By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
This Conversation is meant to cover Collectible Card Games other than Magic. There are many - for example, Marvel Superheroes, Star Trek CCG, even the Star Wars CCG. Use this area to discuss strategy as well as upcoming expansions and releases!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Hey, got to see Blade this weekend, and started thinking about Jihad, that other cool CCG by Wizards of the Coast. I think I even have enough cards to play now, plus a rulebook. How does the story go, Fred? You are a Master Vampire who has many Darkspawn under your control who you manipulate to your own purposes. The game is made to be played with more than 2 people, is that right?
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
That was a little post! Guess you're not into Jihad that much!
By The One Known Only as (Greyfox) on Unrecorded Date: |
Okay. Here it is: There are 2 actual games, Jyhad & Vampire. Jyhad was the first run. People complained that it wasn't kewl enuff, so they stopped. Then everybody complained about "Where did Jyhad go? I can't find it anywhere" Vampire was born. Then, it took off. There are all different expnsions and stuff, which are kewl, but if you can beat the newer decks with the older, Jyhad cards (which are, obviously, inter-playable) then you are a true master. Wizards went the way of the cheese factory with its new cards, getting rid of some really powerful artifacts, and making common cards way, way, way too spiff (in comparison to Jyhad). And then, it went away again. I myself have enough to build several cool decks.
Okay, Jyhad is a neo-gothic vampire storyline. You play a Methuselah, a 3rd generation vampire (this simply means that your blood is 3 steps less potent than Caine himself). White wolf bases much of their mythos on actual biblical events, so, it is very real, scary, and dark. Jyhad is designed for multiple players, using political intrigue and voting to get alot of stuff done. You can build a straight-up, 2 player combat deck, tho. With great success, in fact... I will answer any other questions you may have, but right now, my boss is looking at me funny, so I better get offline. More L8R! J
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Anyone played the Dilbert or Xena CCG?
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Pokemon is here!
At last, a TCG which is not filled with violence! Some friendly competition with Pikachu!
Go see! Anyone interested in picking up some Pokemon cards? We can do a Pokemon day!
(What would happen if Star Wars CCG met Pokemon TCG?)
By Rigel (Nat) on Unrecorded Date: |
Love the picture.....
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
I bought the Pokemon starter set and played several test games. It is GREAT! And very fun! But all starter decks are exactly the same, just so you know, so keep in mind that if you get one, your deck will be Just like Mine. Which is fine if you don't mind it.
I also went to the Toystore and watched Pokemon videos. CooL! Pikachu rocks! And he's so cute, too!
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
more pikachu! I just can't get enuff! He's so adorable.