By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Land HO!" cried the lookout's voice, as the sleek, grey ship cruised easily across the calm waters. The captain, wearing a grey silk tunic & purple suede vest, strode to the forecastle and rested his right foot on the rail as he peered through his telescope. A beautiful, tropical island graced his view; many perfect spots to anchor _The_Seawolfe_ without detection.
"Make for the lagoon off the port bow! Come to 310 degrees, north by northwest! Raise the spinnacker and make flank speed for that island!" Jared Wolfe, very much his father's son, had inherited the ship from his father after the last lucrative run on the trade routes. He had his father's savvy, presence of mind, as well as his tactical brilliance. He was an exceptional swordsman, wearing his father's blades on his belt, but he was not yet his father's match. As _The_Seawolfe_ cut through the water towards the island, Jared had a distinct feeling of familiarity with the place. Could this be the very island his father told him so many tales about? He smiled broadly as he ran his hands through his shoulder-length, silvery hair, revealing his slightly pointed ears. "Perhaps I might even find someone who knew my mother," he mused...
By Jeff Montgomery (Jeff) on Unrecorded Date: |
An airplane flies overhead...
No; wait -- there's no engine sound...
It can't be!
It IS!
It's.... a PERSON!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" comes the scream.... It sounds AWFUL! Who could it BE???
The person suddenly swoops over the water, and pulls to a halt just above the beach. He looks over the small group of people, and says "Land HO!"
Everyone looks in awe as this flying person just hovers above the land...
"uhh... Land ho!"
".... hi ....", says the crowd, in shock that such a thing exists...
"Just thought I'd drop in for a tan..." says the stranger. "Mind if I lay out?"
someone recovers enough to say "uh, ... no..."
The stranger lays out his towel, lays on it, and seems to fall into a trance as he lays there...
After a time, the crowd starts to dissipate, going back to their respective tasks and pleasures...
The stranger tans on his back for a while, and then his chest, all the while listening... listening to the wind, the water, the air, the ground, ... Life. He listens... and learns.
- Jeff
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
As The SeaWolfe cut its way through the waves, the lookout pointed skyward and shouted an expletive. Jared immediately looked up, and saw the flying man glide toward the island.
"What sort of madness IS this?" he wondered out loud. The SeaWolfe cruised onward, closing with the island at flank speed...
By Tony Lenzo (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Elsewhere, somewhere, a man in tattered clothing but retaining fierceness in his eyes closed on the isle of VAXLandia aboard his makeshift raft. "You saved us," a voice intoned in his head, "you saved us all with your brave act. All your past transgressions are erased."
"Thank you," smiled Sol to himself as he paddled the strange little raft, "I shall honor this paradise from now onward. I shall not cause destruction to it again."
"It is good," said the voice, "all others who trespass are banished forever. In all of history, an exception has been made only for you." The Bronze Sentinel faded away, a mere memory now.
Sol pushed on against the waves, the shape of land far far away.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jared Wolfe yelled at the top of his lungs...
"LOWER ALL SAILS! CUT HARD TO STARBOARD! LOWER THE LAUNCH!" As he yelled, he pulled off his tunic and vest, dropped his weapons belt, and dove into the water below. The efficient crew of The SeaWolfe responded immediately, as Jared swam towards the tiny raft as it drifted on the tides. A man sat on the raft, looking dazed, yet determined, as if he was alive by will alone.
"Hello there!" Jared bellowed as he swam near to the raft. "My name is Jared Wolfe, Captain of The SeaWolfe. Consider yourself rescued!" Jared approached the raft and let his arms rest along the side of it, smiling at the castaway as the launch slapped into the water not 200 yards behind them...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Thank you," says Sol, "Thank you, stranger. Good to see that this place still exists... back at the mainland there is pure devestation. Y2K is loose. Everything is destroyed. No food, no water, digital gas station pumps don't function, transportation is shut down, and LOOK! Look at this!"
Sol holds out his digital watch. It blinks the time... 12:05 NOON, JAN 26, 1900.
"I got out as fast as I could... I tried to save them, save some of the others, but it was impossible. The nearbye powerplant had gone into meltdown. I had to get out, it was now or never."
Back on the horizon, the sky burned red. There was nothing left back home. "I don't know if anyone lived. I had to leave in secret to keep from being torn to pieces by the desperate masses who would have done anything to get away from the famine and devestation. I was able to bring along enough for the trip..."
Jared sees that Sol has a mere 3 cans of Garbanzo Beans left, a canopener, and a Blue Recycle Box full of empties. These are neatly secured to the raft by several yards of twine.
"That's all there is to it, time to start over." Sol shakes his head. "Can you spare some fresh water?"
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Friend," Jared starts to say, then shakes his head. "I have no idea what might be transpiring in your world, but the last time I checked, it was 1680 & I was sailing the Spanish Main on my father's--rather my frigate. There she is now." Jared points back at the Glorious tall-ship gracefully dancing on the waves, a small, 25-foot rowboat easing away from it. "That's my launch. It'll be here in a short time to pick us up. And yes, we can spare you some food, clothing, and water..."
By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Where are we going to this time doctor?" Ace questioned.
"Allways full of questions aren't we my dear? Well, let me put it to you this way. After dealing with The Master the last time, I need a rest, and I can't think of a more relaxing place then vaxlandia." The Doctor replied amused at her
"Vaxlandia? What in the blue blazes is vaxlandia?" Ace asked now completely puzzeled.
"Paridise.. a total utopia. I know the Bronze Sentinel personaly, he runs the place. He owes me a favor or two.."
Ace still looked confused, as often she did traveling with The Doctor, a feeling that she had become accustomed to. After all, not every teenager from London gets to travel with a timelord....
* * *
The TARTUS appeared out of thin air on the north side of the island on one of the more deserted beach areas.
Ace and The Doctor steped out of what appeared to be a very small police phone booth and surveyed the surroundings.
"What planet are we on?" Ace asked. "Don't you recognise your own planet dear? This is Earth."
"How far are we in the future doctor?"
"The year 2000. The reason you have never heard of this island is because it is protected by a very sofisticated cloaking device. It is not even visible from space. The sentinal, who is the guardian of this island is very particular about who he lets in. He can peer into a person's soul and tell if the person is pure of heart. If not, the island is not revealed to him or her. He should be here to greet us shortly."
Just then a huge bronze figure materialized before them, it was the sentinal. "Ahh, Doctor, its good to see you again. You and your couragous companion are welcome to stay as long as you wish. I never did get to thank you properly for saving vaxlandia from the Master. I have prepared some guest bungalows within walking distance of this beach, you may use them as your homes for the length of your stay." the bronze statue telpathically relayed to them. The sentinal made a gesture with his hands and a man appeared before the doctor.
"You summoned me sir?" The man asked the sentinal.
"Yes Tiki, I have a task for you. The Doctor and his companion are to be treated as honored guests of vaxlandia, could you show them to their bungalows?"
"Goodbye Doctor. I trust that you will remember to obey all of our laws here."
"Hey, how many millenia have we know each other?"
With that the Bronze sentinal vanished...
-The Ninth Doctor
-The Bronze Sentinal
-Tiki, the servant boy.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Hello," says a Man dressed in Star-Blue, "My name's Longshot. Pleased to meet you." The Blonde-Haired man extends a hand to the Doctor and shakes. He has piercing blue eyes and a brushy beard. He holds a spear in his left hand, and his costume is adorned with stars.
"The Sentinel told us that you would be visiting. I have never had the pleasure, however. Come, come to my home in the woods. I shall refresh you and your companion there."
By Bryan R. Cummings (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
"It is a pleasure and an honor to meet you Longshot. I am the Doctor, and this is my friend
"Hey! Your that guy from the Mojo universe!" Ace
shouted rather excited to have met a celebrity. Every now and then Ace would sneek in an hour or
two of sub-etha band tv in the TARTUS when
the doctor wasn't looking. He had caught her
once and had promptly turned it off proclaiming it
as "total rubish that rots the brain of its ability to think clearly and learn effectively".
"Yeah, well, that was a long time ago." Longshot
said with almost a detached presence as if he
was trying to recall something.
"No, that's impossible, I saw the show yesterday,
it was live and.." Ace feel silent when she
realized why she had seen it just yesterday
feeling a bit foolish. The concept of 'today' and
'yesterday' and 'tommarow' sort of become distorted when you time travel alot.
"I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away, its nice
to meet you. Oh bye way, my name is Ace." Ace appoligised.
The doctor smiled, he knew he would have to hide
the sub-etha tv deeper in the TARTUS. She was watching too much tv for her own good. It was no ordinary tv mind you. This tv could watch broadcasts from any station, in any planetary system, in any time in history where
someone was broadcasting something on tv. He didn't want to admit it, but he too was a big fan
of Longshot.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ace." Longshot took her right hand and gently it.
They walked for a few miles to Longshots home in the woods. Tiki, looking confused followed knowing that he still needed to show the Doctor
and Ace their quarters.
"Well, what do you think?" Longshot asked.
"Nice place." Ace offered.
-The Doctor
-Tiki, the almost put into topical non-existance boy
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Tiki leaves in shame, unnerved by Longshot's secret glance. Tiki realizes that had he taken the Group to the west side of the island that he would have accidentally revealed a secret so sinister, so incomprehensible that non-islanders or casual passer-bys could never be allowed to know. Why, the very thought...
"I will... um... go park TARDIS... um..." blathered Tiki.
"Thank you, Tiki," smiled Longshot diplomatically. He shrugged at the Doctor and Ace. It was probably a million-to-one shot that he'd even appeared on the scene when he did. just like old times thought Longshot.
Chatting about the weather, he poured some coffee for his guests.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
In a matter of minutes (fifteen to be exact) Sol and Jared were safely aboard The SeaWolfe, Jared donning his dropped articles of clothing as Sol stared upwards at the mighty sails of the ship.
"Sailing Master! Take us inland! I want to be anchored and ready for shore leave by sundown!" Jared shouted as he extended his hand toward Sol. "You will find your stay on board my vessel quite pleasant, short as it may be. Join me in my cabin for some food and drink, won't you, my friend?" Jared smiled, and Sol very slowly, almost numbly, nodded his head and began to walk with the sea captain...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Thank you, friend," said Sol, gratefully accepting the hospitality. They descended into the Captain's Cabin where Jared offers him a mug of mead.
"Ah, that hits the spot," grins Sol, "Yeah, there was a big disaster back home... hard to explain to you... let's just say that during a moment of weakness, our enemies took the opportunity to attack us. Cities were laid waste and destroyed. The food supply was cut off, no electricity... er, resources. There was simply nothing left. I managed to escape with my life, here, into the depths of... well... here."
Sol takes another swig. "I've been here at this island before, and I can understand your confusion, but you are not in your home time, seamaster. Your ship has somehow skipped over 4 centuries to this place... it's called VAXLandia. We are safe here, but the place is otherwise a mystery. It is an affront to science that it even exists.
"Thank you for the drink and warm clothing," smiles Sol, "So long at sea, such tokens of friendship win great loyalty from me. I pledge my friendship to you, stranger, for you have saved my life."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"You are most welcome. You said your name is Sol, yes? I would appreciate any knowledge you may have of this island--VAXLandia. Did you ever know a man by the name of Julias Wolfe? He spoke of many people from this island, and told many great tales," Jared said quietly. After pouring himself some wine from a VERY old-looking bottle, he added, "We will be on the island by nightfall, if it is any consolation to you."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Suddenly, on the beach, a distant whistling noise is heard over everyone's heads. It begins to grow louder, louder, and louder, until somebody realizes that it is coming from the sky. "Look OUT!" the guy yells as he runs a short distance into the water. A small throng of people watch in horror as they see a rectangular object plummetting from the heavens. As it nears the sandy ground, they can see it is an old, green, Victorian-era couch. There is a person on the couch, clinging to it for dear life and screaming.
By Bryan (Houdini) on Unrecorded Date: |
"So Longshot, how did you come to be a resident of Vaxlandia? Didn't you have a great career as
a TV star? I hear you even had your own line of
designer clothing. Why did you give all of that up for this place? " Ace asked in amazment.
"Yes, tell us. I do like a good story." The Doctor
said allready knowing the story.
"Very well, but first you must tell me why you are here Doctor." Longshot said as if he were examining the Doctor's very soul.
"Very well. I fear the Master has landed yet again on this island. His purpose is only to destroy all that which is good."
"But doctor that is impossible, the sential cloaks the island from all who posses an evil heart."
"Ahh, but you see Longshot. The Master is very crafty. He can cloak himself easily. He can latch his very essence onto the purest souls and enter into an environment undected. I doubt even the Bronze sential could stop his entry, and he is here again. I'd bet my life on it. We have much to plan. But again I ask you. What is your story Longshot?"
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Well," says Longshot, "after Alison Blaire dumped me for that Solenoid, I went to LEV. I met another woman there named Tara, some girl from the future. She was going through some rough times, but... no... maybe that didn't happen. No, it did, or..." Longshot stared off blankly for a moment. The Doctor knew the truth... the events he was relaying were half-memories of events altered by time-paradox. Usually, people could not possibly sense alternate time-lines, but sometimes, just sometimes, lingering impressions could remain.
"I... guess... I've just lived the nomadic life here since I lost Alison... alone, eating what I could scrape together... watching from afar as Sol and Alison lived happy lives..."
He recomposed himself. "Of course, that was all long ago. I've moved on to become something of a chieftan to the little colony we've formed here. Come! Enjoy what we have! The Master, you say? No, I'm sure we are quite safe from him here. After all, as it was said by the great Jou-Day, the island has ways of protecting itself, and it shall strike back threefold at anyone who breaks its Law of Peace."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
>Later that evening<
Jared strode forward on the deck of The Seawolfe, peering thoughtfully into the gathering darkness. Indeed, there was a red-orange glow on the distant eastern horizon, and so he knew Sol had spoken truthfully about the apparent apocalypse in his world. But, this place--this island--was so peaceful. The waves washed gently against the hull of the sleek vessel, causing a soothing sound to reach his ears. Sol had retired earlier, finding an empty hammock among the rest of Jared's crew and veritably passing out from his grueling journey.
"Captain," a man's voice interrupted Jared's thoughts. It was the sailing master, fourth in command on board. "Will we be landing tonight, under cover of darkness?" The largely piratical notion had not gone unnoticed by Jared.
"No. I will select a few trusted men and take the launch into that small sheltered bay over there," Jared pointed into the darkness, but the sailing master's eyes could not pierce the darkness as well as Jared's. "If what our new guest tells me is true, we no longer need to live the piratical life. Anything we desire lies on that island, we need only will it to be. Set anchor in the sheltered area near the bluff. Remain there until my return." Jared then dismissed the sailing master with a gentle wave of his hand, returning to his thoughtful scan of the coastline looming before him. No more than 100 yards away from shore, he could see the golden beaches and towering trees. Through the trees, he thought he could see lights flickering, and the happy sound of people laughing reached his ears. It was then that he spied a dark object on the otherwise pristine beach. Curious, he pulled out his spyglass, to better make out the details of the object on the beach...
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
A dark presence watched and smiled. As he watched the little band, a patter of feet came from behind.
"Master! Master! We have company!" said Tiki.
"Ah, of course, just as I planned."
"But Master, the Doctor knows you are here!"
"Small minded fool," says the Master, "it matters not. Leave me!"
"Yes, Tiki go, Tiki go now."
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol looks up into the night sky as the pirates sing camp songs and roast dead animals on the beach. The sky above is flawless, every star is visible. maybe I'll sail the stars one day, thinks Sol.
The island is so peaceful. Different from his last visit, but somehow the relative emptiness is pleasing. I wonder what happened to Nightbird, the Creator? he thinks.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
The Grey Witch had been blow so far off course that even Captain Quendryth, with all her years at sea, could not for the life of her figure out quite where they were. None of the readings made any sense, and none related to the bearings she was most familiar with. She tossed the compass on to the charts and stowed the sextant. She scrubbed at her blue-black hair in frustration.
A small man approched her his nose twitching, a permenant evil leer - compliments of severe facial scarring - decorated his face.
"Tell Mr Bonney to make best time for that island," she ordered, "I don't know where we are but we are some where, and I'd like to get some details."
"Aye, Captain," replied Mouse, scuttling off.
The Captain shook her head, "Ach, Cele," she chided herself, "hell of captain you turned out to be. Fifteen years plying these waters, and now ye couldn't find your way out of one door cabin if the directions were written on the floor."
She turned to the rail, facing the distant island. The evening breeze sped the Witch onward.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jared seems distant during the campfire reverie, smiling only slightly at things that cause everyone uncontrolled laughter. He keeps glancing into the darkness, staying alert, cautious--very much on edge. Finally, he rises from his log and walks into that darkness, seemingly looking for something--or someone...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
The light failed rapidly as was typical in the tropics. The Grey Witch barely made safe harbour in the immense lagoon, and anchored just inside. Captain Quendryth had no desire to gamble another ship in dark, unknown waters.
"Gundahar. Rona," she called her first and second mates up on to the forecastle.
"Set a watch," she said, "No one goes on shore without my express permission. No one leave the Witch at all for any reason until I say so."
Gundahar, a squat, shirtless man with glistening ebony skin, and a shark tooth neclace, nodded to the lights north west of their position, "The ship?"
They had all seen the the ship. She had lanterns hung fore, aft, and atop the main mast.
"She's a big'un," observed Rona, the skinny hatchet faced second mate. She wore a vest and trousers of red leather that fit so tight as to serve as a second skin.
Cele nodded, "A frigate maybe. But we don't know whose, so every body stays on board and behaves themselves...Mouse," she added with out looking around, knowing the little man was there, "That especially applies to you."
A snort from the darkness was her only reply. Cele smiled. Mouse was a good man to have around in some situations, but a major liability in all others.
"Double rations and rum all around tonight," she finished turning away. Her crew accepted the tacit dismissal and melted away in to the shadows.
Cele stood watching the bonfires on the beach half a league away. She had given orders more to keep a lid on her crew than anything else. A good crew but probably a little...exuberant. Where ever they were, though, felt - good, comfortable - like home would if she'd ever had one of those. She'd be damned if she let anyone threaten that. She gazed at the crystline sky, and inhaled the earth-spice-cool green depths scent of the island. She sat with her back against a coil of arm thick anchor rope, and shut her eyes.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jared walked somberly along the shore-line's gently lapping waves, looking out at the darkened waters. He studied The SeaWolfe as she floated silently in the lagoon. As if on instinct he glanced around at the surrounding lagoon--and saw another set of ship's lanterns dancing on the waves!
'She's a smaller ship,' Jared thought, peering into the darkness. He let his eyes 'shift' into the infrared spectrum to see what more he could find out. Several people above-decks, with what appeared to be a regularly-intervalled patrol roaming the rails. He couldn't make out the name or the type of ship, but had a hunch that it would definately be piratical. 'This could prove most interesting,' Jared thought as he walked a little more quickly back to the bonfire. It seemed Solenoid had noticed his absence with more than a little concern...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cele was up before dawn, playing her glass across the sands, and the other ship. Great detail, however was impossible in the grey predawn light. The other ship was indeed a frigate, a beauty, about half again as large as the Grey Witch, with the possibility of three times the crew.
The breeze freshened, rippling through the fine gun-metal blue linen shirt she wore, heralding the dawn.
A sliver of deep ruddy gold breasted the horizon, and Cele swung her glass back toward the beach. With a startling suddenness, the sun rose, illuminating everything at last. She scanned the lumps on the sand that she assumed were sleeping people - someone had even left some sort of chaise on the beach upon which someone was sleeping.
A sudden movement caught her attention, and she focused the glass, spying a man as he emerged from the verge of the forest. He had light, almost white hair, and he was richly dressed.
Unconsciously, Cele leaned forward as she examined the man. He assisted her scrutiny by turning to look directly out toward the Grey Witch.
A slow smile spread across Cele's face. She lowered the glass, but continued to stare shoreward, "Well, I'll be damned and barred from hell," she murmmered, "Jared Wolfe, of all people," she shook her head.
"Dolin!" she called over her shoulder to the sleepy eyed sailor who had just relieved the watch.
"Aye, Cap'm."
"Wake Gundahar, then ready the boat. I'm going ashore."
"Alone, Cap'm?" the boy sounded shocked.
She smiled and looked at him, "Nay, lad. You can come, I'll want a strong back for the rowing."
The boy ran off, a pained expression on his face, but Cele had returned her attention to the beach.
"Jared Wolfe," she muttered again, "Well, well, well."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jared rubbed the sleep from his eyes once more as he emerged from the jungle. He had taken the liberty of scouting slightly ahead during the night. Oddly enough, he didn't feel tired--quite the contrary, he was as well-rested as if he had slept all night long. He had found a small spring no more than a hundred paces into the jungle, and decided to drink from it. The water was actually quite refreshing. Then he had fallen asleep, only to awake several minutes ago, feeling fully rested. Now, fully aware of his senses once more, he peered out at the new ship near the leeward edge of the lagoon. He pulled out his spyglass and scanned its features. In the light, he saw it was indeed a fast schooner, an ebony likeness of an ugly, grey woman decorating the prow. He looked slightly aft of this, and saw the name placard... 'Grey Witch' Jared chuckled inwardly. As he watched, a small rowboat appeared from beyond the Witch, obviously a launch. Two people were aboard, one, shirtless and rowing, the other was a woman with a longbow slung over her shoulder.
'Cele? Out here? Well, today might prove to be rather interesting, after all,' Jared thought as he made certain this was indeed his old adventuring companion. He let a smile play across his face as he moved among the camp, waking all his men...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cele's boots were in the surf even as the prow of the launch ground on to the beach. Her deep violet eyes were afire, a dazzling smile lit her face.
"Cele!" bellowed Jared Wolfe, advancing into the surf.
She grasped his forearm shaking it heartily, "Jared. My God," she laughed, "What are you doing here? More to the point, where is here?"
Jared walked her up the beach, smiling hugely, "Welcome to VAXLandia, old friend. Still a pirate?"
She laughed, "Still a disolute reprobate?"
Jared pointed to the frigate at anchor, "She's mine," he said with some pride.
"Wonderful! About time you made something of yourself."
Jared chuckled. Cele and he had once almost shared an ugly death. The friendship they'd forged during that period was rough but genuine.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
She shook her head, "Damned if I know. We ran into a squall the likes of which I've never seen. Ball lightning, St. Elmo's, twenty foot seas, horizontal rain, you name it. We could do nothing but batten down and ride it out. We lost a jib before we could pull down the sails. When it was over," she shrugged , "we were here,and I've never been in these waters before."
Jared glanced at the men gathering just down the beach, "There's a man named Solenoid you should meet. Apparently, this is quite a unique island. It isn't anywhere."
Cele made a face, "Great."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Actually, I was trying to figure out exactly the same thing you are. I've decided to mount an expedition to the interior of the island. If what Sol tells me is true, the person who created this place used to live there," Jared said as the duo walked toward Jared's camp.
"A person created this island?" Cele asked incredulously, taking in all the apparently-natural beauty.
"According to Sol, her name is Nightbird, and she at least used to live in a jade pagoda at the center of the island. He says she kept some odd pets around--called them 'Raptors'. From the way he describes them, the closest thing we've dealt with were those Cold Ones from Ched Nazzad. Only these are apparently smarter and rider-less," Jared informs Cele, finally getting to the point where Sol had been sitting. "Captain Cele Quendryth, this is Mr. Solenoid T." Jared smiles, and with a grandiose flourish motions towards Sol, and bows. Cele just shakes her head.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Sol nods and smiles. "Yes, Nightbird was the
creator... perhaps the island's continued existance suggests that somewhere, she still thinks fondly of it. Yes, I'm Sol... from Reality. My world has fallen apart, destroyed. I came here... because... I guess this was the last
place I knew of to come to. Odd... I used to visit this place as a haven only, but now, I am a refugee here. Everything I knew before is gone, wiped out by Y2K. A slate wiped clean by fire from the sky.
"If not for Jared, I would probably still be trapped at sea, although his presence here is as much a mystery to me as my own. Cele, what brings you to the isle between times?"
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cele shook her head, "I wish I knew. The storm that blew us here was anything but natural. We were sailing familiar waters on familiar routes, then one storm later, we were off shore here."
She looked Sol up and down, "I've never heard of the plague you speak of, if your land is destroyed, I'm sorry. But nothing you've said helps me understand why or how my ship came to be here."
She looked at Jared inquiringly, but he shook his head, "It's true that we sailed here by choice, but I'm not quite sure how."
Sol studied both of the sea captains, "Perhaps the island itself wanted you here. Perhaps the sentinal aided or contrived your journies here. Stranger things are possible in VAXLandia."
Jared stared at Sol, Cele looked troubled, "The island itself?" she asked.
Sol shrugged, "As I said, stranger things are possible."
Jared frowned slightly, "That makes my decision to travel to the interior final. There has to be someone to ask...someone who knows something."
"I'll join you," said Cele in a tone that brooked no argument, "I'll collect a few of my men and we can set out by mid-day."
Sol realized that he was all but forgotten as the two captains made their plans. He shook his head sadly, they would learn what they needed to know eventually, he only hoped their precipitous actions would not cause them - or anyone else - harm.
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Cele was as good as her word. The launch from the Grey Witch hit the beach a good quarter hour before mid-day.
She had four others with her, Dolin, Rona, Shuvoy, a blade master, and Mouse.
Jared looked Cele's company over and frowned. He didn't know the others but he had never liked Mouse.
Cele strode up to her old companian, "I know," she said quietly, "But Mouse does have his uses. Trust me. It's why I keep him around."
"Or is it because he'll slip a knife in your ribs if you try to beach him?" asked Jared sourly.
Cele smiled and shook her head, "He can't hurt me, I saved his life, and have his blood oath - his life for mine. He'd die to protect me, Jared. Besides, I can control him."
"He's a murderer."
"True, but as I said, I can control him."
Jared frowned at Mouse as he spoke to Cele, "We must use caution. Sol has told me of the Law of Peace on the island. He said the island itself objects to violence on its shores and strikes back at those who break the Law."
Cele looked over her crew, than inspected Jared's heavily armed contingent, "My people know better than to start anything," she said slowly, "but self defense - even VAXLandia must allow that."
Jared, too, looked at the armed group he that he preposed to take into the heart of this mysterious island, "Aye," he said, "it must, especially if we were 'sent for'."
The two captains seperated to ready their men.
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Alright, everybody up. We're starting our march in. Aeric, lead the way. Cele's men will take up the rear," Jared ordered, testing the fit of his blades. Li-Long handed Jared a flint-lock pistol, and Jared then turned and handed it to Aeric, who already had at least six, as well as a musket and a cutlass. Jared just shook his head and smiled. He had a very unique crew, each one with his own skill. As the noon-day sun burned down on the shores of the island, the 23 sailors started their march into the jungles of VAXLandia, for whatever fate was held in store for them...
"Sol, you are, of course, welcome to join us," Jared called back as the last of the sailors entered the jungle. Sol let out a sigh, then began to wander after them...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
As the group headed inland, sand gave way to scrub, scrub to forest, and forest to jungle in quick succession. The cool breeze that swept the beach was a mere memory within the green walls of the ever thickening jungle. A zone of silence followed them as the myriad wildlife all about them quieted on their approach, waiting until the group was well past before coming alive again.
Eight of Jared's men carried razor edged machetes, and they were soon hard at work chopping out a trail through the virgin jungle.
After about an hour's travel, Cele paused to twist her shoulder length hair into a knot, getting it off her neck, "I'd say this was a six foot forest," she observed.
"Meaning?" asked Jared.
She pointed, "We can see about six feet in any direction, but anything past that is obscured by the undergrowth. I have heard tales of impossible treks through two foot forests...sometimes there are survivors."
Jared wiped the sweat from his face with a fine cloth. He had left his silks behind in favor of a light linen shirt, a wide baldric crossed his chest, supporting his blades. Cele too, had traded her fine shirt for a simple white tunic. Jared drank briefly from his canteen and passed it to Cele who sipped and passed it back.
The slender man joined the two captains, "Do you know of an easier path?" asked Jared.
Sol looked thoughtful, "Only if you make such a path," he said slowly.
Jared frowned. Sol thought for a moment, "Anything you desire can be yours on VAXLandia - including an easier path...but then an easier path might not lead where you desire."
"You're speaking in riddles..." began Jared only to be interupted by a high, quavering scream.
As one, the well trained sailors from both crews drew weapons and faced outward, toward any threat, while Jared and Cele scanned the area for the source of the scream.
One of Jared's men who had been leading the machete crew sat at the edge of the cleared area, his legs exteded, staring in horror at something just past his right foot. A thumb sized stain of fresh blood decorated that leg of his canvas pants.
Almost invisible on the jungle floor was a mottled snake. About three feet long and thick bodied, it had a head the size of a man's fist. It's head swung back and forth, it's tongue sampling the air, almost as if it was irritated by the interruption of it's routine.
In one fluid motion, Cele brought her bow to bear, nocked and fired an arrow, pinning the snake to the ground. Another followed, dispatching the creature, all in the time it took to blink thrice.
Some of Jared's men stared at her, "Quieter than those things," she said, nodding at their pistols, "and a hell of a lot more accurate," she finished.
Jared and Sol kneeled by the stricken man, examining the wound, "Poison?" asked Jared.
"Probably," answered Sol, "but I've never seen one of those before."
The narrow chested sailor regarded them with unseeing eyes as all his attention turned inward. Within seconds he began to tremble involuntarily. Great racking shudders shook his body.
"He can't continue in any case," said Cele.
Jared turned on her angrily, but stopped when he saw the compassion in her face. He knew he was not angry with her, but the situation. She, too, understood how a good captain felt when one of their crew became a casualty. He also knew that she was being practical.
"You two," said Jared pointing, "take him back and get him some help. The way back should be easy so make it quick time," he pressed extra arms on them and sent them on their way, the injured man carried between them.
Jared watched them out of sight, then turned back to see Cele wiping snake gore from her retreived arrows, "You're still the best with a bow I've ever seen."
She smiled slightly, accepting the tacit thanks, and he nodded.
"Let's move."
Sol trailed behind the rest of the group, idly humming a vaguely remembered song from his childhood - Ten Little Indians....
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Mmmmm," grins the Master, "So they are seeking the Creator. Perhaps they will find what they seek." With a wave of his hands, the time-lord vanishes... in his place appears a strong-eyed, dark-skinned woman - Nightbird.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Yes, you have to be careful with your thoughts," says Sol, "the island mirrors your idea of paradise, and the island becomes... kind of a composite of the thoughts of everyone here."
"Paradise, ye say?" says Jared with a smart look, "I don't see how a poison-snake is paradise."
"Maybe not to some," says Sol, "but to others, danger and excitement are prerequisites to a paradise world. If enough people crave it, desire it, need it, then those attributes will be reflected all around us."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"I doubt Rogan willed himself to be bitten by a poisonous snake, but since you're the experienced one here..." Jared wiped his brow and raised both arms above his head, then shouted for all to hear him, "Alright, everyone! Stop chopping! Concentrate on a nice, easy stroll through a lightly wooded glade, alright?" Jared glanced once at Sol, then closed his eyes and concentrated as hard as he could on willing a clear path into existence...
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
Jared opened his eyes, but did not see that anything had changed. He glared at Sol in exasperation. Cele snorted delicately.
"Captain," said Sol reasonably, "there are twenty people here thinking and believing twenty things. I doubt anyone's crew is disciplined well enough to THINK as their captain commands."
Cele spoke quietly, for Jared's ears only, "Perhaps if we eased them into thinking of an easy path. As they work, they think it's getting harder, not easier. We should comment - a lot - on how much thinner the jungle is we must be heading in to a clearing. Things like that. Gradual like," she smiled.
Jared nodded, "Your ways as good as anything Sol's told us," he said sourly, "let's give it a try."
By - (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
"Look," says Sol, "is that a clearing up ahead?"
"Aye," says Matey, "I don't sees nothin'."
"I say, Cele, surely you see it?"
"Aye, I believe I do."
"Aye, me too," says Jared.
"Aye, aye!" say the pirates. The little band hacks their way into the clearing and drop their packs.
"You know," says Sol, "is that Nightbird's Jade Pagoda?"
By Solenoid (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Night begins to fall, and although some wish to push on, Sol warns that at night, the Time of Dreams, many dangers wander the island. As the sun goes down, the group is able to create a makeshift shelter from the many springy saplings which are widely dispersed through the clearing.
Sol pulls out his wooden recorder and plays a tune as the group settles in. The fire dances across the many faces, and someone comes back with a wild boar which is unceremoniously thrown into the fire - the flames taking off the wire-like hair all at once.
"Arrrgghh!" shout the pirates, and mead is passed around. Someone passes Sol some drink and a hunk of pork, but he refuses. "No thanks, I don't drink, and I'm a vegetarian."
"A what?" grunts the pirate, "From what country? Must be far away."
"Check the dictionary in about 200 years," says Sol, and then says, "Ya know, maybe I'll have some of that mead after all."
A few hours pass, but the group is still loud and rowdy. They are just about to begin their fourth round of "Yo Ho Ho" when Jared suddenly stands up and motions quiet. There is a rustle in the bushes, and a bright red horse leaps out into the clearing, rearing its hooves above the fire and whinneying. Sol and his maties back away from the campfire; the horse is huge and fiersome with its steam-breath escaping into the cold and its body flooded with orange firelight.
Jared pulls out his sword, as do some of the other pirates. "No, no," sputters Sol, fanning out his hands in some kind of gesture. Jared looks back, perplexed for just a moment, but three of his men have already charged the stallion. The pirates start waving their swords, trying to ward off the beast, but it lowers its head and deflects their swings with a long, cartligous horn that protrudes from its forehead. parry, parry, Stab! The horn lunges into the head pirate, and he backs away, suprisingly unharmed. Where a puncture wound should be, there is instead a glowing radiance. He touches it, dumbfounded, then screams as it envelops his body with no warning. Immersed in the light, the pirate throws his arms skyward. His sword imbeds itself in the dirt, becoming a tiny sapling. The pirate is transformed instantly into a badger, and proceeds to scurry into the woods. In the time it takes for the others to observe all of this, two more pirates have been transformed in the same manner, one into an owl, one into a serpent.
The unicorn pivots on its hooves and comes to face Cele. She stands there with her sword lowered, and her eyes meet the eyes of the unicorn. Strangely, the single, black Unicorn eye is like a pool of liquid, deep and endless, like eternity itself. Jared has motioned the remainder of his men to back off which they do without argument.
Carefully, Cele puts her weapon away, and the unicorn becomes quiet, its breath the only sound. "Alesia," he says, "it's you. I didn't recognize you at first, but it is you. How unusual you look."
By Margravine (Ranger) on Unrecorded Date: |
"What is unusual, Unicorn?" asked Cele cautiously.
The unicorn snorted and pawed the ground. He shook his mane, his single horn swinging menecingly close to Cele's still form, "Why dost thou come here equipped as a warrior? You were ever the diplomat, the peace maker."
Cele was aware that Jared was motioning the remaining men back out of the circle of light and into the shadows. She was also aware that Mouse was not among them - that made her nervous.
"And does Alesia look as I do otherwise?" she continued.
The unicorn shook his head, "Physical appearance matters not in this land as you well know. As you once were fair, now you are dark," the unicorn offered the equine version of a shrug, "but never mind. I wonder at the company you keep."
Cele glaced surriptitiously about, "My comrades," she said uninformatively.
The unicorn waited as if for her to add to the statement, when she did not, he said, "As you say, Alesia. Those others," he gestured with his horn after the vanished and transformed crewmen, "they will return as they were in the morning, if they and you so wish it."
"I do," the unicorn nodded and she continued, "I do not want to decieve you, Unicorn, I am not this Alesia, but we do not mean you...or VaxLandia any harm."
The unicorn snorted again as if in laughter, "Harm me? As if any could. Come, I shall take you and your companions to shelter. Not even you should be out during the Dreaming Time, Alesia."
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
"So," says Jared, "This entire island reads the thoughts of those upon it, and then shapes itself to the desires of the occupants?" Sol nodded, slowly. Jared smiles broadly, the closes his eyes, apparently concentrating on something. Slowly, an arched door materializes to his immediate left, with a soft red light emanating from within. The scents of various perfumes wafted through the air, and several young ladies' giggles could be heard. Jared opened his eyes, and looked into the room. Smiling even wider, he turned back to the rest of the group, commenting, "I definately could get used to this!"
He then strode through the doorway, which swirled closed behind him. The last thing anybody could see was Jared embracing a dark-skinned, scantily-clad, beautiful woman atop a mound of satin-covered pillows...