By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
This area is intended for any discussion related to Eastern Thought. In general, the thread is meant to be philosophical, but historical and cultural aspects of the Eastern World may also be discussed.
By Tony (Sol) on Unrecorded Date: |
Once a strong Samurai went seeking a wise man for answers to his questions. He searched for a long while, and at last discovered the habitation of the man he sought.
"I am Kanase, Samurai to the King. I come to ask you the meaning of Heaven and Hell."
"King's Samurai!" laughed the monk, "You are filthy! You look more like a beggar! And that sword, why it isn't even sharp!"
The Samurai was enraged to be spoken to in such a manner, and grabbed the monk by the throat, prepared to kill him. The monk wheezed out, "Here open the gates of Hell."
Realizing what had just happened, the Samurai released the monk, tossed down his weapon, and fell to the ground at the monk's feet, weeping and begging forgiveness.
"Here open the Gates of Heaven," said the Monk.