todai i was wall-king to my kawaii ^-^ japan class when next see fuhry-chan walking towards carry lunch from. he was riding bicycle what is unfit for the road the tires
had lots of bumps on them and spring he had backpack but wrong. he was carrying lunch but then drop all over the ground.

It was then that Daniel Fuhry curtly whipped his head around, and I and my studious company observed the most peculiar exprssion upon his face. He presented with
the queerest amalgamation of disdaine, embarrassment, and simultaneous discontinuity of composure. His brow was furrowed such that it took up four ridges, like
that of an angry middle-class pencil-pusher stuck in traffic on his way back to genericized American Suburbia. The light had gone from his eyes, but they retained
their normal conformation; that which expresses an almost neo-Judeic sense of self-disgrace with one's own failure at maintaing a perscribed character, preserving
the inductive behavior field. The observer felt they revealed that this was his nature in the world since his first days on the Earth. The strain in his forced smirk
caused a wretching feeling in the back of my throat; it was then that I was fully and truely made privy to the penultimate fate of modern establishmentarianism.

fuhry say """well damn""" and i go to japan ^-^ class ^__^. in class there was fat girl there what couldn't say "hi-ra-ga-na" she say "na-ru-to" every instead.

I began to ponder, what circumstances could have led to the spawn of such a creature? Where and when had we as a species gone wrong? Or perhaps this was just the
next step in our evolution. Perhaps the random variations that chemically controlled our fate had decided it necessary to prepare mankind for some great trial. Or
maybe it is the negative economic feedback loop we've created for ourselves in the form of first-world consumerism. Maybe the wide availablility of food was an
evolutionary wrong-doing. Maybe instead of persuing ways to help those less fortunate, we should have hastened their succumbing to ensure the diaspora of our own
superior makeup. What sort of super-evolved future race could exist today? How could I help create that ideal race with my actions today?

I gathered my things and pushed my way out of the class. Thoughts racing, a feeling of Caesarian enterprise overtaking me, I walked all the way to Barnes and Noble.
Surely, the only way I could express these ideas was through abstract geometric forms. I purchased the most expensive art supplies I could with my parent's debit card
and sprinted back to my room. Without food for three days, urinating into empty bottles, I created something truely awe-inspiring. The following is a high-resolution scan.
Tomorrow I shall switch re-delcare my major as "University Studies" to further enable my work.