gonna go insane, cuz she goes to bed at 10pm, and this schedule would mean we would never see each other...

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 10:59 am:

So? Get your nookie in the morning =)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 03:09 pm:




Zummi, glad you're coming! Ya know what else? I wouldn't mind if we all snuck out during the campout to go see ATTACK of the CLONES. I know all you die-hards will have already seen it by then, but for the real die-hards, I bet twice will not be objectionable


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 03:13 pm:

yeah, but you just blew the sneaking part, Sol... Nice Going. :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 03:52 pm:

Darn! My sneakers are broken! And how do they get that little light to light up?

Gotta get to the lab!

Professor Soltonium

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:43 pm:

Jon has stated an interest in joining the Fracas, but has not told me whether or not he already has something going on that weekend. This issue brings up several related complications:

complication #1: If Jon does decide to tag along, Sol, does your gracious hospitality extend to him as well?

complication #2: Trying to figure out whether I should drive Jon up with me & Brenna (which would make sense, but make the Sol/Angie trip to the campground a bit cramped) or take Brenna's suggestion of letting Jon drive himself (which I think wastes gas and would be tougher on Jon, being a solo-driver for the 5-hour trek). Dillemmas, Dillemmas...

complication #3: Upon inspection of Chateau Wenzel, I have decided to retire her once and for all. The last camping trip was like a final encore performance, and I couldn't force the tent to do any more than she already has. SO, I shall travel to Walmart with a credit card and purchase a NEW tent, one that shall be a suitable replacement for Chateau Wenzel and serve for many illustrious years to come. Also, I need a new camp chair cuz mine broke... I'm rambling again, though, so, I'll shut up now. BYE! :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:57 pm:

I think we can solve 1 & 2 no sweat. John is cool he can stay at my place if he wants. John U R cool! I do not mind following in a separate car should we run out of space, no sweat. In fact, if Angie has to work later in the weekend (probably!) it is better that we have an extra car so she can drive home at will.

Angie and I have a tent big enuff for us. Bry, is there a cabin tho? I forget! Sol

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:58 pm:

Wow, sounds like we're up to about 10 people now. This is shaping up nicely. Luke has also voiced an interest in joining the fun. Maybe I'd better get him to post at least once if he wants to be a LEVer! ;)


By Technomage (Houdini) on Wednesday, May 01, 2002 - 11:23 am:

The camping portion of Lev Society Reunion 2002 is a Bring Your Own Tent event.

Its up to everyone who plans to camp to make sure they have a tent or have arranged in advance who they are going to share a tent with.

Here is a little pointer on tent capacity planing. If a tent says it holds 5 people. It really only holds 4 comfortably.

Sorry no cabins!

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 11:10 pm:

Sol, Angie, you guys are welcome in the NEW tent I just bought to replace Chateau Wenzel... It sleeps 8. Me, Brenna, You 2, Jon, and why not, Darren, AND Bry can all stay! That might be a squeeze, but If everybody brings tentage, there will be plenty of room for all! cool!

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 12:40 pm:

Ha ha, that sounds KOOL Fred! Angie and I do have a tent, but maybe there will be no need to bring it! :) We'll see how many others show up, eh?


By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 12:41 pm:

I thought of some cool outdoor activities:

Tug of War!

Bryan, do you still have my blue-metal stick? I always use it for hiking.


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 01:53 pm:

You still need to email directions to me, Sol.

You too, Bry!

Sol, I shall attempt to call you guys tonight, okay? I was thinking of making breakfast for everybody on friday morning. You guys eat eggs, right? Just not bacon or sausage, right?

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 02:59 pm:

Yah, Fred, Eggs are GREAT. So is cheese BTW. You make fantastic omelettes, Fred. I'm looking forward to it!

Yah, if there are lurkers who want to attend the campout, better mention it soon or email Bryan. If you don't, he can't send U directions!

Fred, you will have a contact from me soon!


By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 03:02 pm:

Directions will be available soon...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 04:23 pm:

The list is growing...

My friend Tracy (a mutual friend of mine and Zummi's) will also be joining us for camping.

Here is the current list of confirmed attendees:

I'm reciting from memory here so please speak up if you see that your name or someone else's name is missing from the list or marked for camping incorrectly, please speak up. M'kay?f :)

Name Camping Picnic
Angie X

Not yet RSVP'ed (that I know of):


Anybody else??

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 07:34 pm:

Jon, Darren, Bry, Sol, Me, and Brenna can all stay in my NEW TENT! and we'll STILL have room for gear YAY! Everybody else, you're ON YOUR OWN! (sorry) :)

By None of your business (Smokeduster) on Tuesday, May 07, 2002 - 05:08 pm:

Thanks Fred.

By Technomage (Houdini) on Sunday, May 12, 2002 - 09:27 am:

I found the website for Camp Iraquois, the place we are having our little memorial day weekend outing at. :)

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 04:10 pm:

The address of the camp is:

4795 Sweet Road
Manlius, NY 13104



Take I-90 EAST towards Syracuse.

Take the I-690/RT-690 exit- exit number 39- SYRACUSE

Merge onto I-690 EAST, heading towards Syracuse.

You will be on I-690 for aproximately 12.75 miles.

After traveling through the city of Syracuse,
I-690 eventually merges with I-481 on the eastern side of the city.

Merge onto I-481 SOUTH.

You won't have to go more then half mile before the exit you need will come up so stay in the right lane but watch out for merging traffic!

Get off I-481 at exit 3E (FAYETTVILE exit) - NYS ROUTES 5 & 92 EAST.




Take I-90 West towards Syracuse, NY

Get off on Exit 34 A (I-481) Dewitt.

Take I-481 SOUTH to exit 3E (Fayettevile) NYS Route 5 & 92 EAST.




Take I-81 North towards SYRACUSE, NY
Take the I-481 N exit- exit number 16A- towards

Merge onto I-481 NORTH.

Get off at Exit 3E Fayettvile exit (NY Route 5 & 92 EAST).




Take I-81 SOUTH to I-481 SOUTH

Get off at Exit 3E (Favyettevile) exit.




Stay in the right-most trafic lane on Route 5 and 92 EAST.

You will see a Wegmans food store plaza on your left.

About a quarter mile up the road a forked intersection is formed where routes 5 and 92 split apart. You will want to follow route 92 (the right fork).

Just under two miles up the road from the fork in the road the intersection of WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD.


Then quickly bear to the right and follow woodchuck hill road down the hill.

At the bottom of this very short hill is an intersection.


A quarter mile up the road is yet another fork in the road.


Go another .42 miles and you will see the camp on your right. A brown gate guards the entraceway.

Drive up past the staff office and park in the parking lot that is next to the big open field.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 03:57 pm:

Okay, if I'm bringing soda, I guess I'll need a lot! I will probably put a big tub in the back of Geo for empties.

So far if we're all bringing something, I've got soda and Fred is bringing meat. Are the rest of yooz bringing food also? If yes, please tell what you plan to bring. We will have about 10 people coming, so really everyone will have to pitch in. Otherwise, Fred will have to hunt and I'll be stuck licking the moss off of a rock.

Whatever you bring, tho, make sure it'll keep. The campout will be going a long while, eh?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 04:17 pm:

Actually, Sol, it sounds as if there is a Wegman's like, just a few minutes away from the campsite. I plan on purchasing my perishables there, rather than hauling them 5 hours across creation and back again. I suggest you do the same... Just a thought, though.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 04:27 pm:

Do we think Warhammer should be an event at the gathering? If so, I shall have to consult with Jon and find out what he's willing to bring with him. Also, if we DO want to make this a warhammer event, if any of you guys have armies, bring em and we'll set up battles. Sol, I know you got Orks, and Luke has Tyrannids... Anybody else think this is a good idea? I mean, the cars will be close enough that damaging/losing figures is virtually a non-concern. And picnic tables are big enough for a battle, but they gots slots in em that we'd hafta cover with something... Hmmm... Ideas? Comments? Concerns?

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 05:12 pm:

It might be a good idea (if we want Warhammer) to skip out to an indoor location at some point. The only trouble w/ Warhammer is 1) big setup 2) not everyone plays it 3) games are long

I do love Warhammer tho...

I will be bringing Magic Cards which seem very portable.

If we are doing 3 days outdoors tho (I think we are) WH may be tough to do, as would any game w/ lots of small pieces... other thoughts?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 06:39 pm:

Bryan informs me that several pavilions are drive-up, which makes figure transport a non-issue. Also, it doesn't really take a long time to set up, but the games CAN be long if everybody keeps lookin up rules and arguing about them, etc. I've played 4-turn games that only lasted 2 hours, and I've also played 2-turn games that lasted 6. It all depends on who's playing and how much of a rules-whore they wanna be (can I say that here?) Anyway, it is doable, if we get enough people to agree to it. And we aren't spending 3 FULL days outside, it's more like friday afternoon/evening, all day saturday, and sunday morning. I myself will be crashing at your place, Sol, sunday night, AFTER the camping-ness is over. So, whatever you guys want. Just, if you vote for a NO-GO, let me know before hand, and I'll leave my stuff and Jon's stuff home. But don't vote NO-GO and then later say "You know, we shoulda played warhammer" cuz then I'd just be mad. :) L8R!

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 04:58 pm:

ha ha ha! Okay, okay! Don't smack me w/ a noodle or nuthin!

I am in for WH if U are, the suggestion is that we keep the points small. Luke would likely join in as well, he is capable of fielding any size force.

I'll see wot I can put together, a candle-light game WOULD be pretty cool.


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 05:21 pm:

candle-light... WEIRD. I can field up to 3000 points of marines and I think 1500 points or 2000 points of Sisters. I shall converse with Jon to see what kinds of scenarios we can toss together. L8R.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 11:53 am:

Candle-light, yah! We could be like the great ancient Generals planning far into the night for the battle the next day! Yeeah!

Hey Fred, do you or Jon play any MageKnight?

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 11:55 am:

Hey Norm, are you lurking,and are you still coming? Who else is lurking and coming?





By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 12:35 pm:

Jon plays Mage KNight, I do not.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 01:59 pm:

Heh heh, if Jon wants to, Luke and I can be talked into bringing MageKnight.

Jon, U out there?

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 02:24 pm:

he never checks this webpage. In fact, I'd be willing to bet he lost the address and even forgot his user ID/password. BUT, I shall see him tonight and I'll mention it to him... Go read Star Wars, I started writing again... :)

By GCM2235 (Norm) on Saturday, May 18, 2002 - 07:38 am:

I'm rethinking the idea of going to the reunion. From what I see, most of the people I've met face to face whan I was at RIT won't be going. Besides, I'm not really much of a camper or role player.


By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Saturday, May 18, 2002 - 08:16 am:

Well Norm, I'm not going either. Not because I don't want to but because I can't. However, as one who can empathize with not liking camping and not being crazy about role-playing (excpet ad&d and shadowrun of course) I can point out that you certainly have every right to discuss the things that YOU would like to do as a group.

Suggest your interests to everyone. Who knows, maybe everyone else would like to do the things you like to do. Maybe you'll be introducing fellow Lev-ers into something new. One of the big rules in life is: if you don't ask, you don't get. So speak up and suggest alternate ideas for the group if you don't like what's been proposed already.

As I see it, the reason why the activities don't seem appealing to you is that so far you haven't offered any feedbak or ideas to the planning of the Lev reunion. Most of the suggestions so far have been from Sol, Bryan and Fred. As no one has objected to their proposed activities, it's OK for them to assume everyone is in agreement... Until now, of course.

Don't be shy Norm, suggest the things that you like. Whether it be clubbing, bar-hopping or museum-going it would be a good idea to suggest you like to do.

Besides, Brenna and Angie don't care for role-playing. Warhammer and Magic gets boring after a while- especially if you're not into it. Camping isn't all it's cracked up to be if you really enjoy your early morning shower and modern toilet.

Since Norm hasn't suggested anything yet, I will suggest a few things even though I'm not going. Why? Because I can be classified as one with differing interests from the group.

Bryan, as Syracuse is the place of choice, I beleive you are the expert of the area.

1) Any good museums in the area? How about art galleries or maybe a science museum with all sorts of cool stuff!

2) That coffe house "Happy Endings" was pretty cool (thanks Bry), maybe you guys should think about stopping by there to get a mad-hatter sized cup o' joe, or a mocha cappucino.

3) Movies!!!!! There's lots of good movies out right now. Pick one other than Star Wars, maybe Murder by Numbers or Spider-man?

4) Find a good bar, and a few designated drivers (Hi, Fred) for those who do drink. Maybe get a beer or two and play some pool.

5) Find some group-friendly/affordable restaurants with a decent vegetarian selection for alternatives to burgers and wings. Make reservations so they can prepare a table big enough for everyone to sit together.

6) Any historic sites in Syracuse to see? Maybe a nice downtown area to explore and shop?

7) How about finding a club to visit? Just make sure everyone brings a nice outfit in case you guys decide to go out on the town. And Fred, that yellow suit is a big no-no, unless you plan to do big pimpin' in little Syracuse.

8)Instead of camping how about a bbq at a park? That way you get to spend time in nature but you don't have to sleep with the mosquitos on rocky ground. Play frisbee or for the more adventurous- Manhunt or war (bring a couple bandanas or hankies to use as team flags).

Hmmm... What else, what else....

9) Are there any Jazz clubs in Syracuse? Or some other watering hole with live music?

okay, that's all I can think about for the moment. If any of these ideas sound good to all you LEV-ers who aren't into gaming, stand up and make your voice heard! If this is to be a fun gathering for all, than it's up to you to provide feedback for the activities.

Norm, As far as not knowing most of the people who will be attending, I really wouldn't worry about that. Everyone on the list of attendees is friendly, easy going and would do their best to make you feel welcome. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Saturday, May 18, 2002 - 08:46 am:


Lookie lookie! There is more to life than gaming!

Syracuse City Website- like museums, galleries, historic sites and theatre!

You could visit the zoo and laugh at all the monkeys.

The Open Hand Theatre is playing Don Quixote. They also have a mask and puppet musem.

Here's some more stuff to see in Syracuse.

For those who like Monster trucks, the USHRA Monster Jam will take place on 06/01/2002.

Here's an on-line syracuse dining guide...

There's wineries, the Turning Stone Casino, and more cool stuff if ya look around. Why Shiiiiiii, if I had more vacation time I'd go to Syracuse for the Lev Reunion!

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Saturday, May 18, 2002 - 09:08 am:

another good resource for things to do is Syracuse Citysearch. Citysearch is great for finding restaurants and bars. I use it all the time for finding places to eat in NYC (as well as the Zagat guide).

A note for the tourist: never, EVER eat at "Old Devil Moon" in NYC, the place is a dump, highly unsanitary and the only thing they make well is blackened catfish. Instead go with Komodo or Cafe Deville. Steer clear of Cafe Adulis, which is a huge, hyped-up rip-off...

By Technomage (Houdini) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 11:41 am:

Nat, the place won't be the same without ya! ;)

Yes, Syracuse does hava a lot of cool stuff to do!

The reason I sugessted camping was more a result of some people's desired need for very cheap lodging and thats pretty much the only reason.

If you wanna stay at a hotel instead, you are
more then welcome to and I can suggest several choices depending on your price range and what kind of amenties you are looking for.

I do not want to offend anyone here who really loves gaming because I love gaming myself.

However that being said, I agree with everything Nat said and I'll go futher by saying I'm really not intrested in turning this particular get together into an RWAG meeting. I want EVERYONE to have a good time.

We have a equal number of gamers and non-gamers alike who will be attending the Lev Reunion.
Diversity is a good thing!

We are doing a Saturday afternoon picnic/BBQ.

Vegitarian options will be made available.


We will very likely be going on side trips into the city.

If anyone else is intrested, I'd like to go see Don Quixote. (Great idea Nat! =)

Also, while some folk will have to leave on Sunday, some of us will be staying until Memorial Day.

By Ms. Vice (Nat) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 12:42 pm:

I was just making suggestions 'cuz it looked like you guys weren't getting much helpful feedback from the non-gamers =) Glad to help.

As for the cheap lodgings, oh well =( True, camping is reasonable, can't argue with that.

I'd like to mention that is is very cheap to go out to the theatres and museums. Man, if only broadway tickets were $20! Museums are pricey where I am too. Heck, everything is expensive in NYC. So you guys should really think about going out on the town since it's cheap to do so in Syracuse =)

Yes! Everybody go and see Don Quixote!!!!! It will be a lot of fun, it's a good play to see.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 12:54 pm:

Yeah, let's skip the whole warhammer idea. the logistics of it would just be too rough for Jon & me. Besides, only 4 people are into it anyway, and it would be leaving the rest of the group out (unless they wanted to learn to play or whatever).

And I don't want to put a damper on anybody else's ideas, but the whole bar/club/drinking thing isn't my scene, nor Brenna's. If somebody needs a DD, I could drop ya off and pick ya up, but I'm not gonna sit around a bar/club/whatever and watch people get drunk. Been there, done that, no fun.

The city of Syracuse has many fun things to do, I say the main point of what we're doing here is to have fun. Not everybody has the same idea of fun, but that doesn't preclude us from getting together, deciding what to do, and having fun doing it...

Well, whatever. For my part, I will bring what I think is fun, and I will share my fun with others. If you have something fun, bring it, share it, and we'll have fun. At any rate, I must return to work now. L8R.

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 02:00 pm:

I'm all 4 on-the-town ideas. I don't think a little gaming is a bad thing as long as it is not too much.

Truth to tell, I really NEED a sit-around on my ***lawnchair weekend (I'm bringing my lawnchair) and whatever the people do I am happy with! Also, nothing like a nice philosophy debate around the fire. I always love that, too.

Syracuse is plain FUN! I think we need to do 1 full day of camping and then do "whatever" for the rest of it. Since we advertised it as camping, that's only fair.

I think it is good for the bulk of activities to be general interest. For example, Angie's excited about the olympic-sized pool Bryan mentioned. I am actually quite happy about hiking. And who could hate a campfire marshmallow roast?

Bryan, do you have my blue metal stick that I left at your place? I need it for hiking.

Dat's how it is!


By GCM2235 (Norm) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 02:29 pm:

Well, I do like the discussion that's been going on the last few days. Truth be told, I'm a big fan of the around the fire talking 'til the sun comes up kind of thing.

As far as camping, I don't really need a hotel room or anything. I can always sleep in my car (believe me, more restful than the ground.)

I don't have a lot of suggestions for Syracuse. Most times I'm there it's for an interview or a computer show.

One thing I was wondering is how many people know each other. I'm not crazy about being odd man out or something.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 03:45 pm:

Ummm, I think the only people I have not yet met are Tracy, Norm, and Stan. Everybody else I know, including most of those listed on the "has been invited but we haven't heard from them yet" list. :)

By GCM2235 (Norm) on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 04:39 pm:

Exactly. I've met more people on the no response group than the going group.

By the way. Nothing personal, but if it's raining or snowing or something, I'm not gonna go.

By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 11:22 am:

I'm in, rain OR shine. I actually ENJOY camping in inclement weather. It adds excitement. Call me weird, I guess... :)

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 - 10:28 am:

Cool, Norm! If you do decide to come, we'll all be glad to see ya! Bring a friend if U like, the more the merrier!


By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 - 11:48 am:

Wow. 2 more days. Getting stoked. Gotta clean my car and pack it for the trip tonight, since I'm leaving straight from work tomorrow...

And by the way, I managed to swap my shift, so I'll be out of here by 5:30 and able to get Jon by 7:00, which gets me to Rochester area by 11-11:30. Good for you, Sol?

By Yo' Daddy (Sol) on Thursday, May 23, 2002 - 09:56 pm:

Awesome! C U then!
