-< Unity, Coming Together, Lightening Up, and ... FUN! >-
Note 2.0                             Intros!                         149 replies
LEVVAX::CAS9353 "Whatever you say, say nothing."     11 lines   9-AUG-1993 20:33

         This is the topic for introductions.

     Please, only intros here, all else shall be deleted. :)

         Have fun! 

                                       LEV Mod

Note 2.1                             Intros!                            1 of 149
LEVVAX::JBG2941 "Everybody lies about sex."          15 lines  17-AUG-1993 15:16
                      -< *insert blood curdling scream* >-
    ok for the final (and hopefully) last time...
    nah. I'm not  posting my intro.  You want info on me... you gotta
    e-mail me! 
    here's a freebie though..
    name: Jennifer (not THAT one.. the other one)
    username: JBG2941
    any questions?
    :) Jenn
Note 2.2                             Intros!                            2 of 149
LEVVAX::FJS3367 "Turn me over, this side's done."    16 lines  18-AUG-1993 08:52
    Yeek, this topic keeps disappearing.  Are you trying to force us to
    re-learn how to do an intro?
    Name: Francis Schwalm
    NdP: Nutrocker --
    Sex: Male
    I've gotten bored with doing intros at the drop of a hat, so this intro
    isn't as expansive as previous ones.  But then, you get what you pay
    for.  :)
                Nutrocker --
Note 2.3                             Intros!                            3 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 6 lines  25-AUG-1993 15:10
    This is Sol and Sol alone and evermore shall be so.
    Those who seek peace shall find it here.
Note 2.4                             Intros!                            4 of 149
LEVVAX::BXG5360 "O' Captain! my Captain!"             6 lines  26-AUG-1993 02:18
    Hail Sol!
    not wait....Hail me.
    The typo king. :)
Note 2.5                             Intros!                            5 of 149
LEVVAX::JNS2641 "Go Black Jack"                      11 lines  26-AUG-1993 04:49
    Hey, Shermie
    the last reply and obviously this reply is off the topic
    so why dont you nuke them. 
    heh heh
Note 2.6                             Intros!                            6 of 149
LEVVAX::CAS9353 "The Revealing Science of God."       7 lines  26-AUG-1993 11:40
                        -< Press 1 to nuke this note. >-

         Thanks Spinner....... heh heh heh :)

         OB Intro: I'm me, more forthcoming.


Note 2.7                             Intros!                            7 of 149
LEVVAX::EJC7658 "Bite me! It's fun!"                  6 lines  30-AUG-1993 13:31
    I'm Liz.  The less you know, the safer you are.
Note 2.9                             Intros!                            9 of 149
LEVVAX::AXP4796 "The Ewok from the Bronx"            27 lines   1-SEP-1993 16:38
    Real Name:  Aileen Jenilee Pagan
    Nick Name:  The Ewok from the Bronx
    Shorter Nick Name:  Ewokie
    Age:  19
    Weight:  108lbs
    Date of birth:  October 29, 1973 (write this down)
    Place of birth:  Cypress Avenue, South Bronx
    Height:  5'0 (and shrinking)
    Hobbies:  VAXING, reading, writing, music, AST sorority, and my
              friends (and Weggys...*stifled laughter*)
    Measurements: 28-38-28 (whoops...thats my locker number)
    Beware...I am PSYCHO!
Note 2.12                            Intros!                           12 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "onothimagan"                        15 lines   2-SEP-1993 09:27
                              -< Modem I'm Edom >-
        Hi all - my name's John David, or jd - although I guess I ought to
    have a handle of sorts. I'm thinking "crafty" - not necesarily because I
    am but because I've always wanted one of those craftmatic beds (they're
    cheaper than conventional beds, you know). 
        I'm a part-time evening student, so I guess I'm in different
    circumstances as most of you guys, but I've never had this much fun as
        I have the last 2 days reading through this conf. You guys are
    definitely all certifiable, so I'm hoping you'll allow a part-timer in
    on the fun - even folk like me need a break from reality. And if it
    helps my credentials, there's absolutely no known sanity in my
        I'm old enough to remember the first computer age, before they were
    all banned and electricity disappeared for several millenium. Leave it
    to mankind to break a universal ban - oh well, 
Note 2.14                            Intros!                           14 of 149
LEVVAX::PJB4288 "The Incredible Blurf"               19 lines   2-SEP-1993 09:57
    Name: Pete Boulay
    Aliases: Toxic Avenger, Hellion Wheels, Lorin Francis Renaud
    Year/Major: 4th Social Work
    Occupation: Receptionist at the S.E. YMCA in Pittsford, NY
    Age: 24
    Originally from: 10 minutes down Calkins in Pittsford
    Family: 3 brothers, 3 nieces & 2 nephews
    Likes:  Flirting, life in and of itself, my baby niece,
    Loves: Saiya Worley
    dating, movies, songwriting, poetry, SCA & VAX, and TINY TOONS.
    Dislikes: Alcohol (I don't drink), drugs, obnoxious
    people, prejudism, racism, and drunk people.
    Music Likes: ELTON JOHN, The Who, Billy Joel, Guns 'n Roses, Spike
    Jones, Dr. Demento, Tom Lehrer and Aerosmith.                       
    VAX Notes Moderator- SCA Conference
Note 2.16                            Intros!                           16 of 149
LEVVAX::CAS9353 "The Revealing Science of God."      57 lines   2-SEP-1993 12:14
         Greetings to everyone! I hope this year is bigger and better than
    last! :)

         I guess that it is time for another introduction, eh?  Well then,
    here is a bit about me:

    NAME: Christopher Adam Schernwetter
    RANK: Major (pain in the ass)
    SERIAL NUMBER: 2112-90125
    STATUS: Not single!!! :)   
    VAX NICK: Sherm (Can you believe I got it narrowed down to only one?)
    AGE: One day older than I was yesterday.
    SEX: Sometimes.
         Anatomically: male, the last time I looked.
    HEIGHT: Short.
    WEIGHT: Skinny would be a good description.
    EYES: 2 of them,... right above my nose. 
    HAIR: On my head.
    D.O.B.: 17th December 1974
    P.O.B.: Brooklyn, New York (Yes, I have an accent.)
    SCHOOL: Rochester Institute of Technology.
    MAJOR: Which one? Currently, I am in my third -- Information Technology
    YEAR: Second year undergraduate.
    DEGREE: Bachelor of Science in Software Applications expected May 1996
    MUSIC: I listen to a little bit of everything. Some of my favourite bands
           are: Rush, Yes, Queensrýche, The Cult, The Cure, The Police, Sting,
                Midnight Oil, Animal Logic, Hothouse Flowers, 10000 Maniacs,
                Indigo Girls, Tori Amos, Simple Minds, Tears For Fears, A-ha,
                Toad The Wet Sproket, Deacon Blue, AC/DC, Dream Theater,
                Kitaro, Depeche Mode, Alphaville, The Fixx, etc,..........
           I can only tolerate Top 40, Dance Music, Country, and Rap for short
           periods of time.
    LIKES: Breathing, eating, people with a sense of humour relative to
           mine, VAXing, hanging out doing nothing, listening to music,
           drumming, hiking/camping, photography, warm weather, sunshine,
           doing things that are different, being a non-conformist, reading
           books, Britian, chess, having money (which is a rarity), women
           (Especially my girlfriend), ice cream, british humour, the suburbs,
           Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, and wildlife.
    DISLIKES: Bugs, VAXing, life, not breathing, being a Gracies employee,
              people who have nothing better to do than get on my case,
              narrow-mindedness, conformity, America, clouds, cold weather,
              stale cheese, doing laundry, people looking over my shoulder
              while I type :), TWOW (& Co.), and boring television programmes. 
    E-MAIL ADDRESS: I can be reached at any one of the following:

         Well, that is all! If I left anything out, please tell me, or just
    e-mail me if there is anything else you want to know. There will be a
    small fee for further information though. :)


Note 2.17                            Intros!                           17 of 149
LEVVAX::TLR8799 "The Joker"                           9 lines   8-SEP-1993 15:07
                            -< For newcomers only! >-
    For all newcomers, you will be better off if you know me right off the
    bat.  I am NOT God, but at least I CAN aspire to be one!
    Name: Thomas Russell
    Alias: The Joker
    Height: known to only few who have seen me
    Weight: known to even fewer who have seen me
    Dislikes: Alcohol and prejudice
    Likes: Chaos, insanity, and madness
Note 2.18                            Intros!                           18 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                     22 lines   8-SEP-1993 15:57
                                    -< me >-
    well, i guess i should join in the fun...a few of you already know who
    i am
    name:  james klossner
    aka:  the mad hatter
    major: mech. eng.
    year: 2nd
    age: 19
    height: 5'11"
    weight: 175lb
    hair: brown
    eyes: hazel, sometimes green
    hobbies:  fish (you have to see my room...one 55 gal fresh h2o, one 30
              gal salt h20...last year i had 3 tanks), skiing, vaxing,
              tennis, skin diving, driving like a mad man (that is how i
              got the handle)
    anything else you will have to mail me to ask...i can't think of
    anything else to say about me...
    the mad hatter
Note 2.19                            Intros!                           19 of 149
LEVVAX::JMS3520 "Twang...Twang...Twang"              20 lines   8-SEP-1993 19:46
    I guess I better do this too:
    NAME:  Jamin Shoulet
    MAJOR: Film and video
    YEAR: 2nd
    DOB: 9/19/73
    HOME TOWN: New Rochelle, NY  --5 min. north of bronx --15 min from
    LIKES: artwork, aircraft, all forms of music (mostly metal, but some
    jazz and new age and new wave and classic and....oh hell, all kinds),
    movies, weight training, trying to learn sign, skiing
    DISLIKES: too much smoking, too much drinking, drugs and people who are
Note 2.20                            Intros!                           20 of 149
LEVVAX::TMR3915 "The 'u' button is broken? NNNOOOO!" 15 lines   8-SEP-1993 22:16
      Lets get to it....Another great year of putting off school work.
    Name:  Well, if you want to know, look it up.
    Handle:  The White Ninja.   Its a personal story, if you have a problem
                                with it, tough.
    Major:  Criminal Justice.  But unlike a lot of them, I have a brain.
    Year:  2nd
    Likes:  Women(yes, I'm man enough to say it.), reading poetry and
            sci-fi, and practicing Kung-Fu.
    Dislikes:  Ass@@les who shouldn't drink and who make my job dangerous. 
               (I'm an Apartment Safety Aide.)
                                                The White Ninja
Note 2.21                            Intros!                           21 of 149
LEVVAX::CJW3890 "Run Brother! Run!"                   8 lines   8-SEP-1993 23:49
    Well I spose I should put one in too, seeing as Sherm deleted my
    earlier one.
    Name: Classified.  But some call me....Chris.
    Handle: Tasslehoff Burrfoot.  Yep, I'm Kender.
    Everything else:  just ask.
Note 2.22                            Intros!                           22 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "I have a home!"                     31 lines   9-SEP-1993 10:51
        Let's all just jump on the proverbial bandwagon....
    Name: Gabe Billings (Gabriel, actually, but I only use that when I'm
          trying to get women to think I'm cool.)
    Sig:  Cavalier.  
    Place of Birth: Gallipolis, Ohio.
    Currently at:   Marshfield, WI
    Major:  Photo, 2nd year.
    Age: 19
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Shoe Size: 11 1/2
    Ring Size: 13  (But I don't wear rings.)
    Hat Size: 7 3/4 (I don't wear hats either.)
    Likes: Reading (Sci/Fi, Fantasy, Horror), photography, animals,
    swimming, giving backrubs, outdoorsey stuff, hiking, biking, making
    friends, being in the Boy Sco.... forget it.
    Dislikes:  Obnoxious people, anyone who forgets to turn their blinker
    off, tomatoes, alchohol, smoke, country line dancing and short ceilings
     in doorways.  (Long story)
    Music Tastes:  Almost anything except real heavy metal.  I can even
    tolerate country!  (It's from being out west this summer and being
    forced to listen to it EVERYWHERE I went.)
    What I want to be when I grow up:  A fireman.  
    I'm serious.  
Note 2.23                            Intros!                           23 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                  12 lines  16-SEP-1993 12:46
                               -< Take a breath >-
    I am sick of all this intro stuff.  To find out about me, check out the
    Story_Board intro's 2.66 and Poetry intro 11.something.
    Quick review,
    I am a polymorphed space being from planet Xoomar who was captured at
    an early age and forced to copulate with Xenobian Slime Monsters and
    College professors (same thing) until I came of age, at which time I
    changed into a comp. sci. major at RIT where I curently reside until
    such time that I can suck the soul of som poor unsuspecting victim
    right through the computer screen (that was all one sentence).
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.24                            Intros!                           24 of 149
LEVVAX::GPD5545 "Love makes the world go 'round"      3 lines  16-SEP-1993 12:49
                     -< We've needed alien beings here... >-
    Sounds cool to me.
Note 2.25                            Intros!                           25 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 6 lines  16-SEP-1993 13:52
    Welcome, Sceadeau!  It's good t' have ya among us.  I'm Solenoid, but
    you can call me Sol for short.
        We are brothers of the Letter S.
Note 2.26                            Intros!                           26 of 149
LEVVAX::BRC8940 "Houdini is still with us.."          4 lines  16-SEP-1993 14:09
    Welcome aboard Sceadeau! Jump into the pool with us the waters' fine!
Note 2.27                            Intros!                           27 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                   4 lines  16-SEP-1993 14:29
                                   -< Thanx >-
    I'd be glad to, thanks for the warm welcome.
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.28                            Intros!                           28 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate..."     3 lines  16-SEP-1993 15:54
        Don't pee in the pool, though.
Note 2.29                            Intros!                           29 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                     13 lines  16-SEP-1993 16:23
    yeah...we don't swim in your toilet, so don't pee in our pool...
    heh heh   :)
    (another one that i heard went..."welcome to our ool, notice there is
    no p in it")
    the mad hatter
Note 2.30                            Intros!                           30 of 149
LEVVAX::AXP4796 "The Ewok from the Bronx"             7 lines  16-SEP-1993 18:36
    Welcome Sceadeau!  Hope your stay with us is pleasant and psychotically
    enjoyable :)
Note 2.31                            Intros!                           31 of 149
LEVVAX::JGM7683 "VAXMAN Returns!"                    38 lines  16-SEP-1993 23:03
                                 -< TLD = ME >-
    Okay....  I am now going to re-introduce myself...
    I am TLD, otherwise known as "The Love Demon" and Jeff.
    "The Love Demon" came about when the people in Singles_N_Such told me
    that I couldn't go around saying "Jeff" anymore.  Therefore, they
    practicly forced me to pick a kuel name like TLD; but I like it, and
    It's easy to type...
    NAME:               Jeffrey G. Montgomery
    G?  :               Gerald
    Address:            Yeah, right...  JUNK MAIL for 40 years??? no way!
    PHONE:              Changes quarterly; why bother?
    CPU:                No harm... 0!
    Likes:              Jokes, teasing people (to a point, as Sol knows),
                        comuters, swimming, reading and programming.
    DISLIKES:           Being picked on (when the fun is gone), having the
                        VAX kill itself for a day, missing pages, and not
                        finishing projects in time.
    Age:                19 (20 in January)
    Wants:              I have a lot of 'em, and wishes for most to come
                        true before I turn 20...
    Needs:              I need someone to cuddle with this summer... any
                        takers?  (Women only, please... I'm a hetrosexual)
    Sexual Preferences: See above...
    Other than that; I'm a happy - go lucky kinda guy who likes to listen
    to older music (Beatles, Nutcracker Ballet, etc.) and hates Rap.  I
    believe the  human race is NOT an accident, and that life exists in
    outer space.
    Wanna know more??? Mail me with the questions... (Be Reasonable.)
                                        Jeffrey Montgomery
                                        ICSG - Computer Sciences
                                        Rochester Institute of Technology

Note 2.32                            Intros!                           32 of 149
LEVVAX::CMK3355                                       8 lines  17-SEP-1993 17:17
                              -< "trout"Was Here >-
    Gutten Tag! I was recruited by Shadow the other day. (Or you may know
    him as Sceadeau) So give him the bonus points. Some of you may already
    have seen some of my stuff. If you want to know anything, cmk3355 is
    where you can mail anything to me. Be seeing you!
    P.S. "Them bones, them bones, them... dry bones. Now hear the word, of
    the Lord!"
Note 2.33                            Intros!                           33 of 149
LEVVAX::BJL4009 "Ben Leopold"                        18 lines  17-SEP-1993 17:21
                             -< Joinin' the Party >-
    "The time has come," the Walrus said,
        "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax,
        Of cabbages and kings;
    And why the sea is boiling hot-
        And whether pigs have wings."
                       -Lewis Caroll
                I talked to Sceadeau and Sol, and they suggested I check
    this place out, so here I am.  I am the Walrus (kookookichoo).  I never
    met the eggman, I never liked him, and I have idea who he is, so it's
    not my fault!! The carpenter is my friend, however.
        Hello, My name is Ben Leopold
    My handle is above, my username is above, I like poetry(reading and
    writing), sculpture(making and viewing), biking and volleyball. Otherwise, 
    my likes and dislikes are my own business, damnit.  If you want to know 
    anything more, I am available if you can find me.
                                TTFN, the Walrus  
Note 2.34                            Intros!                           34 of 149
LEVVAX::JGM7683 "VAXMAN Returns!"                     3 lines  17-SEP-1993 18:04
Note 2.35                            Intros!                           35 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                   3 lines  17-SEP-1993 19:12
    Excellent handle, Walrus.
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.36                            Intros!                           36 of 149
LEVVAX::DED8895                                      11 lines  17-SEP-1993 19:18
                                 -< smoke it >-
    YARR!! (that's my very own word. I don't use it as much as I used to
    My name is Dan. Back in the old country, my friends called me
    Cockroach.  There's a silly story behind that, maybe I'll tell it
    sometime...maybe not.
    Here, everybody calls me Roach. I like it better. It fits my character
    better than Cockroach. Well, you can call me anything that you would
    like, but preferably Roach, Cockroach, or Dan :)
Note 2.37                            Intros!                           37 of 149
LEVVAX::ETR0370 "ETRigan"                            19 lines  18-SEP-1993 21:57
                                -< Over here! >-
    Guten Tag.
        Ich heise Ernst T. Rittershausen, and you can't get much more German
    unless you travel to Berlin and find some knockwurst.
        My name is below, my handle is above,(or is that the other way
    around?)as for my likes, they include:
    manga, anime, Monty Python, Red Dwarf, Blackadder, annoying people,
    Heinlein, Douglas Adams, and overthrowing small governments, among
    other things.
        I come from Plattsburgh, NY which isn't Hell, but you can see it
    from there.
        I just found out about this conference, and I regard it as a good
    thing, as my fellow house members were about to kill me if I didn't
    find a suitable outlet for my somewhat "strange" sense of humor.
Note 2.38                            Intros!                           38 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "onothimagan"                         7 lines  18-SEP-1993 22:14
    re: 2.34
        There's been a Beatles fanatic for sometime, but the more the
    merrier. Actually, I thought about calling myself bungalow bill, but my
    fingers got tires just thinking about typing it. :)
Note 2.39                            Intros!                           39 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178                                      21 lines  18-SEP-1993 23:01
                            -< Heya All! Me am I! >-
    Oops..I thought I already made one! Gee...Here Goes ME!
    I am Black Amethyst, Gerrit, Carrot, Parrot, but NOT Perot, GAK, etc
    Name     : Wander Above (For the Blind, Gerrit)
    Last Name: Kruidhof
    Handle   : Black Amethyst (or just BA)
    Address  : GAK4178 |>
    Phone    : xASK!
    CPU      : EH Lab, Gannett Lab, and my own cheapo 386dx40
    Likes    : Anything Crazy, Psychotic, Strange, or Weird
    Age      : 18 (B/day in Summer)
    Wishes   : Too many, I don't want to make your life any worse.
    Needs    : See Above, Then Multiply By 0, Add 5, & Multiply by 1.9543
    Music!!!!: Alternative, Heavy Metal, Top 40, Techno, etc
    Sexual   : Straight Fun
    Well, there's the logical (or lack thereof) layout of my outside info. 
    If you want more, YOU do the work...either that or just ask :>
    Gerrit aka Black Amethyst
Note 2.40                            Intros!                           40 of 149
LEVVAX::TPW4968 "TWINK!"                             25 lines  19-SEP-1993 00:19
                          -< Hi, I'm a Ketchup seed >-
    Hey! I'm new. I'm here. I'm cool. I'm TWINK!
    Real name: If you real NEED to know, E-mail me.
    DOB: Thursday
    Hair: 5604
    Eyes: 2
    Stuffs I like: British comedy, Writing stuff like the stuff here (i
    have four notebooks of it with a fifth on the way), being vague, being
    dim, kiwi fruit, money, intros, blue-haired giraffes with one eye five
    legs and a seven foot tongue.
    Sex: when I can
    Gender: male
    Tender: meat
    Splendor: oh, yes!
    Splinters: None
    Ninja Turtles: Even less!
    Everything else: Romani eite Domum!
    Anyway, if you need anything else, just send me mail. Actually, I've
    been writing my own stuff like this for the last three years at least,
    so even if I'm new around here, I'm experienced. I trying to read all
    this as fast as I can, but I read slow, so I probably won't be in
    everything. Nice meeting you!
Note 2.41                            Intros!                           41 of 149
LEVVAX::RTR7444                                      11 lines  19-SEP-1993 00:21
                         -< Is anybody out there?!?! >-
    Like Sceadeau, I'm new to RIT. I go by the VAX name of HAX. I have just
    discovered the wonderfully crazy world of VAXlandia. While exploring
    this section of VAX notes, I discovered your conference and wanted to
    become part of it. I hope to become a prankster, much like yourselves.
    (But not like Ewokie, She's just a bit TOO psycho for me. Well, I guess
    I'll see you here in cyberspace as one faculty member would say. LATER!
    P.S. Ewokie, no offense intended.
Note 2.42                            Intros!                           42 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Taszilla vs. King Kong"              7 lines  19-SEP-1993 00:46
        Damn.  Leave LEV for a day and a thousand people join while you're
    not looking.  The more the merrier, I always say.  Just don't take the
    big blue recliner; that's my seat.
Note 2.43                            Intros!                           43 of 149
LEVVAX::GPD5545 "Love makes the world go 'round"      4 lines  19-SEP-1993 09:47
    Cool.  It's nice to see some new faces coming in to join the party! 
    Have fun, and get to know people.  It's a cool bunch here.
Note 2.44                            Intros!                           44 of 149
LEVVAX::AXP4796 "Happy Birthday Father Time!"         9 lines  19-SEP-1993 17:04
                                    -< :0 >-
Note 2.45                            Intros!                           45 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178                                      16 lines  19-SEP-1993 18:15
    Oh ya...I fergot!  Here's how you can tell whether it's me or not if
    you see someone!
        First, I B 6'0", Brown Hair, Blue Eyes...
        If you see anyone riding a bike w/o the right pedal, THAT's ME!
        If you see someone with a strange dark green pouch, THAT's ME!
        If you see someone with a cool necklace of a claw holding 
                a marble that's supposed to be a crystal ball, THAT's ME!
        I always wear either a polo shirt, or a t-shirt with a silk shirt
                over it.
        Like you care........yawn
Note 2.46                            Intros!                           46 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                   7 lines  19-SEP-1993 18:58
    GAK, you just made it easier for the Joker to spot you.
    Slick move
Note 2.47                            Intros!                           47 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 4 lines  19-SEP-1993 19:06
                  -< He'll find you... before you find him! >-
    hahaha... and he will, too!
Note 2.48                            Intros!                           48 of 149
LEVVAX::KAB8121 "WINDOWS TO THE SOUL"                15 lines  19-SEP-1993 19:45
    it's that time of the year..  so here goes..
    vaxname: vampiress
    year/major: 5th year illustration
    age:  24
    music: alternative, top 40's, techno, 80's, a few 70's..  heavy metal..
    likes: eyes..  cubes..  masks..  dancing..  parties..  life.. dark
    fantasy..  dreams.. plants..
    skin: very very very very very fair skin..  (of course..  i'm a
    from: baltimore, maryland
    want to know  more?: ask away..  ..  
Note 2.49                            Intros!                           49 of 149
LEVVAX::JGM7683 "Ewoks are nice critters."            8 lines  19-SEP-1993 19:46
    I've been here a LOOONG time and haven't found him... (In lev almost
    six months now...)
    AND I DON'T CARE!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Note 2.50                            Intros!                           50 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                   9 lines  19-SEP-1993 20:05
    Dontcha hate when you reply to something and not realize until later
    that someone put something between you and it.
    It has happened to me too, Love Demon.
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.51                            Intros!                           51 of 149
LEVVAX::RMS3641 "Rosalie Sireci"                     24 lines  19-SEP-1993 22:00
                               -< Rosie Rookie >-
    You folks are soooooooooooo silly!  So I thought I'd join you, I need a
    I'm a brand spankin' new rookie.  The name's Rosie Lee and I remember
    the Beatles the FIRST time (and I wasn't and infant).  I'm doin
    distlearn cuz I have a real life and so I can get my laundry done at
    the same time.  Glad to see a fellow Heinlein fan and most any Sci-Fi
    and fantasy including Cherryh, Anthony, Card et al.
    Music:  MOODY BLUES (Don't gag, I'm a hopeless romantic), Robert
    Palmer, CSN&Y, Paul Simon-I told you I was old!  I also like UB40 and 10
    zillion maniacs most of whom I either live or work with.
    Sex: Uhhhhh, oh yes.....Hetero
    Me:  female as they come
    Married?  Nope, tried it once.
    Major-sort of:  Health Admin
    Well, this was loads of fun.  Probably won't be able to contribute
    often, just drop in from time to time, you lucky people.
    Adios Amoebas
Note 2.53                            Intros!                           53 of 149
LEVVAX::BRC8940 "Houdini is still with us.."         26 lines  19-SEP-1993 22:39
    NAME:               Bryan Cummings
    Vax handle:         Houdini
    SEX:                yes :)
    D.O.B:              11 / 28 / 73
    Major:              2nd year Computer Science
    Backround info:
    I am a regular here in Lev society, and enjoy reading novels,
    listening and colecting cool music, running, biking, hiking,
    camping, danceing, vaxing, playing X-men in the game room, 
    hanging out with my friends and making new friends.
    Send me E-mail any time or phone me if I am on the same time you are.
    Mi casa es su casa!
Note 2.54                            Intros!                           54 of 149
LEVVAX::JFO8808 "Jayce"                              18 lines  19-SEP-1993 23:05
                           -< Try airy persiflage. >-
    Name:  Jayce
    Real name:  Jason or Jay or J.
    Age:  23
    Status:  eternally single, graduated 5/93, unemployed
    Height:  around average
    Weight:  less than average
    Likes:  MST3K, music, warped movies, black humor, sarcasm, miniature
    golf, Ren & Stimpy before-Nickelodeon-fired-John-Kricfalusi.
    Dislikes:  smoking, shallowness, colored contacts, ignorance,
    inconsiderateness, non-letterbox videos.
    Favorite envelope size:  Business #10
    Favorite tea:  green w/lotsa sugar
    Favorite coffee:  Dutch chocolate w/lotsa sugar & lotsa milk
    People should eat more chocolate so they'll be happy.
                            --- Jayce
Note 2.55                            Intros!                           55 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178                                       3 lines  19-SEP-1993 23:10
    Do I care if he spots me?  As long as the Joker doesn't stripe me!
Note 2.56                            Intros!                           56 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178                                       4 lines  19-SEP-1993 23:15
    Actually...What is this thing about the Joker finding us first?  I
    mean, why would I post what I did if I knew?  Or cared (Yet?) ?
    Black Amethyst
Note 2.57                            Intros!                           57 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 4 lines  19-SEP-1993 23:16
    That, my friend, only the Joker can answer...
Note 2.58                            Intros!                           58 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The light bringer"                   3 lines  19-SEP-1993 23:17
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.59                            Intros!                           59 of 149
LEVVAX::CBW5109                                      14 lines  20-SEP-1993 00:36
                                 -< meeeeeee >-
    Name - Lothlorn
    Age - old enough to vote, too young to be elected President of U.S.
    Major - Computer Engineering
    Hometown - Basking Ridge, NJ
    hobbies - computers, baseball, first aid squad
    favorite color - green
    Astrological sign - Gemini
    Pet Peeves - people who pick their nose (and don't share)
    Favorite band - rubber
    favorite thing to do to old people who go into shopping centers, follow
    you around while you shop, steal your coupons,take your tomatoes and
    cut in front of you in the checkout line - stare at them!
Note 2.60                            Intros!                           60 of 149
LEVVAX::EMW2148                                       4 lines  20-SEP-1993 03:51
    for vampiress, where in balto are you from?
Note 2.61                            Intros!                           61 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Silly Rabbi, crack is for kids"     13 lines  20-SEP-1993 08:50
        Re. #51-
        Wow.  Someone who remembers the BEATLES the first time.  I don't
    even think I was a glint in my father's eye back then.
        Glad to have a fellow sci/fi reader aboard!
Note 2.62                            Intros!                           62 of 149
LEVVAX::KAB8121 "WINDOWS TO THE SOUL"                 4 lines  20-SEP-1993 10:15
    perry hall.. baltimore county, md.
Note 2.63                            Intros!                           63 of 149
LEVVAX::CAS9353 "Hi. I'm Chandra. :)"                 9 lines  20-SEP-1993 10:38

         Am I the only one who knew the Joker before he knew me?
    Hehehehhehhehehhehehe!!! I wonder.... do you remember me at least? :)

         Well, you want an intro? Tuff. It in here somewhere. :)


Note 2.64                            Intros!                           64 of 149
LEVVAX::AMA4524 "Angel of Music"                     28 lines  20-SEP-1993 18:16
    well now... silly me...
    i've spent all this time figuring i'd already made my grand entrance...
    guess it's just because everyone already knows me... i'm one of those
    infamous types, i guess...
    Name:  Angelique (don't let the name fool ya) Armstrong
    Aliases:  NightBird, ShadowWing, Angel of Music, PsychoBitch (ain't
    that right tas?), Angie, NB... etc
    Major:  Social Work
    Grad Date:  Eventually
    Age:  after 21, does it really matter?  [22]
    Pastimes:  reading sci fi (currently reading Xenocide), writing poetry
    and short stories, drawing a map of VAXlandia, offering the occasional
    slam, playing v-ball, giving flying tackles to all my bestest of
    friends, causing general confusion and mayhem like all little merc's
    CEO, BlackHawks, Inc
    geez Joker... I'm almost hurt that you've never wanted to track me
    down... I say almost because being hurt would require actual feelings,
    which I have few of anymore... and basically 'cause i could care less
    (typical NightBirdian attitude for y'all)
Note 2.65                            Intros!                           65 of 149
LEVVAX::EMW2148                                       5 lines  20-SEP-1993 18:46
    NightBird...you'r one of the next few people I'm going after, as I';ve
    met 6 people so far...
Note 2.66                            Intros!                           66 of 149
LEVVAX::KAB8121 "WINDOWS TO THE SOUL"                 5 lines  20-SEP-1993 21:09
    now i feel good..   since the vaxies haven't been chasing me down
    lately.. like last year..  (boy..  it went crazy..  !!)
    da vamp..   *boing boing boing..*
Note 2.67                            Intros!                           67 of 149
LEVVAX::PAL8594 "thanks for being you!"              17 lines  21-SEP-1993 10:59
                           -< BEAR WITH ME PLEASE! >-
    Hi...... bear with me.. I m new user here.... been trying to catch up
    with notes... whew.... glad my eyes are still alive...
    Name: Smiley
    major: Social Worker
    Status: Single....
    Age: 19.. going to be 20 soon!!
    I am glad I know The Joker, Sherm, Ewokie, Phantomstalker, and
    At least I am not alone here.. :) :) :)
    Bear with me if I don't reply much.. but i will soon!!
Note 2.68                            Intros!                           68 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 5 lines  21-SEP-1993 11:09
    Good t' have ya aboard, Smiley!  I've seen ya around in the other
    conferences... good t' have ya here!
Note 2.69                            Intros!                           69 of 149
LEVVAX::JXM6259 "May we all live in peas"             4 lines  21-SEP-1993 11:29
    Sure, Patty, forget all about me...it's ok.  Really.  :)
Note 2.70                            Intros!                           70 of 149
LEVVAX::PAL8594 "thanks for being you!"               7 lines  21-SEP-1993 11:31
                            -< oh geee I am sorry! >-
    ooooooopsss!!..  i didnt mean to.. i just didn't see you much in this
    conference and i just forgot... i am sorrryyyyy...    Hey i also know
    fnord too....  forgive me?? pretty please??
Note 2.71                            Intros!                           71 of 149
LEVVAX::AXP4796 "Eat Shit!"                          10 lines  21-SEP-1993 13:15
    Welcome aboard Smiley!
    If you like psychos...you'll LOVE us!
Note 2.72                            Intros!                           72 of 149
LEVVAX::PAL8594 "thanks for being you!"               7 lines  21-SEP-1993 15:21
                            -< No problem for me! >-
    i already do!  :) :) :) :)
    sometimes i can be psycho! people find me weird sometimes...
    :) :)
Note 2.73                            Intros!                           73 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "Night Stalker"                       4 lines  21-SEP-1993 16:06
                        -< Look it up.  I'm not lying. >-
    I like weirdness.........I am the definition of it.
Note 2.74                            Intros!                           74 of 149
LEVVAX::CMK3355                                       6 lines  21-SEP-1993 16:07
                                -< "trout" w/h >-
    Then you'll fit in nicely here! Here's a big southern howdy to welcome
Note 2.75                            Intros!                           75 of 149
LEVVAX::RTO4114                                      16 lines  21-SEP-1993 17:52
    I'm not much for formal introductions, but it seems the thing to do.
    NAME:    drraich tot (probally not in that order though).
    HANDLE:  Ishiro
    AGE:     18
    HOBBIES: Entropy, World Conquest, Karate, and Botany.
    Hope you like...catch you later.
Note 2.76                            Intros!                           76 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "Maybe I should grow some hair..."    9 lines  21-SEP-1993 19:45
    Hello, Ishiro.  Welcome aboard to this wild and crazy place.  Read for
    a while before posting and you will know what is expected of you.
    This really is a fun place, just watch out for falling mooseheads,
    don't get bit by any vampires, and spell my name right.
    -- Sceadeau  :)
Note 2.77                            Intros!                           77 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178 "Black Amethyst"                      5 lines  21-SEP-1993 19:52
    Hello, Richard.  Welcome aboard this wacko place with over five million
    posts per day.  Be sure to spend a minimum of ten hours a day on so you
    don't miss anything.  
    Gerrit ;>
Note 2.78                            Intros!                           78 of 149
LEVVAX::TLR8799 "Whaddya mean, Doc? I'm not insane?"  8 lines  21-SEP-1993 20:02
                    -< No way that I will explain myself! >-
    Sol is right...only I can answer why all of you should fear from me
    finding out who you guys are.  All LEVers who have not been able to
    figure out who I am will tell you that you should take a dump in your
    pants once I say "I know who you are."  As for NightBird, would you
    believe that I keep on being in places where you are not?  You try
    tracking me down sometime!  Still looking for you, NB....
                                                             The Joker
Note 2.79                            Intros!                           79 of 149
LEVVAX::DED8895 "I wanna smoke somebody tonight ;Q"   5 lines  21-SEP-1993 21:16
                        -< Watch and you shall see ;Q >-
    Don't worry Joker.
    I will find you.
    Oh yes, I will :)
Note 2.80                            Intros!                           80 of 149
LEVVAX::ENB1783 "The Smoking Philosopher"            10 lines  21-SEP-1993 22:18
                                   -< Help! >-
        I'm new here and I have no clue what's going on.  I got turned on
    to the Lev Society by my comrade in arms, Sceadeau.  If some one could
    send me some information on how this thing works I'd be exceptionally
    pleased.  (Note: I promise not to leave utterly meaningless postings,
    even though I am a freshman.)
Note 2.81                            Intros!                           81 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "the lone stranger"                   6 lines  21-SEP-1993 22:37
    Hi Ed! Just grab a pickaxe and join in. You might want to retract that
    statement about NOT leaving utterly meaningless postings - if you don't
    learn to, and soon, you may not belong here. I'm the sane one. No,
    really - I'm here by choice, they all _have_ to stay here. I can leave
    anytime I want.....uh, can't I?
                                        -jd :)
Note 2.82                            Intros!                           82 of 149
LEVVAX::FPR9706                                      19 lines  22-SEP-1993 13:38
                           -< The Plot Unfolds.... >-
    Greetings.  Allow me to introduce myself:
        Street name:    Greyfox
        True name:      Sure, and ruin all your fun??
        Hobbies:        Anything that's dark and sinister
        Other Info:     Unknown.....
    Sum it up enough?  You may think you know who I am, but you're
    wrong--I'm a shadow twin of the person you may know.  I was sent
    through time and space in search of Xoomarian computer-pirates.  I have
    been trained in the ways of the Grey Ninja and using these skills, I
    WILL FIND YOU...  I commandeer this network as property of the Empire
    of Ghaar until such time as I find this elusive, amorphous creature... 
    One other very important note--my comrade-in-arms is Ishiro, whom I
    have sent before me to scout out your net.  Fear me not--I am only
    searching for one...
Note 2.83                            Intros!                           83 of 149
LEVVAX::FPR9706                                       8 lines  22-SEP-1993 13:42
                         -< The Shadowknight Commeth >-
        As for this one called "the Joker"--he is nothing.  You have
    nothing to fear from him once I reveal his Identity...  
Note 2.84                            Intros!                           84 of 149
LEVVAX::JMS3520 "Blade Runner"                        7 lines  22-SEP-1993 13:46
    I already found him in 5 min when he started bugging me.  He's easy to
    find.....try to find me and find out exactly where I am....do the same
    with Fnord...both of us are hard to find...but to help you out...if you
    find one, the other is close by.
Note 2.85                            Intros!                           85 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "Foxy...Suga-Tush"                    5 lines  22-SEP-1993 13:52
Note 2.86                            Intros!                           86 of 149
LEVVAX::JXM6259 "But I won't do that."               19 lines  22-SEP-1993 16:08
    >                  <<< Note 2.82 by LEVVAX::FPR9706 >>>
    >                       -< The Plot Unfolds.... >-
    >Greetings.  Allow me to introduce myself:
    >   Street name:    Greyfox
    >   True name:      Sure, and ruin all your fun??
        Welcome to our world, Frederick P. Rung.  Enjoy Lev_Society.  Don't
    eat the daisies.   (nice act...too bad it's been done before)
    >   Hobbies:        Anything that's dark and sinister
    >   Other Info:     Unknown.....
Note 2.87                            Intros!                           87 of 149
LEVVAX::TJG2946                                       3 lines  22-SEP-1993 16:19
                             -< Zelpheri's BACK! >-
        You may not fear Joker, but you might find true fear from Zelpheri.
Note 2.88                            Intros!                           88 of 149
LEVVAX::TJG2946                                       7 lines  22-SEP-1993 16:24
                             -< Zelpheri's Back! >-
    ME:  Zelpheri
    TRUE IDENTITY:  Mostly Unknown.
    Even my plan.txt won't help you.  Why?  Cuz I DON'T HAVE ONE! 
Note 2.89                            Intros!                           89 of 149
LEVVAX::FPR9706                                       5 lines  22-SEP-1993 16:59
                       -< Deathnote for a shooting star >-
    Sorry guys, gotta ditch.  I accidentally and most unintentionally
    p__sed someone off, and I wouldn't want that to happen again... nifty
    net, though...  See you in oblivion
                                        ----the last words of Greyfox
Note 2.90                            Intros!                           90 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                      5 lines  22-SEP-1993 17:12
    yeah...that is where you will be...oblivion...when i find you...
    the MAD hatter
Note 2.91                            Intros!                           91 of 149
LEVVAX::CMK3355                                       5 lines  22-SEP-1993 17:21
                          -< De plane, de plane!!!! >-
    Oblivion... I thought that we were in Kansas! oh wells, there goes the
    net! (Could you tell me how to get to Fantasy Island, though?)
Note 2.92                            Intros!                           92 of 149
LEVVAX::BJL4009 "The time has come..."               13 lines  22-SEP-1993 19:04
                               -< I'm heeere... >-
    Well, I don't understand the last few notes, but a little oblivion is
    almost always a good thing.  I came here to introduce myself, and by
    golly, I'm agonna do it raght now.
    Here goes
    I am the Walrus. . .  
    My username can be found above this note, and any other info can be
    found out by asking me or any one who knows, as long you don't mind
    fighting them for the information.  
                                        TTFN,   the Walrus
Note 2.93                            Intros!                           93 of 149
LEVVAX::JFO8808 "Jayce"                               6 lines  22-SEP-1993 19:17
                                   -< Bye! >-
    Well, enough of this stuff...too many notes, not enough time...
                    --- Jayce
Note 2.94                            Intros!                           94 of 149
LEVVAX::MAS8646 "Psychoguinea"                       14 lines  26-SEP-1993 18:48
        Hey guys & gals. Wassup. I'm very new here( just introduced by
    shadow whom I was also just introduced too.) and I have no idea what to
    say. Anyway enough babbling and let me attempt an intro(bear with me I
    don't get along with computers...actually they don't like me).
    Name:       Mario
    Tags:       Apocalpypse, darkmage, archangel, and psychoguinea
    Likes:      Sci-fi, horror, women, reading, this party
                school(right), women, being alive...and others too numerous
                to list.
    awrite i'm sick o' desribing myself and i'm bored wit it so someone
    write me..........please.
Note 2.95                            Intros!                           95 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178 "Cocky Gerrit"                        3 lines  26-SEP-1993 19:58
    Heya Mario! Great Alias! PSYCHOGUINEA to the rescue! :>
Note 2.96                            Intros!                           96 of 149
LEVVAX::EJC7658 "Oh Fantasy.... FREE ME!"             7 lines  26-SEP-1993 21:05
    Anything like a psychohosebeast?
    Psycho Hose Beast
Note 2.97                            Intros!                           97 of 149
LEVVAX::SEC6919                                      16 lines  27-SEP-1993 00:53
                               -< SEC6919= WHO? >-
    I would like to introduce myself.
    NAME: Sarah Comeau
    HOMETOWN: New Brunswick, Canada
    MAJOR: Undecided but would love to go into Enivornmental Biology
           2 nd year student
    HOBBIES: Downhill skiing, kayaking, reading.... I enjoys variety of
             sports but no favorite except skiing.
    If you want to get know more about me, just e-mail me.
Note 2.98                            Intros!                           98 of 149
LEVVAX::PAL8594 "thanks for being you!"               7 lines  27-SEP-1993 11:16
                                 -< smiling!! >-
    ahhh i see you took up my advice and join this conference.....
    smiling.....   better keep up!!
Note 2.99                            Intros!                           99 of 149
LEVVAX::AXP4796 "My Name Is Mud!"                     3 lines  27-SEP-1993 12:11
    Welcome all!
Note 2.100                           Intros!                          100 of 149
LEVVAX::TMR3915 "The White Ninja"                     8 lines  27-SEP-1993 13:32
    Good luck to all, I hope you are prosperous and happy with this
                                        The White Ninja
Note 2.101                           Intros!                          101 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                      5 lines  27-SEP-1993 18:21
    and just ignore me!!!  (heh heh...just kidding)
    the mad hatter
Note 2.102                           Intros!                          102 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178 "Cocky Gerrit"                        6 lines  27-SEP-1993 19:25
    Ok Mad Hatter, we'll ignore ya if ya want...
Note 2.103                           Intros!                          103 of 149
LEVVAX::JED5755                                      41 lines  29-SEP-1993 15:06
                             -< Music Never Stop. >-
    Introductions, don't you love them ?????
    Palms are sweaty, sweat is pouring down your browm, you hope to god
    that your voice don't squeak and you feel the need to use the bathroom.
    oh, does this only happen to me ?????
    Name: Jim Dolan
    A.K.A.: Deak...........sometimes Hippy Chink (not my idea)
    major: Interpreting Training Program  (1st year)
    Fun Fact: I'm a Vegetarian.
    Age: Twentysomething.......
    Interests and Pasttimes: 
               Movies.....Monthy Python.....Monthy Python....
               Like all kinds of movies, from action to Art Films.  
               and everything inbetween.
               Monthy Python......British Humor and Television.
               Music...Alternative to Gothic and everything inbetween.
               Martial Arts....How long? For about a year, Green Belt.
               Like to use this key............................ A LOT.
               Volleyball, To play or watch.
               Football.....the same.
               Soccer........Copy that.
               Did I say Music ????  I want to someday work for the RIT's
               radio station (WITR 89.7)
               Skiing, (but I went like, TWICE all last winter, only because my
               friend could get Ski passes because she worked at Wegmans.)
               Anyways....I like to for coffee and just sit and talk.
               I like to go out and see Bands (because I love music,
               didn't I say that before?) or just go dancing.
               Monthy Python....monthy pyth......
               I LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE.
    that's all I can think of at this very moment in time that we are
    living in.  I live on campus and so far I'm enjoying it here.
    Feel like talking, send me some E-mail.
Note 2.104                           Intros!                          104 of 149
LEVVAX::FPR9706                                       9 lines  29-SEP-1993 16:00
                         -< Welcome!! Check out #51!! >-
        How come the Enigma Quadrant is growing so slowly???  Isn't anybody
     interested anymore??  I think it's a pretty cool topic (I kinda live
    there)...  So all you newcomers, check it out...it's like totally
    sci-fi stuff--and YOU control the storyline!!!  Just read the whole
    thing before you jump in, just to get the jist of it...  And ask
    permission BEFORE you feel like killing one of the players--common
    courtesy, you know.  Lev it up and Game on!!!
Note 2.105                           Intros!                          105 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "Victoria's secret is: she's a slut" 11 lines  29-SEP-1993 17:13
                               -< Hi-Ho Neigbor >-
    Welcome Deak.
    One question.
    Who gave you the name Hippy Chink, and what exactly does it mean?
    -- Sceadeau
    ps welcome to LEV
Note 2.106                           Intros!                          106 of 149
LEVVAX::BXG5360 "O' Captain! my Captain!"             5 lines  30-SEP-1993 12:33
    Hi Deako...
    where's your room number so i can but your roomie? :)
Note 2.107                           Intros!                          107 of 149
LEVVAX::MTH2909 "Degrade the Hearing Environment!"   11 lines   1-OCT-1993 00:24
                                 -< Hell-o... >-
    Anyone wanna know me as Sleepy... I am new in this conference?
    Give me the specific intro questions.  No moderators are allowed to ask
                                                -Sleepy hopes not to scare
                                                or to upset anyone.
Note 2.108                           Intros!                          108 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "A 6ULDV8"                           34 lines   1-OCT-1993 09:23
    Real Name:
    Year in School:
    Where born:
    Have you ever had LSD?
    Have you ever seen a boa constrictor eat a chicken whole?
    Have you, or any of your family ever been to Swahili?
    Do you smoke?  If so, you should put yourself out.  
    Do you like "The Days of Our Lives?"
    When you eat Oreo, do you twist it in half first?
    Have you ever been arrested for grand theft auto?
    Have you ever met Richard Pryor?
    Which do you like better, apple or orange juice?
    Do you think Boy George is cute?
    Have you ever eaten a goldfish while standing on your head?
    Have you ever jumped off the Empire State Building?
    Ever stuck a butter knife in your ear, just to see what would happen?
    Do you know Mickey Rooney?
    Ever eaten a computer disk?
    Do you like DOS or OS/2?
    Ever written on your forehead in indelible ink?
    Ever beaten a donkey with a stick?
    Ever been in a relationship with a baboon?
        There you are.  Just fill that out and get back to us and we'll
    tell you how you did.
Note 2.109                           Intros!                          109 of 149
LEVVAX::MTH2909 "Degrade the Hearing Environment!"   34 lines   4-OCT-1993 00:58
    Matt T. Hochkeppel
    Fifth year in school
    Fine Art Photo
    In New Jeresy where Bruce Springteen born in U.S. of A., but raise in Mass.
    Questions to answer:
    no way
    forget it
    Apple, Orange juice gives me a heartburn
    He's Bi-sexual
    not I know of
                                                -Sleepy's wasted as any
Note 2.110                           Intros!                          110 of 149
LEVVAX::EMW2148 "BloOdShEd"                          34 lines   5-OCT-1993 14:05
    Real Name: Evan Winegard
    Year in School: Freshman
    Major: Information Technology
    Age: 18
    Where bo ornLong Island Jewish Hospital, NY:
    Have you ever had LSD? No
    Have you ever seen a boa constrictor eat a chicken whole? No
    Have you, or any of your family ever been to Swahili? No
    Do you smoke?  If so, you should put yourself out. No 
    Do you like "The Days of Our Lives?" YES
    When you eat Oreo, do you twist it in half first? No
    Have you ever been arrested for grand theft auto? No
    Have you ever met Richard Pryor? No
    Which do you like better, apple or orange juice? Orange
    Do you think Boy George is cute? No
    Have you ever eaten a goldfish while standing on your head? No
    Have you ever jumped off the Empire State Building? No
    Ever stuck a butter knife in your ear, just to see what would happen? No
    Do you know Mickey Rooney? No
    Ever eaten a computer disk? No
    Do you like DOS or OS/2? DOS
    Ever written on your forehead in indelible ink? No
    Ever beaten a donkey with a stick? No
    Ever been in a relationship with a baboon? No

        Well...how did I do?


Note 2.111                           Intros!                          111 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Why am I here?"                     12 lines   5-OCT-1993 17:55
    >Do you smoke?  If so, you should put yourself out. No 
    >Do you like "The Days of Our Lives?" YES
    >When you eat Oreo, do you twist it in half first? No
        Well, uh, this right here drops you down to about a D+.  
Note 2.112                           Intros!                          112 of 149
LEVVAX::EJC7658 "Oh industry...."                    57 lines   5-OCT-1993 23:33
                                 -< so there! >-
Well, I never did do a proper intro to this conference, so here it goes.....

    Real Name: Elizabeth Jean Croteau
    Year in School: Second
    Major: Metals and Jewelry, School of American Craftsmen
    Age: 19 as of Oct. 10
    Where born: Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts
    Have you ever had LSD? 
    Have you ever seen a boa constrictor eat a chicken whole? 
    Have you, or any of your family ever been to Swahili?
    Do you smoke?  If so, you should put yourself out. 
    >Hey, it was only that once when I got too close to the torch....oops... 
    Do you like "The Days of Our Lives?"
    >Yes.  So just bite me, ok?  Victor is a babe.
    When you eat Oreo, do you twist it in half first?
    >Nah.... just nibble gently around the edges...then bite it in half!
    Have you ever been arrested for grand theft auto?
    >How did you....I mean, no of course not.
    Have you ever met Richard Pryor?
    Which do you like better, apple or orange juice?
    >Orange...Apple reminds me of the time I had chicken pox and barfed for
    Do you think Boy George is cute?
    >Oh yes.  He gets me so hot I want to just lick his.... braids.
    Have you ever eaten a goldfish while standing on your head?
    >Can't say that I have.
    Have you ever jumped off the Empire State Building?
    >Just once.
    Ever stuck a butter knife in your ear, just to see what would happen?
    >It made this whooshing sound.
    Do you know Mickey Rooney?
    >You think I'd admit it if I did?
    Ever eaten a computer disk?
    >With relish!
    Do you like DOS or OS/2?
    >No se habla.
    Ever written on your forehead in indelible ink?
    >"This space for rent."
    Ever beaten a donkey with a stick?
    >No, but I've !@#%$-slapped a llama who tried to eat my hair.
    Ever been in a relationship with a baboon?
    >Does Kevin count?
Note 2.113                           Intros!                          113 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "Gone Troppo!"                        5 lines   6-OCT-1993 07:03
        ...there I go falling in love again...good answers - the survey
    says - ..."
        jd  :)
Note 2.114                           Intros!                          114 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Why am I here?"                      4 lines   6-OCT-1993 14:15
        Gee, if I'd known so many people would answer I'd have asked REAL
Note 2.115                           Intros!                          115 of 149
LEVVAX::GKB3790 "Why am I here?"                     77 lines   6-OCT-1993 14:28
    Real Name: Hoffa, Jimmy W.
    Year in School: 2nd
    Major: Ursa
    Age: of Aquarius
    Where born: Gallipolis, Ohio
    Have you ever had LSD?
        >>Hehe.  I _invented_ LSD, and took so much I'm permanently
    Have you ever seen a boa constrictor eat a chicken whole?
        >>Of course... why else would I ask suck a silly question.
    Have you, or any of your family ever been to Swahili?
        >>Trick question.  Swahili is a language.
    Do you smoke?
        >>Only when on fire.  Or after having sex with a cast memeber. :)  
    Hi Liz!
    Do you like "The Days of Our Lives"?
        >>Absolutely not.  I'd rather watch Barney.
    When you eat an Oreo, do you twist it in half first?
        >>No, I twist it in thirds.
    Have you ever been arrested for grand theft auto?
        >>Yes, but it was my own car, so they let me off with a warning.
    Have you ever met Richard Pryor?
        >>Nope.  The closest I've ever gotten to anyone famous was touching
    Totally Pauly's hand as he walked by me.  Oh, and Sam Kinison shook
    some sweat on me.
    Which do you like better, apple or orange juice?
    Do you think Boy George is cute?
    Have you ever eaten a goldfish while standing on your head?
        >>No, but I choked down a 450 lb. Mako shark while jumping rope.
    Have you ever jumped off the Empire State Building?
        >>Nope, but I've spit and thrown pennies.
    Ever stuck a butter knife in your ear, just to see what would happen?
        >>What?  I can't hear you.  I've got a butter knife stuffed in my
    Do you know Mickey Rooney?
        >>No, but I know Rickey Moonie.
    Ever eaten a computer disk?
        >>Yes, but I've been going to a support group and I'm cutting down
    a lot.
    Do you like DOS or OS/2?
    Ever written on your forehead in indelible ink?
        >>Yup, and it's still there.  "This is my head".
    Ever beaten a donkey with a stick?
        >>Yes; it was frisky and kept nipping my butt.
    Ever been in a relationship with a baboon?
        >>No, just two howler monkeys and a gibbon.
        There you are.  Answers from someone who's been around.  Now that
    you know me, anyone want to go bowling?
Note 2.116                           Intros!                          116 of 149
LEVVAX::GCM2235 "hello, I must be going"              5 lines  12-OCT-1993 17:03
Note 2.117                           Intros!                          117 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 4 lines  12-OCT-1993 17:19
    GCM, who are you?
Note 2.118                           Intros!                          118 of 149
LEVVAX::GCM2235 "hello, I must be going"             69 lines  12-OCT-1993 17:42
                                  -< NORM!!! >-
    Hi, I'm Norm and I'm new. In case anyone is wondering I made a mistake
    and left a blank message for note 2.116. Because the Anti-Christ (who
    let me know about LEV, without bothering to tell me about the Intros
    section) tagged me for not letting myself be known I decided to
    introduce myself
    Name: G. C. Mantarro
    Rank: (only if I didn't shower)
    Serial Number: I haven't been able to see it from where its located.
    But if a member of the female gender would like to help me...
    Handle: Norm, or NORM, or NORM!!!
    Date of birth: January 24, 1975  02:59a.m.
    Age: Do the math
    Eye color: hazel
    Blood type: O-
    Residence Hall: Fish (Not the wellness floor)
    Major: Physics
    Year: 1
    Home: Rome, New York 13440
    Turn-ons: a pulse, regular breathing pattern, no visible scars
    Turn-offs: people smoking big bags of crack, being smothered in food
    from Gracies, people who I don't know calling me by name, hungry pit
    bulls, and dead puppies
    Favorite color: red
    Favorite flavor: vanilla
    Favorite dance: the Lambada
    Favorite television show: Star Trek (the origional, but TNG doesn't
    fall far behind
    Favorite artist or group: Currently undecided
    Favorite radio program: Dr. Demento (if anyone knows what station it's
    on or if it is on anymore, inquiring minds want to know)
    Second favorite radio show: Rush Limbaugh (Don't send me hate mail, I
    haven't heard him since I came here
    Favorite channel: Sci-Fi (it's only on the campus cable system once and
    a while, but I'm hooked)
    Favorite food at Gracie's: Buffalo wing pizza
    Long term goal: Maximum Overlord of the Universe
    Shorter term goal: finding a job
    Shortest term goal: achieving LEVness
    Well, I hope that this answered more questions than you ever wanted the
    answers to. 
Note 2.119                           Intros!                          119 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "Great solution, wrong problem"       4 lines  12-OCT-1993 19:53
        Well, I'd say hello and welcome, but you don't like people you
    don't know calling you by your name so.....
        jd :)
Note 2.120                           Intros!                          120 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                      8 lines  13-OCT-1993 08:38
    oh no, not another one living in fish...what...that makes three of us
    the mad hatter
Note 2.121                           Intros!                          121 of 149
LEVVAX::JDD9642 "Great solution, wrong problem"       4 lines  13-OCT-1993 08:53
        Maybe 4 if D takes you up on your offer.
Note 2.122                           Intros!                          122 of 149
LEVVAX::CJW3890 "Lews Therrin Kinslayer"              4 lines  13-OCT-1993 11:41
                       -< Now I need an excuse...hmmmm >-
    I thinks a pattern.  They haven't got all the asbestos out of there. 
    Its driving you all crazy.
Note 2.123                           Intros!                          123 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The Light Bringer"                   8 lines  13-OCT-1993 11:54
    But what type of fish, it could be a vandicamp (fake varieties A&B) or
    a death and fun and SFII Fish (C west) no hairstyle computer nerds (C east)
    complain about all the friggen noise flood (D west) Ping pong floor (E
    west) or one of the unknown ones.
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.124                           Intros!                          124 of 149
LEVVAX::RHP7572 "Raven- Reluctant Messiah"            4 lines  13-OCT-1993 13:09
    Within a few day, it could be 5
    RavenThorne     (hey Gerrit!  :>  )
Note 2.125                           Intros!                          125 of 149
LEVVAX::GCM2235 "hello, I must be going"              7 lines  13-OCT-1993 17:15
                      -< Something fishy's going on here >-
    RE: 2.123
     I said that I wasn't in Wellness(A&B). If you must know it's Fish D
Note 2.126                           Intros!                          126 of 149
LEVVAX::JKK7796 "THE MAD HATTER"                      5 lines  13-OCT-1993 17:36
    oh no...were you one of the ones complaining about the tv noise?
    the mad hatter
Note 2.127                           Intros!                          127 of 149
LEVVAX::JGM7683                                       7 lines  13-OCT-1993 20:56
    *** Taken from the telivision show, _CHEERS:  Where Everybody Knows
    Your Name_ ***
Note 2.128                           Intros!                          128 of 149
LEVVAX::GCM2235 "hello, I must be going"              8 lines  14-OCT-1993 11:51
    Very nice quote. You have figured it out. I have trouble remembering
    who people are but I am easily recognizable (like Norm on "Cheers" TV
    show). That's why I hate it when people who don't know me or who I
    don't know call me by name. But since I can always get some idea of who
    everybody is on LEV, that "turn-off" doesn't really apply here.
Note 2.129                           Intros!                          129 of 149
LEVVAX::JED5264 "Q-Tips are better than sex"          5 lines  14-OCT-1993 12:03
    well I have a friend I call Norm, and he calls me Carla, so....
Note 2.130                           Intros!                          130 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The Light Bringer"                   5 lines  14-OCT-1993 20:05
    So were you the one who complained about the tv noise?
    -- Sceadeau
Note 2.131                           Intros!                          131 of 149
LEVVAX::RHP7572 "Raven- Reluctant Messiah"            5 lines  14-OCT-1993 20:27
    If that was directed at me, NO I FU#$@#NG LOVE NOISE ARGHHHHH 
Note 2.132                           Intros!                          132 of 149
LEVVAX::RHP7572 "Raven- Reluctant Messiah"             1 line  14-OCT-1993 20:27
    PLUS, I haven't moved in yet....
Note 2.133                           Intros!                          133 of 149
LEVVAX::JED5264 "Q-Tips are better than sex"          6 lines  14-OCT-1993 21:03
    I don't complain about tv noise. I only complain about country music
    and weird mating calls
Note 2.134                           Intros!                          134 of 149
LEVVAX::MSA7064 "The Light Bringer"                   4 lines  15-OCT-1993 06:13
    I don't know, I kinda like wierd mating calls...
    --- Sceadeau
Note 2.135                           Intros!                          135 of 149
LEVVAX::AJL3578 "Forever Bored"                       5 lines  19-OCT-1993 17:34
    Well, I must leave Lev now. I was nice to meet some of you. I'll still
    be checking mail if you want to keep in touch. 
    [Exit stage left]
Note 2.136                           Intros!                          136 of 149
LEVVAX::CAS9353 "Anywhere But Here."                  7 lines  21-OCT-1993 21:31

         I'm leaving LEV for a few different reasons.  If you want to reach
    me, you know the username.

                                       Signing off...............Sherm

Note 2.137                           Intros!                          137 of 149
LEVVAX::EJC7658 "Ever Waltz with the Wind?"          11 lines  23-OCT-1993 20:46
                          -< Until we meet again... >-
    Hi all... 
    I am leaving LEV for my own personal reasons.  (NOTHING ANYONE HERE
    DID TO CAUSE IT!)  I have other things to explore, and LEV can't be a
    part of it.  However, my friends from LEV are a whole other story...
    Please feel free to e-mail me, guys!  
Note 2.138                           Intros!                          138 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 4 lines  23-OCT-1993 21:39
        May you find glad-ness in the shadows that are the in-between, Liz
Note 2.139                           Intros!                          139 of 149
LEVVAX::JGM7683                                       6 lines  24-OCT-1993 11:28
    Hey, Liz... You want us to extract the posts and mail 'em to ya so you
    won't miss out?
Note 2.141                           Intros!                          141 of 149
LEVVAX::TPW4968 "TWINK!"                              4 lines  24-OCT-1993 17:46
    Who'd you here that from?
Note 2.142                           Intros!                          142 of 149
LEVVAX::TLR8799 "Whaddya mean, Doc? I'm not insane?"  3 lines  24-OCT-1993 18:04
    Not me!  You?
                  The Joker
Note 2.143                           Intros!                          143 of 149
LEVVAX::GAK4178 "Just need a little luv..."           9 lines  25-OCT-1993 18:09
    Gee, wow, everyone left LEV (well, a few) when I was thinkin' o' doing
    so.  Well, you can all thank la mujer Ewokie fer steerin me more
    towards stayin.  Also I guess everyone who makes it fun to be here! :)
    Well, I will probly be in and out, in other words, not hourly nor daily
    anymore, cuz I gotta keep my grades up and I got other stuff to do. :)
Note 2.144                           Intros!                          144 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                12 lines  25-OCT-1993 18:39
                 -< It is quiet here - but the quiet is pure >-
    So spake the Joker :
    "No one ever leaves LEV forever..."
    We all have our rough times, times we think that Happiness is
    impossible, that contentment is unattainable, that the whole world is
    against us and that nobody really cares.
        But it passes.
Note 2.145                           Intros!                          145 of 149
LEVVAX::RHP7572 "Raven- *silence*"                    4 lines  26-OCT-1993 00:56
                                   -< but.. >-
    But...isn't that what LEV is for?
Note 2.146                           Intros!                          146 of 149
LEVVAX::SCM7745 "Shanne?"                            39 lines  26-OCT-1993 12:52
                             -< ????????*???????? >-
    Real Name: Shane Clifton McIntosh?         
    Year in School:This would be my first?
    Age:Not too old & not too young
    Date of birth:Jan/17/197?
    Where born:Michagan but it really doesn't matter.
    Have you ever had LSD? I tried it once but I didn't inhale. :)
    Have you ever seen a boa constrictor eat a chicken whole? No, but I've
    seen my girlfriend swallow a boa whole!
    Have you, or any of your family ever been to Swahili? ?????WHAT?????
    Do you smoke?  If so, you should put yourself out. I'm an extreamly
    dedicated smoker. :Q 
    Do you like "The Days of Our Lives?" "Skip"
    When you eat Oreo, do you twist it in half first? Oreo's have animal
    fat in them.
    Have you ever been arrested for grand theft auto? I could have been.
    Have you ever met Richard Pryor? No, why do you ask?
    Which do you like better, apple or orange juice? 2% Milk
    Do you think Boy George is cute? I think he is "Happy"
    Have you ever eaten a goldfish while standing on your head? No, but I
    have eaten a live goldfish and I will never do it again!!!
    Have you ever jumped off the Empire State Building? I've pushed someone
    off once. Does that count?
    Ever stuck a butter knife in your ear, just to see what would happen?
    Yes Iu8y34op9u6yP)*&$*jkl;ylmkl;yleeeeeeei906 once.
    Do you know Mickey Rooney? no thanx
    Ever eaten a computer disk? Sacralidge
    Do you like DOS or OS/2? *DOS* What's DOS?
    Ever written on your forehead in indelible ink? Ha Ha Ha, that made me
    Ever beaten a donkey with a stick? No, but I've been beaten w/ a stick
    for being an A$$.
    Ever been in a relationship with a baboon? Not in my worst nightmare!
Note 2.147                           Intros!                          147 of 149
LEVVAX::ABL4290 "The one, the Prime."                 6 lines  26-OCT-1993 14:20
    Shane!  yeah!
    (RavenThorne - isn't what what LEV is really for?)
Note 2.148                           Intros!                          148 of 149
LEVVAX::CJW3890 "Lews Therin Kinslayer"               3 lines  26-OCT-1993 14:36
    Call me Tas.
                                           Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Note 2.149                           Intros!                          149 of 149
LEVVAX::TLR8799 "Whaddya mean, Doc? I'm not insane?"  4 lines  26-OCT-1993 15:46
    Welcome to madness and chaos which we all know as Lev Society.  I am
    The Joker and if you do not care who I am, you will soon!
    The Joker